PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Packet - 11/5/2019CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE AGENDA 11/05/2019 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, Council Chambers, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from the May 7, 2019 Meeting OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Update on Park Vandalism 2019, Park Improvements 2019 & Park Improvements 2020 Parks and Conservation Committee 2020 Meeting Schedule Proposal Request to Host Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park in 2020 STATUS OF PROJECTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Manager's Report Conservation Coordinator's Report COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, PLEASE CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4136. Packet Page 1 Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MINUTES May 7, 2019 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Chairman Whipple called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Toby Whipple, Paul Peardon, Terri Boyer, Barbara Erdmann, Ald. John Engelhardt; Scott Kroeger, Director of Public Works and Development; Barbara Schroeder (arrived 5:05 PM) Absent: Bill Miller Guest: Dr. Kelly Thompson, MNSD Superintendent STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE This meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Peardon made a motion to approve the minutes of April 8, 2019. Ms. Boyer seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Muskego Rotary Club Service Project – Denoon Bridge Director Kroeger stated the area for the requested bridge is a drainage swale. It is frequently very wet or has standing water. He said the proposed bridge is a combination project with the City. The City of Muskego D.P.W. will pour the concrete footings and base. The Rotary Club is raising funds to build the bridge itself. Dr. Thompson stated they would be replicating Disc Golf Hole #3. Mr. Peardon made a motion to approve the Denoon Bridge Service Project. Ms. Erdmann seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Manager’s Report Conservation Coordinator’s Report Mr. Peardon asked about the current vandalism in the City Parks. Director Kroeger stated the Parks have been vandalized numerous times this last year. He said all six cameras are up Page 1 of 2 Approval of Minutes from the May 7, 2019 Meeting Packet Page 2 and running at Idle Isle. The City will be installing cameras at Park Arthur next. He also stated the City has installed trail cams in a number of additional Park areas for temporary use until we install more cameras. The cameras were able to catch the same thieves three times at Idle Isle. The City hopes as word gets out about the cameras being in place, the amount of theft and vandalism will decrease. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT Mr. Peardon made a motion to adjourn at 5:08 PM. Ms. Boyer seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Wendy Fredlund Recording Secretary Page 2 of 2 Approval of Minutes from the May 7, 2019 Meeting Packet Page 3 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee To: Parks and Conservation Committee From: Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director Subject: Update on Park Vandalism 2019, Park 2019 Improvements, Park 2020 Improvements Date: November 5, 2019 Update on Park Vandalism 2019 The Parks have had their worse vandalism in years. The skate park is back open after fire damage caused from fireworks. DPW staff have set up temporary cameras in the parks to try and catch individuals. Currently, cameras are up and running in Idle Isle and Park Arthur Moorland Park plans to have cameras in 2019/2020 Capital 2020: Horn, Lions, and Kurth to get cameras Capital 2021: Jensen, Denoon, Veterans to get cameras Capital 2022: Box Horn Boat Launch and Sandhill Park to get cameras Update on Parks 2019 improvements The DPW got reorganized in the Fall of 2019. We now have two DPW assistant superintendents. One will focus on parks and one will focus on other DPW activities. The changes will hopefully provide better service and focus to the parks. New picnic tables and garbage cans in parks New signage for lake access points at Little Muskego Lake installed New park signs will be going up in November Kurth baseball field got a fence in the outfield Kurth playground got raised, new wood chips, a concrete border, and ADA access Park Arthur got a new playground, new wood chips, a concrete border, and ADA access SandHill Park is getting a light pole and electric service to the pavilion Park Arthur got a new pavilion between fields 1, 2, and 3 Idle Isle got a new pavilion Three new picnic rental areas have been created at Idle Isle ready for rental in 2020 Split rail fence has been installed at Idle Isle The path around Idle Isle has been finished to complete the loop Basketball courts painted : Lee Hubka, Schmidt Park, Hoops and lines at Old Town Hall and Moorland Park Park Buildings have been rekeyed Page 1 of 2 Update on Park Vandalism 2019, Park Improvements... Packet Page 4 Page 2 of 2 Update on Parks 2020 improvements Park Arthur: Repair Field #4 so the field drains properly Bike Racks: Idle Isle, Park Arthur, Moorland, and Kurth would get bike racks Playground set: Idle Isle would get a new playground set Old Town Hall: Roof and exterior improvements These are the four major capital improvements for 2020. Please remember annual activities include replace playground equipment as needed, wood chips, safety improvements to fields, etc. Recommendation for Action by the Committee: No action required Page 2 of 2 Update on Park Vandalism 2019, Park Improvements... Packet Page 5 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee To: Parks and Conservation Committee From: Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director Subject: Park and Conservation Committee Meeting Schedule Proposal Date: November 5, 2019 In order to have more consistent meetings with Park and Conservation Committee on an annual basis. The proposal is to have a minimum of three set meetings a year with intermediate monthly meetings as needed throughout the year. For example, developments, which have park dedications, will need an answer from the committee in order to keep their developments moving. The proposed minimum three meeting months are below: April August November I hope that this provides better communication between City of Muskego staff and the committee. It also helps with planning purposes for both City of Muskego staff and Parks and Conservation Committee members. These three months will work well with providing park updates; discussing proposed park updates, and budget discussions. Recommendation for Action by the Committee: Parks and Conservation Committee approve the proposal to have a minimum of three meetings a year with intermediate monthly meetings as needed. Page 1 of 1 Parks and Conservation Committee 2020 Meeting... Packet Page 6 2020 Beer Garden’s Services Page 1 of 6 Request to Host Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park... Packet Page 7 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Muskego – Parks and Recreation is hereby requesting interested Wisconsin licensed brewers and/or alcohol distributors to submit proposals for the 2020 Beer Garden event(s) to be held at Veterans Memorial Park (S82 W8200 Racine Ave., Muskego, WI 53150). First consideration will be given to interested vendors that submit a bundled proposal for all weekend dates that provide the best overall event experience for the community. However, proposals may be submitted for alternative Friday-Saturday dates, per there are no on site or community event conflicts. Interested vendors must meet all requirements set forth for all dates, submit a 1-3 page business plan outlining the 2020 Beer Garden’s scope of events, and should attach additional supporting information if necessary. All proposals must be submitted to Attn: Adam Young For further information detailing the scope of this event(s) contact: Parks and Recreation W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego WI 53150 (262) 679-4108 The City of Muskego reserves the right to reject any proposal, to waive any informalities contained within a proposal and to accept the proposal most advantageous to the City. All forms are required to be completed in full. Deadline for Submittal: Friday, December 6, 2019, 3:00p.m. The chosen vendor will be required to enter into a formal written contract with The City, a copy of which is available upon request and on file in the Parks & Recreation office at City Hall. Said contract will contain provisions for both insurance and indemnification. Page 2 of 6 Request to Host Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park... Packet Page 8 INSURANCE In order to protect against potential liability arising out of the activities performed at the Beer Garden events, VENDOR shall obtain and maintain, in full force and affect, comprehensive general liability, bodily injury and property damage insurance coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate. Said insurance may not be cancelled, reduced or changed in any way without at least thirty (30) day written notice to the CITY. Failure to provide proper notice, in and of itself, shall be grounds for termination of this contract. Vendor shall obtain Certificates of Insurance as well as Endorsements to its insurance policies as follows: ➢30 day Notice of Cancellation. ➢Primary and Non-Contributory Insurance. ➢Waiver of rights of recovery against others to us. ➢Naming the CITY as an additional insured. SCOPE OF EVENT(S) Beer Garden The City of Muskego (hereinafter, the “City”), is interested in a licensed Wisconsin brewery or distributor (hereinafter, the “Vendor”), to host a turnkey Beer Garden experience at the City’s Veterans Memorial Park facility (please see the dates and hours of operation below). “Beer Garden” is defined as an event at which the Vendor would sell alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, food and merchandise. In addition, Vendor shall provide a fun atmosphere for families to enjoy City park facilities. The Vendor must provide live music entertainment, games, and activities for the purpose of family entertainment at the Beer Garden. Grant of Right and Privilege Obligation to Sell and Provide The City grants the Vendor the right and privilege to provide merchandise, alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic beverages at the Beer Garden. During the term of the 2020 Beer Garden event(s), the City shall not permit any other vendor with the right and privilege to operate a beer garden or similar experience at any of the City park facilities as identified on the same days. For illustration purposes, if the Vendor is operating a Beer Garden on June 1, 2020 at Veteran’s Memorial Park, the City shall not permit another vendor to operate a separate beer garden experience on June 1, 2020 at the same location. The Vendor will supply food and music entertainment during the operation of the Beer Garden by either directly from The Vendor or a third party vendor. The Vendor will ensure the Beer Garden facilities are functioning in a manner compliant Page 3 of 6 Request to Host Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park... Packet Page 9 with all State and Local codes, laws and regulations. The City reserves the right to approve or disallow any third party vendors in the City’s sole discretion. Dates and Hours of Operation Weather permitting, Beer Garden weekend dates of operations will be May 29-30, July 17-18, and September 18-19; Beer Garden hours of operation are to be from 4:00pm to 9:00pm on each Beer Garden date. If proposed Beer Garden event dates conflict with the requesting vendor, alternative Friday-Saturday weekend date(s) can be submitted with impending approval upon submitted proposal. In the event of a weather cancellation, make-up date can be scheduled the Sunday of each weekend. Beer Garden Site The Beer Garden will be located at Veterans Memorial Park, W182S8200 Racine Ave, Muskego, WI 53150. Marketing The Vendor will be required to jointly market the Beer Garden(s), with all marketing to be mutually acceptable to both parties. The Vendor’s logo will be shared with the City, and City’s logo will be shared with the Vendor for the purpose of cross marketing the Beer Garden event(s). The Vendor will create social media events a minimum of three months prior to each event weekend, which the City will share throughout its social media platforms. The Vendor must make daily announcements two weeks prior to each Beer Garden dates on their public media accounts which the City will then share on their public media accounts. The Vendor will provide signage one month prior to each Beer Garden weekend, with the City to purchase and secure any sign permits for Beer Garden. The Vendor’s logo will be included in signage. The Vendor will provide digital signage files to City for printing and posting at the City’s discretion. Management of The Beer Garden It is the responsibility of the Vendor to manage the distribution of alcohol. The Vendor shall monitor the service of alcoholic beverages, making sure no one under the age of twenty-one (21) is drinking alcohol and refusing service to people who appear to be intoxicated or using poor judgement in their drinking. Public shall bring no carry-in alcoholic beverages to the Beer Garden. Page 4 of 6 Request to Host Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park... Packet Page 10 Vendor Requirements Must have the capability to accept cash and credit card payments during Beer Garden events. On site ATM can be supplied by The Vendor. Provide a minimum of four beer varieties, with the desire of one wine variety or hard seltzer, and non-alcoholic beverages. Fully self-sufficient with no needs for water, beverage cups, and ice from The City. Discussion in regards to electricity needs for Vendor can be approved prior to awarded Agreement. Secure a food vendor for each Beer Garden date, with the food variety to include kid’s food options. Secure live music entertainment for each date that is awarded and must pay any fee for entertainment. Supply one key contact person for event communication with the City, and all personnel necessary to carry out its responsibilities for the Beer Garden(s). The City shall supply all personnel necessary to procure appropriate seating, refuse receptacle and electrical needs during setup and direct traffic/parking. Vendor must maintain general cleanliness during the Beer Garden(s) event hours, with responsibility of remove event refuse/recycling, stocking of restrooms, evening light control, etc. All requirements will be set forth on a pre-event walk thru. Ensure that all games and entertainment are safe and well maintained. Keep the premises and the surrounding area, at least twenty five (25) feet from setup, clean and sanitary at all times. Beverage and Merchandise Fees In return for the right to sell merchandise, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages through the Beer Garden(s), The Vendor shall pay the City Four Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($400.00) per day when Beer Garden is open. In addition, The Vendor shall provide the City with full documentation and accounting evidencing gross beverage and merchandise sales along with its event payment. In the event of a dispute, City may prohibit Vendor from hosting any future events and terminate the Contract immediately in the City’s sole discretion. Page 5 of 6 Request to Host Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park... Packet Page 11 Beer Garden Services Application Company Name _______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________ Phone Number (___) ___-____ Ext. Email __________________________________________ Contact Person ________________________________________ Title ___________________ Vendor must supply a 1-3 page business plan detailing scope of event(s) with all requirements met. Page 6 of 6 Request to Host Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park... Packet Page 12 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks & Conservation Committee November 5, 2019 To: Parks & Conservation Committee From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Recreation Program Miscellaneous Updates Date: October 30, 2019 Please find the following items in relation to various recreation programs/activities in the city. Such items don’t require committee action but can certainly be discussed during the Miscellaneous Business portion of the meeting. 1. The Winter/Spring Program Guide is to go to the printer the first week of November. We have a normal selection of recreation programs plus new programs. We have seen growth in S.T.E.A.M. type programming this year, so we have added more programs in those areas, as well as growth in youth sports programming. Pickleball interest continues to grow so we have expanded our offerings for the winter months by renting facility space at Bay Lane Elementary to accommodate the interest. We continue to do the full layout of our guide in house and do not send out to a typesetter, saving money for the department. In the fall of 2019, we also brought back in house the City Newsletter, which is done by the Rec office using the same software as the seasonal program guide. We are one of the only departments in the area that does their program guide in house. 2. This summer the boat launch and parking fees were as such Location 2018 2019 Difference Idle Isle Launch only $15,510.71 $16,281.39 Up $771 Idle Isle Parking $8,959.94 $12,645.39 Up $3,685 Denoon Launch $3,024.79 $3,182.61 Up $158 Durham Launch $711.59 $783.01 Up $71 Lake Accesses $260.25 $335.25 Up $75 Boxhorn Launch $4,894.31 $4,192.41 Down $702 Launch Season Passes Sold $12,813.08 $11,461.05 Down $1,352 Parking Season Passes (Idle Isle)NEW $345.00 Up $345 (new in 2019) totals $46,175 $49,226 Up $3,051 3. The usage for summer for baseball/softball games and practices on city fields were as such: Field bookings for games: 182 Practice bookings: 245 Game numbers do not reflect actual # of games, just the number of field preps provided. Due to the increase in field prep fees, most preps were done for 2 games each night except for games at Kurth (which does not have lights). Practice bookings were down due to the extremely wet spring so teams could not get in practices before the game season started, and the also were using fields on the school district property. MAA and Storm were using fields through the district for games as well. Page 1 of 2 Recreation Manager's Report Packet Page 13 4. In June, the Muskego/Norway School District changed their facility use policy. The old policy had our user group being charged a $10/date use, so anytime we used a school, we paid the district $10 for each room within a facility that our programming was held in. With the policy change the fee was changed to $10/hour per use for each area of the school we are using. a. For 2018, we paid the district roughly $2,600 for use. b. Annually, we traditionally use the school facilities roughly 1,100 hours. Now paying $10/hour we will see an increase of up to $11,000. These fees will need to be offset: i. The City agrees to pay the full amount of use without increase program fees ii. Or the increase of fees will be rolled over onto the participants of each program that is held in a school facility. This will significantly impact registration fees for most programs. c. City staff is in discussion with MNSD staff to discuss use fees and the districts use of city fields at Denoon. Page 2 of 2 Recreation Manager's Report Packet Page 14 Memo To:Parks and Conservation Committee From:Tom Zagar CC:Scott Kroeger, Tammy Dunn, Adam Trzebiatowski, Ryan Beilfuss Date:November 5, 2019 Re:Conservation Coordinator Report 2019 Project Summary Seedling trees planted at Badertscher Preserve and Engel Conservation Area earlier this year are flourishing. There was a targeted effort to grow white oak trees in areas previously shaded by ash trees and invasive shrubs. Oaks require sunlight to regenerate and the loss of ash canopy (due to Emerald Ash Borer) provides an opportunity to reestablish this species in our woodlands. Prairie, oak savanna, and oak woodland are fire-dependent plant communities. Prescribed burning was completed at Guernsey Meadows oak woodland, Kelsey Drive prairie, Badertscher oak savanna and prairies, Library prairie, and Luther Parker Cemetery prairie. Most of these plant communities responded with spectacular blossoming following the spring burn. Extensive efforts were made throughout the growing season to control the most problematic invasive plant species in the city’s conservation areas. Timely and targeted hand removal and/or application of herbicides helped control Common Buckthorn, Tatarian Honeysuckle, Wild Parsnip, Canada Thistle, Giant Reed Grass, and Cut-leafed Teasel. The prairie-planting site supported by a grant from American Transmission Company ‘Pollinator Program” is now prepped for seeding this winter. This 3-acre, half-mile stretch along the pedestrian trail is adjacent to the oak woods of Bluhm Park and Tudor Oaks retirement community. Citizen volunteers are vital to the conservation program! Eagle Scout Brendan Smith planted 130 seedling trees and Conner Kalweit will be constructing a boardwalk through a wetland area at Badertscher Preserve. Bob Tamm and Mary Borchardt, monitored bluebird nesting boxes at Badertscher Preserve. John Winze and Pat Horn led bird hikes. Shane Morris assisted with prescribed burning. Outreach events included Arbor Day, International Migratory Bird Day, Big Muskego & Fox River kayak trips, Clement Manor “Walking in the Woods” hike, and High School Science Club seed collection. Big Muskego Lake and its marshlands continue to support a plethora of fish & wildlife. However, with higher than normal water levels, periodic efforts were needed throughout the year to clear cattail bogs from navigation areas, the outlet dam, and boat landings. Community Development Department Page 1 of 2 Conservation Coordinator's Report Packet Page 15  Page 2 The prairie vegetation planted on the school district’s conservation restoration site adjacent to Engel Conservation Area began growing this year. Conservation Coordinator provided technical assistance for this site. Pruning began on the street trees in the Janesville business district. Pruning of young trees is essential to establish proper structure and to maintain road clearance and visibility. Goals for 2020 Plant park trees, primarily at Denoon where 56 ash trees were lost to Emerald Ash Borer. Muskego High School gridiron club will volunteer for a tree-planting event that will be an observance of Arbor Day. We applied for a 2020 DNR urban forestry grant, which if successfully received, will help offset tree planting costs and fund staff training for tree care. Continue pruning of young trees on Janesville Road. Conduct spring prescribed burns at conservation sites. Continue invasive species control efforts. Seek individual volunteers and volunteer groups to assist in management activities. Continue existing partnerships with organizations such as The Prairie Enthusiasts. Updating of the Urban Forestry Management plan and Conservation work plan. Oak seedlings planted at Engel Conservation Area where buckthorn has been cleared and ash trees have died. The blue plastic tubes transmit light and protect the trees from animal browsing. Page 2 of 2 Conservation Coordinator's Report Packet Page 16