Plan Commission Packet - 1/3/2017 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION AGENDA January 3, 2017 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 6, 2016 MEETING CONSENT BUSINESS Recommended for approval en gross. RESOLUTION #PC 005-2017 - Recommendation to Common Council to Vacate the Right of Way south of Woods Road located in the NW 1/4 of Section 21 (between Tax Key Nos. 2242.985 and 2242.986 / Woods Road). NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #PC 001-2017 - Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for Muskego Middle School located in the NE 1/4 of Section 13 (Tax Key No. 2209.999 / W124 S8009 North Cape Road). RESOLUTION #PC 002-2017- Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan Amendment for Mill Valley Elementary School located in the NE 1/4 of Section 13 (Tax Key 2177.931 / W191 S6445 Hillendale Drive). RESOLUTION #PC 003-2017- Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan Amendment for St. Leonard Congregation located in the SE 1/4 of Section 9 (Tax Key No. 2196.945 / W173 S7743 Westwood Drive). RESOLUTION #PC 004-2017 - Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for the Glen at Pellmann Farm located in the NE 1/4 of Section 13 (Woods Road / Tax Key No. 2218.990.008). MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. Plan Commission Agenda 2 January 3, 2017 ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, (262) 679-4136. Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES December 6, 2016 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Chiaverotti, Ald. Borgman, Commissioners Peardon, Fiedler, Jacques and Buckmaster and Director Muenkel. Excused: Commissioner Bartlett STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws on December 1, 2016 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 1, 2016 MEETING. Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 1, 2016 meeting. Commissioner Jacques seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for Pinnacle Peak Properties LLC requesting a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the Muskego Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of allowing an assisted living facility (under the use of "Nursing homes, rest homes, and homes for all aged, including day cares") for the property located in the SW 1/4 of Section 16 (Tax Key 2223.999 / W182 S8320 Pioneer Drive). The following people spoke: Jerry Coubal, W179 S8246 Pioneer Drive Charlene Beaumont, W180 S8266 Pioneer Drive Janet Defnet, W180 S8204 Pioneer Drive Jay Schoenberg, Pinnacle Peak Properties With no further questions or comments, Mayor Chiaverotti closed the public hearing at 6:21 PM. CONSENT BUSINESS Recommended for approval engross. Commissioner Jacques made a motion to approve the consent business engross. Commissioner Fiedler seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Plan Commission Minutes 2 December 6, 2016 RESOLUTION #PC 074-2016 - Approval of an additional accessory structure for the Fagan property located in the SE 1/4 of Section 5 (Tax Key 2180.968 / S70 W19160 Wentland Drive). RESOLUTION #PC 075-2016 - Approval of a three lot Certified Survey Map for Hartford Land Development for the property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 15 (Woods Road / Tax Key 2218.990.008). NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #PC 063-2016 - Recommendation to Council to Amend the Zoning Map and 2020 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Muskego for Carity Land Corp and Approval of a Two Lot Certified Survey Map for the property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 2 (Tax Key No. 2166.997.001 / College Ave and Commerce Center Parkway.) Commissioner Jacques made a motion to approve RESOLUTION #PC 063-2016 - Recommendation to Council to Amend the Zoning Map and 2020 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Muskego for Carity Land Corp and Approval of a Two Lot Certified Survey Map for the property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 2 (Tax Key No. 2166.997.001 / College Ave and Commerce Center Parkway.). Commissioner Buckmaster seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. RESOLUTION #PC 064-2016 - Recommendation to Council to amend the Zoning Map and 2020 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Muskego for Carity Land Corp for the property located in the NE 1/4 of Section 3 (Tax Key 2169.999.009 / College Ave). Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve RESOLUTION #PC 064-2016 - Recommendation to Council to amend the Zoning Map and 2020 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Muskego for Carity Land Corp for the property located in the NE 1/4 of Section 3 (Tax Key 2169.999.009 / College Ave). Commissioner Jacques seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. RESOLUTION #PC 072-2016 - Approval of a Conditional Use Grant and Building, Site and Operation Plan for Pinnacle Peak Properties LLC for the property located in the SW 1/4 of Section 16 (Tax Key 2223.999 / W182 S8320 Pioneer Drive). Commissioner Jacques made a motion to approve RESOLUTION #PC 072-2016 - Approval of a Conditional Use Grant and Building, Site and Operation Plan for Pinnacle Peak Properties LLC for the property located in the SW 1/4 of Section 16 (Tax Key 2223.999 / W182 S8320 Pioneer Drive). Commissioner Fiedler seconded. Alderman Borgman made a motion to amend RESOLUTION #PC 072-2016 to read: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no pole lighting shall occur for the site and all exterior lighting will consist of building façade fixtures meeting Muskego codes of zero degree cutoff fixtures and proper foot-candle requirements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a berm with heavier landscaping or a fence (board on board or PVC) with landscaping be found along the north property line abutting the residences to the north. Said berm or fencing shall run from the start of the parking stalls to on the west to the eastern limits of the paving near the refuse enclosure to the east along the northern property line. The proposed screening shall Plan Commission Minutes 3 December 6, 2016 be shown on the building permit documents and are to be approved by the Community Development Department. Commissioner Jacques seconded. Motion to Amend Resolution #PC 072-2016 Passed 6 in favor. Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to amend RESOLUTION #PC 072-2016 to read: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a review by the Planning Commission must take place six (6) months after occupancy to look at any issues regarding traffic, lighting, and the northern border fencing. If issues arise further remedies may be imposed by the Planning Commission relating to these subject matters. Commissioner Fiedler seconded. Motion to Amend Resolution #PC 072-2016 Passed 6 in favor. Motion to Approve Amended Resolution #PC 072-2016 Passed 6 in favor. #PC 073-2016 - Discussion of Conceptual Rezoning from B-4 Highway Business District to M- 1 Light Industrial District for the property located in the SW 1/4 of Section 25 (Tax Key 2259.981 / North Cape Road). MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Peardon made a motion to adjourn at 6:45 PM. Commissioner Buckmaster seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 005-2017 For the meeting of: January 3, 2017 REQUEST: Right-of-Way Vacation South of Woods Road / Between Tax Key Nos. 2242.985 & 2242.986 NW ¼ of Section 21 PETITIONER: Cory O’Donnell of Neumann Companies INTRODUCED: January 3, 2017 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Adam Trzebiatowski, AICP BACKGROUND PC 005-2017 The petitioner’s request is to vacate an un-improved portion of right-of-way located south of Woods Road, just east of Racine Avenue. This right-of-way was dedicated as part of an older CSM and was originally intended to provide access to the vacant land to the south of this dedication. The land to the south of this right-of-way dedication is now being developed as the Edgewater Heights Subdivision. Due to wetlands on the southern portion of this dedication, the entrance to Edgewater Heights was not able to go here and has since been relocated further to the east. The right-of-way in question does not contain an improved roadway and it only contains a private driveway and grass/lawn area. DISCUSSION PC 005-2017 Relating to the right-of-way vacation, all of the proper documents have been submitted to proceed with the right-of-way request. The request is also proceeding through the Public Works Committee for their review. There are no expected concerns with this right -of-way vacation request. With the vacation, each tax key parcel abutting the vacated right of way gets half of the adjacent right -of-way back as part of their lot. Relating to access to the lots adjacent to the area requesting to be vacated, there are existing access restrictions along Woods Road on the CSM that originally dedicated this right -of-way. As such, a shared access easement must be established to allow access by both adjacent lo t owners to Woods Road before this vacation can be recorded. The petitioner should have said easement drafted. The Planning and Engineering Divisions do not see any major problems with the requested vacation , other than the requirement for an access easement as noted above. As such, staff is recommending approval of the right-of-way vacation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 005-2017 Approval of Resolution PC 005-2017, subject to any technical corrections and revisions listed above and in the Resolution. MUSK EG Othe Ci ty of Ar ea o f Inte restI070140 Fee t Ag en da Item(s) Pr op er tie s Zon in g D istr ic ts Rig ht -o f-Way Hy dr og rap hy Supp lem ental MapRESOLUTION #PC 00 5-2016 Ne uma nn C omp an iesWoods Ro ad J A N E S V I L L E L O O M I S R D RA CIN E AV DURHAM W O O D S CO LL EG E Pre p ar ed b y C ity o f Mu ske g o P la n n in g D e p ar tm e nt Da te : 1 2 /28 /2 01 6 RESOLUTION #P.C.005-2017 RECOMMENDATION TO COMMON COUNCIL TO VACATE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY SOUTH OF WOODS ROAD LOCATED IN THE NW ¼ OF SECTION 21 (BETWEEN TAX KEY NOS. 2242.985 AND 2242.986 / WOODS ROAD) WHEREAS, On December 5, 2016 a request was submitted by Cory O’Donnell of Neumann Companies for a Right-of-Way Vacation located in the NW ¼ of Section 21 (Woods Road / Between Tax Key Numbers 2242.985 and 2242.986), and WHEREAS, The section of right-of-way is currently not improved with a roadway and only contains a private driveway and lawn/grass area, and WHEREAS, The Public Works Committee and Common Council require review of the vacation before official approvals can be given, and WHEREAS, The Community Development Department does not see any problems with the requested vacation. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission approves the Right-of-Way Vacation located in the NW ¼ of Section 21 (Woods Road / Tax Key Numbers 2242.985 and 2242.986). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Since there are existing access restr ictions along Woods Road on the CSM that originally dedicated this right-of-way, a shared access easement must be established to allow access by both adjacent lot owners to Woods Road before this vacation can be recorded. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: January 3, 2017 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 001-2017 For the meeting of: January 3, 2017 REQUEST: Building, Site, and Operation Plan for Muskego Middle School Tax Key No. 2209.999 / W124 S8009 North Cape Road NE ¼ of Section 13 PETITIONER: Bray Architects and Muskego Norway School District INTRODUCED: January 3, 2017 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Jeff Muenkel, CEcD AICP BACKGROUND PC 001-2017 A submittal was received from Bray Architects for the Building, Site, and Operation Plan for a new middle school for the Muskego Norway School District (MNSD). The complete BSO is described in detail herein below for a new middle school that is to be built off of North Cape Road on a parcel previously purchased by MNSD and rezoned for such a purpose. The school is scheduled to be built over the next year and a half with an opening for the fall 2018 school year. CONSISTENCY WITH ADOPTED PLANS 001-2017 Comprehensive Plan: The 2020 Plan depicts the property for institutional uses. The petition is consistent with the Plan. Zoning: The property is zoned I-1 Institutional District. The use is permitted subject to BSO approval. STAFF DISCUSSION PC 001-2017 The submittal is included in the supplement consisting of a narrative, site plans, building elevations, colored renderings, landscape plans, civil plans, and photometric plan. As stated above, Bray requests approvals for a 137,000 SF new middle school. The middle school is designed for up to 750 students and up to 95 full/part-time staff. Architecture The proposal looks to include a very modern style of architecture that uses the property elevations to create multiple stories in various locations on the property. The building has many changes of materials and multiple depth variations along with good use of windows including clerestory windows in a few areas. The building has multiple internal courtyards creating many opportunities for daylight throughout the classrooms. This area of the City is governed by the General Design Guide which primarily calls for 50% masonry product unless the Planning Commission finds reasons not to apply the full extent of the guide. Currently the proposal shows 100% masonry products and meets the intent of the guide. The site plan shows that the new building will be a one story structure as patrons would enter the site from the east. The building then becomes two stories as you would wrap around to the south and west elevations as the structure will have exposures to these sides. A higher story gym structure is found to the north. The architecture and materials found throughout the structure consist of multiple types/colors of face brick including a light autumn and a crimson brick. Many windows are found along with metal panels clad several key spaces as well as accenting entrances and canopies. The gymnasium utilizes precast concrete panels. All earth tone colors are used as shown in the colored renderings provided. Site, Parking, and Access The site plan shows a total of 170 parking stalls in the main parking lot in the front of the building along with 16 stalls for buses. All the front parking stalls here meet code requirements of 10 feet by 20 feet. There is another overflow lot in the north portion of the property that is usually hard surface outdoor play space during normal school times. This can be used as overflow event parking at times and has a total of 84 more angle parking stalls meeting code. The zoning code calls for 1 parking stall for every five (5) students and the proposal meets code. The narrative notes that a hypothetical maximum of students is 810 which would require at least 162 parking stalls to meet code requirements. Approximately forty-two (42) classroom areas are shown on the site plan allowing the proposed amount of main parking stalls to meet city requirements. The site plan shows one access to the site off of North Cape Road to the east. The access road splits closer to the school to accommodate access to the two main parking lots. A page in the submittal shows where curb/gutter is found on the proposed site. At this time the proposal shows some curb and gutter around the two main parking lots. However, no curb is found along the main entry drive leading up to the main parking lots. Further no curb is found on the drives around the back of the structure or to the north where the play areas are found. Plan Commission usually finds that curb and gutter should be found throughout large commercial sites unless unusual circumstances exist. To follow past Plan Commission approvals, staff proposes that curb and gutter be found throughout the frontage of the site (entrance road and throughout front two main parking areas) but that the north, south, and west portions of the access drives can be without. The resolution is written for this contingency unless Pl an Commission would allow waivers. North Cape Road is under the jurisdiction of the City of Franklin and/or Milwaukee County. MNSD is working with these jurisdictions on the required road improvements to support the school use. Such improvements may include accel/decel lanes. A traffic study has been presented to the City of Franklin for their review and approval of resulting improvements. The site does it just south of the WEPCO walking trail. The site plan shows an extension road/path to the walking trail to the north. This could be used as an emergency access subject to agreements with the utility company. Outdoor play areas are found to the north of the site extending off the gym facilities. Hard and turf surfaces are found for these recreational act ivities. Fire Department Approval The Fire Department has preliminarily signed off on the plans but the resolution is subject to any changes as required from the Fire Department for fire access and water utility needs. Refuse/Mechanicals A refuse enclosure is found on the northeast portion of the site next to the gymnasium and kitchen areas. The enclosure is shown to be constructed of similar materials to the principal structure as per code . Many areas on the building elevations note where mechanicals ar e to be located along the roof and adequate screening is found that matches the materials and colors of the main structure. Some mechanicals may be seen from long views but the mechanicals are shown to be adequately screened from general close public view as of the proposal. Any ground fixtures shall be adequately screened with landscaping or proposed building material screening per the resolution. Landscaping A landscape plan for how the site will be after the completion of the project is included in the submittal. The landscape plan shows a large degree of new landscape material around the entire perimeter of the active site as well as the foundations of the building proposed. Final approval of a landscape plan would take place by the City Forester before any issuance of building permits but preliminary approval is part of this resolution herein. The only staff included change in the Plan Commission resolution is to include street trees along both sides of the entrance driveway where none are proposed at this time. Signage No signage details have been provided at this time. Separate sign permits for any wall or monument signage will be required when known. Any new monument sign would match the primary materials of the structure and have adequate landscaping. Lighting A photometric plan and lighting details of all proposed light fixtures have been included in the submittal. The photometric plan indicates that the lighting will have pole lights throughout the new parking lot areas and access drive. Pole lights will be twenty (20) feet in height (along with the 6” bollard height will bring them to ~20’6”). Code allows heights of pole lights to be no more than the height of the main structure usually in relation to the pole light locations . In the middle school case the main height in the front façade is ~20 feet and the proposal is consistent with code. The photometric plan shows consistency with Muskego codes of no more than 0.5 foot-candles at the adjoining property lines. All fixtures are zero degree cutoff as well. Lighting is to be LED and the pole lights will meet Muskego codes for zero degree cutoff. It should be noted that the middle school is proposed at a large distance from any of the surrounding residential homes. Sewer, Water, Stormwater, Grading The development will be served by municipal sanitary sewer that will extend from North Cape Road to the east. Water service is currently being reviewed by the Public Works Committee in cooperation with MNSD. The resolution is subject to Public Works committee approval of water service. Stormwater management is to occur a few areas surrounding the structure and site. Ponds are found to the west of the structure, to the east of the main parking lot, and one smaller area along the south side of the entrance road. All stormwater will meet city and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District requirements and will be contained on site before being released per city standards. A formal Stormwater Management Plan review and approval is required by the city’s Engineering Department before any release of permits. Other The following are also part of the Plan Commission resolution: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all bollards must be painted to match the colors of the principal structure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any new handicap signs be incorporated into bored bollards. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all roof top and ground mechanicals (including HVAC devices, electrical transformers, etc.) must be adequately screened from usual public view and/or incorporated into the design of the site/structure (screening, etc.) and should be approved by the Planning Division before the issuance of building permits. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 001-2017 Approval of Resolution PC 001-2017 MUSK EG Othe Ci ty of Ar ea o f Inte restI05101,020 Fee t Ag en da Item(s) Pr op er tie s Zon in g D istr ic ts Rig ht -o f-Way Hy dr og rap hy Supp lem ental MapRESOLUTION #PC 00 1-2017 Muske go N or w ay Scho ol D istric t W1 24 S80 09 No rth Ca pe Ro ad J A N E S V I L L E L O O M I S R D RA CIN E AV DURHAM W O O D S CO LL EG E Pre p ar ed b y C ity o f Mu ske g o P la n n in g D e p ar tm e nt Da te : 1 2 /21 /2 01 6 RESOLUTION #P.C. 001-2017 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN FOR MUSKEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL LOCATED IN THE NE ¼ OF SECTION 13 (TAX KEY 2209.999 / W124 S8009 NORTH CAPE ROAD) WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Bray Architects and the Muskego Norway School District (MNSD) for a Building, Site, and Operation Plan approval for a new middle school located at W124 S8009 North Cape Road (Tax Key No. 2209.999), and WHEREAS, The property is zoned I-1 Institutional District and allows the uses as presented, and WHEREAS, The 2020 Comprehensive Plan shows this property as institutional uses and the proposal is consistent with the plan, and WHEREAS, A new 137,000 SF middle school that is proposed to be built off of North Cape Road on a parcel previously purchased by MNSD and rezoned for such a purpose, and WHEREAS, The middle school is designed for up to 750 students and up to 95 full/part -time staff, and WHEREAS, The school is scheduled to be built over the next year and a half with an opening for the fall 2018 school year, and WHEREAS, The proposal looks to include a modern style of architecture that uses the property elevations to create multiple stories in various locations, and WHEREAS, The building has many changes of materials and multiple depth variations along with good use of windows including clerestory windows in a few areas and the building has multiple internal courtyards creating many opportunities for daylight throughout the classrooms, and WHEREAS, This area of the City is governed by the General Design Guide which primarily calls for 50% masonry product unless the Planning Commission finds reasons not to apply the full extent of the guide and currently the proposal shows 100% masonry products and meets the intent of the guide, and WHEREAS, The architecture and materials found throughout the structure consist of multiple types/colors of face brick (light autumn and crimson), many windows, metal panels (cladding walls, entrances and canopies), and the gymnasium utilizing precast concrete panels, and WHEREAS, All earth tone colors are used as shown in the colored renderings provided, and WHEREAS, The site plan shows a total of 170 parking stalls in the main parking lot in the front of the building along with 16 stalls for buses and all t he front parking stalls here meet code requirements of 10 feet by 20 feet, and WHEREAS, There is another overflow lot in the north portion of the property that is usually hard surface outdoor play space during normal school times and this can be used as o verflow event parking at times and has a total of 84 angle parking stalls meeting code, and WHEREAS, The zoning code calls for 1 parking stall for every five (5) students and the proposal meets code as it is noted that the hypothetical maximum of studen ts is 810 which would require at least 162 parking stalls to meet code requirements, and WHEREAS, The site plan shows one access to the site off of North Cape Road to the east, and WHEREAS, North Cape Road is under the jurisdiction of the City of Franklin and/or Milwaukee County, and WHEREAS, The proposal shows some curb and gutter around the two main parking lots and no curb is found along the main entry drive leading up to the main parking lots, and WHEREAS, No curb is found on the drives around the back of the structure or to the north where the play areas are found, and WHEREAS, The site it just south of the WEPCO walking trail and the site plan shows an extension road/path to the walking trail to the north that could be used as an emergency a ccess subject to agreements with the utility company, and WHEREAS, Outdoor play areas are found to the north of the site extending off the gym facilities with hard and turf surfaces found for these recreational activities, and WHEREAS, A refuse enclosure is found on the northeast portion of the site next to the gymnasium and kitchen areas and the enclosure is shown to be constructed of similar materials to the principal structure as per code, and WHEREAS, Many areas on the building elevations note where mechanicals are to be located along the roof and adequate screening is found that matches the materials and colors of the main structure, and WHEREAS, A landscape plan for how the site will be after the completion of the project is included in the submittal and the landscape plan shows a large degree of new landscape material around the entire perimeter of the active site as well as the foundations of the building proposed, and WHEREAS, No signage details have been provided at this time, and WHEREAS, A photometric plan and lighting details of all proposed light fixtures have been included in the submittal and the photometric plan indicates that the lighting will have pole lights throughout the new parking lot areas and access drive, and WHEREAS, The photometric plan shows consistency with Muskego codes of no more than 0.5 foot-candles at the adjoining property lines, and WHEREAS, Pole lights will be twenty (20) feet in height (along with the 6” bollard height will bring them to ~20’6) and the proposal is consistent with code, and WHEREAS, Lighting is to be LED and the pole lights will meet Muskego codes for zero degree cutoff and only having cement bollards not exceeding 6 inches in height per the resolution , and WHEREAS, The development will be served by municipal sanitary sewer that will extend from North Cape Road to the east, and WHEREAS, Water service is currently being reviewed by the Public Works Committee in cooperation with MNSD, and WHEREAS, Stormwater management is to occur in a few areas surrounding the structure and site with ponds found to the west of the structure, to the east of the main parking lot, and one smaller area along the south side of the entrance road. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for a middle school located at W124 S8009 North Cape Road (Tax Key No. 2209.999). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the North Cape Road improvements for the proposed middle school use are subject to approval and requirements of the City of Franklin and/or Milwaukee County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That curb and gutter be found throughout the frontage of the site (entrance road and throughout front two main parking areas) but that the north, south, and west portions of the access drives can be without. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The approval is subject to Public Works committee approval of water service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All stormwater will meet city and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District requirements and will be contained on site before being released per city standards. A formal Stormwater Management Plan review and approval is required by the City’s Engineering Department before any release of permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a separate sign permit will be required before any signage (temporary or permanent) is installed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All lighting must be zero degree tilt and full cut-off and the concrete bases for any pole lights cannot exceed 6 inches in height above grade. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The site plan is subject to Fire Department approvals before Building Permits can be issued and possible changes to the site plan may be required based upon the final Fire Department review. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Preliminary approval of the landscape plan is part of this resolution but a final landscape plan will need to be submitted and approved by the City Forester prior to the issuance of building permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the landscape plan will need to include street trees along both sides of the entrance driveway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any bollards must be painted to match the colors of the principal structure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any new handicap signs be incorporated into bored bollards. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all roof top and ground mechanicals (including HVAC devices, electrical transformers, etc.) must be adequately screened from usual public view and/or incorporated into the design of the site/structure (screening, etc.) and should be approved by the Planning Division before the issuance of building permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Denied: Deferred: Introduced: January 3, 2017 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 002-2016 For the meeting of: January 3, 2017 REQUEST: Building, Site, and Operation Plan Amendment for Mill Valley Elementary School Tax Key No. 2177.931 / W191 S6445 Hillendale Drive NE ¼ of Section 13 PETITIONER: Bray Architects and Muskego Norway School District INTRODUCED: January 3, 2017 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Jeff Muenkel, CEcD AICP BACKGROUND PC 002-2016 A submittal was received from Bray Architects for a Building, Site, and Operation Plan for large additions to the existing Mill Valley Elementary School for the Muskego Norway School District (MNSD). The complete BSO is described in detail herein below for the updated elementary school that is located off of Hillendale Drive. The new additions to the school are scheduled to be built over the next year and a half with an opening for the fall 2018 school year. CONSISTENCY WITH ADOPTED PLANS 002-2016 Comprehensive Plan: The 2020 Plan depicts the property for institutional uses. The petition is consistent with the Plan. Zoning: The property is zoned I-1 Institutional District. The use is permitted subject to BSO approval. However as noted below in more detail, the building is legal non-conforming due to its location to current property lines. A Board of Appeals approval may be required before building permits can be issued. STAFF DISCUSSION PC 002-2016 The submittal is included in the supplement consisting of a narrative, site plans, building elevations, colored renderings, landscape plans, civil plans, and photometric plan. As stated above, Bray requests approvals for additions to the existing Mill Valley Elementary School that would make the school 71,800 square feet in size. Zoning The current structure is deemed legal non-conforming due to the current location of the structure in relation to property lines. The survey shows that the building is as close as 3.1 feet from the north property line and 30.1 feet from the front property line along Hillendale Drive. The proposed additions to the structure will not get any closer to the property lines. The I -1 Institutional Zoning District has regulations that a structure should be 40 feet from a front (roadside) property line and at least 20 feet from a side property line. Thus, the structure is currently legal non-conforming due to not meeting these setback ordinances. Code discusses when a property owner wishes to complete additions to a legal non -conforming structure that they may do so however they have to follow some unique regulations. An o wner will need to show that the new addition costs (not including labor costs) would not exceed 50% of the current valuation of the existing structure. The resolution is subject to the petitioners meeting the 50% valuation ordinance for a legal non - conforming structure. The alternative would be a Zoning Board of Appeals variance before a building permit could be issued. Architecture Per the submittal the school is currently comprised of various additions over the past decades. The plan is to remove a large amount of square footage on the eastern façade. Classrooms, office space, and a new gym space will then be added. The proposal looks to include a modern style of architecture that uses the existing types and colors of masonry product already found on the current structure. The building has many changes of materials and multiple depth variations along with good use of windows. The building has multiple internal courtyards creating many opportunities for daylight throughout the classrooms. This area of the City is governed by the General Design Guide which primarily calls for 50% masonry product unless the Planning Commission finds reasons not to apply the full extent of the guide. Currently the proposal shows 100% masonry products and meets the intent of the guide. The site plan shows that the new building will be a one story structure throughout all facades. A higher elevation gym structure is found at the rear of the proposal along the west façade. The architecture and materials found throughout the structure consist of a matching red brick to the current structure, a contrasting grey brick to break up horizontal massing, metal panels on various canopies, and the gymnasium constructed with precast concrete panels. All earth tone colors are used as shown in the colored renderings provided. Site, Parking, and Access The site plan shows a total of 146 parking stalls in the main parking lot located within the primary accesses off of Hillendale Drive along with 14 stalls for buses. All the front parking stalls here meet code requirements of 10 feet by 20 feet. There is another overflow lot in the western portion of the property that is usually hard surface outdoor play space during normal school times. This can be used as overflow event parking at times and has a total of 58 parking stalls meeting code. The zoning code calls for 2 parking stalls for every classroom. Approximately thirty (30) classroom areas are shown on the site plan allowing the proposed amount of main parking stalls to meet city requirem ents. The proposal shows some new curb and gutter around a few landscape islands but the new parking lots are largely shown as without curb/gutter due to the need to sheet flow much of the stormwater. The existing site has largely been without curb/gutter in the past as well so the omission of curb/gutter in this more rural setting could be allowed by Plan Commission. The resolution is currently written to allow the site as proposed with the small use of curb/gutter. The site plan shows a few access points off of Hillendale Drive to the east. The access points are setup to allow pickup and drop-off on the most eastern parking lot and the daily user parking stalls, along with bus parking, on the more western lot. Separation of the access points should alleviate any traffic congestion on Hillendale Drive. Staff has included one item in the resolution in regards to screening of the private landowners across the street to the east. The newly proposed second entrance from the south lines up directly across f rom a private landowners house. A group of large coniferous trees already exist here and provide half a screen but it appears that more screening would be needed in relati on to the proposed entrance/exit drive. Staff has the following in the resolution similar to what Plan Commission approved for the Taco Bell BSO in 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the petitioner shall work with the landowner to the east of the second proposed new school entrance from the south and shall install up to two (2) 8-foot high coniferous trees for the landowner so as to provide more screening from the entrance. Said requirement can be waived if private landowner declines and/or modified subject to the school and landowner agreement. Hillendale Drive is under the jurisdiction of the City of Muskego. The road is a rural cross section in front of the school with mainly ditch lined edges. The resolution is subject to Engineering Department review for possible upgrades (accel/decel lanes, etc.) to Hillendale Drive along the entra nces to the new school site. A traffic study may be required by the Engineering Department for determinations. Outdoor play areas are found to the south of the main structure extending off the gym facilities. Hard and turf surfaces are found for these recreational activities. Fire Department Approval The Fire Department has preliminarily signed off on the plans but the resolution is subject to any changes as required from the Fire Department for fire access and water utility needs. Refuse/Mechanicals A current refuse area is found on the northeast corner of the site adjacent to the building and is screened by fencing. No change is proposed to this area. Many areas on the building elevations note where mechanicals are to be located along the roof and adequate screening is found that matches the materials and colors of the main structure. Some mechanicals may be seen from long views but the mechanicals are shown to be adequately screened from general close public view as of the proposal. Any ground fix tures shall be adequately screened with landscaping or proposed building material screening per the resolution. Landscaping A landscape plan for how the site will be after the completion of the project is included in the submittal. The landscape plan shows a large degree of new landscape material around the entire perimeter of the active site as well as the foundations of the building proposed. Final approval of a landscape plan would take place by the City Forester before any issuance of building permits but preliminary approval is part of this resolution herein. No major changes are recommended. Signage No signage details have been provided at this time. Separate sign permits for any wall or monument signage will be required when known. Any new monument sign would match the primary materials of the structure and have adequate landscaping. Lighting A photometric plan and lighting details of all proposed light fixtures have been included in the submittal. The photometric plan indicates that the lighting will have pole lights throughout the new parking lot areas and access drive. Pole lights will be fifteen (15) feet in height (along with the 6” bollard height will bring them to ~15’6”). Code allows heights of pole lights to be no more than the height of the main structure usually in relation to the pole light locations and the proposal is consistent with code. The photometric plan shows consistency with Muskego codes of no mor e than 0.5 foot-candles at the adjoining property lines. All fixtures are zero degree cutoff as well. Lighting is to be LED and the pole lights will meet Muskego codes for zero degree cutoff. It should be noted that the middle school is proposed at a large distance from any of the surrounding residential homes. Sewer, Water, Stormwater, Grading The development will be served by municipal sanitary sewer that currently exists for the site. Water service is currently from a private well system. Stormwater management is to occur a few areas surrounding the structure and site. Ponds are found to the west of the structure as well as to the south of the new parking lots. All stormwater will meet city and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District requirements and will be contained on site before being released per city standards. A formal Stormwater Management Plan review and approval is required by the city’s Engineering Department before any release of permits. Other The following are also part of the Plan Commission resolution: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all bollards must be painted to match the colors of the principal structure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any new handicap signs be incorporated into bored bollards. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all roof top and ground mechanicals (including HVAC devices, electrical transformers, etc.) must be adequately screened from usual public view and/or incorporated into the design of the site/structure (screening, etc.) and should be approved by the Planning Division before the issuance of building permits. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 002-2016 Approval of Resolution PC 002-2016 MUSK EG Othe Ci ty of Ar ea o f Inte restI0410820 Fee t Ag en da Item(s) Pr op er tie s Zon in g D istr ic ts Rig ht -o f-Way Hy dr og rap hy Supp lem ental MapRESOLUTION #PC 00 2-2017 Muske go N or w ay Scho ol D istric t W1 91 S64 45 Hillen da le Dr ive J A N E S V I L L E L O O M I S R D RA CIN E AV DURHAM W O O D S CO LL EG E Pre p ar ed b y C ity o f Mu ske g o P la n n in g D e p ar tm e nt Da te : 1 2 /21 /2 01 6 RESOLUTION #P.C. 002-2017 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AMENDMENT FOR MILL VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED IN THE NE ¼ OF SECTION 13 (TAX KEY 2177.931 / W191 S6445 HILLENDALE DRIVE) WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Bray Architects and the Muskego Norway School District (MNSD) for a Building, Site, and Operation Plan amendment approval for additions to the existing Mill Valley Elementary School located at W191 S6445 Hillendale Drive (Tax Key No. 2177.931), and WHEREAS, The property is zoned I-1 Institutional District and allows the uses as presented, and WHEREAS, The current structure is deemed legal non-conforming due to the current location of the structure in relation to property lines, and WHEREAS, The survey shows that the building is as close as 3.1 feet from the north property line and 30.1 feet from the front property line along Hillendale Drive and the I-1 Institutional Zoning District has regulations that a structure should be 40 feet from a front (roadside) property line and at least 20 feet from a side property line, and WHEREAS, The 2020 Comprehensive Plan shows this property as institutional uses and the proposal is consistent with the plan, and WHEREAS, Additions to the existing Mill Valley Elementary School would m ake the school 71,800 square feet in size to be built at the parcel located off of Hillendale Drive, and WHEREAS, The school is scheduled to be built over the next year and a half with an opening for the fall 2018 school year, and WHEREAS, The proposal looks to include a modern style of architecture that uses the existing types and colors of masonry product already found on the current structure , and WHEREAS, The building has many changes of materials and multiple depth variations along with good use of windows and the building has multiple internal courtyards creating many opportunities for daylight throughout the classrooms, and WHEREAS, This area of the City is governed by the General Design Guide which primarily calls for 50% masonry product unless the Planning Commission finds reasons not to apply the full extent of the guide and currently the proposal shows 100% masonry products and meets the intent of the guide, and WHEREAS, The architecture and materials found throughout the structure consist of a matching red brick to the current structure, a contrasting grey brick to break up horizontal massing, metal panels on various canopies, and the gymnasium constructed with precast concrete panels , and WHEREAS, All earth tone colors are used as shown in the colored renderings provided, and WHEREAS, The site plan shows a total of 146 parking stalls in the main parking lot located with the primary accesses off of Hillendale Drive along with 14 stalls for buses and all the front parking stalls here meet code requirements of 10 feet by 20 feet, and WHEREAS, There is another overflow lot in the western portion of the property that is usually hard surface outdoor play space during normal school times and this can be used as overflow event parking at times and has a total of 58 parking stalls meeting code, and WHEREAS, The proposal shows some new curb and gutter around a few landscape islands but the new parking lots are largely shown as without curb/gutter due to the need to sheet flow much of the stormwater, and WHEREAS, The zoning code calls for 2 parking stalls for every classroom and approximately thirty (30) classroom areas are shown on the site plan allowing the proposed amount of main parking stalls to meet city requirements, and WHEREAS, The site plan shows a few access points off of Hillendale Drive to the east and said access points are setup to allow pickup and drop-off on the most eastern parking lot and the daily user parking stalls, along with bus parking, on the more western lot, and WHEREAS, Hillendale Drive is under the jurisdiction of the City of Muskego and is a rural cross section roadway with mainly ditch lined edges., and WHEREAS, Outdoor play areas are found to the south of the main structure extending off the gym facilities. Hard and turf surfaces are found for these recreational activities, and WHEREAS, A current refuse area is found on the northeast corner of the site adjacent to the building and is screened by fencing and no change is proposed to this area, and WHEREAS, Many areas on the building elevations note where mechanicals are to be located along the roof and adequate screening is found that matches the materials and colors of the main structure, and WHEREAS, A landscape plan for how the site will be after the completion of the project is included in the submittal and the landscape plan shows a large degree of new landscape material around the entire perimeter of the active site as well as the foundations of the building proposed, and WHEREAS, No signage details have been provided at this time, and WHEREAS, A photometric plan and lighting details have been included in the submittal. The photometric plan indicates that the lighting will have pole lights throughout the new parking lot areas and access drive, and WHEREAS, The photometric plan shows consistency with Muskego codes of no more than 0.5 foot-candles at the adjoining property lines, and WHEREAS, A photometric plan and lighting details of all proposed light fixtures have been included in the submittal and the photometric plan indicates that the lighting will have pole lights throughout the new parking lot areas and access drive, and WHEREAS, The photometric plan shows consistency with Muskego codes of no more than 0.5 foot-candles at the adjoining property lines, and WHEREAS, Pole lights will be fifteen (15) feet in height (along with the 6” bollard height will bring them to ~15’6) and the proposal is consistent with code, and WHEREAS, Lighting is to be LED and the pole lights will meet Muskego codes for zero degree cutoff and only having cement bollards not exceeding 6 inches in height per the resolution , and WHEREAS, The development will be served by municipal sanitary sewer that exists along Hillendale Drive, and WHEREAS, Water service is currently from a private well system, and WHEREAS, Stormwater management is to occur in a few areas surrounding the structure and site with ponds found to the west of the structure as well as to the south of the new parking lots road. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan amendment for additions to the existing Mill Valley Elementary School located at W191 S6445 Hillendale Drive (Tax Key No. 2177.931). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The resolution is subject to the petitioners meeting the 50% valuation ordinance for a legal non-conforming structure. The alternative would be a Zoning Board of Appeals variance before a building permit could be issued. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All stormwater will meet city and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District requirements and will be contained on site before being released per city standards. A formal Stormwater Management Plan review and approval is required by the City’s Engineering Department before any release of permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a separate sign permit will be required before any signage (temporary or permanent) is installed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All lighting must be zero degree tilt and full cut-off and the concrete bases for any pole lights cannot exceed 6 inches in height above grade. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the petitioner shall work with the landowner to the east of the second proposed new school entrance from the south and shall install 8 -foot high coniferous trees for the landowner so as to provide more screening from the entrance. Said requirement can be waived if private landowner declines and/or modified subject to the school and landowner agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The resolution is subject to Engineering Department review for possible upgrades (accel/decel lanes, etc.) to Hillendale Drive along the entrances to the new school site and a traffic study may be required by the Engineering Department for such determinations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The site plan is subject to Fire Department approvals before Building Permits can be issued and possible changes to the site plan may be required based upon the final Fire Department review. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A final landscape plan will need to be submitted and approved by the City prior to the issuance of building permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any bollards must be painted to match the colors of the principal structure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any new handicap signs be incorporated into bored bollards. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all roof top and ground mechanicals (including HVAC devices, electrical transformers, etc.) must be adequately screened from usual public view and/or incorporated into the design of the site/structure (screening, etc.) and should be approved by the Planning Division before the issuance of building permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Denied: Deferred: Introduced: January 3, 2017 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 003-2017 For the meeting of: January 3, 2017 REQUEST: Building, Site, and Operation Plan Amendments for St. Leonard Congregation Tax Key No. 2196.945 / W173 S7743 Westwood Drive SE ¼ of Section 9 PETITIONER: Groth Design Group INTRODUCED: January 3, 2017 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Adam Trzebiatowski, AICP BACKGROUND PC 003-2017 On December 19, 2016 a submittal was received from Groth Design Group for St. Leonard Congregation to remove approximately 1,900 SF of existing vestibule, toilet rooms, offices and a canopy and replace them with a 7,530 SF addition onto the front (east) of the building. The new addition will include a large gathering space, a kitchenette, ADA-accessible toilet rooms, storage, and office/multi-purpose space. The project will also include the addition of a fire wall, landscaping, and some minor parking lot modifications. CONSISTENCY WITH ADOPTED PLANS 003-2017 Comprehensive Plan: The 2020 Plan depicts the property for Government &Institutional uses. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Zoning: The property is zoned I-1, Government, Institutional & Public Service District. The use is permitted subject to BSO approval. STAFF DISCUSSION PC 003-2017 St. Leonard Congregation has been planning to re-design/expand the main entry into the church for some time. They have now submitted a plan for an addition that meets their growing needs as a church. ARCHITECTURE The proposed addition will have complementary materials and colors to the existing church building. The bulk of the new wall areas will be brick that will match the brick on the existing church building. Additionally, the remainder of the wall areas will be a complementary light-gray E.I.F.S.. There will be bronze-anodized aluminum storefront windows and doors that will match existing widows/doors. Lastly, the asphalt shingles proposed for the new roof will match those on the recent re-roofed attached parish office building. The City typically likes to see four-sided architecture and/or 50% masonry on all visible facades. Even though the front façade is the most visible, all elevation s contain a fair amount of masonry. The percentages of masonry are as follows:  Front (East) – 61%  South Side – 68%  North Side – 54%  Rear (West) – 41% Even though the rear elevation contains less than 50% masonry, this is completely acceptable since this façade faces an internal courtyard space not visible from surrounding view. SITE/PARKING There is plenty of existing parking on site. As part of the proposal there are some parking stalls that are being removed due to the placement of the addition. These stalls are being replaced further south along the front of the existing building. These new parking stalls measure 10’x20’ in size. Also, some of the existing parking stalls directly across the main drive aisle are being re-paved and re-striped due to required site work in that area. These replaced stalls will be the same size as the existing in that area, which are 10’x18’ for straight stalls and 9’x18’ for angled stalls. LIGHTING No new/altered lighting details are provided at this time. It is noted that three pole lights will need to be located and there will be new lighting on the building. Any new, reinstalled or altered exterior lighting will need specific approval from the Planning Division before installation and said approval m ay require a photometric plan. Any newly proposed/altered lighting must be full cut -off and zero degree tilt, with the possible exception of decorative architectural accent lighting. The concrete base of any new pole lighting cannot exceed six (6) inches in height. LANDSCAPING As part of the proposed project, there is some existing landscaping that needs to be removed from the site to accommodate the addition and associated grading/site work. A draft of a new landscape plan has been submitted. The plan indicates that some trees will be replaced, along with foundation plantings around the base of the new addition. Formal review of the landscape plan will occur at the time of permitting. OTHER  No new signage details are provided at this time other than general notes about signage/logo. Any new/altered signage (temporary or permanent) will require separate permits.  Any bollards must be painted to match the color of the building.  Any handicap parking signs must be mounted to the building or bored into the ground.  No outdoor storage or display is allowed on site unless specific Plan Commission approvals are granted in the future for any storage and all dumpsters/recycle bins must be located within the existing trash enclosure and/or with a new separately approved enclosure.  Any exterior (ground or roof mounted) mechanicals (HVAC units, transformers, etc.) must be screened from surrounding view. Details relating to the location and size of these features must be provided at Building Permit time.  The plans for this use and site layout must be reviewed by the Fire Department and any changes they may require must be made, including the possible widening/a ltering of driveways and/or parking areas.  The Engineering Department will need to review the final civil plans at the time of permitting to ensure all grading and stormwater items are properly being addressed. Overall, the addition to the building and the site alterations will enhance the overall look of this existing building and site. The resolution is written for approval as submitted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 003-2017 Approval of Resolution PC 003-2017 MUSK EG Othe Ci ty of Ar ea o f Inte restI0340680 Fee t Ag en da Item(s) Pr op er tie s Zon in g D istr ic ts Rig ht -o f-Way Hy dr og rap hy Supp lem ental MapRESOLUTION #PC 00 3-2017 St. Leo na rd Con gr eg ation W1 73 S77 43 W es two od D rive J A N E S V I L L E L O O M I S R D RA CIN E AV DURHAM W O O D S CO LL EG E Pre p ar ed b y C ity o f Mu ske g o P la n n in g D e p ar tm e nt Da te : 1 2 /21 /2 01 6 RESOLUTION #P.C. 003-2017 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AMENDMENT FOR ST LEONARD CONGREGATION LOCATED IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 9 (TAX KEY 2196.945 / W173 S7743 WESTWOOD DRIVE) WHEREAS, On December 19, 2016 a submittal was received from Groth Design Group on behalf of St. Leonard Congregation for a property located at W173 S7743 Westwood Drive (Tax Key No. 2196.945), and WHEREAS, The petitioner is proposing to remove approximately 1,900 SF of existing vestibule, toilet rooms, offices and a canopy and replace them with a 7,530 SF addition onto the front (east) of the building, and WHEREAS, The new addition will include a large gathering space, a kitchenette, ADA -accessible toilet rooms, storage, and office/multi-purpose space, and WHEREAS, The project will also include the addition of a fire wall, landscaping, and some minor parking lot modifications, and WHEREAS, The proposed addition will have complementary materials and colors to the existing church building, and WHEREAS, The bulk of the new wall areas will be brick that will match the brick on the existing building; the remainder of the wall areas will be a complementary light-gray E.I.F.S., and WHEREAS, The percentages of masonry are as follows on each facade:  Front (East) – 61%  South Side – 68%  North Side – 54%  Rear (West) – 41%, and WHEREAS, There will be bronze-anodized aluminum storefront windows and doors that will match the existing and the asphalt shingles proposed for the new roof will match those on the recent re-roofed attached parish office building, and WHEREAS, There is plenty of existing parking being provided on site, and WHEREAS, Some parking stalls are being removed due to the placement of the addition but these stalls are being replaced further south along the front of the existing building and they will measure 10’x20’ in size, and WHEREAS, Some of the existing parking stalls directly across the main drive aisle are being re - paved and re-striped due to required site work in that area and said stalls will be the s ame size as the existing in that area, which are 10’x18’ for straight stalls and 9’x18’ for angled stalls, and WHEREAS, Some general notes about new/altered lighting have been discussed about but more details will need to be provided, and WHEREAS, No new/altered signage is shown at this time, and WHEREAS, The proposed project is going to require that some existing landscap ing be removed from the site and the new proposal includes a Landscape Plan that shows that some trees will be replaced along with foundation plantings being added around the base of the new addition. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of an amended Building, Site and Operation Plan from Groth Design Group on behalf of St. Leonard Congregation located at W173 S7743 Westwood Drive (Tax Key No. 2196.945). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A formal landscape plan must be reviewed by the City Forester before permits can be issued. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the plans for this use and site layout must be reviewed by the Fire Department and any changes they may require must be made, including the possible widening/altering of driveways and/or parking areas. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Since no lighting specifics are provided at this time, any new, relocated, or altered exterior lighting will need specific approval from the Planning Division before installation and said approval may require a photometric plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any exterior (ground or roof mounted) mechanicals (HVAC units, transformers, etc.) must be screened from surrounding view and details relating to the location and size of these features must be provided at Building Permit time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No outdoor storage or display is allowed on site unless specific Plan Commission approvals are granted in the future for any storage and all dumpsters/recycle bins must be located within the existing trash enclosure and/or with a new separately approved enclosure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any bollards must be painted to match the color of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any handicap parking signs must be mounted to the building or bored into the ground. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any new/altered signage (temporary or permanent) will require a separate permit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A copy of said plans must be kept on file and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Denied: Deferred: Introduced: January 3, 2017 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 004-2016 For the meeting of: January 3, 2017 REQUEST: The Glen at Pellmann Farm Building Site and Operation Plan Woods Road / Tax Key No. 2218.990.008 NW ¼ of Section 15 PETITIONER: Cornerstone Development INTRODUCED: January 3, 2017 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Jeff Muenkel AICP BACKGROUND PC 004-2016 Cornerstone Development has submitted a Building, Site, and Operation Plan to begin fulfilling the development approvals for the Glen at Pellmann Farm . The development was approved for a Planned Development zoning district per Council Ordinance #1408 in October 2016. PLAN CONSISTENCY PC 004-2016 Comprehensive Plan: The 2020 Plan depicts the area for medium density residential uses (1- 2.99/units an acre OR 1 unit per 14,569 square feet). The proposal consists of thirty-four (34) units on 11.48 acres which equates to 1 unit per 14,708 square feet. The proposed densities are within the guidelines of the 2020 Plan. Zoning: A rezoning to a Planned Development was approved by the Plan Commission and Common Council in October 2016. The proposal herein substantially matches the rezoning proposal of adhering closely to the RM-2 zoning district requirements. Parks and Conservation Plan The Parks and Conservation Plan does not show any park land or environmental areas on the proposed lots. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Adopted 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area: The property will be serviced with municipal sewer. The proposal is consistent with the Plan and will require civil approvals by the City Public Works Committee as well as a future developer’s agreement for public improvements. Water Capacity Assessment District: The property will be serviced with municipal water. The proposal is consistent with the Plan and will require civil approvals by the City Public Works Committee as well as a future developer’s agreement for public improvements. Stormwater Management Plan: Stormwater management is part of the submittal and a full stormwater management plan detailing the shown stormwater ponds for the site is already in review with the City’s Engineering Department. To date the storm water management plan meets the strict city requirements and manages stormwater onsite without affecting surrounding properties or the lake to the east. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. DISCUSSION PC 004-2016 The submittal is very comprehensive containing a narrative, site plan, landscape plan, building elevations, and color renderings. As stated above, the proposal is to begin fulfilling the development approvals for The Glen at Pellmann Farm. The development was approved for a Planned Development zoning district per Council Ordinance #1408 in October 2016. The 11.48 acre site is located along Woods Road just s outh of the Parkland Drive intersection. The property has frontage along Kurtze Lane as well. The Cornerstone Development allows a condo development of thirty-four (34) units that would include all ranch style structures consisting of eleven (11) two-family structures and three (3) four family structures. The development includes a clubhouse and has internal private roads that stem off of Woods Road and Kurtze Lane. Site Plan: The site plan shows that there will be the thirty-four (34) units consisting of eleven (11) two-family structures, three (3) four family structures, and a clubhouse. Access points to the development will occur on two points off of Woods Road (one lining up with Parkland Drive) to the north and Kurtze Lane to the south. The three four-family buildings will be located to the west of the site and the two -family structures to the east of the site. The aforementioned clubhouse will be erected at the same time as the first condo structure. Stormwater is shown to occur at the far southwestern portion of the parcel. Roadways will be privately maintained by the development yet built to city standards. Parking for the units include two enclosed parking spaces plus room for up to two cars on each units driveway. Multi family parking codes request at least two enclosed spaces and the proposal meets code. The clubhouse has ten (10) private parking stalls as well. Architecture: There are essentially three structures in the proposed development consisting of four -plexes, duplexes, and a clubhouse. All the proposed structures utilize the same materials and architecture consisting of the following materials: Composite siding/trim, window mullions, architectural shingles, composite shake siding, stone sill and veneers, various decorative louvers and composite stucco panels for accents. Per the drawings submitted the duplexes and four-plexes will all be the same design but will alter in colors from structure to structure. Further, owners will have options to add on dens and/or sunrooms if desired. The area is governed by the City’s General Design Guide where 50% masonry is usually found on multifamily type buildings such as these and all structures show 50% masonry product along with a high degree of architectural upgrades. Lighting: There is no photometric plan or lighting specifics at this time. However, the petitioners have indicated that they intend to have coach lights in front of each unit as well as accent lighting on each structure. A photometric plan and lighting details will be required at the time of the first building permit for the development. Signage: There is a location for a monument sign shown on the landscape plan . The future sign monument may be applied for at a future time and is subject to permits when ready. Fire Department: Preliminary review has taken place by the Fire Department for appropriate utility locations as well as appropriate fire access. One item of note is that the Fire Department required that the eastern access be a full access to Woods Road and not simply an emergency access. The resolution is subject to Fire Department full approval before developer’s agreement approval as well as building permit approvals. Refuse/Mechanicals: Refuse is handled the same as a single family residential lot with local picku p weekly. No dumpster locations are shown or required. Ground mechanicals are typical to single family homes and screening is shown in the landscape plans that will be part of each condo building. Landscaping: An extensive set of landscaping plans are part of the submittal. A separate landscape plan for the entire parcel is found along with landscaping plans for each structure that will be erected. For the overall site landscaping is found along all perimeters including key locations next to adjoining r esidential lots for buffering and screening purposes. The individual structure landscape plans , including the clubhouse, show a wealth of foundation plantings that will complement each building as well as screen any low utilities. The landscape plans are subject to City Forester approvals before developer’s agreement approvals. Utilities: The property will be serviced with municipal sewer and water. The proposal will require civil approvals by the City Public Works Committee as well as a future developer’s agreement for public improvements similar to a subdivision approval in the city. Stormwater management is part of the submittal and a full storm water management plan detailing the shown stormwater ponds for the site is already in review with the City’s Engineering Department. To date the stormwater management plan meets the strict city requirements and manages stormwater onsite without affecting surrounding properties or the lake to the east. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Condominium Plat and Certified Survey Map A condo plat and certified survey map are still required for the final execution of the development as well as to tie the civil plans to a land division and developer’s agreement. The CSM and condo plat will be forthcoming to a future Plan Commission after the developers have their preliminary approvals via this BSO Plan discussion. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 004-2016 Approval of Resolution PC 004-2016. MUSK EG Othe Ci ty of Ar ea o f Inte restI0250500 Fee t Ag en da Item(s) Pr op er tie s Zon in g D istr ic ts Rig ht -o f-Way Hy dr og rap hy Supp lem ental MapRESOLUTION #PC 00 4-2017 Co rne rst on e De ve lop men t Woo ds Ro ad J A N E S V I L L E L O O M I S R D RA CIN E AV DURHAM W O O D S CO LL EG E Pre p ar ed b y C ity o f Mu ske g o P la n n in g D e p ar tm e nt Da te : 1 2 /21 /2 01 6 RESOLUTION #P.C.004-2017 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN FOR THE GLEN AT PELLMANN FARM LOCATED IN THE NE ¼ OF SECTION 13 (WOODS ROAD / TAX KEY NO. 2218.990.008) WHEREAS, Plans were submitted by Cornerstone Development for a Building, Site and Operation Plan for The Glen at Pellmann Farm development located in the NE ¼ of Section 13 (Woods Road / Tax Key No. 2218.990.008), and WHEREAS, Cornerstone Development has submitted a Building, Site, and Operation Plan to begin fulfilling the developm ent approvals for the Glen at Pellmann Farm where said development was approved for a Planned Development zoning district per Council Ordinance #1408 in October 2016, and WHEREAS, A rezoning to a Planned Development was approved by the Plan Commission and Common Council in October 2016 and the proposal herein substantially matches the rezoning proposal of adhering closely to the RM-2 zoning district requirements, and WHEREAS, The 2010 Plan depicts this area for medium density residential use and the proposal is consistent with the plan, and WHEREAS, The 11.48 acre site is located along Woods Road just south of the Parkland Drive intersection and the property has frontage along Kurtze Lane as well, and WHEREAS, The Cornerstone Development allows a condo d evelopment of thirty-four (34) units that would include all ranch style structures consisting of eleven (11) two -family structures and three (3) four family structures along with a clubhouse and internal private roads that stem off of Woods Road and Kurtze Lane, and WHEREAS, The three four-family buildings will be located to the west of the site and the two -family structures to the east of the site and the clubhouse will be erected at the same tim e as the first condo structure, and WHEREAS, Roadways will be privately maintained by the developm ent yet built to city standards, and WHEREAS, Parking for the units includes two enclosed parking spaces plus room for up to two cars on each units driveway and multifamily parking codes request at least two enclose d spaces and the proposal meets code, and WHEREAS, There are essentially three structures in the proposed development consisting of four -plexes, duplexes, and a clubhouse and all the proposed structures utilize the same materials and architecture, and WHEREAS, The building materials consist of composite siding/trim, window mullions, architectural shingles, composite shake siding, stone sill and veneers, various decorative louvers and composit e stucco panels for accents, and WHEREAS, There is no photometric plan or lighting specifics at this time, and WHEREAS, There is a location for a monument sign shown on the landscape plan , and WHEREAS, Preliminary review has taken place by the Fire Department for appropriate utility locations as well as appropriate fire access and one item of note is that the Fire Department required that the eastern access be a full access to Woods Road and not simply an emergency access, and WHEREAS, Refuse is handled the same as a single family residentia l lot with local pickup weekly and no dumpster locations are required, and WHEREAS, Ground mechanicals are typical to single family homes and screening is shown in the landscape plans that will be part of each condo building, and WHEREAS, An extensive set of landscaping plans are part of the submittal consisting of a separate landscape plan for the entire parcel along with landscaping plans for each structure that will be erected, and WHEREAS, The overall site landscaping is found along all perimeters including key locations next to adjoining residential lots for buffering and screening purposes, and WHEREAS, The individual structure landscape plans, including the clubhouse, show a wealth of foundation plantings that will complement each buildings well as screen any low utilities, and WHEREAS, The property will be serviced with municipal sewer and water requiring a developer’s agreement, and WHEREAS, Stormwater management is part of the submittal and a full stormwater management plan detailing the shown stormwater ponds for the site is already in review with the City’s Engineering Department. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves the Building, Site and Operation Plan for The Glen at Pellmann Farm development located in the NE ¼ of Section 13 (Woods Road / Tax Key No. 2218.990.008),. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The proposal will require civil approvals by the City Public Works Committee as well as a future developer’s agreement for public improvements similar to a subdivision approval in the city. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The landscape plans are subject to City Forester approvals before developer’s agreement approvals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A separate permit is required for any future sign monument. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The resolution is subject to Fire Department full approval before developer’s agreement approval as well as building permit approvals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A photometric plan and lighting details will be required at the time of the first building permit for the development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a condo plat and certified survey map are still required for the final execution of the development as well as to tie the civil plans to a land division and developer’s agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no outdoor storage is allowed on the condo property (including but not limited to boats, trailers, campers, etc.). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital file of this CSM and Condo Plat shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance No. 1118 and Resolution 196-2002. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: January 3, 2017 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary P A R K L A N D D R I V E GREEN COURT EXISTING BUILDINGS EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING ) ( 6 0 ' R . O . W . ) (60' R.O.W.) KURTZE LANE WOO D S R O A D (VA R I A B L E R . O . W . ) (6 0 ' R . O . W . ) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W CLUBHOUSE BLDG 4 BLDG 13 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 6 POND SINGLE FAMILY LOT BLDG 1 BLDG 5 BLDG 7 BLDG 14 TREES TO BE PRESERVED BLDG 12 BLDG 11 BLDG 10 W W W FGF = 789.00 FGF = 789.00 FYG= 788.65 FGF = 789 . 0 0 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FGF = 789 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 FG F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 FGF = 7 8 9 . 0 0 FGF = 7 8 9 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 FG F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 F G F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 FG F = 7 8 9 . 0 0 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 788.65 FYG= 785.00 FYG= 785.00 FY G = 7 8 5 . 0 0 FYG= 785.00 FYG= 785.00 F Y G = 7 8 5 . 0 0 FYG = 7 8 5 . 0 0 FY G = 7 8 5 . 0 0 FY G = 7 8 5 . 0 0 FYG= 786.50 W W W W W W W PINNACLE ENGINEERING GROUP 15850 W. BLUEMOUND ROAD | SUITE 210 | BROOKFIELD, WI 53005 | WWW.PINNACLE-ENGR.COM PLAN | DESIGN | DELIVER PEG JOB# PELLMANN FARMS 12/21/2016 570.00 WO O D S R O A D P A R K L A N D D R I V E EXISTING BUILDINGS EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING CONCRETE DRIVE (VA R I A B L E R . O . W . ) (6 0 ' R . O . W . ) (60' R.O.W.) POND KURTZE LANE WOO D S R O A D (VA R I A B L E R . O . W . ) (6 0 ' R . O . W . ) CLUBHOUSE BLDG 4 BLDG 13 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 6 POND SINGLE FAMILY LOT BLDG 1 BLDG 5 BLDG 7 BLDG 14 TREES TO BE PRESERVED BLDG 12 BLDG 11 BLDG 10 © C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 1 6 5(9,6,216 6+((7 3( *  - 2 %  1 R  3( *  3 0 67 $ 5 7  ' $ 7 ( 6& $ / ( PINNACLE ENGINEERING GROUP PINNACLE ENGINEERING GROUP ww w . p i n n a c l e - e n g r . c o m WISCONSIN OFFICE: 15850 W. BLUEMOUND ROAD BROOKFIELD, WI 53005 (262) 754-8888 ENGINEERING I NATURAL RESOURCES I SURVEYING PLAN I DESIGN I DELIVER CHICAGO I MILWAUKEE : NATIONWIDE www.pinnacle-engr.com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The Glen at Pellmann Farm Double Duplex The Glen at Pellmann Farm Clubhouse RO AD P A R K L A N D D R I V E UNPLATTED LANDS PARCEL 1 C.S.M. NO. 77 PARCEL 1 C.S.M. NO. 5214 PARCEL 1 C.S.M. NO. 5317 PARCEL 1 C.S.M. NO. 4278 TAX KEY #221899 EXISTING BUILDINGS EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDINGC O N C R E T E C U R B C O N C R E T E C U R B CON C R E T E C U R B EDGE OF ICE EL.=777.3 02/2016 E D G E O F P A V E M E N T AS P H A L T P A V E M E N T A S P H A L T P A V E M E N T AS P H A L T S I D E W A L K ASP H A L T S I D E W A L K ASPHALT DRIVE TAX KEY #2218993 T 18 ESTATES WATER & SANITARY LATERALS LOT 17 SARAH ESTATES LOT 16 SARAH ESTATES BL E R . O . W . ) ( 6 0 ' R . O . W . ) (60' R.O.W.) TAX KEY #2218995001 RAMP CLUBHOUSE KURTZE LANE RAM P WOO D S R O A D (VA R I A B L E R . O . W . ) UNPLATTED LAND ASPHALT DRIVE ASPHALT DRIVE UNPLATTED LANDS ASPHALT PAVEMENT PE L L M A N L A N E (6 0 ' R . O . W . ) UNPLATTED LANDS UNPLATTED LANDS BLDG 4 BLDG 13 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 6 BLDG 9 POND SINGLE FAMILY LOT BLDG 1 BLDG 5 BLDG 8 BLDG 7 BLDG 14 TREES TO BE PRESERVED BLDG 12 BLDG 10 BLDG 11 CL DITCH CL D I T C H CL D I T C H CL D I T C H CL D I T C H WATER & SANITARY LATERALS CATCH BASIN RIM=780.49 24" W=772.04 24" E=771.99 CATCH BASIN RIM=780.21 24" S=772.26 24" E=772.16 NE INV.=783.29 SW INV.=783.4 12" RCP INV.=783.07 30" RCP INV.=776.03 12" CMP (BURIED) 12" CMP NE INV.=784.72 SW INV.=784.62 INLET RIM=785.67 12" SE=782.82 12" NW=782.82 12" SW=782.92 CATCH BASIN RIM=777.56 12" N=775.07 18" S=774.77 1 SWO 1 GSL 1 SHL 1 GMSM 3 SS 3 ABS 3 CBS 3 CBS 3 TCH 3 SSFC 3 BHS 3 JTL 5 NS 4 CF 3 BHS 3 NS 3 BHS 3 BHS 4 NS 4 BHS 3 NS 2 BHS 3 BHS 3 NS 2 RJFC 3 BHS 2 RJFC 3 NS 2 BC 3 SSFC 3 BHS 3 TCH 2 NS 1 TCH 3 CBS 2 BHS 1 ABS 2 ABS 2 NS 2 SHL 1 AGMH 3 CBS 4 NS 2 AFC 2 AFC 7 KKC 6 BuJ 12 KFRG MONUMENT SIGN 3 CBS1 CF 2 CF 2 GMSM 2 GSL 2 ABM 1 SWO 1 SWO 1 GMSM 3 GSL 1 ABM 2 GSL 2 RL 2 SHL 2 SWO 2 BC 2 RL 2 SWO 2 ABM 3 BHS 3 CF NO R T H PARKLAND DRIVE WO O D S R O A D NW 1/4 SEC. 15 T5N, R20ELA N N O N D R I V E KURTZE LANE PE L L M A N LA N E 1" = 60' OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN1257+ SHEET NUMBER DATE PROJECT NUMBER SHEET TITLE PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT DESCRIPTIONDATE ISSUANCE AND REVISIONS L 1.0 11.17.16 16-118 WDH PERIMETER & INTERIOR COMMON AREAS LANDSCAPE PLAN 9.19.16 PRELIMINARY PLAN CORNERSTONE DEVELOPMENT OF SE WISCONSIN THE GLEN at PELLMANN FARM Woods Road at Parkland Muskego, WI HE L L E R & AS S O C I A T E S , LL C L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E On e R e d w o o d C o u r t Ra c i n e , W i s c o n s i n 5 3 4 0 2 ph 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 3 fx 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 7 da v i d @ w d a v i d h e l l e r . c o m DIGGERSHOTLINE 811 or 1-800-242-8511 MILW. AREA 259-1181 WIS STATUTE 182.0175(1974) REQUIRES MIN. 3 WORK DAYS NOTICE BEFORE YOU EXCAVATE CALL DIGGERS HOTLINE TO OBTAIN LOCATIONS OF PARTICIPANTS UNDERGROUND FACILITIES BEFORE YOU DIG IN WISCONSIN 1. The landscape installer must contact the City Forester prior to planting. 2. Trees shall be planted in accordance to the Tree Planting Diagram 3. The landscape installer must receive approval from the City Forester for any substitutions or alterations to the Plan 4. It is the responsibility of the landscape installer to have underground utilities located by Diggers Hotline prior to any installation 5. Plant material shall conform to American Standard for Nursery Stock and comply with all applicable state and federal laws governing inspection, shipping, selling, and handling of nursery stock 6. Stock shall be handled properly so that root balls are not loosened or allowed to dry out and trunks and branches are not damaged 7. Plantings shall be guaranteed to be in a healthy and flourishing condition for a period of 18 months. 8. City Forester must be contacted when landscape installation is complete so that installation can be evaluated. CITY NOTES Street trees must be planted within 5' outside of the ROW All Trees must be located at least: 30' from any street corner 10' from a driveway 20' from a streetlight or utility pole 10' from a fire hydrant 10' from a gas/water valve or utility laterals PLANT AND HARDSCAPE SCHEDULE 11.17.16 REVISIONS SURVEY DRAWING 4 UNIT RESIDENCE 1 MKL 6 KFRG 7 CGB 3 GFS 4 BuJ 8 KFRG 3 CPB 6 HMSG 8 CGB WALKWAY 3 RRD 5 DA 4 RRD 6 FH 1 RJFC 3 IH 4 KCPJ 5 HMSG 3 KOSR 5 GFS 3 KOSR 5 HMSG 4 KCPJ 1 RJFC 3 IH 6 FH 7 CGB 6 KFRG 1 MKL 3 RRD 5 DA 4 RRD 8 KFRG WALKWAY 8 CGB 6 HMSG 3 CPB 4 BuJ 3 GFS 3 CPB 6 HMSG 8 CGB WALKWAY 3 GFS 4 BuJ 1 MKL 6 KFRG 7 CGB 4 RRD 5 DA 3 RRD 8 KFRG 6 FH 1 RJFC 3 IH 4 KCPJ 5 HMSG3 KOSR 5 GFS 3 KOSR 5 HMSG 4 KCPJ 1 RJFC 3 IH 6 FH 7 CGB 6 KFRG 1 MKL 4 RRD WALKWAY 8 CGB 6 HMSG 3 CPB 3 RRD 5 DA 8 KFRG PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO 4 BuJ 3 GFS 1" = 10'   TYPICAL 4-UNIT FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLAN1257+ SHEET NUMBER DATE PROJECT NUMBER SHEET TITLE PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT DESCRIPTIONDATE ISSUANCE AND REVISIONS L 1.1 11.17.16 16-118 WDH TYPICAL 4-UNIT FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLAN 9.19.16 PRELIMINARY PLAN CORNERSTONE DEVELOPMENT OF SE WISCONSIN THE GLEN at PELLMANN FARM Woods Road at Parkland Muskego, WI HE L L E R & AS S O C I A T E S , LL C L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E On e R e d w o o d C o u r t Ra c i n e , W i s c o n s i n 5 3 4 0 2 ph 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 3 fx 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 7 da v i d @ w d a v i d h e l l e r . c o m PLANT AND HARDSCAPE SCHEDULE 11.17.16 REVISIONS  DIGGERS HOTLINE 811 or 1-800-242-8511 MILW. AREA 259-1181 WIS STATUTE 182.0175(1974) REQUIRES MIN. 3 WORK DAYS NOTICE BEFORE YOU EXCAVATE CALL DIGGERS HOTLINE TO OBTAIN LOCATIONS OF PARTICIPANTS UNDERGROUND FACILITIES BEFORE YOU DIG IN WISCONSIN 1 DKOSR 6 KFRG 5 CGB 3 KFRG 1 MV 3 FDSR 7 KKC 6 CGB 8 KFRG 4 RRD 6 DA 3 RRD 5 PDS 1 FVJ 9 MNS 3 FDSR 8 KKC 3 HIY 5 PDS 5 IH 3 KCPJ 1 JTL 5 GFS 1 DKOSR 6 KFRG 5 CGB 3 KFRG 1 MV 3 FDSR 6 CGB 5 IH 7 KKC 4 RRD 6 DA 3 RRD 5 PDS 8 KFRG 1 FVJ 9 MNS 3 FDSR 8 KKC 3 HIY 5 PDS 1 JTL 3 KCPJ 5 GFS 5 KFRG 3 CPB 4 RRD 1 MKL 5 KFRG 3 CPB 1 MKL 3 RRD 5 KOSR 5 HMSG 5 GFS 5 HMSG 5 KOSR PATIO PATIO 2 UNIT RESIDENCE WALKWAY WALKWAY DRIVEWAY 1" = 10'   TYPICAL 2-UNIT FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLAN1257+ SHEET NUMBER DATE PROJECT NUMBER SHEET TITLE PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT DESCRIPTIONDATE ISSUANCE AND REVISIONS L 1.2 11.17.16 16-118 WDH TYPICAL 2-UNIT FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLAN 9.19.16 PRELIMINARY PLAN CORNERSTONE DEVELOPMENT OF SE WISCONSIN THE GLEN at PELLMANN FARM Woods Road at Parkland Muskego, WI HE L L E R & AS S O C I A T E S , LL C L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E On e R e d w o o d C o u r t Ra c i n e , W i s c o n s i n 5 3 4 0 2 ph 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 3 fx 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 7 da v i d @ w d a v i d h e l l e r . c o m PLANT AND HARDSCAPE SCHEDULE 11.17.16 REVISIONS  DIGGERS HOTLINE 811 or 1-800-242-8511 MILW. AREA 259-1181 WIS STATUTE 182.0175(1974) REQUIRES MIN. 3 WORK DAYS NOTICE BEFORE YOU EXCAVATE CALL DIGGERS HOTLINE TO OBTAIN LOCATIONS OF PARTICIPANTS UNDERGROUND FACILITIES BEFORE YOU DIG IN WISCONSIN 1 MKL 9 MDL 4 CGB 5 HRD 1 MKL 4 CGB 9 PPCB 1 TIY 3 TIY 1 TIY 4 SJW 7 GMS 1 MKL 9 MDL 5 KFRG 5 KFRG 3 DKOR 1 MKL 1 KOSR 9 ORG 3 TIY 1" = 10'  CLUBHOUSE FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLAN1257+ SHEET NUMBER DATE PROJECT NUMBER SHEET TITLE PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT DESCRIPTIONDATE ISSUANCE AND REVISIONS L 1.3 11.17.16 16-118 WDH CLUBHOUSE FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLAN 9.19.16 PRELIMINARY PLAN CORNERSTONE DEVELOPMENT OF SE WISCONSIN THE GLEN at PELLMANN FARM Woods Road at Parkland Muskego, WI HE L L E R & AS S O C I A T E S , LL C L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E On e R e d w o o d C o u r t Ra c i n e , W i s c o n s i n 5 3 4 0 2 ph 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 3 fx 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 7 da v i d @ w d a v i d h e l l e r . c o m PLANT AND HARDSCAPE SCHEDULE 11.17.16 REVISIONS  DIGGERS HOTLINE 811 or 1-800-242-8511 MILW. AREA 259-1181 WIS STATUTE 182.0175(1974) REQUIRES MIN. 3 WORK DAYS NOTICE BEFORE YOU EXCAVATE CALL DIGGERS HOTLINE TO OBTAIN LOCATIONS OF PARTICIPANTS UNDERGROUND FACILITIES BEFORE YOU DIG IN WISCONSIN 1. Contractor responsible for contacting Diggers Hotline (811 or 800-242-8511) to have site marked prior to excavation or planting. 2. Contractor to verify all plant quantities shown on Plant & Material List and landscape planting symbols and report any discrepancies to Landscape Architect or General Contractor. 3. All plantings shall comply with standards as described in American Standard of Nursery Stock - Z60.1 ANSI (latest version). Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect, and potentially reject any plants that are inferior, compromised, undersized, diseased, improperly transported, installed incorrectly or damaged. No sub-standard "B Grade" or "Park Grade" plant material shall be accepted. Plant material shall originate from nursery(ies) with a similar climate as the planting site. 4. Any potential plant substitutions must be approved by Landscape Architect or Owner. All plants must be installed as per sizes indicated on Plant & Material Schedule, unless approved by Landscape Architect. Any changes to sizes shown on plan must be submitted in writing to the Landscape Architect prior to installation. 5. Topspoil in Parking Lot Islands (if applicable): All parking lot islands to be backfilled with topsoil to a minimum depth of 18" to insure long-term plant health. Topsoil should be placed within 3" of finish grade by General Contractor / Excavation Contractor during rough grading operations/activity. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the fine grading of all disturbed areas, planting bed areas, and lawn areas. Crown all parking lot islands a minimum of 6" to provide proper drainage, unless otherwise specified. 6. Tree Planting: Plant all trees slightly higher than finished grade at the root flare. Remove excess soil from the top of the root ball, if needed. Remove and discard non-biodegradable ball wrapping and support wire. Removed biodegradable burlap and wire cage (if present) from the top 1 3 of the rootball and carefully bend remaining wire down to the bottom of the hole. Once the tree has been placed into the hole and will no longer be moved, score the remaining 2 3 of the burlap and remove the twine. Provide three slow release fertilizer for each tree planted. 7. Tree Planting: Backfill tree planting holes 80% existing soils removed from excavation and 20% plant starter mix. Avoid air pockets and do not tamp soil down. Discard any gravel, rocks, heavy clay, or concrete pieces. When hole is 2 3 full, trees shall be watered thoroughly, and water left to soak in before proceeding to fill the remainder of the hole. Water again to full soak in the new planting. Each tree shall receive a 3" deep, 4-5' diameter (see planting details or planting plan) shredded hardwood bark mulch ring around all trees planted in lawn areas. Do not build up any mulch onto the trunk of any tree. Trees that are installed incorrectly will be replaced at the time and expense of the Landscape Contractor. 8. Shrub Planting: All shrubs to be planted in groupings as indicated on the Landscape Plan. Install with the planting of shrubs a 50 50 mix of plant starter with topsoil. Install topsoil into all plant beds as needed to achieve proper grade and displace undesirable soil (see planting detail). Remove all excessive gravel, clay and stones from plant beds prior to planting. When hole(s) are 23 full, shrubs shall be watered thoroughly, and water left to soak in before proceeding. Provide slow-release fertilizer packets at the rater of 1 per 24" height/diamter of shrub at planting. 9. Mulching: All tree and shrub planting beds to receive a 3" deep layer of high quality shredded hardwood bark mulch (not pigment dyed or enviro-mulch). All perennial planting areas (groupings) shall receive a 2" layer of shredded hardwood bark mulch, and groundcover areas a 1-2" layer of the same mulch. Do not mulch annual flower beds (if applicable). Do not allow mulch to contact plant stems and tree trunks. 10. Edging: All planting beds shall be edged with a 4" deep spade edge using a flat landscape spade or a mechanical edger. Bedlines are to be cut crisp, smooth as per plan. A clean definition between landscape beds and lawn is required. Pack mulch against lawn edge to hold in place. 11. Plant bed preparation/Soil Amendment composition: All perennial, groundcover and annual areas (if applicable) are required to receive a blend of organic soil (Soil Amendments) amendments prior to installation. Roto-till the following materials at the following ratio, into existing soil beds or installed topsoil beds to a depth of approximately 8"-10". Containerized and balled & burlapped plant material should be back-filled with amended soil: Per 100 SF of bed area (Soil Amendment composition): 3 4 CY Peat Moss or Mushroom Compost 3 4 CY blended/pulverized Topsoil 14 CY composted manure In roto-tilled beds only, also include in above mixture: 2 lbs Starter Fertilizer 12. Lawn Installation for all sodded turfgrass areas: Contractor to furnish and prepare blended topsoil (2" minimum) and sod bed, removing all debris and stones 12" and larger. Apply a 10-10-10 starter lawn fertilizer uniformly throughout areas prior to laying sod. Use only premium sod blend according to TPI (revised 1995) and ASPA Standards. Install sod uniformly with staggered joints, laid tightly end to end and side to side. Roll sod with a walk behind roller and water immediately upon installation to a 3" depth. Stake any sod installed on slopes steeper than 1:3, and in all swale applications. Contractor is responsible to provide a smooth, uniform, healthy turf, and is responsible for the first two mowings of the newly installed turf, and is also responsible for watering during this period. 13. Installation preparation for all seeded areas: remove/kill off any existing unwanted vegetation prior to seeding. Prepare the topsoil (if adequate or provide as in item #6 above) and seed bed by removing all surface stones 1" or larger. Apply a starter fertilizer and specified seed uniformly at the specified rate, and provide mulch covering suitable to germinate and establish turf. Provide seed and fertilizer specifications to Landscape Architect and Owner prior to installation. Erosion control measures are to be used in swales and on slopes in excess of 1:3 and where applicable (see Civil Engineering Drawings). Methods of installation may vary are the discretion of the Landscape Contractor on his/her responsibility to establish and guarantee a smooth, uniform, quality turf. A minimum of 2" of blended, prepared and non-compacted topsoil is required for all lawn areas. If straw mulch is used as a mulch covering, a tackifier may be necessary to avoid wind dispersal of mulch covering. Marsh hay containing reed canary grass is NOT acceptable as a mulch covering. An acceptable quality seed installation is defined as having: No bare spots larger than one (1) square foot No more than 10% of the total area with bare areas larger than one (1) square foot A uniform coverage through all turf areas 14. No-Mow seed areas: "No-Mow" fine fescue seed mix with annual rye nurse crop (available at Cedar Creek Seed Farm 888-313-6807; or Prairie Nursery 608-296-3679) or approved equivalent mix from a reputable seed mix provider. Apply at 220 lbs per acre or at rate recommended by supplier. Prepare seed bed and soil as specified in item #13 above. 15. Native Prairie Seed Mix / Stormwater Seed Mix: Native seed mixes as listed on the Plant and Material List or other seeding schedules outlined on the landscape plan set. Seed mixes available from Prairie Nursery 608-296-3679 or JF New 608-848-1789 or approved equivalent mix from a reputable seed mix provider. Apply at rates specified herein, or per supplier recommendation. Prepare soil and seed bed as in item #13 above. 16. Warranty and Replacements: All plantings are to be watered thoroughly at the time of planting, through construction and upon completion of project as required. Trees, Evergreens, and Shrubs (deciduous and evergreen) shall be guaranteed (100% replacement) for a minimum of one (1) year from the date of project completion. Perennials, groundcovers, and ornamental grasses shall be guaranteed for a minimum of one (1) growing season. Perennials, groundcovers, and ornamental grasses planted after September 15th shall be guaranteed through May 31st of the following year. Only one replacement per plant will be required during the warranty period, except for losses or replacements due to failure to comply with specified requirements. Watering and general ongoing maintenance instructions are to be supplied by the Landscape Contractor to the Owner upon completion of the project. 17. The Landscape Contractor is responsible for the watering and maintenance of all landscape areas for a period of 45 days after the substantial completion of the landscape installation. This shall include all trees, shrubs, evergreens, perennials, ornamental grasses, turf grass, no-mow grass, and native prairie seed mix / stormwater seed mix. Work also includes weeding, edging, mulching (only if required), fertilizing, trimming, sweeping up grass clippings, pruning and deadheading. 18. Project Completion: Landscape Contractor is responsible to conduct a final review of the project, upon completion, with the Landscape Architect, Client or Owner / Client Representative, and the General Contractor to answer questions, provide written care instructions for new plantings and turf, and insure that all specifications have been met. TREE PLANTING DIAGRAM1N.T.S.SECTION DETAIL Mulch 2 - 4" deep. Do not pile against trunk.Dig a wide shallow planting hole. 2 - 3 times ball diameter Remove soil over root flare Remove twine, burlap and wire from at least upper half of buried portion of root ball Root flare must be at grade Identify depth of root flare. Dig hole no deeper than base of root ball to flare If tree cannot support itself, it must be staked. Stakes should be driven in at a slight angle. Strapping should be of a wide (2") material that will not injure trunk. NOTES: Root flare must be visible at grade. Any adventitious or girdling roots are to be pruned off. Burlap, ropes, and wire must be cut away from at least the upper half of ball so outward root growth is not impeded. A wide "ring" of mulch (2" to 4") is to be placed around the tree, but no more than 1" in contact with the trunk. If staked, strapping is to be removed after one complete growing season. DECIDUOUS SHRUB PLANTING5N.T.S.SECTION GROUNDCOVER / PERENNIAL PLANTING PRUNE OUT DEAD & BROKEN BRANCHES; RETAIN NORMAL PLANT SHAPE. 2-3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOIL RING; DO NOT PLACE MULCH AGAINST STEMS. REMOVE BURLAP AND SYNTHETIC TWINE FROM TOP 13 OF ROOTBALL. SCORE REMAINING 23 OF BURLAP ONCE SHRUB IS IN PLACE. INSTALL TWO SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER PACKETS AGAINST ROOT BALL. DIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL. BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX - AVOID AIR POCKETS BY TAMPING SOIL MIXTURE IN 4" LIFTS. WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITH A THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASE WATERING. PRUNE OUT DEAD & BROKEN BRANCHES; RETAIN NORMAL PLANT SHAPE. 2-3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOIL RING; DO NOT PLACE MULCH AGAINST STEMS, OR BURY BOTTOM BRANCHES. REMOVE BURLAP AND SYNTHETIC TWINE FROM TOP 13 OF ROOTBALL. SCORE REMAINING 23 OF BURLAP. INSTALL ONE SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER PACKET AGAINST ROOT BALL. DIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL. BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX - AVOID AIR POCKETS BY TAMPING MIXTURE IN 4" LIFTS. PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUS GROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE. WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITH A THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASE WATERING. PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUS GROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE. POTTED SHRUB PLANTING3N.T.S.SECTION DETAIL EVERGREEN SHRUB PLANTING4N.T.S.SECTION BALLED & BURLAPPED POTTED FIBER POT CONTAINER CAREFULLY REMOVE PLANT FROM PLASTIC POT & SCORE ROOTS 1" DEEP WITH A SHARP KNIFE. PRUNE OUT DEAD & BROKEN BRANCHES; RETAIN NORMAL PLANT SHAPE. 2-3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOIL RING; DO NOT PLACE MULCH AGAINST STEMS, OR BURY BOTTOM BRANCHES. REMOVE BURLAP AND SYNTHETIC TWINE FROM TOP 13 OF ROOTBALL. SCORE REMAINING 23 OF BURLAP. INSTALL ONE SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER PACKETS AGAINST ROOT BALL. DIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL. BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX - AVOID AIR POCKETS BY TAMPING MIXTURE IN 4" LIFTS. PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUS GROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE. WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITH A THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASE WATERING. CAREFULLY REMOVE PLANT FROM PLASTIC POT & SCORE ROOTS 1" DEEP WITH A SHARP KNIFE. 6 N.T.S.SECTION PE R S C H E D U L E (8- 2 4 " T Y P . ) SPACING PLAN - IF NOT INDICATED ON PLANT & MATERIAL LIST 112 DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH OR LEAF COMPOST REMOVE BROKEN, BENT, DEAD OR DISEASED LEAVES/STEMS AFTER PLANTING CAREFULL REMOVE PLANT FROM CONTAINER; SCORE ROOTS ON ALL SIDES; HAND TAMP INTO PLACE TO PROTECT PLANT WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITH A THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASE WATERING. PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUS GROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE. PLANTING MIX DEPTH OF 9" TO BE ROTO-TILLED AT ALL PERENNIAL AREAS SPACING OF PERENNIALS WILL VARY ON THE VARIETY OF PERENNIAL SELECTED SPADE EDGE WHERE PLANTING BEDS MEET LAWN AREAS. SCARIFY EXISTING SUBGRADE. DETAILDETAIL DETAIL ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING2N.T.S.SECTION P E R S C H E D U L E (1 8 - 3 0 " T Y P . ) SPACING PLAN - IF NOT INDICATED ON PLANT & MATERIAL LIST 112 DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH OR LEAF COMPOST REMOVE BROKEN, BENT, DEAD OR DISEASED LEAVES/STEMS AFTER PLANTING CAREFULL REMOVE PLANT FROM CONTAINER; SCORE ROOTS ON ALL SIDES; HAND TAMP INTO PLACE TO PROTECT PLANT WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITH A THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASE WATERING. PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUS GROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE. PLANTING MIX DEPTH OF 9" TO BE ROTO-TILLED AT ALL PERENNIAL AREAS SPACING OF ORNAMENTAL GRASS WILL VARY ON THE VARIETY OF ORNAMENTAL GRASS SELECTED SPADE EDGE WHERE PLANTING BEDS MEET LAWN AREAS. SCARIFY EXISTING SUBGRADE. DETAIL LANDSCAPE NOTES SHEET NUMBER DATE PROJECT NUMBER SHEET TITLE PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT DESCRIPTIONDATE ISSUANCE AND REVISIONS L 1.4 11.17.16 16-118 WDH LANDSCAPE DETAILS & NOTES 9.19.16 PRELIMINARY PLAN CORNERSTONE DEVELOPMENT OF SE WISCONSIN THE GLEN at PELLMANN FARM Woods Road at Parkland Muskego, WI HE L L E R & AS S O C I A T E S , LL C L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E On e R e d w o o d C o u r t Ra c i n e , W i s c o n s i n 5 3 4 0 2 ph 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 3 fx 2 6 2 . 6 3 9 . 9 7 3 7 da v i d @ w d a v i d h e l l e r . c o m 11.17.16 REVISIONS STORMWATER SEED MIX LANDSCAPE PLANTING DETAILS DIGGERS HOTLINE 811 or 1-800-242-8511 MILW. AREA 259-1181 WIS STATUTE 182.0175(1974) REQUIRES MIN. 3 WORK DAYS NOTICE BEFORE YOU EXCAVATE CALL DIGGERS HOTLINE TO OBTAIN LOCATIONS OF PARTICIPANTS UNDERGROUND FACILITIES BEFORE YOU DIG IN WISCONSIN WO O D S R O A D P A R K L A N D D R I V E EXISTING BUILDINGS EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING CONCRETE DRIVE (VA R I A B L E R . O . W . ) (6 0 ' R . O . W . ) (60' R.O.W.) POND KURTZE LANE WOO D S R O A D (VA R I A B L E R . O . W . ) (6 0 ' R . O . W . ) CLUBHOUSE BLDG 4 BLDG 13 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 6 POND SINGLE FAMILY LOT BLDG 1 BLDG 5 BLDG 7 BLDG 14 TREES TO BE PRESERVED BLDG 12 BLDG 11 BLDG 10 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE INLET PROTECTION (TYP) INLET PROTECTION (TYP) SILT FENCE (TYP)SILT FENCE (TYP) © C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 1 6 5(9,6,216 6+((7 3( *  - 2 %  1 R  3( *  3 0 67 $ 5 7  ' $ 7 ( 6& $ / ( PINNACLE ENGINEERING GROUP PINNACLE ENGINEERING GROUP ww w . p i n n a c l e - e n g r . c o m WISCONSIN OFFICE: 15850 W. BLUEMOUND ROAD BROOKFIELD, WI 53005 (262) 754-8888 ENGINEERING I NATURAL RESOURCES I SURVEYING PLAN I DESIGN I DELIVER CHICAGO I MILWAUKEE : NATIONWIDE www.pinnacle-engr.com 086.(*2:, 3(//0$11)$50      $( .        (5 2 6 , 2 1  & 2 1 7 5 2 /  3 / $ 1    (526,21&21752/3/$1 )2 5  5 ( 9 , ( : 1" = 60'  LEGEND STORM SEWER MANHOLE STORM STORM CATCH BASIN (ROUND CASTING) STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN (RECTANGULAR CASTING) PRECAST FLARED END SECTION PROPOSED CONTOUR749 SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE HYDROSEED (PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS) EROSION CONTROL BLANKET (NORTH AMERICAN GREEN S75 OR EQUAL) 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL ADHERE TO THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN EPA'S NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT (WPDES PERMIT NO. WI-S067831-4) FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND PROVISIONS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. THESE PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS SHALL BE REFERRED TO AS BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs). IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROJECT TO OBTAIN A COPY OF AND UNDERSTAND THE BMP's PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 2. QUALIFIED PERSONNEL: (PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL/PRIME CONTRACTOR) SHALL INSPECT DISTURBED AREAS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FINALLY STABILIZED AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ALL 0.5-INCH OR MORE PRECIPITATION EVENTS WITH A MINIMUM INSPECTION INTERNAL OF ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS IN THE ABSENCE OF A QUALIFYING RAIN OR SNOWFALL EVENT. REPORTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL PERMIT CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY ARRANGE TO HAVE ANY DEFICIENT ITEMS REVEALED DURING INSPECTIONS REPAIRED/REPLACED. 3. POST WNDR CERTIFICATE OF PERMIT COVERAGE ON SITE AND MAINTAIN UNTIL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE CEASED, THE SITE IS STABILIZED AND A NOTICE OF TERMINATION IS FILED WITH WDNR. 4. KEEP COPY OF THE CURRENT EROSION CONTROL PLAN ON SITE THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 5. MODIFICATIONS TO THE APPROVED SWAPP IN ORDER TO MEET UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS ARE ALLOWED IF MODIFICATIONS CONFORM TO BMPS. ALL MODIFICATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY OWNER/ENGINEER/GOVERNING AGENCY PRIOR TO DEVIATION OF THE APPROVED PLAN. 6. OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ROUTINE SITE INSPECTIONS AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT OF 0.5 INCHES OR GREATER. KEEP INSPECTION REPORTS ON-SITE AND MAKE THEM AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. 7. INSPECT AND MAINTAIN ALL INSTALLED EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED. 8. WHEN POSSIBLE: PRESERVE EXISTING VEGETATION (ESPECIALLY ADJACENT TO SURFACE WATERS), MINIMIZE LAND-DISTURBING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON SLOPES OF 20% OR MORE, MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION AND PRESERVE TOPSOIL. 9. REFER TO THE WDNR STORMWATER CONSTRUCTION TECHNICAL STANDARDS. 10. INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION CONTROLS AND ROCK TRACKING PAD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES PRIOR TO ANY LAND-DISTURBUNG ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING CLEARING AND GRUBBING. USE WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD STONE TRACKING PAD AND TIRE WASHING #1057 FOR ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. 11. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION PRIOR TO LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA AND/OR IMMEDIATELY UPON INLET INSTALLATION. COMPLY WITH WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES #1060. 12. WHERE POSSIBLE, STAGE CONSTRUCTION GRADING ACTIVITIES TO MINIMIZE THE CUMULATIVE EXPOSED AREA. CONDUCT TEMPORARY GRADING FOR EROSION CONTROL PER WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD TEMPORARY GRADING PRACTICES FOR EROSION CONTROL #1067. 13. NOTIFY OWNER & ENGINEER IF DEWATERING IS SCHEDULED TO OCCUR IN AREAS OF SOIL AND/OR GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION OR IF DEWATERING WILL OCCUR FROM A HIGH CAPACITY WELL (70 GPM OR MORE). DEWATERING ONLY AFTER THE APPROPRIATE WDNR DEWATERING DISCHARGE PERMIT HAS BEEN OBTAINED. 14. PUMPS MAY BE USED AS BYPASS DEVICES IN NO CASE SHALL PUMPED WATER BE DIVERTED OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS. PUMP DISCHARGE SHALL BE DIRECTED INTO APPROVED FILTER BAG OR APPROVED SETTLING DEVICE. 15. PROVIDE ANTI-SCOUR PROTECTION AND MAINTAIN NON-EROSIVE FLOW DURING DEWATERING. LIMIT PUMPING TO EITHER (A) THE SEDIMENT BASIN/TRAP DESIGN DISCHARGE RATE, OR (B) THE BASIN DESIGN RELEASE RATE WITH THE CORRECTLY-FITTED HOSE AND GEOTEXTILE FILTER BAG. PERFORM DEWATERING OF ACCUMULATED SURFACE RUNOFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD DEWATERING #1061. 16. COMPLETE AND STABILIZE SEDIMENT BASINS/TRAPS OR WET PONDS PRIOR TO MASS LAND DISTURBANCE TO CONTROL RUNOFF DURING CONSTRUCTION. REMOVE SEDIMENT AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN 3 FEET OF DEPTH TO THE OUTLET, AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF SEDIMENT REMOVED DURING MAINTENANCE (REFER TO NR 528). CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN THE SEDIMENT BASIN PER WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD SEDIMENT BASIN #1064 AND SEDIMENT TRAP #1063. 17. CONSTRUCT AND PROTECT THE BIOINFLTRATION BASIN AND VEGETATION FROM RUNOFF AND SEDIMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION. REFERENCE THE WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD BIORETENTION FOR INFILTRATION #1004. BIOINFILTRATION MAY BE USED AS A SEDIMENT BASIN DURING CONSTRUCTION. DO NOT EXCAVATE FINAL 1' OR INSTALL STONE/ENGINEERED MEDIA UNTIL UPSTREAM AREA IS STABILIZED. WHEN THIS ACCOMPLISHED, REMOVE THE FINAL 1' PLUS ANY SOIL WHICH APPEARS TO BE IMPACTED BY SEDIMENT AND COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF BIOINFILTRATION AREA. 18. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN SILT FENCING PER WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD SILT FENCE #1056. REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM BEHIND SILT FENCES AND SEDIMENT BARRIERS BEFORE SEDIMENT REACHES A DEPTH THAT IS EQUAL TO ONE-HALF OF THE FENCE AND/OR BARRIER HEIGHT. 19. REPAIR BREAKS AND GAPS IN SILT FENCES AND BARRIERS IMMEDIATELY. REPLACE DECOMPOSING STRAW BALES (TYPICAL BALE LIFE IS 3 MONTHS). LOCATE, INSTALL AND MAINTAIN STRAW BALES PER WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD DITCH CHECKS #1062. 20. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN FILTER SOCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD INTERIM MANUFACTURED PERIMETER CONTROL AND SLOPE INTERRUPTION PRODUCTS #1071. 21. IMMEDIATELY STABILIZE STOCKPILES AND SURROUND STOCKPILES AS NEEDED WITH SILT FENCE OR OTHER PERIMETER CONTROL IF STOCKPILES WILL REMAIN INACTIVE FOR 7 DAYS OR LONGER. 22. IMMEDIATELY STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS THAT WILL REMAIN INACTIVE FOR 14 DAYS OR LONGER. BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND OCTOBER 15: STABILIZE WITH MULCH, TACKIFIER AND A PERENNIAL SEED MIXED WITH WINTER WHEAT, ANNUAL OATS OR ANNUAL RYE, AS APPROPRIATE FOR REGION AND SOIL TYPE. OCTOBER 15 THROUGH COLD WEATHER: STABILIZE WITH A POLYMER AND DORMANT SEED MIX, AS APPROPRIATE FOR REGION AND SOIL TYPE. 23. STABILIZE AREAS OF FINAL GRADING WITHIN 7 DAYS OF REACHING FINAL GRADE. 24. SWEEP/CLEAN UP ALL SEDIMENT/TRASH THAT MOVES OFF-SITE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY OR STORM EVENTS BEFORE THE END OF THE SAME WORKDAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE MUNICIPALITY. SEPARATE SWEPT MATERIALS (SOILS AND TRASH) AND DISPOSE OF APPROPRIATELY. 25. OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTROLLING DUST PER WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD DUST CONTROL ON CONSTRUCTION SITES #1068. 26. PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL WASTE AND UNUSED BUILDING MATERIALS (INCLUDING GARBAGE, DEBRIS, CLEANING WASTE OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS) AND DO NOT ALLOW THESE MATERIALS TO BE CARRIED BY RUNOFF INTO THE RECEIVING CHANNEL. 27. COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER, ENGINEER AND DNR REPRESENTATIVE TO UPDATE THE LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT TO INDICATE THE ANTICIPATED OR LIKELY DISPOSAL LOCATIONS FOR ANY EXCAVATED SOILS OR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS THAT WILL BE HAULED OFF-SITE FOR DISPOSAL. THE DEPOSITED OR STOCKPILED MATERIAL NEEDS TO INCLUDE PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES (SUCH AS SILT FENCE, HAY BALES, FILTER SOCKS OR COMPACTED EARTHEN BERMS) 28. FOR NON-CHANNELIZED FLOW ON DISTURBED OR CONSTRUCTED SLOPES, PROVIDE CLASS AND TYPE MATTING FOR THE SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. SELECT EROSION MATTING FROM APPROPRIATE MATRIX IN WDOT'S WISDOT PRODUCT ACCEPTABILITY LIST (PAL); INSTALL AND MAINTAIN PER WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD NON-CHANNEL EROSION MAT #1052. 29. FOR CHANNELIZED FLOW ON DISTURBED OR CONSTRUCTED SLOPES, PROVIDE CLASS AND TYPE MATTING FOR THE SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. SELECT EROSION MATTING FROM APPROPRIATE MATRIX IN WDOT'S WISDOT PRODUCT ACCEPTABILITY LIST (PAL); INSTALL AND MAINTAIN PER WDNR TECHNICAL STANDARD CHANNEL EROSION MAT #1053. 30. MAKE PROVISIONS FOR WATERING DURING THE FIRST 8 WEEKS FOLLOWING SEEDING OR PLANTING OF DISTURBED AREAS WHENEVER MORE THAN 7 CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF DRY WEATHER OCCUR. 31. INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES (SUCH AS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS, DITCH CHECKS, EROSION CONTROL MATTING, SILT FENCING, FILTER SOCKS, WATTLES, SWALES, ETC) OR AS DIRECTED BY OWNER, MUNICIPALITY, OR DNR REPRESENTATIVE. 32. OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE WDNR REMEDIATION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLING AND DISPOSING OF CONTAMINATED MATERIALS. SITE-SPECIFIED INFORMATION FOR AREAS WITH KNOWN OR SUSPECTED SOIL AND/OR GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION CAN BE FOUND ON WNDR'S BUREAU OF REMEDIATION AND REDEVELOPMENT TRACKING SYSTEM PUBLIC DATABASE. 33. MAINTAIN SOIL EROSION CONTROL DEVICE THROUGH THE DURATION OF THIS PROJECT. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS ARE FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. DISTURBANCE ASSOCIATED WITH EROSION CONTROL REMOVAL SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED. 34. NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF THERE IS A DISCHARGE OF SEDIMENT AND/OR OTHER CONTAMINANTS. (526,21&21752/63(&,),&$7,216 5(48,5(0(176 WO O D S R O A D P A R K L A N D D R I V E SARAH COURT EXISTING BUILDINGS EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING CONCRETE DRIVE (VA R I A B L E R . O . W . ) ( 6 0 ' R . O . W . ) (60' R.O.W.) POND KURTZE LANE 8" WATERMAIN PLUG WOO D S R O A D (VAR I A B L E R . O . W . ) (6 0 ' R . O . W . ) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 8" WATERMAIN PLUG SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=782.49 8" N=767.74 8" S=767.71 12" W=767.37 SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=784.41 36" NE&SW=759.37 (PER ASBUILT PLAN) SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=787.31 36" NE&SW=758.22 8" S=766.24 STUB (PER ASBUILT PLAN) SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=786.89 8" S=767.06 8" NW=768.39 CATCH BASIN RIM=780.49 24" W=772.04 24" E=771.99 CATCH BASIN RIM=780.21 24" S=772.26 24" E=772.16 APPROXIMATE SANITARY FORCE MAIN SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=786.18 36" SW&NE=758.64 (PER ASBUILT PLAN) 8" N=766.36 SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=786.57 36" NE&SW=757.20 (PER ASBUILT PLAN) SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=782.61 8" S=768.96 4" NE=770.78 (FORCE MAIN) SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=783.57 8"E=765 17 SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=784.99 CATCH BASIN RIM=777.79 18" N=774.49 24" E=774.22 CATCH BASIN RIM=777.56 12" N=775.07 18" S=774.77 12" RCP INV.=775.62 W W W W W WW W W W W W W CLUBHOUSE BLDG 4 BLDG 13 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 6 POND SINGLE FAMILY LOT BLDG 1 BLDG 5 BLDG 7 BLDG 14 TREES TO BE PRESERVED BLDG 12 BLDG 11 BLDG 10 SAN MH 9 RIM= 784.24 INV= 773.32 (8" SE) SAN MH 8 RIM= 785.78 INV= 772.74 (8" NW) INV= 772.64 (8" S) SAN MH 7 RIM= 784.37 INV= 772.22 (8" N) INV= 772.12 (8" SW) SAN MH 6 RIM= 785.39 INV= 771.72 (8" NE) INV= 771.62 (8" SW) SAN MH 5 RIM= 783.86 INV= 770.72 (8" NE) INV= 770.62 (8" W) SAN MH 4 RIM= 784.03 INV= 769.93 (8" E) INV= 769.83 (8" W) SAN MH 3 RIM= 785.24 INV= 769.43 (8" E) INV= 769.33 (8" SW) SAN MH 2 RIM= 785.35 INV= 768.94 (8" NE) INV= 768.84 (8" S) SAN MH 1 RIM= 784.47 INV= 768.48 (8" N) INV= 768.38 (8" S) CORE NEW 8" CONNECTION TO EXISTING MANHOLE INV= 767.20 (8" N) 295.2 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 88.0 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 99.2 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 99.2 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 171.5 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 226.0 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 99.7 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 105.3 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 144.6 LF 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER 0.40% 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATEAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 6" SAN LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 1 2" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL 1 12" WM LATERAL PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER © C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 1 6 5(9,6,216 6+((7 3( *  - 2 %  1 R  3( *  3 0 67 $ 5 7  ' $ 7 ( 6& $ / ( PINNACLE ENGINEERING GROUP PINNACLE ENGINEERING GROUP ww w . p i n n a c l e - e n g r . c o m WISCONSIN OFFICE: 15850 W. BLUEMOUND ROAD BROOKFIELD, WI 53005 (262) 754-8888 ENGINEERING I NATURAL RESOURCES I SURVEYING PLAN I DESIGN I DELIVER CHICAGO I MILWAUKEE : NATIONWIDE www.pinnacle-engr.com 086.(*2:, 3(//0$11)$50      $( .        87 , / , 7 <  3 / $ 1    87,/,7<3/$1 )2 5  5 ( 9 , ( : 1" = 60'  LEGEND SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE W STORM SEWER MANHOLE STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN (ROUND CASTING) PRECAST CONCRETE FLARED END SECTION STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN (RECTANGULAR CASTING) VALVE BOX FIRE HYDRANT CLEANOUT SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN DRAIN TILE STORM SEWER WATER MAIN FIRE PROTECTION UTILITY CROSSING ELECTRICAL CABLE GAS MAIN TELEPHONE LINE OVERHEAD WIRES  (;,67,1*87,/,7,(6$5(6+2:1)25,1)250$7,21$/385326(621/<$1'$5( 127 *8$5$17((' 72 %( $&&85$7( 25 $// ,1&/86,9( &2175$&725 ,6 5(63216,%/( )25 9(5,)<,1* 7+( 7<3( /2&$7,21 6,=( $1' (/(9$7,21 2) 81'(5*5281' 87,/,7,(6 $6 7+(< '((0 1(&(66$5< )25 352326(' 87,/,7< &211(&7,216$1'2572$92,''$0$*(7+(5(72&2175$&7256+$//&$// ',**(5 6+27/,1(35,2572$1<&216758&7,21  $// 87,/,7< :25. 6+$// %( '21( ,1 $&&25'$1&( :,7+ 7+( 67$1'$5' 63(&,),&$7,216 )25 6(:(5 $1' :$7(5 &216758&7,21 ,1 :,6&216,1 /$7(67 (',7,21 $1' $''(1'80  $1' $// 67$7( $1' /2&$/ &2'(6 $1' 63(&,),&$7,216 ,7 ,6 7+( &2175$&7256 5(63216,%,/,7< 72 '(7(50,1( :+,&+ 63(&,),&$7,216 $1' &2'(6 $33/< $1' 72 &225',1$7( $// &216758&7,21 $&7,9,7,(6 :,7+ 7+( $335235,$7( /2&$/ $1' 67$7( $87+25,7,(6  87,/,7<&216758&7,21$1'63(&,),&$7,2166+$//&203/<:,7+7+(&,7<2) 086.(*263(&,$/3529,6,216$1':,6&216,1'(3$570(172)6$)(7<$1' 352)(66,21$/6(59,&(6&200  /(1*7+62)352326('87,/,7,(6$5(72&(17(52)6758&785(625),77,1*6 $1'0$<9$5<6/,*+7/<)5203/$1/(1*7+6$5(6+2:1)25&2175$&725 &219(1,(1&(21/<&2175$&725,662/(/<5(63216,%/()25&20387$7,216 2) 0$7(5,$/6 5(48,5(' 72 &203/(7( :25. /(1*7+6 6+$// %( ),(/' 9(5,),(''85,1*&216758&7,21  &2175$&7256+$//$'-867$1'255(&216758&7(;,67,1*87,/,7<&29(56 68&+ $6 0$1+2/( &29(56 9$/9( %2; 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BLUEMOUND ROAD BROOKFIELD, WI 53005 (262) 754-8888 ENGINEERING I NATURAL RESOURCES I SURVEYING PLAN I DESIGN I DELIVER CHICAGO I MILWAUKEE : NATIONWIDE www.pinnacle-engr.com 086.(*2:, 3(//0$11)$50      $( .        &2 1 6 7 5 8 & 7 , 2 1  ' ( 7 $ , / 6  17 6 &216758&7,21'(7$,/6 )2 5  5 ( 9 , ( : FLOW TRENCH DETAIL 2 NOTE: ADDITIONAL POST DEPTH OR TIE BACKS MAY BE REQUIRED IN UNSTABLE SOILS NOTES: 1. ALL SILT FENCE MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH WI DNR TECHNICAL STANDARD 1056. 2. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 592 GEOTEXTILE TABLE 1 OR 2, CLASS I WITH EQUIVALENT OPENING SIZE OF AT LEAST 30 FOR NONWOVEN AND 50 FOR WOVEN. 3. SILT FENCE SHALL BE ANCHORED BY SPREADING AT LEAST 8-INCHES OF FABRIC IN A 4-INCH WIDE AND 6-INCH DEEP TRENCH OR 6-INCH DEEP V-TRENCH ON THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE FENCE. TRENCHES SHALL NOT BE EXCAVATED WIDER OR DEEPER THAN NECESSARY FOR PROPER INSTALLATION. 4. FOLD MATERIAL TO FIT TRENCH AND BACKFILL AND COMPACT TRENCH WITH EXCAVATED SOIL. 5. WOOD POSTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM SIZE OF 1.125-INCHES x 1.125-INCHES OF DRIED OAK OR HICKORY. 6. SILT FENCE TO EXTEND ABOVE THE TOP OF PIPE, WHERE APPLICABLE. 7. POST SPACING SHALL BE SELECTED BASED ON GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (8-FEET FOR WOVEN AND 3-FEET FOR NON-WOVEN). WOOD POSTS LENGTH 3' - 4' 20" MIN. DEPTH IN GROUND BACKFILL AND COMPACT TRENCH WITH EXCAVATED SOIL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ONLY SILT FENCE SHALL BE STAPLED, USING AT LEAST 0.5-INCH STAPLES, TO THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS IN AT LEAST 3 PLACES NYLON CORD SEAM 1 2 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FLOW DIRECTION EXPRESS FABRIC SILT FENCE 1 #100-C 07-31-14 INLET PROTECTION #105 06-20-14 INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. DO NOT INSTALL INLET PROTECTION TYPE "D" IN INLETS SHALLOWER THAN 30 INCHES, MEASURED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE INLET TO THE TOP OF THE GRATE. 2. TRIM EXCESS FABRIC IN THE FLOW LINE TO WITHIN 3 INCHES OF THE GRATE. 3. THE INSTALLED BAG SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SIDE CLEARANCE, BETWEEN THE INLET WALLS AND THE BAG, MEASURED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OVERFLOW HOLES, OF 3 INCHES. WHERE NECESSARY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CINCH THE BAG, USING PLASTIC ZIP TIES, TO ACHIEVE THE 3 INCHES CLEARANCE. THE TIES SHALL BE PLACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 4 INCHES FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE BAG. NOTES: 1. INLET PROTECTION DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED OR REPLACED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. 2. MANUFACTURED ALTERNATIVES APPROVED AND LISTED ON THE WisDOT EROSION CONTROL PRODUCT ACCEPTABILITY LIST MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. 3. WHEN REMOVING OR MAINTAINING INLET PROTECTION, CARE SHALL BE TAKEN SO THAT THE SEDIMENT TRAPPED ON THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC DOES NOT FALL INTO THE INLET. ANY MATERIAL FALLING INTO THE INLET SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 1 FINISHED SIZE, INCLUDING FLAP POCKETS WHERE REQUIRED, SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 10 INCHES AROUND THE PERIMETER TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE OR REMOVAL. 2 FLAP POCKETS SHALL BE LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCEPT WOOD 2 INCH X 4 INCH. INLET SPECIFICATIONS AS PER PLAN, DIMENSION LENGTH AND WIDTH TO MATCH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE "FF" FLAP POCKET USE REBAR OR STEEL ROD FOR REMOVAL OR FOR INLETS WITH CAST CURB BOX USE WOOD 2"x4", EXTEND 10" BEYOND GRATE WIDTH ON BOTH SIDES, LENGTH VARIES. SECURE TO GRATE WITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES. FRONT, BACK, AND BOTTOM TO BE MADE FROM SINGLE PIECE OF FABRIC. MINIMUM DOUBLE STITCHED SEAMS ALL AROUND SIDE PIECES AND ON FLAP POCKETS. 2 1 2 4" x 6" OVAL HOLE SHALL BE HEAT CUT INTO ALL FOUR SIDE PANELS #107-WI 10-02-12 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOTES: 1. ALL TRACKING PAD MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH WI DNR TECHNICAL STANDARD 1057. 2. TRACKING PADS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY TRAFFIC LEAVING THE SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION WITH OWNER. 3. THE AGGREGATE FOR TRACKING PADS SHALL BE 3 TO 6 INCH CLEAR OR WASHED STONE. ALL MATERIALS TO BE RETAINED ON A 3-INCH SIEVE 4. THE AGGREGATE SHALL BE PLACED IN A LAYER AT LEAST 12-INCHES THICK. ON SITES WHERE SATURATED CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED DURING THE LIFE OF THE PAD, THE PAD SHALL BE UNDERLAIN WITH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WHICH MEETS MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 592 GEOTEXTILE, TABLE 1 OR 2, CLASS I, II OR IV, TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF UNDERLYING SOILS INTO THE STONE LAYER. 5. THE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE THE FULL WIDTH OF THE EGRESS POINT. MINIMUM WIDTH IS 14 FEET FOR ONE-WAY TRAFFIC AND 20 FEET FOR TWO-WAY TRAFFIC, WITH AN ADDITIONAL INCREASE OF 4 FEET FOR TRAILER TRAFFIC. THE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE A MINIMUM 50-FEET LONG. 6. ANY SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD SHOULD BE REMOVED BY STREET CLEANING, NOT FLUSHING, AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. 7. TRACKING PADS SHALL, AT A MINIMUM, BE INSPECTED WEEKLY AND WITHIN 24-HOURS AFTER EVERY PRECIPITATION EVENT THAT PRODUCES 0.5-INCHES OF RAIN OR MORE DURING A 24-HOUR PERIOD. 8. THE TRACKING PAD PERFORMANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY SCRAPING OR TOP-DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL AGGREGATE. AGGREGATE OVER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 20.0'10.0'20.0' EXISTING PAVEMENTPROFILE VIEW3'' TO 6'' WASHED OR CLEAR STONE STORM SEWER MANHOLE #301 04/26/13 NOTES: 1. CLEAN UNDERSIDE OF ADJUSTING RING OR CAST IRON FRAME AND SET IN PLACE. 2. TUCK POINT MORTAR INTO ANNULAR CRACK AND BACKPLASTERED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF ALL JOINTS. 3. THE FLAT TOP MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF THE TAPERED TOP WHEN FIELD CONDITIONS PROHIBIT THE USE OF A FLAT TAPERED TOP. 4. MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C478. 5. ECCENTRIC CONE SECTION OF MANHOLE TO BE SET OUTSIDE OF VEHICULAR WHEEL PATH NEAR ℄ OF ROADWAY. NEENAH FOUNDRY R-1660 WITH VENTED LID, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS 4'' ADJUSTMENT RING SIDE BY SIDE JOINT (TYP) CONCRETE DECK MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR CONE SECTION FOR SHALLOW STORM SEWERS. SIDE BY SIDE JOINT (TYP)2 STRIPS OF 1'' E-Z-STIK BETWEEN ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS TOP OF BENCH FLOW LINE STORM SEWER PIPE MINIMUM 4.0' INSIDE DIAMETER 2.0' 0.42' MIN. PRECAST WALLS 6" MINIMUM STONE BEDDING CATCH BASIN #302 10-04-12 NOTES: 1. EASY STICK, RUBBER GASKET OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL JOINTS BETWEEN ADJUSTING RINGS FOR STORM CATCH BASINS. 2. THE FLAT TOP MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF THE TAPERED TOP WHEN FIELD CONDITIONS PROHIBIT USE OF A TAPERED TOP. 3. STRUCTURE TO BE 4.0' DIA. OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. CEMENT MORTAR 6" PRECAST, REINF'D CONC. TOP INSTALL STEPS 16'' O.C. WHEN STRUCTURE IS OVER 5 FEET DEEP. (ALIGN WITH OPENING) SEE PLAN FOR SEWER SIZE AND INVERT ELEV. GRADE ADD ADJUSTING RINGS IF NEEDED 5" PRECAST CONC. WALLS REINF'D CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ #5 RE-BAR 12'' EA. WAY. 2.0' 4.0' 2' x 3' CATCH BASIN #306 06/04/14 NOTES: 1. EASY STICK, RUBBER GASKET OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL JOINTS BETWEEN ADJUSTING RINGS FOR STORM CATCH BASINS. 2. THE FLAT TOP MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF THE TAPERED TOP WHEN FIELD CONDITIONS PROHIBIT USE OF A TAPERED TOP. INSTALL STEPS 16'' O.C. WHEN STRUCTURE IS OVER 5 FEET DEEP. (ALIGN WITH OPENING) SEE PLAN FOR SEWER SIZE AND INVERT ELEV. GRADE 5" PRECAST CONC. WALLS REINF'D CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ #5 RE-BAR 12'' EA. WAY. 3.0' SANITARY MANHOLE #400 10-10-12 FLOW 7" 2.0' 4.0' DIA 5" MIN.5" 2.0' 14"5" MIN.5" 4" (TYP) ALL AROUND CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER NEENAH R-1661 OR APPROVED EQUAL PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING ADJUSTING RINGS TYPE A MANHOLE TYPE C MANHOLE (REINFORCED CONC. TOP SLAB DESIGNED FOR ANTICIPATED TRUCKING LOADING.) FLEXIBLE GASKETED MANHOLE COUPLINGS PRECAST INTO STRUCTURE FOR ALL PIPE PENERATIONS FOR SANITARY STRUCTURES. (SEE SPECIFICATIONS).CONCRETE BASE CAST INTEGRAL WITH LOWEST BARREL SECTION 6" SAND CUSHION OR AGG. BASE CLASS SI CONC. GROUTED BENCH MANHOLE STEPS NEENAH R-1981-1 NOTES: 1. 1" EZ STIKE BETWEEN ALL ADJUSTMENT RINGS, BETWEEN TOP ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND FRAME. USE INTERNAL ADAPTOR SEAL RING, ALL JOINTS MUST BE BACKPLASTERED INSIDE AND OUT. 2. THE FLAT TOP MAYBE USED IN LIEU OF THE TAPERED TOP WHEN FIELD CONDITIONS PROHIBIT THE USE OF A TAPERED TOP. 3. STRUCTURE TO BE 4' -0" DIA UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2" R 1 2 3 2 STRIPS OF 1" EZ STIK BETWEEN ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS RUBBER BOOT BUTTE JOINT SIDE BY SIDE JOINT THE EZ STIK JOINT SHALL BE MANUALLY COMPRESSED TO SETTING THE NEXT CASTING, ADJUSTING RING OR MANHOLE SECTION REGULAR DUTY PAVEMENT SECTION #503 10-10-12 INSTALL TACK COAT PER WDOT SPECIFICATIONS IF LAYERS ARE NOT INSTALLED AT THE SAME TIME. 1.50" ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (E-0.3) 2.00" ASPHALT BINDER COURSE (E-0.3) 8" CRUSHED 1.25" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (COMPACTED) COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONCRETE SIDEWALK #507 10-11-12 PROPOSED GRADE 5" THICK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 2% MINIMUM EARTH (TYP.) 6" COMPACTED BASE MATERIAL EXTEND BASE MATERIAL 6" MIN BEYOND EDGE OF CONCRETE (TYP.) TOPSOIL BACKFILL PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE 18" 6" 18" VERTICAL FACE CURB #602-WI 12-14-12 1.0' 6" 18" 1.0' MINIMUM 5" COMPACTED BASE AGGREGATE UNDER CURB MINIMUM 5" COMPACTED BASE AGGREGATE UNDER CURB CONCRETE CURB PAVING SURFACE (TYP) SEE PLANS 2" R. 2" R. REGULAR STYLE REVERSE STYLE NOTES: 1. LATERAL CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT INTERVALS OF NOT MORE THAN 15 FEET NOR LESS THAN 6 FEET. THE JOINTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES IN DEPTH. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED TRANSVERSELY AT RADIUS POINTS ON CURVES OF RADIUS 200 FEET OR LESS, AND AT ANGLE POINTS, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. THE EXPANSION JOINTS FILLER SHALL BE A ONE PIECE FIBERBOARD OR THE APPROVED EQUIVALENT MATERIAL HAVING THE SAME DIMENSIONS AS CURB & GUTTER AT THAT STATION AND BE 0.5 INCH THICK. 3. IN ALL CASES, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE PLACED ON THOROUGHLY COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE. 4. REVERSE STYLE CURB LOCATIONS ARE NOTED ON THE PLANS. CONCRETE CURB PAVING SURFACE (TYP) SEE PLANS FIRE HYDRANT #501 10-10-12 ANCHOR TEE & VALVE ASSEMBLY WITH SCREW TO VALVE BOX CONCRETE BUTTRESS (MAY BE FIELD MIX) MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINT OR TIE RODS C/L HYDRANT BRANCH WOOD BLOCKING 34" LIMESTONE CHIPS CONCRETE BUTTRESS (MAY BE FIELD MIX) CRUSHED STONE WATER VARIABLE NOTES: 1. MEGALUG RESTRAINING GLANDS ON ALL MECHANICAL JOINTS, THE BOLTS & NUTS ARE TO BE HIGH STRENGTH LOW ALLOY STEEL (CORTEN) AS PER SECTION 11.6.5 OF A.W.W.A. C-111. 2. THE FOLLOWING HYDRANTS SHALL BE ALLOWED: MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 250 3-WAY FIRE HYDRANT U.S. PIPE METROPOLITAN / M-94 DUCTILE IRON FIRE HYDRANT WATEROUS 514" PACER FIRE HYDRANT THRUST BLOCK #502 10-10-12 PLAN 45° BEND 6" SIZE PIPE 24" 20" 16" 12" 30" 8" B3 1-'2" A3 1-'4" B2 1-'0" 90° BENDS 2'-3" 2'-10" 3'-4" 3'-10" 4'-8" 6'-4" 5'-0" 2'-8" 3'-3" 2'-4" 2'-10" 1'-10" 8'-0"3'-10" 3'-10" 1'-6"1'-10"1'-2" A2B1 1-'0" A1 22 1/2° BENDS 1'-4" 1'-8" 2'-0" 2'-4" 3'-0" 1'-0" 45° BENDS 1-'0" 1'-4" 1'-10" 2'-6" 3'-3" 4'-0" 5'-4" PLAN 90° BEND SECTION A-A 1-'0" 1'-4" 1'-10" 2'-4" 2'-10" 3'-6" 1'-0" NOTES: 1. PROVIDE THRUST BLOCKING TO PREVENT MOVEMENT OF LINES UNDER PRESSURE AT BENDS, TEES, CAPS, VALVES, HYDRANTS, AND AT POINTS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER 2. ALL BLOCKING SHALL BE WITH POURED CLASS SI CONCRETE AGAINST UNDISTURBED VERTICAL EARTH SURFACE 3. THRUST BLOCKS TO BE AT ALL BENDS 11 14° OR GREATER 4. THE COST OF INSTALLING THE THRUST BLOCK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WATER 5. DIMENSION A2 & A3 SHOULD BE AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT INTERFERING WITH M.J BOLTS CLASS "F" CONCRETE (4.5 BAG MIX) BUTTRESS TO BE POURED AGAINST FIRM UNDISTURBED EARTH 90° CONCRETE SHALL BE IN CONTACT WITH THIS QUADRANT OF PIPE AT LEAST BEDDING MATERIAL APPROX. 1:1 SLOPE WHERE BEDDING DEPTH BELOW PIPE EXCEEDS 6"