COMMON COUNCIL Packet - 5/15/2018CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA 05/15/2018 5:30 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Announcements PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA Approve Acquisition Contracts and Authorize Signatures for Budget Approved Expenditures Over $50,000 - City Hall Furniture Approval of Operator Licenses Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018 and April 24, 2018 Resolution #043-2018 - Resolution to Adopt the Public Participation Plan for the City of Muskego 2035 Comprehensive Plan Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for Construction Services between the City of Muskego and Pavedrain, LLC Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. and City of Muskego Lease Agreement for the Idle Isle Pavilion Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic Association/Muskego Storm and Muskego Warriors Youth Baseball and City of Muskego Lease Agreement for Park Arthur Pavilion Resolution #047-2018 - Award of Bid - 2018 Athletic Field Renovation Project Resolution #048-2018 - Award of Bid - Muskego Police Department Project NEW BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS Packet Page 1 Common Council Agenda 2 5/15/2018 5:30:00 PM Ordinance #1415 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Burback - A-1 to RS-2). Second Reading. Ordinance #1416 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Jewell - RS-2 to CPD). Second Reading. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - April 10, 2018 Police and Fire Commission - January 18, 2018 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Parks and Conservation Committee - November 7, 2017 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES AND POSSIBLE SECOND READING IF RULES WAIVED LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of Temporary License to Sell Fermented Malt Beverages and Wine for Muskego Area Chamber of Commerce-June 1, 2018 Approval of a Temporary License to Sell Fermented Malt Beverages for MC Improvements LLC for Wisconsin Softball Circuit - July 13, 14 and 15, 2018 VOUCHER APPROVAL Totals and Alpha Listing Utility Vouchers General Fund Vouchers Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Updates from Aldermanic Liaisons: Muskego Senior Taxi - Alderman Borgman Muskego Festival Committee - Alderman Wolfe Muskego Historical Society - Alderman Madden Packet Page 2 Common Council Agenda 3 5/15/2018 5:30:00 PM Little Muskego Lake District - Alderman Engelhardt Advanced Disposal Services Emerald Park Landfill Standing Committee - Alderman Madden FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. Packet Page 3 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Kathy Chiaverotti Mayor Date: May 7, 2018 TO: Common Council FROM: Mayor Chiaverotti RE: City Hall Furniture Order The approved City Hall Project includes $350,000 for new furniture through approved services with M&M Office Interiors. The final furniture cost is approximately $260,000 which is $90,000 under the budgeted amount. This furniture order will in essence furnish three City facilities. The new furniture will cover the New City Hall and existing City Hall furniture will be distributed to Public Works and the Library. Page 1 of 1 Approve Acquisition Contracts and Authorize Signatures... Packet Page 4 OPERATOR LICENSE APPROVALS COMMON COUNCIL – 05/15/2018 Kayleigh Butske Kelly Clemmer Cheryl Scherer T:\Departments\FinanceAdmin\Clerk\Licenses\Oper Lic Approval Lists\2018 Page 1 of 1 Approval of Operator Licenses Packet Page 5 Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES April 10, 2018 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Aldermen Wolfe, Hammel, Borgman, Kapusta, Engelhardt, Kubacki and Madden. Also present: City Attorney Warchol, Director of Public Works and Development Kroeger, Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski and Deputy Clerk Blenski. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Chiaverotti read Proclamations for Fair Housing Month and Arbor Day. PUBLIC COMMENT - None NEW BUSINESS Resolution #026-2018 - Disallowance of Claim - Ms. Jane Flores-Schimke Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Madden seconded. Attorney Tony Conlin of Statewide Services, Inc. was present. He acknowledged that a sewer backup is very devastating. There is no dispute as to what happened and the damages that the homeowners suffered. The investigation done by Statewide Services revealed no negligence on the part of the City and no legal liability. Statewide Services is recommending the claims be disallowed. Alderman Borgman stated that despite Statewide Services’ position, there should be a reasonable expectation that a sewer system will function properly. Alderman Kubacki stated the situation is unfortunate but the City is not at fault. Approving this would put the City in a tremendous amount of jeopardy in the processing of similar future claims. Attorney Conlin noted that the City's liability policy does have a $25,000 deductible. If the City was legally liable, it would be responsible for paying these particular claims. Mayor Chiaverotti stated homeowners can obtain sewer backup insurance, which Alderman Borgman stated does not prevent the situation from occurring. Alderman Engelhardt understands what is being said about the City not being legally liable, but believes this a moral obligation. Resolution #026-2018 was approved 5 to 2 with Aldermen Borgman and Engelhardt voting no. Page 1 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page 6 Common Council Minutes 2 April 10, 2018 Resolution #027-2018 - Disallowance of Claim - Mr. Kris Gottinger Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Hammel seconded. Resolution #027-2018 was approved 5 to 2 with Alderman Borgman and Engelhardt voting no. CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve all items. Alderman Engelhardt seconded; motion carried. The following were approved: Approve Acquisition Contracts and Authorize Signatures for Budget Approved Expenditures Over $50,000.00 - Idle Isle Park Cameras ($60,100.00) and SFA Patrol Truck and Equipment ($184,568.50) Common Council Minutes - March 13, 2018 Operator Licenses for Joanne Brackmann, Brooke Brueser, Casey Coulter, Riley Everett, Paula Henneberry, Dara Hoberg, Kathleen Fetek, Kristine Gomez-Delatorre, Christine Rozewicz, Sarah Sadler and Dylan Schneider Resolution #028-2018 - Resolution to Approve the City of Muskego Annual MS-4 Report for 2017 Resolution #029-2018 - Approval of Pinnacle Peak Properties, LLC Developer's Agreement Resolution #030-2018 - Award of Bid - 2018 Tennis Court Projects Resolution #031-2018 - Appointment to Board of Review Resolution #032-2018 - Approval of Certified Survey Map - Weltz UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance #1414 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (John Jewell - B-3 to DR-1). Second Reading. Alderman Madden made a motion to approve. Alderman Engelhardt seconded; motion carried. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - February 27, 2018 LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of Class A Dance Hall License and "Class B" Retailers' License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor - Coach's on the Lake, LLC, W198 S10857 Racine Avenue, Mario Mussatti Agent. Outside area, excluding parking lot, to be licensed until 11:00 p.m. Page 2 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page 7 Common Council Minutes 3 April 10, 2018 Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Hammel seconded; motion carried. Action Regarding Operator License Application: Haylee Wojtczak Alderman Kubacki made a motion to deny the license based on the discussion that took place at the Finance Committee. Alderman Hammel seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL – March 27, 2018 Utility Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $18,954.79. Alderman Madden seconded; motion carried. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $399,413.49. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. Wire Transfers for Debt Service Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Debt Service in the amount of $1,185,172.38. Alderman Madden seconded; motion carried. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $339,878.82. Alderman Hammel seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL – April 10, 2018 Utility Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $19,347.82. Alderman Madden seconded; motion carried. Tax Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Tax Vouchers in the amount of $213.95. Alderman Hammel seconded; motion carried. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $960,500.35. Alderman Engelhardt seconded; motion carried. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Page 3 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page 8 Common Council Minutes 4 April 10, 2018 Transmittals in the amount of $325,154.22. Alderman Hammel seconded; motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Mayor Chiaverotti reminded the Council that the Organizational Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION Alderman Borgman made a motion to convene into Closed Session pursuant to: Following conclusion of consideration of the above portion of its regularly scheduled agenda, the Common Council will meet to vote on a motion to convene in Closed Session for discussion/action relative to: -- Contract with Magill Construction for the DPW Remodeling Project and to take such further action as may be necessary and appropriate with respect to such matters. A Closed Session for the above purpose is authorized pursuant to the provisions of 19.85(1)(g) Wis. Stats., Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. Upon conclusion of the Closed Session, the Common Council will convene in Open Session to consider its public agenda, including motions to recommend approval or rejection of the above- listed deliberations or any of the public agenda items that have not been acted upon. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion carried 7 in favor. OPEN SESSION Alderman Borgman made a motion to reconvene into Open Session. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Borgman made a motion to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion carried. Minutes taken and transcribed by Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk. Page 4 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page 9 Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES April 24, 2018 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Aldermen Wolfe, Hammel, Borgman, Kapusta, Engelhardt, Kubacki and Madden. Also present: City Attorney Warchol, Public Works and Development Director Kroeger and Assistant Deputy Clerk Chavie. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Assistant Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Resolution #033-2018 - Honoring Eagle Scout Elliot Bognar Resolution #034-2018 - Honoring Eagle Scout Jack Bognar Resolution #035-2018 - Honoring Eagle Scout Nick Johnson Resolution #036-2018 - Honoring Eagle Scout Skylar Sobczak Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the Resolutions. Alderman Wolfe seconded; motion passed 7 in favor. Mayor Chiaverotti congratulated each individual and presented the Resolutions to the Eagle Scouts. PUBLIC COMMENT - None PUBLIC HEARINGS Ms. Chavie read the public hearing notice to consider petition of Rick Burback to rezone property known as Tax Key Number 2261.999 on Ryan Road from A-1 - Agricultural District to RS-2 - Suburban Residence District for the purpose of allowing a possible future land division. Director Kroeger spoke briefly regarding the rezoning. The following individuals spoke: Mike Olson, S94W13876 Ryan Road Jamie Santiago, W145S9668 Groveway Lane Doug Meinen, S95W14509 Ryan Road Jeanne Christianson, W145S9604 Groveway Lane Laura Lemery, S94W14079 Groveway Lane James Schweitzer, S94W14130 Ryan Road Dale Butenhof, S95W14343 Ryan Road Justin Fechtmeyer, S94W14580 Groveway Lane Page 5 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page... Common Council Minutes 2 April 24, 2018 Greg Burgmeister, W146S9505 Groveway Lane Joe Bagatta, W14268 Ryan Road Chris Kysely, S94W14140 Ryan Road Renee Penoske, S94W14394 Ryan Road Comments and Concerns: Flooding issue, already experiencing water run-off from the Boxhorn development Residents required to hook up to City water Concerned with water supplies from existing wells depleting Extend water hydrant from new development to Groveway Lane Increase population and traffic to the area There are no sidewalks, parks or playgrounds in the area Concerned with pedestrian safety and traffic speed on Ryan Road Suggested installing a 4-way stop at Ryan Road and Boxhorn Drive Development would blend with the existing homes in the area Consider residents’ comments and concerns in the layout of the subdivision The Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 7:30 pm. Ms. Chavie read the public hearing notice to consider petition of John Jewell to rezone property known as Tax Key Number 2283.999 (vacant land located on Crowbar Drive) from RS-2 - Suburban Residence District to CPD - Conservation Planned Development District for the purpose of allowing a possible future conservation subdivision. Director Kroeger spoke briefly regarding the rezoning. The following individuals spoke: Rick Salado, S106W20608 North Shore Drive Sue Corcoran, S106W20623 North Shore Drive Mike Corcoran, S106W20623 North Shore Drive Joe Sellhouse, W216S10884 Crowbar Vince Macko, S106W20351 North Shore Drive Sharon Sellhouse, 26715 Denoon Road Nadine Steger, S210S10399 Janis Lane Tom Steenweg, 26831 Denoon Road Comments and Concerns: Subdivision abuts Lake Denoon which is too small to accommodate more piers and boats Preserve the wildlife and conservancy area Pedestrian/traffic safety in the area Residents required to hook up to City sewer No hydrants, water available for fire department Install speed bumps on Denoon Road to slow down traffic Hooking up to existing private water trust in the Lake Meadows Subdivision Concerned with more boats accessing the lake and the spread of invasive species. Mayor Chiaverotti closed the public hearing at 7:52 pm. Page 6 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page... Common Council Minutes 3 April 24, 2018 CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve all items. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion passed 7 in favor. The following were approved: Operator Licenses for Barbara Blaeske, Philip Kloss, Gerra McCormick, Amanda McLaughlin, Lauren Reichl and Brittany Starcke. Common Council Minutes - April 17, 2018 Resolution #037-2018 - Appointment of Aldermen to Various Boards and Committees Resolution #038-2018 - Appointment of Citizen Members to Various Boards, Committees and Commissions Resolution #039-2018 - Resolution Declaring May 12, 2018 as International Migratory Bird Day in Muskego Resolution #040-2018 - Declaring Certain Weeds to be Noxious Resolution #041-2018 - Appointment of Weed Commissioner for the City of Muskego Resolution #042-2018 - Award of Bid - 2018 Road Improvement Program REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee – March 13, 2018 Plan Commission – March 6, 2018 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES Ordinance #1415 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Burback - A-1 to RS-2) Ordinance #1416 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Jewell - RS-2 to CPD) LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of Change of Agent for Walgreen Co./Walgreens #07603 located at S79 W18885 Janesville Road - Mr. Jeffrey D. Seelund Alderman Hammel made a motion to approve. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion passed 7 in favor. Action Regarding Operator License Application - Angeline Livingston Alderman Wolfe made a motion to extend the license to May 22, 2018 based on the discussion that took place at the Finance Committee. Alderman Madden seconded; motion passed 7 in favor. Page 7 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page... Common Council Minutes 4 April 24, 2018 VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $343,226.87. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion carried 7 in favor. Tax Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Tax Vouchers in the amount of $1,432.00. Alderman Madden seconded; motion carried 7 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $565,724.84. Alderman Madden seconded; motion carried 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Debt Service Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $522,669.84. Alderman Hammel seconded; motion carried 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $350,102.48. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried 7 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Wolfe made a motion to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. Alderman Madden seconded; motion carried. Minutes taken and transcribed by Kim Chavie, Assistant Deputy Clerk. Page 8 of 8 Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 10, 2018... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #043-2018 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 2035 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, To ensure compliance with the State of Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law as detailed in s. 66.1001(4)(a) Wis. Stats., the attached Public Participation Plan is proposed as an integral part of the City of Muskego’s Comprehensive Planning Process; and WHEREAS, As a way in which to facilitate community conversations and further the City of Muskego’s goals of informed decision making and meaningful citizen engagement, the attached Public Participation Plan is proposed to provide multiple opportunities for Muskego residents, business owners, and leaders to discuss the City’s future and develop a unified vision; and WHEREAS, The attached Public Participation Plan will provide the City of Muskego’s Comprehensive Planning Process with a firm foundation in the community’s voice to continue a community development strategy that values the City’s rich natural resources, strong and diverse business community, portfolio of housing choices, and engaged citizenry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City of Muskego adopts the attached Public Participation Plan for the City of Muskego 2035 Comprehensive Plan. PASSED THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 2018. _________________________ Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #043-2018 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Sharon Mueller, Clerk-Treasurer 5/2018 Page 1 of 6 Resolution #043-2018 - Resolution to Adopt the Public... Packet Page... Page 2 of 6 Resolution #043-2018 - Resolution to Adopt the Public... Packet Page... Page 3 of 6 Resolution #043-2018 - Resolution to Adopt the Public... Packet Page... Page 4 of 6 Resolution #043-2018 - Resolution to Adopt the Public... Packet Page... City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 030-2018 For the meeting of: May 1, 2018 REQUEST: Public Participation Plan - 2035 Comprehensive Plan Update PETITIONER: City of Muskego - Planning Division INTRODUCED: May 1, 2018 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Adam Trzebiatowski, AICP BACKGROUND PC 030-2018 In order to facilitate public knowledge and involvement in the Comprehensive Planning Process, the City of Muskego has prepared the attached public participation plan. The plan was prepared in conformance with Section 66.1001(4)(a) of Wisconsin Statutes, which states: “The governing body of a local government unit shall adopt written procedures that are designed to foster public participation, including open discussion, communication programs, information services, and public meetings for which advance notice has been provided, in every stage of the preparation of a comprehensive plan. The written procedures shall provide for wide distribution of proposed, alternative, or amended elements of a comprehensive plan and shall provide an opportunity for written comments on the plan to be submitted by members of the public to the governing body and for the governing body to respond to such written comments.” STAFF DISCUSSION PC 030-2018 Public participation helps to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan accurately reflects the needs, opportunities and desires of our community. This document outlines the procedures that will be used in the Comprehensive Planning Process to foster public participation, and to ensure that there are opportunities for public participation at every stage of the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan Update. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 030-2018 Approval of Resolution #PC 030-2018 Page 5 of 6 Resolution #043-2018 - Resolution to Adopt the Public... Packet Page... RESOLUTION #P.C. 030-2018 RECOMMENDATION TO ADOPT A PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN FOR THE 2035 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE WHEREAS, To ensure compliance with the State of Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law as detailed in s. 66.1001(4)(a) Wis. Stats., the attached Public Participation Plan is proposed as an integral part of the City of Muskego’s Comprehensive Planning Process, and WHEREAS, As a way in which to facilitate community conversations and further the City of Muskego’s goals of informed decision making and meaningful citizen engagement, the attached Public Participation Plan is proposed to provide multiple opportunities for Muskego residents, business owners, and leaders to discuss the city’s future and develop a unified vision, and WHEREAS, The attached Public Participation Plan will provide the City of Muskego’s Comprehensive Planning Process with a firm foundation in the community’s voice to continue a community development strategy that values the city’s rich natural resources, strong and diverse business community, portfolio of housing choices, and engaged citizenry. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of Muskego adopts the attached Public Participation Plan for the City of Muskego 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: May 1, 2018 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary Page 6 of 6 Resolution #043-2018 - Resolution to Adopt the Public... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #044-2018 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND PAVEDRAIN, LLC WHEREAS, The City of Muskego was chosen as a test pilot location for a Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District (MMSD) grant to install porous pavers with a phosphorus removal system; and WHEREAS, The location of the pavers will be along Pioneer Drive in front of Veterans Memorial Park, which will provide additional parking spaces; and WHEREAS, The City will not incur any cost associated with this project; and WHEREAS, The Public Works and Development Director is requesting the attached agreement with Pavedrain, LLC be approved; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the agreement and recommends approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Agreement for Construction Services between the City of Muskego and Pavedrain, LLC. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to sign the Agreement and the City Attorney is authorized to make substantive changes to the Agreement as may be necessary in order to preserve the general intent thereof. DATED THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 2018. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #044-2018 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Sharon Mueller, Clerk-Treasurer 5/2018 Page 1 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... Page 2 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... Page 3 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... Page 4 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... Page 5 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... Page 6 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... Page 7 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... Page 8 of 8 Resolution #044-2018 - Approval of Agreement for... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #045-2018 APPROVAL OF WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC. LEASE AGREEMENT FOR IDLE ISLE PAVILION WHEREAS, The Muskego Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. desires to enter into a Lease Agreement with the City of Muskego to use a portion of the Idle Isle Pavilion owed by the City for storage and concession area sales; and WHEREAS, A Lease Agreement has been negotiated between the parties and signed by duly authorized representatives of the Muskego Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. on April 26, 2018; and WHEREAS, The Lease Agreement has been reviewed by the Finance Committee and has been recommended for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. and City of Muskego Lease Agreement for the Idle Isle Pavilion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement and the City Attorney is authorized to make substantive changes as may be necessary in order to preserve the general intent thereof. DATED THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 2018. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #045-2018 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 5/18jmb Page 1 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... Page 2 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... Page 3 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... Page 4 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... Page 5 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... Page 6 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... Page 7 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... Page 8 of 8 Resolution #045-2018 - Approval of Water Bugs Ski... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #046-2018 APPROVAL OF MUSKEGO ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION/MUSKEGO STORM AND MUSKEGO WARRIORS YOUTH BASEBALL AND CITY OF MUSKEGO LEASE AGREEMENT FOR PARK ARTHUR PAVILION WHEREAS, The Muskego Athletic Association/Muskego Storm and Muskego Warriors Youth Baseball desire to enter into a Lease Agreement with the City of Muskego to use the public concessions room in Park Arthur Pavilion owed by the City for the 2018 season to end on September 30, 2018; and WHEREAS, A Lease Agreement has been negotiated between the parties and signed by duly authorized representatives of the Muskego Warriors Youth Baseball and Muskego Athletic Association/Muskego Storm on or about May 1, 2018; and WHEREAS, The Lease Agreement has been reviewed by the Finance Committee and has been recommended for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Muskego Athletic Association/Muskego Storm and Muskego Warriors Youth Baseball and City of Muskego Lease Agreement for Park Arthur Pavilion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement and the City Attorney is authorized to make substantive changes as may be necessary in order to preserve the general intent thereof. DATED THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 2018. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #046-2018 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 5/18jmb Page 1 of 7 Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic... Packet Page... Page 2 of 7 Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic... Packet Page... Page 3 of 7 Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic... Packet Page... Page 4 of 7 Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic... Packet Page... Page 5 of 7 Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic... Packet Page... Page 6 of 7 Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic... Packet Page... Page 7 of 7 Resolution #046-2018 - Approval of Muskego Athletic... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #047-2018 AWARD OF BID 2018 Athletic Field Renovation Project WHEREAS, The City advertised for bids for the 2018 Athletic Field Renovation Project and the following bids were received: Item Beilfuss Corp.H & K Sports Fields H & H Civil Construction Park Arthur Field #1 825.00 1,150.00 4,800.00 Park Arthur Field #2 825.00 1,150.00 4,760.00 Park Arthur Field #3 825.00 1,150.00 4,760.00 Park Arthur Field #4 1,650.00 1,800.00 5,260.00 Park Arthur Warning Track 6,280.00 8,369.54 10,560.00 Horn Park Field 1,650.00 1,800.00 4,960.00 Bluhm Park Field #1 825.00 1,650.00 4,250.00 Bluhm Park Field #2 825.00 1,650.00 4,250.00 Bluhm Park Field #3 825.00 1,200.00 4,250.00 Bluhm Park Field #4 825.00 1,200.00 4,250.00 Bluhm Park Rugby Field 5,318.00 8,362.75 14,000.00 Kurth Park Field 1,360.00 1,150.00 5,000.00 Denoon Park Field ------------ Total Base Bid $22,033.00 $30,632.29 $71,100.00 Alternate 1: Park Arthur Field #1, #2 & #3 Bluhm Park Field #1, #2, #3 & #4 Kurth Park Field Denoon Park Field 5,460.00 1,600.00 1,405.00 1,940.00 4,653.00 2,000.00 1,551.00 4,249.00 7,500.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 7,480.00 Alternate 2: Denoon Park Field 8,790.00 39,389.00 5,250.00 WHEREAS, The Public Works and Development Director reviewed the bids and recommends that the following highlighted bids be accepted as submitted by Beilfuss Corporation: Park Arthur Field #4 $ 1,650.00 Park Arthur Warning Track $ 6,280.00 Bluhm Park Rugby Field $ 5,318.00 Kurth Park Field Base Bid and Kurth Park Field Alternate 1 $ 2,765.00 Denoon Park Field Alternate 2 $ 8,790.00 Total $ 24,803.00 WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed the bids and recommended that the total bid in the amount of $24,803.00 be awarded to Beilfuss Corporation for the 2018 Athletic Field Renovation Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the bid submitted by Beilfuss Corporation in the total amount of $24,803.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the contract in the name of the City and the City Attorney is authorized to make substantive changes to the contract as may be necessary in order to preserve the general intent thereof.Page 1 of 3 Resolution #047-2018 - Award of Bid - 2018 Athletic Field... Packet Page... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to sign such substantive changes made by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY , 2018. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #047-2018 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 5/18jmb Page 2 of 3 Resolution #047-2018 - Award of Bid - 2018 Athletic Field... Packet Page... Bid: Athletic Field Renovation Opening: 2/28/18, 2:30PM Place: City of Muskego, Wisconsin Athletic Field Renovation Alternate 1 Bid Alternate 2 Bid Alternate 1 Bid Alternate 2 Bid Alternate 1 Bid Alternate 2 Bid (Alternate only) (Alternate only) (Alternate only) (Alternate only) (Alternate only) (Alternate only) Field #1 $ 825.00 $ 1,820.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 1,551.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 2,500.00 Field #2 825.00$ 1,820.00$ 1,150.00$ 1,551.00$ 4,760.00$ 2,500.00$ Field #3 825.00$ 1,820.00$ 1,150.00$ 1,551.00$ 4,760.00$ 2,500.00$ Field #4 1,650.00$ 1,800.00$ 5,260.00$ Warning Track 6,280.00$ 8,369.54$ 10,560.00$ Horn Park Horn Field 1,650.00$ 1,800.00$ 4,960.00$ Field #1 825.00$ 400.00$ 1,650.00$ 500.00$ 4,250.00$ 1,500.00$ Field #2 825.00$ 400.00$ 1,650.00$ 500.00$ 4,250.00$ 1,500.00$ Field #3 825.00$ 400.00$ 1,200.00$ 500.00$ 4,250.00$ 1,500.00$ Field #4 825.00$ 400.00$ 1,200.00$ 500.00$ 4,250.00$ 1,500.00$ Rugby Field 5,318.00$ 8,362.75$ 14,000.00$ Kurth Park Kurth Field 1,360.00$ 1,405.00$ 1,150.00$ 1,551.00$ 5,000.00$ 2,500.00$ Denoon Park Denoon Field 1,940.00$ 8,790.00$ 4,249.00$ 39,389.00$ 7,480.00$ 5,250.00$ 22,033.00$ 30,632.29$ 71,100.00$ 10,405.00$ 12,453.00$ 23,480.00$ 8,790.00$ 39,389.00$ 5,250.00$ 17,255.00$ 47,593.00$ 21,250.00$ 39,288.00$ 78,225.29$ 92,350.00$ 24,803.00$ 60,622.29$ 42,570.00$ Total Alternate 2 Bid Total Altenate Bid Cost Total Base Bid & Alternate Bid Costs Selected Overall Cost Park Park Arthur Bluhm Park Total Base Bid Total Alternate 1 Bid Base Bid Base Bid Base Bid Beilfuss Corp.H&K Sports Fields H&H Civil Construction Page 3 of 3 Resolution #047-2018 - Award of Bid - 2018 Athletic Field... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #048-2018 AWARD OF BID Muskego Police Department WHEREAS, Bid proposals for the Muskego Police Department Project were opened on May 1, 2018 with the City’s consultant, Zimmerman Architectural Studios Inc. present; and WHEREAS, The following four bidders submitted a base bid and several alternates: Miron Construction Co., Inc., J. H. Hassinger, Absolute Construction Enterprises and Scherrer Construction Co., Inc.; and WHEREAS, After review and evaluation of the base and alternate bids, the City’s consultant recommends that the total bid be awarded to Absolute Construction Enterprises; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed the recommendation of Zimmerman Architectural Studios, Inc. and concurs with awarding the bid to Absolute Construction Enterprises in the amount of $6,638,400.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the bid proposal submitted by Absolute Construction Enterprises in the total amount of $6,638,400, which reflects the acceptance of Alternate Bid No. 5 and Alternate Bid No. 8 in addition to the Base Bid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign a contract setting forth the terms of the agreement consistent with the bid proposal in the name of the City and the City Attorney is authorized to make substantive changes to the contract as may be necessary in order to preserve the general intent thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to sign such substantive changes made by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY , 2018. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #048-2018 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 5/18jmb Page 1 of 3 Resolution #048-2018 - Award of Bid - Muskego Police... Packet Page... ARCHITECTURE | ENGINEERING | INTERIORS | PLANNING | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE May 4, 2018 Ms. Kathy Chiaverotti Mayor City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Ave. Muskego, WI 53150 RE: Muskego Police Department Building Bid Opening Dear Ms. Chiaverotti; We have reviewed the bids received on May 1, 2018 for the above noted project and offer the following comments regarding the bid received from the apparent low bid contractor(s):  ..... Base Bid – provided.  ..... Contract Signatory - executed.  ..... Required Alternative Bids No. 1 thru 8 - provided.  ..... Acknowledgement of receipt of Addenda 1 thru 4 - provided.  ..... Required Unit Prices - provided.  ..... Required Allowances – provided.  ..... Bid Guarantee of 5% of the bid – provided. The bids were very competitive (a good sign), and the apparent low bid Contractor would remain the same no matter which alternates will be accepted. That Contractor is Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc., who is also the same Contractor that is constructing the City Hall Building. We recommend that Absolute Construction is awarded the contract. After reviewing the alternate bids, we recommend accepting the following:  ..... Alternate Bid 5 (Add wall padding in DAAT P012 for $40,400)  ..... Alternate Bid 8 (Add eight daylighting devices for $23,000). If our recommendation is agreed to, the contract for Absolute Construction (including alternates) is $6,638,400. The bid outcome was consistent and very competitive, and as a result, we have confidence that the value is uniform within the industry and will result in the construction of a quality building. Sincerely, Zimmerman Architectural Studios, Inc. Jack T. Blume, AIA, CDT Vice President | Principal Page 2 of 3 Resolution #048-2018 - Award of Bid - Muskego Police... Packet Page... Police Department Building Bid Opening 5/1/2018 CONTRACTOR Absolute Construction Scherrer Construction Miron Construction JH Hassinger Bond Guarantee Furnished? Y/N Y Y Y Y Base Bid $ 6,575,000.00 $ 6,859,548.00 $ 7,346,500.00 $ 7,723,471.00 Alternates Y Y Y Y Alternate No. 1 - Remove Approx. 1,417sqft of Garage $ (110,000.00)$ (109,000.00)$ (100,942.00)$ (99,000.00) Alternate No. 2 - Additional Approx. 2,233sqft of Garage $ (140,000.00)$ (125,000.00)$ (130,071.00)$ (144,000.00) Alternate No. 3 - Remove Approx. 3,050sqft of Garage $ (169,000.00)$ (150,000.00)$ (169,512.00)$ (192,000.00) Alternate No. 4 - Remove Approx. 3,865sqft of Garage $ (211,000.00)$ (174,000.00)$ (203,329.00)$ (234,000.00) Alternate No. 5 - DAAT Wall Padding $ 40,400.00 $ 39,700.00 $ 36,285.00 $ 72,000.00 Alternate No. 6 - Kitchenette Finishes $ (3,000.00)$ (3,300.00)$ (2,585.00)$ (4,500.00) Alternate No. 7 - Lower Level Demo $ (32,000.00)$ (37,000.00)$ (41,530.00)$ (37,000.00) Alternate No. 8 - Day Light Tubes $ 23,000.00 $6,100.00 $9,123.00 $ 16,800.00 Substitute Bids N N Y N Substitution #1 - Dorma Hardware $ (7,582.00) Required Unit Prices Y Y Y Y Unit Price 1 - Machine Excavation + disposal $25.00 $27.61 $50.00 $46.00 Unit Price 2 - Cost/cu. Yd to provide structural fill from offsite sources $60.00 $43.70 $ 100,000.00 $75.00 Unit Price 3 - Cost/cu. Yd to provide approved fill from on site sources $8.00 $23.00 $10.00 $46.00 Unit Price 4 - Cost/cu. Yd for common fill from outside sources $40.00 $27.60 $100.00 $75.00 Unit Price 5 - Cost/cu. Yd for undercutting $67.00 $64.40 $200.00 $112.00 Unit Price 6 - Cost/Ton reinforcing steel $2,500.00 $2,282.00 $2,600.00 $2,000.00 Unit Price 7 - Moisture mitigation on floors $6.00 $7.50 $7.50 $5.25 Required Allowances Y Y Y Y Steel Allowance $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $8,250.00 $5,000.00 Reinforcing Steel Allowance $1,250.00 $1,141.00 $1,300.00 $1,200.00 Undercutting Allowance $ 23,408.00 $ 24,472.00 $ 42,256.00 $ 42,000.00 Temporary Heat $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 Page 3 of 3 Resolution #048-2018 - Award of Bid - Muskego Police... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1415 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Burback – A-1 to RS-2) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from A-1 – Agricultural District to RS-2 – Suburban Residence District: Tax Key Number 2261.999/Ryan Road SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication subject to final plat approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2018. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor First Reading: April 24, 2018 ATTEST: ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance Published: Page 1 of 1 Ordinance #1415 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning... Packet Page... COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1416 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Jewell – RS-2 to CPD) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from RS-2 – Suburban Residence District to CPD – Conservation Planned Development District: Tax Key Number 2283.999/Crowbar Drive SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication contingent on approval of preliminary plat and final plat. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2018. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor First Reading: April 24, 2018 ATTEST: ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance Published: Page 1 of 1 Ordinance #1416 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning... Packet Page... Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES April 10, 2018 6:30 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members Aldermen Wolfe, Kapusta and Kubacki, Aldermen Hammel, Borgman, Engelhardt and Madden. Also present: City Attorney Warchol, Public Works and Development Director Kroeger, Recreation Manager Dunn and Deputy Clerk Blenski. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 27, 2018 Alderman Kapusta made a motion to approve. Alderman Wolfe seconded; motion carried. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend Approval of Operator Licenses Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval of an Operator License for Joanne Brackmann, Brooke Brueser, Casey Coulter, Riley Everett, Paula Henneberry, Dara Hoberg, Kathleen Fetek, Kristine Gomez-Delatorre, Christine Rozewicz, Sarah Sadler and Dylan Schneider. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. Review and Recommendation Regarding Operator Application for Haylee Wojtczak Attorney Warchol reviewed the applicant’s record with the Committee. Ms. Wojtczak still has two arrests pending in court. However, she now has been charged with a felony, which is grounds for denial. Alderman Kubacki moved to recommend the license be denied. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Class A Dance Hall License and "Class B" Retailers' License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor - Coach's on the Lake, LLC, W198 S10857 Racine Avenue, Mario Mussatti Agent. Outside area, excluding parking lot, to be licensed until 11:00 p.m. Alderman Kubacki moved to recommend approval. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. Page 1 of 3 Finance Committee - April 10, 2018 Packet Page... Finance Committee Minutes 2 April 10, 2018 NEW BUSINESS Review and Recommendation Regarding Development Agreement for Pinnacle Peak Properties, LLC Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. Review and Recommendation to Award Bid for 2018 Tennis Court Projects The following bids were received: Item Parking Lot Maintenance, Inc. Frank Armstrong Wolf Paving Co. Poblocki Paving Corp. Payne & Dolan, Inc. Base Bid $108,235.20 $111,563.75 $121,832.20 $128,097.00 $129,865.47 Alt. – Kurth Park $48,893.90 $46,019.00 $52,447.71 $56,777.00 $46,113.56 Alt. – Windscreen $5,720.00 $5,470.00 $5,615.29 $6,237.00 $5,613.28 Alt. – Freedom Square Park $5,830.00 $5,300.00 $5,723.28 $3,177.00 $5,300.68 Alt. – Schmidt Park $5,538.50 $5,035.00 $5,437.11 $3,176.00 $5,035.00 Total $174,217.60 $173,387.75 $191,055.59 $197,464.00 $191,927.99 Director Kroeger reviewed the bids. He is recommending that the base bid as well as the alternate bids be awarded to Frank Armstrong in the total amount of $173,387.75. This would provide a third tennis court at Kurth Park. If the decision is made to have three courts at Kurth, future capital projects will be reviewed as some may no longer be needed. Alderman Kapusta made a motion to recommend the bid be awarded to Frank Armstrong for a total amount of $173,387.75. Alderman Wolfe seconded; motion carried. Approval to Hire Seasonal Staff to Perform Baseball Field Game Prep Manager Dunn was present. She said the City was notified that Beilfuss Corp. would no longer be in the business of prepping game day ball fields. An ad for bids was put out in February; however, no bids were received. She and Director Kroeger propose to hire two seasonal employees to perform the ball field game prep. Each sports organization will pay the City for the game day prep. Director Kroeger noted that in 2019, the game day field prep will be included into the bid for mowing, weeds and maintenance. Alderman Kapusta made a motion to approve. Alderman Wolfe seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL – 3/27/2018 Utility Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $18,954.79. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion carried. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $399,413.49. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. Page 2 of 3 Finance Committee - April 10, 2018 Packet Page... Finance Committee Minutes 3 April 10, 2018 Wire Transfers for Debt Service Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Debt Service in the amount of $1,185,172.38. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion carried. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $339,878.82. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL – 4/10/2018 Utility Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $19,347.82. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion carried. Tax Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Tax Vouchers in the amount of $213.95. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $960,500.35. Alderman Kubacki seconded; motion carried. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Wolfe made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $325,154.22. Alderman Kapusta seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Kubacki made a motion to adjourn at 6:46 p.m. Alderman Wolfe seconded; motion carried. Minutes taken and transcribed by Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk. Page 3 of 3 Finance Committee - April 10, 2018 Packet Page... Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION MINUTES January 18, 2018 6:00 PM Muskego Police Department, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Kuwitzky at 6:00PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with Commissioners Kuwitzky, Mooney, Whittow, Glazier and Kuspa present. Chief Rens was also in attendance. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted 01/15/18. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from October 19, 2017; November 14, 2017 and November 16, 2017. Commissioner Mooney made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 19, 2017, November 14, 2017 and November 16, 2017 meetings. Commissioner Glazier seconded. All in favor. PUBLIC APPEARANCE OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS REPORT FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Rens updated the commission on the hiring process. Three people were recently hired, one started the academy last week and the other two will be starting mid-February. The department will also be doing a background on a fourth person within the next couple weeks. The department is currently trying two different body cameras. The initial camera chosen was not liked by the officers, it was too bulky and not user friendly. K9 Sirius will also be getting his own camera, thanks to the Citizen's Academy Alumni who raised the funds for the purchase. The transport van will be arriving this week and will take a number of weeks for set up. Page 1 of 3 Police and Fire Commission - January 18, 2018 Packet Page... CLOSED SESSION Following conclusion of consideration of the above portion of its regularly scheduled agenda, the Police and Fire Commission will meet to vote on a motion to convene in Closed Session for discussion/action relative to: The Performance of Specific Employees in the Police Department and to take such further action as may be necessary and appropriate with respect to such matters. A Closed Session for the above purpose is authorized pursuant to the provisions of 19.85(1)(c) Wis. Stats., Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governing body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, and 19.85(1)(f) Wis. Stats., Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific person except where par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations. Upon conclusion of the Closed Session, the Police and Fire Commission will convene in Open Session to consider its public agenda, including motions to recommend approval or rejection of the above-listed deliberations or any of the public agenda items that have not been acted upon. 6:25PM - Commissioner Glazier made a motion to go into closed session, Commission Whittow seconded. All in favor. 6:56PM - Commissioner Mooney made a motion to go back into open session, Commissioner Whittow seconded. All in favor. DATE OF NEXT MEETING April 19th 2018 ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Mooney made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Whittow seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM. Page 2 of 3 Police and Fire Commission - January 18, 2018 Packet Page... Page 3 of 3 Police and Fire Commission - January 18, 2018 Packet Page... approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES April 9, 2018 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Chiaverotti, Ald. Kubacki, Commissioners Graf, Peardon, Buckmaster, Jacques, and Bartlett, and Planner Trzebiatowski. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 6, 2018 MEETING Commissioner Jacques made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2018. Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for a Conditional Use Grant in accordance with the Muskego Zoning Ordinance for Casey's General Store for the purpose of allowing a gas station on the property located in the NE 1/4 of Section 17 (Tax Key 2225.999.012 / Janesville Road/Mercury Drive). The following residents spoke: Thomas Ralston, S81 W19386 Highland Park Drive  opposed to gas station being put into a neighborhood  concerns with deliveries, traffic, noise, and crime Skip Wojnowski, S103 W10439 Kelsey Drive  resident and business owner in business park on Apollo  in favor of business Kathleen Luglio, S80 W19297 Highland Park Drive  opposed to building  wants quiet  doesn't belong in our community Dan Drager, S78 W20263 Monterey Drive  opposed  concerned with traffic and light pollution  will need to improve the intersection at a cost of $200,000 Page 1 of 7 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Packet Page... Plan Commission Minutes 2 April 9, 2018  not best use for the property Dave Schnittka, S79 W19198 River Oaks Ct.  opposed  concerns with traffic, crime, impact on property values, and stop and go lights at intersection  put retail next to retail not industrial Matt Watry, W193 S7905 Ancient Oaks Drive  Industrial park has been a good neighbor, gas station would not be  property values will go down  put industrial by industrial and retail by retail Anthony Walter, W192 S8013 Ancient Oaks  no stop light at this intersection  lives four houses in and has concerns with lights, traffic, and safety of intersection Bob Melcher, S78 W20229 Monterey Drive  poor location  concerned with General Store selling alcohol to minors and drinking in the county park  General Store could cause problems getting a new grocery store Chris Kern  concerned with having a gas station within 300 feet of residential homes  concerned with air pollution, light pollution, traffic  suggested an air quality study be done and monitored every 6 months with mitigation  suggested right turn in and out - no left turns  place restrictions on gas stations to 300 feet from residential properties Laura Tesch, S80 W19178 Janesville Road  concerns with gas station  concerned with benzine and pollution  does not want the gas station across from her house Wayne Eichhorn, S80 W19280 Highland Park Drive  concerned with traffic congestion coming off Mercury, noise, crime, and pollution TNS Machining, W190 S8151 Mercury Drive  has owned his business in Muskego for 36 years  feels for him as a business owner  allow him to do something on this property Tim Kuehn, owner of property  property was zoned M-2 when originally purchased. Voluntarily rezoned the property to B-2 in 2008.  property value has gone down 6%  property is located on a county highway and next to a business park since 1970 Rick Petfalski  asking the request be denied  not in my backyard  not this type of development Page 2 of 7 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Packet Page... Plan Commission Minutes 3 April 9, 2018  concerned with traffic, lights, noise and crime Mr. Petfalski suggested the following: 1. Redesign the site layout to have the stalls face east and west 2. Limit hours of operation from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. 3. Limit deliveries to hours of 7:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday - Friday and 9:00 am to 7:30 pm Saturday, Sunday and holidays. 4. No temporary signs, banners or flags along Janesville Road 5. No sale of diesel fuel. With no further questions or comments, Mayor Chiaverotti closed the public hearing at 7:11 PM. Public Hearing for a Conditional Use Grant in accordance with the Muskego Zoning Ordinance for Casey's General Store for the purpose of allowing a gas station on the property located in the NE 1/4 of Section 1 (Tax Key 2161.999.002 / Janesville Road/College Ave). The following residents spoke: Julie Kowalski, S66 W12775 Somerset Drive  opposed  no need for additional gas stations  vacant gas station just down the road With no further questions or comments, Mayor Chiaverotti closed the public hearing at 7:14 PM. OLD BUSINESS FOR POSSIBLE RECONSIDERATION RESOLUTION PC 013-2018 - Approval of an Annual Review for RD Meyer Mini Storage property located in the NE 1/4 of Section 2 (Tax Key 2165.998.012 / W145 S6550 Tess Corners Drive). (Audio 1:09) Mr. Meyer was present and explained he wasn't aware he needed all the roofs to match and that the bollards needed to match the building colors. Commissioner Buckmaster suggested the following:  changing the bollards that are visible to the front of the property to blue  removing the red slatting in the fence and leaving the white and blue slatting and the flag on the gate,  leaving the stripped roof as is The Plan Commission and Mr. Meyer agreed with this suggestion. Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to amend Resolution PC 013-2018 to read: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The striped red, white, and blue roof will be allowed to remain as is. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The red slats in the fencing must be removed and the blue and white slatting will be allowed to remain along with the flag in the gate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The bollards in the front by the gate and in front of the new buildings must be painted blue to match the building. Page 3 of 7 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Packet Page... Plan Commission Minutes 4 April 9, 2018 Alderman Kubacki seconded. Upon a roll call vote Resolution #PC 013-2018 was AMENDED unanimously. Upon a roll call vote Amended Resolution #PC 013-2018 was APPROVED unanimously. CONSENT BUSINESS RESOLUTION PC 026-2018 - Approval of the sale of plants and flowers for Andrew Werner (AW Greenhouses) near Preferred Fitness located in the NW & SW 1/4 of Section 10 (S74 W17009 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2199.999.022). (Audio 1:40) Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve RESOLUTION PC 026-2018 - Approval of the sale of plants and flowers for Andrew Werner (AW Greenhouses) near Preferred Fitness located in the NW & SW 1/4 of Section 10 (S74 W17009 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2199.999.022). Commissioner Jacques seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION PC 023-2018 - Approval of a Conditional Use Grant, Building, Site and Operation Plan, and Three Lot Certified Survey Map for Casey's General Store located in the NE 1/4 of Section 17 (Tax Key 2225.999.012 / Janesville Road and Mercury Drive). Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve RESOLUTION PC 023-2018 - Approval of a Conditional Use Grant, Building, Site, and Operation Plan, and Three Lot Certified Survey Map for Casey's General Store located in the NE 1/4 of Section 17 (Tax Key 2225.999.012 / Janesville Road and Mercury Drive). Commissioner Buckmaster seconded. (Audio 1:41) Mr. Trzebiatowski gave a detailed explanation of the submittal. Mr. Trzebiatowski explained staff is recommending deferral to give Casey's the opportunity to make the following changes if Plan Commission is in agreement. 1. All elevations need additional window elements and more design features 2. Alter design of the rear rooftop mechanical area so that either the units are completely screened by the hip roof or relocating the rooftop units to grade with screening 3. Add a hip or gable roof feature to canopy design 4. Add brick or stone with caps to support columns of the canopy Mr. Trzebiatowski further explained the access will be off of Mercury Drive and will line up with the InPro driveway and a shared access with the existing construction company to the west. The County is not requiring any changes to Janesville Road based on existing usage and traffic counts. Mr. Trzebiatowski discussed the memo from the City Attorney related to the possible changes to WI State Law relating to Conditional Use Grants. This new law could take away some of the rights of the community to regulate conditional use grants as they previously did and if conditions are imposed they must be related to the purpose of the ordinance. If the applicant is willing to meet the conditions, Plan Commission must grant the CUG request. Discussion took place relating to noise, lights, and traffic. Plan Commission agreed with staff recommendations and also added some recommendations that came from discussion: Page 4 of 7 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Packet Page... Plan Commission Minutes 5 April 9, 2018  Flipping the building to Janesville Road and the pump layout to the business park and adding a berm with landscaping along Janesville Road.  Limiting delivery hours from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM Monday - Friday and 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM weekends and holidays or bring back Casey's proposed times Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to defer. Commissioner Peardon seconded. Upon a roll voce, Resolution #PC 023-2018 was DEFERRED unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 024-2018 - Approval of a Conditional Use Grant and Building, Site and Operation Plan for Casey's General Store located in the NW 1/4 of Section 1 (Tax Key 2162.999.002 / Janesville Road and College Ave). Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve RESOLUTION PC 024-2018 - Approval of a Conditional Use Grant and Building, Site and Operation Plan for Casey's General Store located in the NW 1/4 of Section 1 (Tax Key 2162.999.002 / Janesville Road and College Ave). Alderman Kubacki seconded. (Audio 2:28) Mr. Trzebiatowski gave a detailed explanation of the submittal. Mr. Trzebiatowski explained staff is recommending deferral to give Casey's the opportunity to make the following changes if Plan Commission is in agreement. 1. Building enhancements should be added to the overall building to show the character that the Historic Crossroads Design Guide is looking for. 2. Add additional window elements to all elevations to help further the four-sided architecture goal and to help add some design features to the flat wall space. 3. Add closer to 50% masonry/stone - currently there is too much lap siding 4. The gable roof wall should utilize the shake materials rather than siding 5. Alter design of the rear rooftop mechanical area so that either the units are completly screened by the hip roof or relocating the rooftop units to grade with screening 6. Add a hip or gable roof feature to canopy design 7. Add brick or stone with caps to support columns of the canopy 8. The canopy should not contain as much red Plan Commission agreed with staff recommendations and also added some recommendations that came from discussion:  Limiting delivery hours from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM Monday - Friday and 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM weekends and holidays or bring back Casey's proposed times  Push the pumps towards the west to help alleviate headlights at the neighbors across the street Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to DEFER RESOLUTION #PC 024-2018. Commissioner Jacques seconded. Motion to DEFER carried unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 025-2018 - Approval of Building, Site and Operation Plan for the Will Rose Apartments located in the NW 1/4 of Section 10 (Tax Key 2198.160 and 2198.161 / Janesville Road). Commissioner Jacques made a motion to approve RESOLUTION PC 025-2018 - Approval of Building, Site and Operation Plan for the Will Rose Apartments located in the NW 1/4 of Section 10 (Tax Key 2198.160 and 2198.161 / Janesville Road). Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Page 5 of 7 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Packet Page... Plan Commission Minutes 6 April 9, 2018 (Audio 2:53) Mr. Trzebiatowski gave an overview of the submittal including site layout and architecture. Mr. Trzebiatowski also noted there will be two adjacent access points to this development. Engineering staff is requiring that the western stub be extended to Glen Cove Court and an access for emergency use only be proved at the end of the eastern portion of the driveway connecting to the existing adjacent condo development (Lindale Villas). The emergency access connection may be gated if needed. Plan Commission agreed it was a very attractive plan. Commissioner Bartlett suggested a canopy over the main entrance to help it stand out. Eric Harmen of AG Architecture was present and explained a canopy may block the view from the residential balcony above, but they will look into it. RESOLUTION #PC 027-2018 - Approval of a Four Lot Certified Survey Map for the Weltz property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 14 (Tax Key 2214.996.020/ Harvest Court). Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve RESOLUTION #PC 027-2018 - Approval of a Four Lot Certified Survey Map for the Weltz property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 14 (Tax Key 2214.996.020/ Harvest Court). Commissioner Jacques seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. (Audio 3:12) Mr. Trzebiatowski explained the requirements for this CSM including the need for a full city road and wetland crossing approval by the DNR. The following residents registered to speak: Cheryl Kloss - W150 S8226 Harvest Ct.  Concerned with the expansion of the road over the wetlands; specifically the salt from the plowing going into the wetlands  Noted this is shown on the zoning maps as high conservation priority and large tracts of land are to be preserved from further land divisions  opposed to this land division Mr. Trzebiatowski explained this CSM will need to go to the Parks and Conservation Committee for review due to this being in a high priority conservation area and this requirement is in the resolution. Lots 1 and 2 have already been tilled, lot 3 already has a house on it so these would not be a concern of the Committee, but lot 4 will need to be discussed by the Committee. The committee could determine a building pad location and restrict disturbance of vegetation outside this area. Erin Gemol, W150 S8235 Harvest Ct  lives across from lot 4  concerned about her driveway and culvert and access to her property during construction  opposed to this land division  this development will change the scope of the neighborhood and will impact neighbors Gail James, W150 S8234 Harvest Ct.  opposed to this land division  was family land and doesn't want to see it divided up  this is a beautiful natural area that shouldn't be divided  requests the log house not be torn down for any reason  goal of this property was to keep it as open as possible Page 6 of 7 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Packet Page... Plan Commission Minutes 7 April 9, 2018  don’t allow the moving of the road Brian James, W150 S8234 Harvest Ct  Was told could not disturb wetland many years ago  lot 3 headlights will be in his living room/kitchen  opposed to land division Theresa Macki, developer  spoke with DNR and was told based off preliminary review they would need a general permit  working with the DNR and Lynch and Associates to make sure road is built correctly MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Jacques made a motion to adjourn at 9:52 PM. Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary Page 7 of 7 Plan Commission - April 9, 2018 Packet Page... approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MINUTES November 7, 2017 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Chairman Toby Whipple called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Toby Whipple, Ald. Eileen Madden, Brett Hyde, Barbara Erdmann, Bill Miller, Tammy Dunn, Adam Trzebiatowski, and Scott Kroeger. Excused Paul Peardon and Barb Schroeder. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 15, 2017 MEETING. Brett Hyde made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2017 meeting. Ald. Eileen Madden seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor. NEW BUSINESS City of Muskego - Beer Gardens 2018 Brett Hyde made a motion to approve the Beer Gardens for 2018. Ald. Eileen Madden seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor. Brett Hyde requested next year an RFP be put out to interested vendors. Park Rentals Time Changes Ald. Eileen Madden made a motion to approve Park Rentals Time Changes based on staff recommendations. Bill Miller seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor. Park Maintenance Timeline Request for refund of park dedications fees for Edgewater Heights Subdivision Phase 1 - Neumann Companies Page 1 of 2 Parks and Conservation Committee - November 7, 2017 Packet Page... Ald. Eileen Madden made a motion to approve the request for refund of park dedications fees for Edgewater Heights Subdivision Phase 1 - Neumann Companies in the amount of $10,005 for fees paid in lieu of conservation land dedication. Brett Hyde seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor. Naming of the 49-acre conservation site bounded by Durham Drive/Holz Drive/Big Muskego Lake Bill Miller made a motion to approve naming of the 49-acre conservation site bounded by Durham Drive/Holz Drive/Big Muskego Lake to Muskiqua Preserve. Brett Hyde seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Conservation Coordinator's Report Recreation Manager's Report COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Announcements only. No discussion or action will be taken. ADJOURNMENT Bill Miller made a motion to adjourn at 5:45 PM. Ald. Eileen Madden seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Transcribing Secretary Page 2 of 2 Parks and Conservation Committee - November 7, 2017 Packet Page... Council Date MAY 8, 2018 Total Vouchers All Funds $359,283.28 Total Voucher Approval Utility Vouchers (Approve Separately) Water Vouchers $4,112.67 Water Wire Transfers Total Water $4,112.67 Sewer Vouchers 31,989.07 Sewer Wire Transfers Total Sewer $31,989.07 Net Total Utility Vouchers $ 36,101.74 #1 - Utility Voucher Approval Tax Vouchers - Refunds & Tax Settlements (Approve Separately) Tax Vouchers $ Tax Void Checks ()** Total Tax Vouchers $ - #2 - Tax Voucher Approval Total General Fund Vouchers (Approve Separately) General Fund Vouchers $321,911.54 General Fund Void Checks ()** Total General Fund Vouchers $ 321,911.54 #3 - General Voucher Approval Big Muskego Lake Vouchers $1,270.00 Development Fund Vouchers $ Wire transfers (Approve Separately): Tax Settlements $ Debt Service $ Payroll/Invoice Transmittals $347,882.98 #4 - Wire Transfers Approval Void Checks Since Last Report Check #Amount Check #Amount Total *** Total 0.00 *Total *** Page 1 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 1 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments" Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number ABT MAILCOM 30871 1 Invoice 2017 2ND INSTALL TAX REMINDER 03/26/2018 05/08/2018 836.40 518 Total ABT MAILCOM:836.40 AMERICAN LITHO, INC. 253202-01 1 Invoice SUMMER PROGRAM GUIDE PRIN 04/20/2018 05/08/2018 4,073.00 518 Total AMERICAN LITHO, INC.:4,073.00 AMERSON, ENESTER RAYMOND 00014425 1 Invoice COURT ORDERED REFUND 04/27/2018 05/08/2018 252.00 518 Total AMERSON, ENESTER RAYMOND:252.00 ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 60169/050818 1 Invoice SHORT-TERM DIS - APRIL 2018 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 488.01 518 60169/050818 2 Invoice LONG-TERM DIS - APRIL 2018 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 373.30 518 60169/050818 3 Invoice GROUP ACCIDENT - APRIL 2018 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 128.41 518 60169/050818 4 Invoice GROUP CRITICAL ILLNESS 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 43.80 518 Total ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:1,033.52 BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY 2033655010 1 Invoice PRINT 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 571.43 518 2033669639 1 Invoice PRINT 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 787.65 518 3084498 1 Invoice PRINT 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 17.53- 518 5014973331 1 Invoice PRINT 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 35.49 518 Total BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY:1,377.04 BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAINMENT B87499620 1 Invoice AV 04/13/2018 05/08/2018 14.39 518 B87735570 1 Invoice AV 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 148.16 518 B87814420 1 Invoice AV 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 12.73 518 B87814421 1 Invoice AV 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 202.17 518 B87814422 1 Invoice AV 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 43.18 518 B88053600 1 Invoice AV 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 14.39 518 T79151120 1 Invoice AV 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 20.14 518 T79309980 1 Invoice AV 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 50.31 518 Total BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAINMENT:505.47 BAYCOM INC EQUIPINV#_01 1 Invoice GPS ANTENNAS 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 285.00 518 EQUIPINV_014 1 Invoice ARIBITRATOR UNIT FOR TRANSP 04/26/2018 05/08/2018 6,631.00 518 410. Total BAYCOM INC:6,916.00 BOBCAT PLUS, INC. LB04700 1 Invoice RENTAL AUGER 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 315.00 518 Page 2 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 2 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total BOBCAT PLUS, INC.:315.00 BURGER KING 16-23706-COU 1 Invoice COURT ORDERED RESTITUTION 04/26/2018 05/08/2018 532.26 518 Total BURGER KING:532.26 CHAPPELL SPORTS 20597 1 Invoice YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAM T-SHI 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 320.00 518 Total CHAPPELL SPORTS:320.00 CITY PRESS, INC 162087 1 Invoice LETTERHEAD 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 280.94 518 Total CITY PRESS, INC:280.94 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 14548 1 Invoice ERIC OSTERMAN BOND 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 150.00 518 14566 1 Invoice BOND JAMES KURER 04/27/2018 05/08/2018 150.00 518 14579 1 Invoice BOND SCOTT WISNIEWSKI 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 150.00 518 Total CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT:450.00 COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1983790 1 Invoice BLOOD DRAW 04/01/2018 05/08/2018 33.00 518 Total COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL:33.00 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 249355 1 Invoice 108.62 TON SALT 04/14/2018 05/08/2018 6,580.20 518 Total COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA:6,580.20 COMPLETE OFFICE OF WIS 302282 1 Invoice HAND SANITIZER 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 10.96 518 305097 1 Invoice TONER - JENNY'S PRINTER 04/26/2018 05/08/2018 38.87 518 307112 1 Invoice BANKER'S BOXES - ASSESSOR 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 103.68 518 307124 1 Invoice PENS/INDEX TABS 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 65.01 518 307904 1 Invoice PAPER PRODUCTS - CITY HALL 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 178.20 518 307904 2 Invoice PAPER PRODUCTS - POLICE 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 124.60 518 307904 3 Invoice PAPER PRODUCTS - TOWN HALL 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 88.50 518 307904 4 Invoice PAPER PRODUCTS - LIBRARY 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 285.93 518 Total COMPLETE OFFICE OF WIS:895.75 CORE & MAIN LP I728699 1 Invoice CREDIT ADRIAN L/S RETURN 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 950.00 518 601. I742989 1 Invoice ADRIAN L/S FLG 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 950.00- 518 601. I746828 1 Invoice HINGE KEY 04/20/2018 05/08/2018 438.00 518 601. I750755 1 Invoice HINGE 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 326.00- 518 601. Total CORE & MAIN LP:112.00 CUMMINS NPOWER LLC F6-4797 1 Invoice L/S 04/06/2018 05/08/2018 473.49 518 601. Page 3 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 3 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total CUMMINS NPOWER LLC:473.49 DEMCO EDUCATIONAL CORP 6361439 1 Invoice PROCESSING SUPPLIES 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 769.85 518 Total DEMCO EDUCATIONAL CORP:769.85 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES/ DNR DNR042418 1 Invoice WEED CONTROL PERMIT 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 1,270.00 518 Total DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES/ DNR:1,270.00 DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC. 261165 1 Invoice FSA FEES - APRIL 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 188.38 518 Total DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC.:188.38 DIVERSIFIED TRUCK SRV INC 8014 1 Invoice BLAST TRK 04/27/2018 05/08/2018 1,710.00 518 Total DIVERSIFIED TRUCK SRV INC:1,710.00 EAGLE MEDIA, INC. 00126018 1 Invoice BOILEAU UNIFORMS 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 161.74 518 421622 1 Invoice TRK #1 03/19/2018 05/08/2018 184.00 518 Total EAGLE MEDIA, INC.:345.74 F & W LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS 236 1 Invoice PARK MAINTENANCE 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 5,214.28 518 Total F & W LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS:5,214.28 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #1476 0277347 1 Invoice ANNUAL SOFTWARE MAINT 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 2,516.53 518 605. Total FERGUSON WATERWORKS #1476:2,516.53 FIRST SCRIBE 2476991 1 Invoice ROWAY WEB APPS 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 85.00 518 Total FIRST SCRIBE:85.00 FRANKLIN AGGREGATES, INC. 1543364 1 Invoice #1 STONE 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 2,102.22 518 1544483 1 Invoice #3 STONE 46.6 TON 04/26/2018 05/08/2018 1,330.44 518 Total FRANKLIN AGGREGATES, INC.:3,432.66 GRAYBAR 9303652136 1 Invoice LIGHT POLE BASES 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 4,571.00 518 Total GRAYBAR:4,571.00 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES 9162519987 1 Invoice HAULER PERMIT LABELS 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 545.00 518 Page 4 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 4 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total HD SUPPLY FACILITIES:545.00 HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS 260111-H 1 Invoice CONSULANTS 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 385.00 518 Total HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS:385.00 HIGGINS TOWER SRV. INC 18-48054 1 Invoice BUCKET TRUCK 04/27/2018 05/08/2018 1,400.00 518 Total HIGGINS TOWER SRV. INC:1,400.00 HUMPHREY SERVICE PARTS 1173686 1 Invoice PARTS 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 60.00 518 1173840 1 Invoice NUT INSERTS 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 51.25 518 1174269 1 Invoice FITTINGS 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 68.16 518 1174344 1 Invoice XL GLOVES 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 18.58 518 1174604 1 Invoice NOZZLE PARKS 04/27/2018 05/08/2018 206.58 518 Total HUMPHREY SERVICE PARTS:404.57 IMPACT ACQUISTIONS LLC 10840145 1 Invoice COPIER CONTRACT - IMPACT 04/12/2018 05/08/2018 4,060.42 518 1088742 1 Invoice LIB-NEW LEASE PRE PAY 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 673.10 518 Total IMPACT ACQUISTIONS LLC:4,733.52 INTOXIMETERS, INC. 594242 1 Invoice PBT TUBES 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 176.00 518 Total INTOXIMETERS, INC.:176.00 JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC 817800 1 Invoice COPIER 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 23.48 518 601. 817800 2 Invoice COPIER 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 23.47 518 605. 817800 3 Invoice COPIER 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 23.47 518 Total JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC:70.42 JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION MIL05180155 1 Invoice CLEANING/CH 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 2,345.00 518 MIL05180155 2 Invoice CLEANING/PD 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 1,728.00 518 MIL05180155 3 Invoice CLEANING/LIB 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 3,049.00 518 MIL05180155 4 Invoice PK ARTHUR 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 480.00 518 MIL05180155 5 Invoice CLEANING/TOWN HALL 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 363.00 518 Total JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION:7,965.00 JANWAY COMPANY USA, INC. 128860 1 Invoice SUPPLIES 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 809.09 518 Total JANWAY COMPANY USA, INC.:809.09 JERRY WEIMER CONSULTING 187 1 Invoice SWR CLASS/WAUER/SCHABER 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 1,300.00 518 601. Page 5 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 5 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total JERRY WEIMER CONSULTING:1,300.00 JOHNNY'S PETROLEUM PROD INC 63114 1 Invoice VEHICLE TOWED 18-8807 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 225.00 518 Total JOHNNY'S PETROLEUM PROD INC:225.00 JOHNSON OUTDOORS, INC. 1344228 RM 1 Invoice LOCATOR FOR BOAT TAX CREDIT 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 52.75- 518 410. 5470538 1 Invoice LOCATOR FOR BOAT 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 1,087.04 518 410. Total JOHNSON OUTDOORS, INC.:1,034.29 JOHNSON SAND & GRAVEL INC 78295 1 Invoice 44.43 TON SAND 04/14/2018 05/08/2018 259.92 518 Total JOHNSON SAND & GRAVEL INC:259.92 JSA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 2715 1 Invoice LANDFILL AUDIT APRIL 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 3,511.68 518 Total JSA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC.:3,511.68 KOWALKOWSKI PLUMBING LLC 5230 1 Invoice HOT WTR HEATER PARKS 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 854.20 518 Total KOWALKOWSKI PLUMBING LLC:854.20 LAKELAND SUPPLY, INC. 114200 1 Invoice PAPER PRODUCTS - CITY HALL 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 166.92 518 114200 2 Invoice PAPER PRODUCTS - POLICE DEP 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 166.92 518 Total LAKELAND SUPPLY, INC.:333.84 LANG, LUANN LA050818-FIN 1 Invoice BLOOD DRIVE EXPENSE 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 36.55 518 Total LANG, LUANN:36.55 LITTLE MUSKEGO LAKE DIST 2173.989-LML 1 Invoice EPAY LITTLE LAKE - DIELS 2173.9 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 76.00 518 2180.955 ARN 1 Invoice EPAY 2180.955 ARNEY 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 76.00 518 Total LITTLE MUSKEGO LAKE DIST:152.00 LWMMI SIR050218-FIN 1 Invoice CLAIMS 04/12/2018 05/08/2018 2,510.00 518 Total LWMMI:2,510.00 M.W. MARINE 242875 1 Invoice POLICE BOAT 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 24,050.00 518 410. Total M.W. MARINE:24,050.00 MADRITSCH, MICHELLE 00014375 1 Invoice COURT ORDERED REFUND 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 16.57 518 Page 6 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 6 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total MADRITSCH, MICHELLE:16.57 MARK J. RINDERLE TIRE INC. 127567 1 Invoice TIRES 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 289.96 518 127637 1 Invoice SKID STEER TRAILER 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 588.00 518 Total MARK J. RINDERLE TIRE INC.:877.96 MENAKO, JAMES ME050818-DD 1 Invoice DEVELOPER DEPOSIT REFUND 04/09/2019 05/08/2018 75.00 518 507. Total MENAKO, JAMES:75.00 MENARDS 38915 1 Invoice CONSERVATION SUPPLIES 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 60.83 518 39105 1 Invoice SUPPLIES 04/26/2018 05/08/2018 58.23 518 Total MENARDS:119.06 MICROMARKETING LLC 715792 1 Invoice AV 04/12/2018 05/08/2018 39.99 518 716415 1 Invoice AV 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 39.99 518 Total MICROMARKETING LLC:79.98 MIDWEST TAPE 96012134 1 Invoice AV 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 73.48 518 96031346 1 Invoice AV 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 57.73 518 Total MIDWEST TAPE:131.21 MUNSON INC. 0051309 1 Invoice FENCE REPAIR AT JANESVILLE & 03/29/2018 05/08/2018 5,668.00 518 Total MUNSON INC.:5,668.00 MUSKEGO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5952 1 Invoice PROGRAMMING 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 50.00 518 Total MUSKEGO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE:50.00 MUSKEGO NORWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT 1783 1 Invoice CITY PORTION OF POSTAGE FOR 03/27/2018 05/08/2018 392.64 518 MU050818-RE 1 Invoice DISTRICT USE FEES FOR JANUAR 04/12/2018 05/08/2018 1,480.00 518 Total MUSKEGO NORWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT:1,872.64 NAPA AUTO PARTS 5266-219159 1 Invoice PARTS 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 9.99 518 5266-219590 1 Invoice SQD 2 BRAKES/ROTORS 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 411.04 518 Total NAPA AUTO PARTS:421.03 NOTARY BOND RENEWAL SERVICE NO050818-FIN 1 Invoice NOTARY BOND RENEWAL - DONN 05/03/2018 05/08/2018 25.00 518 Page 7 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 7 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total NOTARY BOND RENEWAL SERVICE:25.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS 102783245 1 Invoice RANDOM TESTING 04/13/2018 05/08/2018 168.50 518 102783245 2 Invoice RANDOM TESTING 04/13/2018 05/08/2018 21.75 518 601. 102783245 3 Invoice RANDOM TESTING 04/13/2018 05/08/2018 21.75 518 605. Total OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS:212.00 PAUL RYAN OFFICE SUPPLY ACCT 95329 1 Invoice 12 NYLON FLAGS 05/02/2018 05/08/2018 283.40 518 Total PAUL RYAN OFFICE SUPPLY ACCT:283.40 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE LLC 1087658811 1 Invoice AV 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 80.00 518 Total PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE LLC:80.00 PROFORMA ON POINT PRINT 90N8401795 1 Invoice LIBRARY CLOTHING 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 1,617.63 518 90N8401796 1 Invoice CLOTHING - MAYOR'S OFFICE 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 80.94 518 90N8401796 2 Invoice CLOTHING - FINANCE & ADMIN 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 763.06 518 90N8401796 3 Invoice CLOTHING - PLANNING 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 223.90 518 90N8401796 4 Invoice CLOTHING - ENGINEERING 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 375.40 518 90N8401796 5 Invoice CLOTHING - IT 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 325.33 518 90N8401796 6 Invoice CLOTHING - COURT 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 184.80 518 90N8401796 7 Invoice CLOTHING - RECREATION 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 208.89 518 90N8401796 8 Invoice CLOTHING - LAW 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 99.99 518 90N8401796 9 Invoice CLOTHING - CONSERVATION 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 84.94 518 90N8401796 10 Invoice CLOTHING - FREIGHT 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 69.29 518 Total PROFORMA ON POINT PRINT:4,034.17 PROVEN POWER INC 02-261233 1 Invoice HOSE BUFFER COVER BUTTON C 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 213.42 518 Total PROVEN POWER INC:213.42 QUILL CORP 6383718 1 Invoice TONER FOR REC PRINTER AT OT 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 327.96 518 Total QUILL CORP:327.96 R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC 912359 1 Invoice GRASS SEED 04/27/2018 05/08/2018 3,840.00 518 Total R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC:3,840.00 RACINE POLICE DEPT 14474 1 Invoice CAITLIN ANDERSON BOND - RACI 04/19/2018 05/08/2018 114.00 518 14482 1 Invoice CAITLIN ANDERSON BOND -RACI 04/20/2018 05/08/2018 88.80 518 Total RACINE POLICE DEPT:202.80 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR 00W68871 1 Invoice PETZ PANTS 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 79.95 518 Page 8 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 8 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 00W68974 1 Invoice FREGOSO SHIRTS 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 68.95 518 00W69041 1 Invoice ONDRICKA PATCH 04/05/2018 05/08/2018 25.00 518 00W69042 1 Invoice ROZESKI PATCHES 04/05/2018 05/08/2018 31.50 518 00W69152 1 Invoice SLAMKA PATCHES 04/12/2018 05/08/2018 23.00 518 00W69185 1 Invoice ROZESKI UNIFORMS 04/12/2018 05/08/2018 239.80 518 0B213764 1 Invoice BADGE PATCHES/NAMES 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 191.00 518 0W68822B 1 Invoice STRAND UNIFORMS 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 109.90 518 0W68823C 1 Invoice ROBINSON UNIFORMS 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 111.90 518 0W68867A 1 Invoice GAENSLEN UNIFORMS 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 15.00 518 0W68868A 1 Invoice SHOCKLEY UNIFORMS 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 111.90 518 0W68868B 1 Invoice SHOCKLEY HAT 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 15.00 518 Total RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR:1,022.90 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/CH 21990/050818 1 Invoice SUPPLIES 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 25.98 518 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/CH:25.98 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PD 23755/050818 1 Invoice PADLOCK/KEYS FOR CDU/SCIT 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 30.14 518 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PD:30.14 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PK & REC 23750/050818 1 Invoice PICKLEBALL NET BOLTS 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 9.95 518 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PK & REC:9.95 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PW 22000/050818 1 Invoice VET PARKS SUPPLIES 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 134.90 518 22000/050818 2 Invoice MAIL BOX SUPPLIES 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 32.62 518 22000/050818 3 Invoice MISC SUPPLIES 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 194.79 518 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PW:362.31 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/UT 25000/050818 1 Invoice WELL #2 SUPPLIES 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 111.98 518 605. 25000/050818 2 Invoice TOWELS SHOPE 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 14.99 518 601. 25000/050818 3 Invoice KURTZE L/S SUPPLIES 04/25/2018 05/08/2018 11.48 518 601. Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/UT:138.45 RUEKERT & MIELKE INC 122968 1 Invoice TANK PAINTING REVIEW 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 391.50 518 605. 122969 1 Invoice PELLMAN DEVELOPMENT/WATER 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 600.50 518 507. 122970 1 Invoice MISC SCADA LAKE LORE L/S 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 603.80 518 601. Total RUEKERT & MIELKE INC:1,595.80 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 7180-8 1 Invoice RD PAINT 04/27/2018 05/08/2018 9.00 518 Total SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.:9.00 SHRED-IT USA 8124623465 1 Invoice MONTHLY SHRED 04/22/2018 05/08/2018 30.00 518 8124624758 1 Invoice PAPER SHREDDING - CITY HALL 04/22/2018 05/08/2018 12.50 518 Page 9 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 9 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total SHRED-IT USA:42.50 STARNET TECHNOLOGIES, INC 0090794-IN 1 Invoice VFD REPLACEMENT 04/13/2018 05/08/2018 20,292.00 518 601. Total STARNET TECHNOLOGIES, INC:20,292.00 STREICHER'S I1311513 1 Invoice CORTESE/SULLIVAN CDU 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 137.98 518 Total STREICHER'S:137.98 SUPERIOR CHEMICAL 191594 1 Invoice CLEARNERS 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 547.85 518 Total SUPERIOR CHEMICAL:547.85 TAPCO INC. I598607 1 Invoice EDGEWATER HEIGHTS STREET SI 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 280.85 518 507. I598607 2 Invoice STREET SIGNS 04/17/2018 05/08/2018 664.14 418 I598614 1 Invoice STOP SIGN 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 1,028.64 518 Total TAPCO INC.:1,973.63 TESS CORNERS VOL FIRE DEPT TCVFD/050818 1 Invoice 2ND QUARTER CONTRACT PMT 2 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 116,250.00 518 Total TESS CORNERS VOL FIRE DEPT:116,250.00 TIME WARNER CABLE 043899301/050 1 Invoice BOXES FOR CABLE TV 04/20/2018 05/08/2018 21.58 518 703399401/050 1 Invoice 911 CONNECTION 04/16/2018 05/08/2018 178.96 518 Total TIME WARNER CABLE:200.54 TOWN OF BURLINGTON 14467 1 Invoice VALERIE JACHOWICZ BOND - RAS 04/18/2018 05/08/2018 293.60 518 Total TOWN OF BURLINGTON:293.60 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 060-9178 1 Invoice ASSESSMENT SERVICES 04/13/2018 05/08/2018 5,900.00 518 Total TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC:5,900.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 9805084220 1 Invoice CELL-IT 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 40.00 518 9805084220 2 Invoice CELL-PD 04/10/2018 05/08/2018 80.03 518 Total VERIZON WIRELESS:120.03 WAUKESHA COUNTY TECH COLLEGE S0665004 1 Invoice INSERVICES 04/26/2018 05/08/2018 278.46 518 WCTC/050818 1 Invoice WCTC RECRUIT GRADUATION DI 04/24/2018 05/08/2018 100.00 518 Total WAUKESHA COUNTY TECH COLLEGE:378.46 Page 10 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 10 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER WA050818-CO 1 Invoice JAIL ASSESSMENTS - APRIL 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 1,881.67 518 WA050818-CO 2 Invoice DRIVER SURCHARGE - APRIL 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 2,474.80 518 WA050818-CO 3 Invoice INTERLOCK SURCHARGE - APRIL 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 200.00 518 Total WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER:4,556.47 WE ENERGIES 0000-020-164/ 1 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - CITY HALL 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 2,263.55 518 0000-020-164/ 2 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - POLICE DEPT 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 2,648.67 518 0000-020-164/ 3 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - STREET LIGH 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 4,287.14 518 0000-020-164/ 4 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - SALT SHED 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 21.64 518 0000-020-164/ 5 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - IND PARK LIG 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 502.73 518 0000-020-164/ 6 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - LITTLE LAKE D 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 25.35 518 0000-020-164/ 7 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - GARAGE 50% 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 1,247.77 518 0000-020-164/ 8 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - SEWER 25% 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 623.89 518 601. 0000-020-164/ 9 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - WATER 25% 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 623.88 518 605. 0000-020-164/ 10 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - PARKS 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 376.97 518 0000-020-164/ 11 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - PARKS GARA 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 140.27 518 0000-020-164/ 12 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL - COMMERCE C 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 15.98 518 0000-021-027/ 1 Invoice 3/18 L/S ELECTRIC GROUP 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 8,017.72 518 601. 0000-021-134 1 Invoice GROUP BILL - CITY HALL 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 1,445.39 518 0000-021-134 2 Invoice GROUP BILL - POLICE DEPT 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 578.13 518 0000-021-134 3 Invoice GROUP BILL - GARAGE 50%04/23/2018 05/08/2018 847.13 518 0000-021-134 4 Invoice GROUP BILL - SEWER 25%04/23/2018 05/08/2018 423.57 518 601. 0000-021-134 5 Invoice GROUP BILL - WATER 25%04/23/2018 05/08/2018 423.56 518 605. 0000-021-134 6 Invoice GROUP BILL - PARKS 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 91.60 518 0000-021-134 7 Invoice GROUP BILL - PARKS GARAGE 04/23/2018 05/08/2018 91.74 518 2014-674-485/ 1 Invoice RANGE ELECTRIC 04/20/2018 05/08/2018 62.62 518 Total WE ENERGIES:24,759.30 WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 508942 1 Invoice SM OXYGEN 1 YR RENTAL 04/13/2018 05/08/2018 343.00 518 Total WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY:343.00 WIS RURAL WATER ASSOC 3451 1 Invoice HAZARD TRAINING 04/20/2018 05/08/2018 70.90 518 601. Total WIS RURAL WATER ASSOC:70.90 WISCONSIN BUILDING INSPECTION, LLP 163 1 Invoice APRIL INSPECTION SERVICES 05/01/2018 05/08/2018 17,792.29 518 Total WISCONSIN BUILDING INSPECTION, LLP:17,792.29 WISCONSIN DEPT OF ADMIN WI050818-CO 1 Invoice COURT FEES - APRIL 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 13,995.88 518 Total WISCONSIN DEPT OF ADMIN:13,995.88 WISCONSIN DEPT OF JUSTICE - CIB L6806T/05081 1 Invoice RECORD NAME SEARCHES 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 154.00 518 Total WISCONSIN DEPT OF JUSTICE - CIB:154.00 Page 11 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page... CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 11 Report dates: 4/25/2018-5/8/2018 May 03, 2018 03:32PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number ZIMMERMAN ARCHITECTURAL STUDIOS 58012 1 Invoice POLICE DEPT PLAN 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 25,132.42 518 410. 58013 1 Invoice MUNICIPAL GARAGE PLAN 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 4,954.95 518 410. 58014 1 Invoice CITY HALL PLAN 04/30/2018 05/08/2018 3,817.16 518 401. Total ZIMMERMAN ARCHITECTURAL STUDIOS:33,904.53 Grand Totals: 359,283.28 Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments" Page 12 of 12 Totals and Alpha Listing Packet Page...