104 - 11/1/1988.... ~ Please see attached L 3.- c Arn377Vl WRUKESHR COUNTY, WI REGISTER'S OFFICE RECORDED ON 10-08-1999 1:58 PM MICHREL J. HRSSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE-CO: 4.00 REC. FEE: 14.00 REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 TRRN. FEE: PRGES: TRRN. FEE-STRTE: 6 Name MII Rehlrn Mk City of Muskeao Atti: Sandi Asti \ U' Post Office Box 749 V Muskego, WI 53150 ~~ ~ MSKC 2296.996 I I OW I111I11 LAND aUV. i%{, 104A " Acceptance of Condltlona o .......................... dnr 01 ............................................. I9 ......... 1st September 99 by. .--" ......................... ...._............. ._ ........................................................... ............................................................................. ................. ....................................... armton, tau~rdnrlesof the ............. c.ifY.~ .......... o! ..._...... !%.@.k.e.X! ........................................................... filE129351?"?0919 111111111111.11111,1111111..111111111111~~~.~,,,,,,,,,,, ,111 I .......................... 1,,,11111,1111,11111llllllllllllllllllll,,,,~,,,,~,,,,,,,,.,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lor &he uoe and bnaflr 01 dl parmna lmm alme IO Ilme rsaldene or ownlng I)mop.rcy wlchln rlrs (acy. VIII.,~~. roro. c~~~~J ................... HaMkesh fl ........................................................ County. \Vl#eonrln, and for the UK md blnana 01 Lhm am~d,,.Ci$p,,.. ..................... Mpokkaga ................................... ,,,,..,,,.. 1111111, I?. blll."..91.w", L"," ll I In it1 own rlgllr nnd OI nge~rr lor the purpotc ol cnlorclrl: there prtrcntr on Mull or dlc obvc TAX Ntv NO, MSKC 2296 .996 dcscribcd clasa 01 Dcrsom. Gmntcca. I ."""Y .,a. .... - ..... -. Trc prrmiacs allcctcd by thcx prcxnts (Irtreinnltcr cnlled the Prcmlsn) nrc the I City of Muskego Attn: Sandi Asti Post Office Box 749 lollowing dccclbcd ImJr In Townrlrlp ......... 5.. .Korth Itonce ...... 2.0.. East, In ~IIC County or ........ lolAUkash.8 .......... : .......... and Stole or \Vilconsln. to.~lt: - MuskeOdWL_,5315Q- J A parcel of land located in the NW 4 of the SE + of Section 34, T5N R20E, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Moll nddros 01 the Prcmlrcs is S107 W16311 Loomis Road ....... ....... .......................... ...... ....... .. - ............ and that no other pcrson has my estntc or Intcrest thereln except by rcoaon 01 casements for publlc utllltles. bulldlnp rutrlctions. dedlcotlons to Cruntors warmnc mxl COVC~Q~~ thnt at thc time 01 thc cnxalinc and dcllvcry 01 thcx prcxnts they ore all of the owners 01 the Prmilo thc public or public bdics. instrunxnts not of record. and nrortgago LO banks. sovln~s nnd Ian amintlons or Insurance companies. Grantors rcprcscnt thut petltion on their klrnlf wns mndc to the .of City ........ Muskego ...................................................... pursuant to the ionlnp COJe or the =Id c.ity .-.. for Cront or prmlsion to ercet andfor conduct on the Premlsea a use there pcmrisslble nor by right but only by Conditlonal Ux Grant: that In conncctlon tlrercvlth Grantors mnde'ccrtaln repruentatlons nnd hc Grant NO. .l04A., .wos ISU~ under dntc or ~ugu.st. .3. 19..99. nnd thnr a truccopy thcrcor ison1 filc with 1k.c agrccmcnu as to bullding and operation plons whlch nwc incorporated Into thc Codltland Ux Grant: that bod thcrcon Gndltlonol Elan. .C,mmiss.ion ................ of thc ...... City .................... of ...... q$?go. ... ._ ................... (OW. VIII.... Torn. 6unty) ........ ... ........... ....... (my. VIII~~~:~~.~. n,y NOW, THEREFORE, Crnntorr hereby ascept thc sold Gnditlonnl Ux Grant and covenant strlctly to comply wlth nll 01 the terms ud conditlons tlicruol. Tlrlr covenunt slinll run with the lund nnd sIra11 be bindlnc on tlic Cruntorr tnnd on nll perms clulmln:l nny cswtc or lnlcrcst 181 thc Prcmirs by. timuch or under thc Crnntarr. or long as the sold Prcmlxs nrc ud os ducrllxd In the Conditlonul Ur Cront for tI1c opcrotlon of:. .Amendjnq .... ex.is.ting.a ... u .".... pe~.i.~.~.i.Rg..e~~~"~~~..~€ .... eu*..s.alesecti In Witncaa Whcrcol, Grnntorr how hcrcunto set thclr hands and xals thls., .... .%. ...... day or. .&.25+.?).E.f: ... 19 .... 7p SICKED AND SCALED IN PRESENCE OF ". .- ." .... . - - . . -. ...... 1 .- " - - . , ........... ................ .... ..... ...................... II ,. i ............ ... (SEAL I, A CO".O"1110*. ,",* "A*, ltlll .. - -. ....................... .............. (SEAL . 1I,Ln . - ....... .................................. ,(SEAl. , 187,. CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WISCONSIN. ... .-. ....... County. )ss. Personally came bclore me thls.,. ..... day 01 .... ................................ 19 ... ....... Pruldvt nnd. ........ ............ ....... or the alavc nomcd corprotlon. to me known to lx!!uclr &i%aolrs and officers who uccutgd thc lorcgolnp Instmment and. 6~~nowlcdccd thnt they cxccutcd tlic ume os such oflicers. by itinutldr~ty, lor the ...f.,...Scrc u.+" , purplo thcreln conralncd. INDIVIDUAL I /I ll STATE OF \\'ISCONSIN. Personnlly amcklorc me thls ................... ..... ...... I?.?.?.. rhe atavo named. and ochowlcdgcd the samc. .to mc known to 1.e thc persons who crccutcd the lorcgolng lnstrumcnt ... ........ .......................... " " .. .. .................................... Plan Commission Ecforc tI1c. ................. ... .of tllc. ...... ___..of. .......... ... (Actin,: MY1 (C1I.l. vlll,,";. .I',,W,?, (.>xm,y) city Muskego Waukesha ... .County. Wisconsin. in regrd to I'remiscs at. .................................... S107 W16311 Loomis Road ....... .......... ........................... ....... .in Township. North, Raq:e ..East 5 20 ......... Waukesha Gx~nty, Srxc of Wisconsin. furthcr cluscribcd ns follo\vs: A parcel of land located In the NW Ilk of Section 34, T5N R20E. City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. WIEREAS the Zoning CoJe and Zoning District Map of the a1:ovc no~ncd ~nunicipality. pursuant to Stocc Statutc, pravide that tlx premises may not be used of right for the purpose hereinnfter described but that upon petition such me may be approvcd by tllc municipality as a Conditional Use Cront in particular circltmtances as defined by the standards in the Zoning Ordinancc: and Petition thcrelorc having been mnde, ond public Iwaring Idd thereon, and the Plan Conunission .......................................................... (Acuns ICJy) city of the. ..................... of ..................... ............. Muskego .having detcrminccl that by rcasnn of the IurtictIIar nature, chacxter ant1 circulnstnnccs of thc proposed USC. nncl of the specific rmd contemporary conditions. grant of such use upm thc terms and conditions hcrcinaftcr prcscribcd wodd be consistent with the rcquiremcnts of thc Zoninfi Ordinance: (City. VIIIIIPL. Tor:n. Guncy) Now, Lhercforc, IT IS GRANTED, suh'cct com li ncc with LI term a d onditions herginaftc stated. that thc Prclnises m:l 1 c used lo tt e mrpose of. ............................ .................................. ................... auto JaieB act€vItJ kenXing Cx;rfsting c.IY. pemfttcing expanslon o! .... .................................................. G ANTED I)y action of the.^ Frari' tllC. 'I ......... .dayof. ....................... August Attest': - ... .................................. Commission ...... or ........... IO. ....... 99 ........... ........................................................................................... the. ................. city d ............................... Muskego ... ic1,y. VIIID5C. 'T"W>, Cuunty1 .. IIIIC.Y , ... .... ........ .... (Clty. \'lllw~, Town. Cnuntyl Clerk i i i . crnployces thcrcof. ." "" "- ....................... 0 l"VC,l> 7 Conditions on tl1c Buildings SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION #p-c - 89-99 n. Focndc mntcrinl or each bullcling ddc: b. Entroncer. Doign and Locrrlon: C. Signs nttaclred to the Building. Locotion. Size, Duign (including lighting): d. Extcrior Lighring or the Building: e. Ocher: 8. Conditions on thc Sitc SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION #P.c. 89-99 n. Street Accus (number. iocntion. design): b. OR-Strcct Porl;ing (location and clcsign including scrccning thcrco(1: C. Loading ond Scrvicc hrcns (locotion ond design) d. Outsidc Storage ~(blnterinls, Products or Rcltlsc (locntion'and scrcclring thcrcor): C. Finished ropopuphy ond building grntlu, retaining walis, storm wntcr rtln-orf: 1. Landscaping of the Site and Bullding, (including plant typcs, slzc, spacing): g. Pcdcstrion wnllwnys, tcrrocu, mnlls (locntlon nnd design): I h. Signs (he stondiny) locntion, six, dcsign (including lighting): i. Exterior LiCirting or tllc Site. locntlon doign nnd power: j. Otlrcr: AMENDED APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE FOR JACOB FREY AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT S107 W 163 11 LOOMS ROAD (TAX KEY NO. 2296.996) RESOLUTION #P.C. 89-99 WHEREAS, On April 2, 1996 the Plan Commission granted approval to an amendment to the conditional use per Resolution #PC 47-96 permitting used auto sales, and WHEREAS, On October 1. 1996 the Plan Commission granted approval to an amendment to the conditional use per Resolution #PC 197-96 permitting vehicle maintenance, and WHEREAS, On July 06, 1999 the Plan Commission granted conceptual approval to amend the conditional use per Resolution #PC 54-99 permitting an expansion of auto sales activity, and WHEREAS, The property is currently zoned B-4, Highway Business District and sales and service of automobiles is permitted under a conditional use grant, and WHEREAS, A fenced gravel area 60' x 150' is to be constructed to contain thirty-two (32) vehicles for service and sales with decorative fencing facing the right-of-way, and WHEREAS, The previously approved vehicle display area will contain 24 vehicles, and WHEREAS, The previously approved customer parking containing 5 vehicles be increased to 7 vehicles, and WHEREAS, Display area lighting to be provided in the form of 6 metal halite and 2 sodium vapor lights meeting City Code. Hours of operation will be from dusk to 9:OO P.M. The 6 metal halite lights will be turned off at 9:00 P.M., THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the amendment to an existing conditional use that permits the operation of an auto service and sales center by Jacob Frey at the property located at S107 W16311 Loomis Road (Tax Key NO. 2296.996). subject to the decorative fencing being of wood dog-ear style construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape meas building facades and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission and that failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That wood decorative fencing will be installed along the road right-of-way. Remainder of the area will be enclosed by a chain link fence with privacy slats. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 08-03-99 Defeated Deferred 08-03-99