104 - 11/1/1988 (3)" I
Cheryl Schmidt .. .. "
(? .... ?d:- ...
Notary Public. Stare of \Visconsin
Waukesha ..................... ......... .County, \Visconsln. in rcrard tn t'rcmiw rlt .Sl.Q7 W16311 Loomis Road
Part of the NW 114 of the SE 114 of
.Ser t ion. -3.4. .in -1'ownship. .5. NCIIII~. l<:ln::c. .2.0. I~sI, Waukesha ~~,~!lllly, , Statc d \\/isconsin, lurrhcr dzscribed as iollows
Gommencing at the center of the said section; thence 8ortll 89°20'40" East
on East and West 1/4 Aine, 129.0 feet; thence South 0 55'12" East 50.0
feet; thence North 89 20'48" Eas;, 155.2 feet along the Southerly line of
Muskego Dam Road; thence South 7 12'20; East 76.0 feet to the Northwesterly line of S.T.H. No. 36; thence South 29 22'48" West 05 said line, 579.70
feet to the North and South 114 line; thence North 0 55'12" West on 114
line, 627.45 feet to the point of Commencement.
e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-off:
I. Landsc3ping 01 [he Site and Buildings (including plant types, size, spacing)
g. Pedcsrrian \v~~ll~\\,~ys, terrnces. malls (location and design)
I:. SIg:rls [I!w sianJln$) Iuiilliun. sizc, design (including lighting)
i 1.ilLnua. I.I::~II,>I.: 111. IIic .\I[,', locarion L1csil:n and I'OWCI'
J Othcl- That a building permit for the conversion is approved and that
the construction meet all requirements of the buildmg code for
residential conversions.
I !
Rccelpt ol a True Copy of thls Inm.unent on behallol the petitioner
acknowlcdgcd the. .day of. ... .....
., 19. I
Commencing at the center of the said sectio?:; then
East and West 1&4 line, 129.0 feet; thenceySouth 0°55'12" East 50.0 feet; thence North 89 20'48" E8st,-,l55.2 feet-ajlong the Southerly line of Muskego
am Xoad; thence South 7 12'20': East '76.0 feet to the Northwesterly line of
North and South 1/4 line; thence North'o 55'12" West on 1/4 line, 627.45
5.1.1.. No. 36; thence South 29O22'48" >Weat on said line, 579.70 feet to the
feet to the poi,nt of Commencement. '.
\ \
(SI? \L)
:wort tllc !.!.an. Co~iss,ion. ... .or the. .City .... or. .................... Muskego
lh<ll,>LI LlOdS) c~:!~~. \'wTFr. roun.ci,uncy)
Waukesha .County, \\'isconsin, in Ic:::xd to Fremiscs at. .S.lQZ .k116.3.1.1. Loamis Road ................. ........ ' Part of the NW 114 of the SE 114 of
.. S.ecti0.n. -3.4. ... .in Township. .5. .Nortll. Range ..... 20. .East,. .Wauke.s.ha. .Cc.~nty,
li Statc ci \\'isconsin, rwther described as lollo\\-s:
Jomnencing at the center of the said section; thence North 89°20'40" East
on East and West 1/4 Aine, 129.0 feet; thence South 0°55'12" East 50.0
feet; thence North 89 20'48" Lash, 155.2 feet along the Southerly line of Muskego Dam Road; thence South 7 12'20" East 76.0 feet to the Northwesterly
line of S.T.H. No. 36; thence South 29°22'48" West on said line, 579.70 feet to the North and South 1/4 line; thence North OO55'12" West on 1/4
I :I line, 627.45 feet to the point of Commencement.
6. Conditions on the Operations 1
a .Hours oi opcrdnon
b. Periormance 5rmdards relating to noise, vibration. odor. smoke or dust.
s. \\'arcs supply requirements
d. Provisions lor sewape disposal
e. Othcr
7 Conditione on the Buildings
;I. l.~xdc nxlt~~ri.~l of each luilding side:
b. Entrances, Design and Location:
c. Slgx attxhd ro the Building, Location, Size, Design (including lighting): That the existing &'x16
J. LI\[criur l.ightms of the Building: beinF issued.
e. Othcr
plywood tle1 Wendt Realty sign be removed prior to an occupancy permit
5. ConJi(iona on \IN- Site
:I. Strccr :\cccss (nulnber, location, design):
b. OH-Street Parking (location and design including screening thereof):
c. I.oadln:: and Scrvice Areas (location and design):
LI h!dc S[&II;I;:L. $11 h I;I~c~I;I~s, I'rducts or llclusc (locution and screening thereof)
e. I.'inishd tu&wgrilphy and building grades, retaining walk, storm water run-off:
I. LullJ%.;lpn;: LII tl~c Siu und UuilJings (including plant typcs. size, spacing)
g. Pedcsrrim \uIlxays, terraces, malls (lacstion and design):
11. Signs (Iiw sran~iing) IOiatipn, size, design (including lighting):
i. Exterior Lighting oi the Site, location design and power:
J. Othcl.' That a building permit for the conversion is approved and that the construction meet all requirements of the building code for
residential conversions.
Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the petitioner
acknowlcdgcd the ... llth..day of. .Nom.mb.e.r. ... ., 19. .88
.c*&;.:!:x .... i ___
htc \\hL,rc 111d c~~~~Ji~i~~~l~.Ir,'sh~\~nonmopr. drswinco. photographr,orrimilar attachments. Enter:"Sce Exhibit.
.. ~..~ . . " . ..~ . . -. . .. " _I ,'.?L* . -. ..