94 - 5/1/1985I THIS COVENANT, Msde rhll. .... 7 I.!!. ,.dey of. ................... Msrch _._, 19 ........, 95 '*by. .-T.iXK.it. .E.i.C.m!.. .~.a.n.d.E.~.a.n.e.. .... ......... ................ ...... ............... ................ ... ..... for the use and benefit of all persons from time to time resident or owning property withln the .Grantors, boundaries of the. .C.i.ty..... .of.... "uSk.eg.o .Ll.aukesha. .County. Wisconsin, and for the use (city, villsge. 'Town. G~~~~) ..., and benefit of the said. ..c.i.3 ........ .of. .... .~M.U.S,k.E.g.Q. ._ ..... (City, Viliagl. Town, County) descnbed class of persons. Grantees. in its own right and as agent for the purpase of enforcing these presents on behalf of the above following described innJ3 in Township. .5. .North, Range. .?.a. .East. in the County The premises affected by these presents (hereinafter called the Premises) are the of. ll.a.uke.s.ha., .and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: PT NE 1/4 SEC 2 T5N R20E COM E 1/4 COR W 1217 FT 9 IN W 57 FT 9 IN N 30 1/4 W 227 FT N 62 1/2 E 50 FT S 30 114 E 253 FT 9 IN TO BGN ALSO COM 976 -E RETUnN TO: CITY OF MUSKEG0 @qf ATTN COLLETTE POB 903 Mail addrcssaf the Premircs is. S6.6. .W1.1.&42.2.-.3.1. .Jane.su.i1Le..EQ,ad Grantors warrant and co\'enant that at the time ol thc ensealing and delivery of these presents they are all of the owners of the Premises and that no other perxrn has any estatc or interest therein eXcCpt by reason of easements for public utilities, building restrictions, dedications to thc pablic or public bodies. illstiurents not of record, and mxtgages to hanks. savings and loan associations or insurancc companies. Crmtors represclit chat 1pCtltion on rileir bchalf u'ns mode to thc city ................ .qi ........... Muskego pursilant to tl?e Zonil-,,: Co& of the sad. .Ci.ty. agrecmcnts as to site, buiidinp and operation plans which were incorporated into the Condmonal Use Grant; that bascd thcreon Conditional there permissible not by righr but only by Conditional L'se Grant; that in connection therewith Grantors mede certain representations and (Clr).. village. l'"/"". &my) .... for grant of permission to erect and/or conduct on the Premises 3 use Use Grant KO. ~ ..9.4.~ .was issued und r datc of. -0.ct.oPr ..6. ..... ., IOW36, and that a trwcopy therccf ison file with tk,e Plan Department .afthe. .... Eity uskego ................ of ............... (Cicy. Village, Town, Cwory) SIGNED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF ....... WdKgZ252L@L) David Schuster ...... ..". (SEAL) I, A CORPORATION. 7"PENAMEHERE .... ...... .(SEAL) , TITLE ......... .(SEAL) J ACKNOWLEDGMENT CORPORATION INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WISCONSIN. I,, me this. day of. .. .Caunty.i Personally came hefore 19. ....., , Presidcnt and. of the above named corwration, to ,ne known to he such pcrsons and ., Secretary officers who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as such officers. by its authority. for the purposes therein contained. THIS lNSiRUNENl w*5 DRAFTED BY (SEAL) Collette M. Klenz me the aboae named. LO me Iknown to be the persons who executed rtie foregoing instwment and a+ywlcdged the same. // I, &my Public. State of Wisconsin My Commission expires. ......... ...... nes i Before the. 'Ian ... commi.s.."ion~ of the. .C~i.tY. ...... of. ........ ~MU~s.ke.g.o. ... .... (Acting Body1 (City. Village, Town, bunry) ." Waukesha ......... .County, Wisconsin, in regard to Premise5 at. ..$6.6.. .W. .J.anasv.il~l.e. RI .................. ........ .in Township. .... 5 .... .North. Range. ..?.O .... ..East ,..... W.a.uk.esha. County, ... State of Wisconsin, further described as follows: PT NE 114 SEC 2 T5N R20E COM E 114 COR W 1217 FT 9 IN W 57 FT 9 IN ALSO COM N 30 114 W 227 FT N 62 112 E 50 FT S 30 114 E 253 FT 9 IN TO BGN Also known as S66 W14427-31 Janesville Road 2032638 .. ... provide that the premises may not be used of right for the purpose hereinafter described but that upon petition such use WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning District Map of the above named municipality, pursuant to State Statute, may be approved by the municipality as a Conditional Use Grant in particular circumstances as defined by the standards in the Zoning Ordinance; and Petition thereforc having been made, and public hearing held thereon, and the^ .Plan. .C.o.mm~iss.i.on. ... of the^ ................. of .................. Eluskeg.0. ~.. ...... .having determined that by reason of the particular nature, charxtcr and circutnstanccs of the proposed use, and of thc specific and contcmporary conditions, grant of such use upm the terms and conditions hcreinafter prescribed would be consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance: City lhcr~ng Htdrl (Csry. Villsgc, Twn. County1 Now, therefore, IT IS GRANTED, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, that ...... ... Landscap-e ... B~usiness.s. w.i.ch .... as~s.~.,.s.i.a.t.e.d. .tr.u.c.k.. .p.?.K.k~.!Y...&.. .%i.ViP.!!C~*.t. .F!a.<k.%.Eg.. ...... thc Premises may be used for the purpose of. .r.e.S~i.d.e.n.t!.a.l.. .S. ..c.~mm.errial. .b.!AS.&.n.!%.S.. .i.!!c.hd.i.n.g the. .7..th.. .day of. ..... Ma.r.ch. ....., 199.1 GRANTED by action of the. .?J.a.h. .CQmm.i.SS.iO.Of the .... C.i.tY..~. ....... of ........ !!!.5k..'!.W ... f ........... (cr Village. Town.-Cu"nlyl 2,- ~-;? ' '. I" Attest: ___. nlvid".L..~. i DP A~-is __ __ (Seal) n A employees thereof. .I.nlcr" 'WN IlLll".C. (OVER) 7 Conditione on the Buildings I. . , a. Facadematerialofeachbuildingside: See Resolution fjPmc. 23-95 ... L. ..I .j... ," . ., '- I. c. Signs attached to the Building, Location, Size, Design (including lightine):ses Reeoiutiqn, '//p.; c. iJL. d. ExteriorLightingoftheBuilding: See Resolution~~P,C~ 23-95 e. Other. See Resolution #P.C. 23-95 _. 8. Conditions on the Site a. Street Access (number, location, design) :s ee Res ti // . b. Off-street Parking (location and design including screening thereof) See Resolution I/p. c. 23-95 c. LoadingandServiceAreas(1ocationanddesign)' See Resolution I)p.c. 23-95 d. Outside Storage of Materials, Products or Refuse (location and screening thereor) See Resolution . ~ e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-df:Resolut ion /Fp . ~ 3-9 f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types, size, spacing) See Resolution -fjp . c. g. Pedestrian walkways, terraces, malls (location and design) See Resolution~jPoC~ 2j-95 h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, location design and power' j. Other. . 23-95 See Resolution f1P.C. 23-95 See Resolution #P.C. 23-95 See Resolution #P.C. 23-95 Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the petitioner acknowledged the. .... B.thday of. .Mar.c.h...a ....... .., 19..9.5. 8.NOte: Where the conditions are shown on maps, drawings. photographs. or similar attachments. Enter: "See Exhibit. / 13-9 .95 I