COMMON COUNCIL Packet- 5/26/2015 CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA May 26, 2015 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Announcements - Memorial Day and Jammin' on Janesville PUBLIC COMMENT City Residents and Taxpayers Only – Speakers will be limited to making comments related to all agenda items excluding closed session items relating to employment and labor issues. Comments will be limited to two minutes per speaker per agenda item. There will be no discussion by/with the Common Council during Public Comment. PUBLIC HEARING To consider petition of Jeffrey Natrop (Renner Architects) on behalf of ABHM/Tudor Oaks to grant a zoning amendment to the existing PD-6 Tudor Oaks Planned Development District for the purpose of allowing 25 additional skilled nursing beds (from 60 to 85) and a 25 unit reduction to the number of allowed apartments (from 300 to 275). POSSIBLE RECONSIDERATION Ord. #1396 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego and the 2020 Comprehensive Plan (John Jewell - B-3 and RS-3 to PD - Planned Development District) CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under consent agenda will be approved in one motion without discussion unless any Council member requests that an item be removed for individual discussion. That item then can be acted on separately at the same meeting under the part of the meeting it would normally appear. Approval of Operator Licenses Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 28 and May 12 Resolution #052-2015 - Designating the Official Newspaper of the City of Muskego Resolution #053-2015 - Resolution to Amend the Fund Balance and Annual General Fund Budgeted Contingency Policy Common Council Agenda 2 May 26, 2015 Resolution #054-2015 - Approval of Election Equipment Contract Governmental Agreement Resolution #055-2015 - Request for Information to Consider Joining the Waukesha County Recycling Program Resolution #056-2015 - Approval of Subdivider's Agreement - Aster Hills Resolution #057-2015 - Approval of a TIF 8 Grant for DeWinter Eye Care (S73 W16437 Janesville Road) Resolution #058-2015 - Approval of Revolving Loan Fund Application for Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc. (S82 W19362 Apollo Drive) Resolution #059-2015 - Approval of a TIF 8 Grant for Muskego Mobil (S73 W16680 Janesville Road) Resolution #060-2015 - Resolution Authorizing a Grant from the Approved Commercial Building and Grant Program for Max A. Sass and Sons Funeral Home (W173 S7629 Westwood Drive) Resolution #061-2015 - Resolution Authorizing a Grant from the Approved Commercial Building and Grant Program for Marx Pioneer Inn (W180 S7808 Pioneer Drive) NEW BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #045-2015 - Approval of Fee Schedule for Department of Public Works (On the floor, deferred April 28) REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - April 28, 2015 Public Works Committee - April 20, 2015 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES AND POSSIBLE SECOND READING IF RULES WAIVED Ordinance #1398 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Tudor Oaks Planned Development District Amendment) LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of Outside Dance Permit and Amendment to Licensed Premise for Michelle Gonzales d/b/a Twisted Cork, S74 W16832 Janesville Road June 5 and August 7 - Music from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm/Outside Premise from 5:00 to Midnight VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Common Council Agenda 3 May 26, 2015 Tax Vouchers General Fund Vouchers Wire Transfers for Debt Service Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW City Calendar: http://www.cityofmuskego.org/Calendar.aspx FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. I 0 1 , 3 0 0 2 , 6 0 0 6 5 0 F e e tScale: L e g e n d A f f e c t e d A r e a P r o p e r t i e s w i t h i n 3 0 0 f t R i g h t - o f - W a y M u n i c i p a l B o u n d a r y P a r c e l s S t r u c t u r e s L a k e D urha m Drive C i t y o f F r a n k l i n C i t y o f M u s k e g o M c S h a n e D r i v e CITY OF MUSKEGO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING P L E A S E T A K E N O T I C E t h a t t h e C o m m o n C o u n c i l o f t h e C i t y o f M u s k e g o w i l l h o l d a P u b l i c H e a r i n g a t 7 : 0 0 P M , o r s h o r t l y t h e r e a f t e r , o n T u e s d a y , M a y 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 , i n t h e M u s k e g o R o o m o f C i t y H a l l , W 1 8 2 S 8 2 0 0 R a c i n e A v e n u e , t o c o n s i d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g u p o n t h e p e t i t i o n o f t h e C i t y o f M u s k e g o : U p o n t h e p e t i t i o n o f J e f f r e y N a t r o p ( o f R e n n e r A r c h i t e c t s ) o n b e h a l f o f A B H M / T u d o r O a k s s h a l l t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e a k n o w n a s : T a x K e y N u m b e r s 2 2 0 7 . 9 9 9 & 2 2 0 7 . 9 9 9 . 0 0 2 b e g r a n t e d a z o n i n g a m e n d m e n t t o t h e e x i s t i n g P D - 6 T u d o r O a k s P l a n n e d D e v e l o p m e n t D i s t r i c t f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f a l l o w i n g t w e n t y - f i v e ( 2 5 ) a d d i t i o n a l s k i l l e d n u r s i n g b e d s ( f r o m 6 0 t o 8 5 ) a n d a t w e n t y - f i v e ( 2 5 ) u n i t r e d u c t i o n t o t h e n u m b e r o f a l l o w e d a p a r t m e n t s ( f r o m 3 0 0 t o 2 7 5 ) . T h e p e t i t i o n e r s a p p l i c a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e f o r p u b l i c i n s p e c t i o n a t t h e C i t y o f M u s k e g o C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t D e p a r t m e n t . A l l i n t e r e s t e d p a r t i e s w i l l b e g i v e n a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o b e h e a r d . P l a n C o m m i s s i o n C i t y o f M u s k e g o P u b l i s h i n t h e M u s k e g o N O W N e w s p a p e r o n M a y 7 , 2 0 1 5 a n d M a y 1 4 , 2 0 1 5 . D a t e d t h i s 2 9 t h d a y o f A p r i l , 2 0 1 5 N O T I C E I T I S P O S S I B L E T H A T M E M B E R S O F A N D P O S S I B L Y A Q U O R U M O F M E M B E R S O F O T H E R G O V E R N M E N T A L B O D I E S O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y M A Y B E I N A T T E N D A N C E A T T H E A B O V E - S T A T E D M E E T I N G A N D G A T H E R I N F O R M A T I O N ; N O A C T I O N W I L L B E T A K E N B Y A N Y G O V E R N M E N T A L B O D Y A T T H E A B O V E - S T A T E D M E E T I N G O T H E R T H A N T H E G O V E R N M E N T A L B O D Y S P E C I F I C A L L Y R E F E R R E D T O A B O V E I N T H I S N O T I C E . N O T I C E " P l e a s e n o t e t h a t , u p o n r e a s o n a b l e n o t i c e , e f f o r t s w i l l b e m a d e t o a c c o m m o d a t e t h e n e e d s o f d i s a b l e d i n d i v i d u a l s t h r o u g h a p p r o p r i a t e a i d s a n d s e r v i c e s . F o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o r e q u e s t t h i s s e r v i c e , c o n t a c t t h e C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t D e p a r t m e n t a t C i t y H a l l , W 1 8 2 S 8 2 0 0 R a c i n e A v e n u e , ( 2 6 2 ) 6 7 9 - 4 1 3 6 . " CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council May 26, 2015 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel, AICP Subject: Tudor Oaks Planned Development Rezoning Amendment Date: May 20, 2015 Background Information: A planned development rezoning amendment request has been submitted for the Tudor Oaks property located off of McShane Drive. The current planned development zoning district, known as PD-6, has been in place since 1973. The planned development allowed the Tudor Oaks campus to be developed as we see today which is an all- around senior living and medical campus. The overall density was simply based on the development proposed at that time and allowed the following:  No more than 50 single-family home sites south of McShane Road  No more than 300 apartments and a 60 bed health care facility Per the petition, Tudor Oaks would like to amend the densities of the health care beds and apartments to the following:  No more than 275 300 apartments and a 85 60 bed health care facility The petition notes that the need for this amendment is due to the population of the campus aging. More skilled nursing beds will allow Tudor Oaks to better serve their residents and they felt that the reduction in future allowed apartments can help the City of Muskego allow this request. A site plan is part of the petition which shows where Tudor Oaks intends to come in for Planning Commission Building, Site, and Operation Plan (BSO) approval for the new building should the rezoning amendment be allowed. They would match the architecture of the existing buildings to the newly proposed skilled nursing bed center. The rezoning ordinance is subject to future Plan Commission BSO approval. No Comprehensive Plan amendment is required as part of this proposal. For Council’s information, the current development totals on the Tudor Oaks site are as follows:  0 single-family home sites  185 apartments (120 independent living & 65 assisted living)  60 skilled nursing beds  6+((7 -2% '$7( & / - 1 '5 $ : 1  % <  & + .  % <  6  :       0 F 6 K D Q H  ' U L Y H    0 X V N H J R   : ,       5(9,6,216 %< D    U     F     K     L     W     H     F     W     V    ( $ 6 7  ( 5 , (  6 7 5 ( ( 7   0 , / : $ 8 . 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STAIR 4 New 3,000 lb. roped hydrolic elevatorRelocate e x i s t i n g trash chute STAIR 1 UP ELEVATOR EXISTINGVESTIBULE NEW KITCHEN ACTIVITY UTILITYROOM BATHING CORRIDOR DINING ROOM ELEVATOR SINGLE DINING DAY ROOM CLINICAL CARE MANAGER & Dr's OFFICE DRUG STORAG E ROOM NURSESSTATION DOUBLE DOUBLE WELLNESS STORAGE/MECH COMMUN I CATION ROOM / COATS GATHERING ROOM MEDROOM ACTIVITY STORAGE COURT YARD BATHING RECIEVIN G NURSES STATION STAIR 2 up SPEACH THERAPI S T OFFICE DIRECTOR OF NURSING PHYSICAL THERAPY ROOM PORTICOENTRANCE CORRIDOR OUTDOOR STORAGE EQUIPMENTRM LOBBY MECHANICAL STAIR 3 LYNN JESSICA SOCIALWORKER OFFICE MANAGERS MEN'S THERAP I S T OFFICE CONSIGN M E N TRM STAFF EDUCATOR VESTIBULE ELEVATOR COPY ROOM 123 122 127 115 128 119 120 113 124 116 121 125 112 126 118 117 114 DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE DOUBLE DOUBLE SINGLE SINGLESINGLE THERAP Y REST ROOM 132AB 131AB 130AB 1060 1059 110 111 129 1007 102 103 101 1009 1010 1016 1017 1018 109 108 107 106 105 104 1001 138AB 137AB 136AB 135 134 1024 1023 1041 1028 1026 1025 1032 1029 1036 1033 1034 1044 1045 1046 1039 1042 1043 1037 1035 1058 1015 1011 1013 139 146 145 140 141 144 143 142 1053 10551052 1051 1049 1008 1022a NEWVESTIBULE 1014A SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLESINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE DOUBLE DOUBLE CORRIDOR 1014 MECH1019 CORRIDOR 1062 ANTI RM 1006 CORRIDOR 1004 CORRIDOR 1002 CORRIDOR 1003 DRY STORAG E 1061 CORRIDOR 1027 CORRIDOR 1038 CORRIDOR1040 1047 1048 CORRIDOR 1050CLOSET 1050B CLOSET1050D CLOSET1050A CLOSET1050C WOMEN 1057 CORRIDOR 1056 CLOSET 1020C CLOSET1020A CLOSET1020B CORRIDOR1020 CLOSET 1004F CLOSET1004D CLOSET 1004C CLOSET 1004E CLOSET 1020B CLOSET1004A CORRIDOR 1021 CORRIDOR 1014 SINGLE BATHROOM C POWDER ROOM BATHROOM A BATHROOM B GFI37"GFI 40"GFI GFI42" 40" GFI42"GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" GFI42"GFI42" RF RF Closet MEN1012GFI42" POWDERROOM POWDERROOM POWDERROOM POWDERROOM POWDERROOM POWDER ROOM 44"AFF 44"AFF 44"AFF 42"AFF GFI42" GFI42" 44" WP WP WP WPWP WP WP Column Column 1039A 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC OFFICE1014A CORRIDOR 1054 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC 72" OCC CONFERENCE ROOM 1031 BATHROOM D BATHROOM C BATHROOM C BATHROOM C BATHROOM C BATHROOM C BATHROOM C BATHROOM D BATHROOM D BATHROOM C BATHROOM C BATHROOM A BATH ROOM B BATHROOM A BATHROOM B BATHROOM B BATHROOM A GFI42" GFI42" GFI42" 40" GFI GFI 72" OCC GFI 42"GFI GFI42" REF WOMEN'S GFI37" )/$* :,1 *  6 , * 1 $ * ( +(5 ( :,1*  6 , * 1 $ * ( +(5 ( :,1*6,*1$*(+(5( 0$,1(175$1&(6,*1$*( *5$9(/52$' 5%$5 *8<*8< *8< *8< 67250:$7(5321' *5$66 :,1*6,*1$ * ( +(5( NEW GENERATORLOCATION :,1*6,*1$*(+(5( 6( 5 9 , & (  (1 7 5 $ 1 & ( TO BIRCH WING )( NEWELEVATOR up up 0F6KDQH'ULYH 0F6KDQ H  'ULYH 522)&219(&725 5' 522)&219(&725 522)&219(&725 P FE FE FE FE REF ([LVWLQJ+RXU)LUH6HSDUDWLRQ ([LVWLQJ+RXU)LUH6HSDUDWLRQ ([LVWLQJ+RXU)LUH6HSDUDWLRQ +RXU)LUH6HSDUDWLRQ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            796.56 796.47 799.87 Ramp up 8'8' 8' 8' 5' 8 ' 8' 5' 8' 799.8 E X I S T I N G S I D E W A L K RE P L A C E D S I D E W A L K 6 RISERS UP P A I N T E D S T R I P E S P A I N T E D S T R I P E S VAN 795 795 79 5 796 797 798 799 798 797 796 795 Dow n t u rned curb REF 2 Ri s e r s Outline of exis t i n g s t o op New c o n c r e t e pav e m e n t Recy c l e Dum p s t e r slab 4' of add i t i o n a l asp h a l t pav i n g 24' drive way for Fire Dep t . A c c e s s 22.5° Corne r of existing slab SINGLE FD FD DIRTYLAUNDRY1016a 44"REF c c cN c c Nc c c c c c c Nc c c Nc c c c c Nc c cc c c c Nc c c c c NN N c c c c c c cN c c c c cN c c c c c c cN c c cN c c c c cN c c c c c c cN c N c c c c c c Nc c c c c N c c c cc NcN c N N c N N N c NccN N N NN N N NN N NN N cN NN 1022a HOUSEKEEPING 44" 52" DOUBL E110 c c N c c c c ExistingMeeting Room ExistingToiletRoom 1008 SALON 1056A SINGLE REF                       Mechanical GFI37" Supplies R F Dinning SoiledStorageCleanStorage Storage S t orage Storage 0$ , 1 (1 7 5 $ 1 & ( ), 5  :, 1 * Lifts Toilet Nurse Lounge 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 13 14 12 215 s.f. 215 s.f. 215 s.f.215 s.f. 215 s.f. 215 s.f. 215 s.f. 243 s.f. 186 s.f. 146 s.f. 160 s.f. 201 s.f. 201 s.f. 160 s.f. +,*+7(16,2172:(5 M c S h a n e D r i v e M c S h a n e D r i v e 7,759.71 sq ft &('$5 :,1* $6 3 ( 1  :, 1 * (/0:,1* :,1 ' 6 2 5  +2 8 6 (  7 & 8   +( $ / 7 +  & ( 1 7 ( 5 '2*:22':,1*:,1* %,5&+:,1*&(17(5$5($ New Skilled Nursing Addition 6 :( 1 1"=100'-0" Mc Sh a n e D r i v e Area of Residential Single Family Homes Area of Residential Single Family Homes Farm Land Site Map  6+((7 -2% '$7( & / - 1 '5 $ : 1  % <  & + .  % <  6  :       0 F 6 K D Q H  ' U L Y H    0 X V N H J R   : ,       5(9,6,216 %< D    U     F     K     L     W     H     F     W     V    ( $ 6 7  ( 5 , (  6 7 5 ( ( 7   0 , / : $ 8 . 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The property has frontage along Janesville Road to the north and Westwood Drive to the east. The Janesville Road frontage of the property is currently zoned B-3, General Business District and the remainder and bulk area of the property is currently zoned RS-3, Suburban Residence District. The current 2020 Land Use designation for the entire property is Business use. Rezoning & 2020 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendments The proposal is establish a Planned Development (PD) District for the entire property. Within that PD the following uses would be allowed within their respective areas: 1. The Janesville Road frontage of the property (approximately one acre) would maintain the B-3 zoning uses. This would include the existing home and allow future business uses along Janesville Road. 2. The central/rear portion of the lot would follow the RM-3 (Multiple Family Residence District) zoning. This would be for eight two-family buildings/homes, totaling sixteen (16) units in this area. 3. The northern Westwood Drive portion of the lot would follow the RM-3 zoning. This would be for one two-family building/home, totaling two units in this area. 4. The southern Westwood Drive portion of the lot would follow the RS-3 zoning. This would be for one single-family home, totaling one unit in this area. This request also proposes a change to the 2020 Land Use from Business uses to Business and Medium Density Residential uses. Proposed Development Density In all, the density created by this plan would be a total of one (1) commercial unit (the existing home/business) on approximately one acre, eighteen (18) multi-family units (in nine buildings) and one (1) single-family unit all on approximately 6.45 acres. The residential (single-family and multi-family) portions of the development results in approx. 2.95 units/acre or 1 unit per 14,787 square feet. This density falls within the Medium Density Residential use which allow up to 2.99 units per acre. Medium Density Residential use allows 14,569 square feet as the minimum area required per unit and the proposal fits within that allowance. The existing residential development in this area already contains the proposed Medium Density Residential use category. Other Development Details The development will be accessed via a main entry driveway/road off of Janesville Road. The existing home will remain at this time and could be a commercial use in the future as the current zoning allows. The two building located along Westwood Drive would access directly off of Westwood Drive. The remaining eight (8) two-family buildings would access the new interior street. The two-family buildings would be clustered together, while leaving some open spaces on the outskirts of the lot for a buffer from the existing homes in this area. Conceptual architecture plans have been included in the submittal. Further review of the architectural details and all site plan details will need to be reviewed formally and in more detail by the Plan Commission via a Building, Site, and Operation plan approval in the future should the rezoning receive approval. The rezoning ordinance currently makes the rezoning contingent upon the approval of a BSO for this property. Current Zoning & 2020 Land Use Proposed Zoning & 2020 Land Use Ingold RezoningIngold Rezoning Created By: City of Muskego April 24, 2015 B-2 RM-1 B-4 PD-14 I-1 ERS-3 ERS-3 PD-26PD-10 I-1 RS-3 B-3 B-4 I-1 Legend Affected Properties Zoning B-2 RM-1 B-4 PD-14 I-1 ERS-3 PD-26PD-10 I-1 RS-3 B-3 B-4 I-1 Right-of-Way Structures Water BodyParcels High Density Res. Commercial Medium Density Res. 2020 Land Use Government & Institutional Jane s v i l l e R o a d We s t w o o d D r i v e Jane s v i l l e R o a d We s t w o o d D r i v e (Single-Family/Multi-Family /Commercial) (Single-Family) (Single-Family/Multi-Family /Commercial) (Single-Family) Petitioner: Ingold/Jewell Tax Key Number: 2196958001 PD (Single-Family/Multi-Family /Commercial) B-3 AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1396 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP AND 2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (John Jewell – B-3 and RS-3 to Planned Development District) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from B-3 – General Business District and RS-3 – Suburban Residence District to PD – Planned Development District: Tax Key Number 2196.958.001 SECTION 2: The Common Council does hereby amend the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map to reflect a change from Commercial uses to Commercial and Medium Density Residential uses. SECTION 3: Upon satisfaction of the conditions of Section 5, below, Chapter 17 of the City of Muskego Code entitled “Zoning,” Section 9.54 entitled “PD-48 Ingold” is hereby added as depicted in Attachment A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to allow the development proposed by John Jewell as described in their submittal dated April 1, 2015 and accompanying documentation, subject to all applicable terms and conditions of this ordinance and subject to final revisions that may be made upon the City’s approval of the final development documents pursuant to Section 9.06 of the Muskego Zoning Code. SECTION 4: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication subject to Plan Commission approvals of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan and any required Council approvals of Subdivider’s Agreements. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12th DAY OF MAY , 2015. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor First Reading: April 28, 2015 ATTEST: ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance Published: May 21, 2015 ATTACHMENT A 9.54 PD-48 INGOLD (1) The Ingold Planned Development contains approximately 7.5 acres and is located along Janesville Road with frontage also found to the east along Westwood Drive. The development consists of allowing a one acre area of commercial uses found up along Janesville Road, area for eight (8) 2-unit side by side residential buildings along the back of the property (accessed privately from Janesville Road) two (2) single-family residential buildings along Westwood Drive. Various condominium plats, certified survey maps, building/site/operation plans, and/or development agreements are required before the Planning Commission and/or Common Council.The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City sewer and water. The commercial portion of the planned development is created under the auspices of the B-3 Commercial Zoning District. The two-family portion of the planned development is created under the auspices of the RM-3 Multi-family Residential Zoning District. The single-family portion of the planned development is created under the auspices of the RS-3 Single-family Residential Zoning District. Overall, the Planned Development zoning is put in place to allow the developer’s to use the amount of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preserving the density found in the City’s Comprehensive Plan of Medium Density Residential. The PD also allowed the mixed uses of commercial and residential co-exist in the same development. Setbacks and offsets of the multi-family uses were established under the original approvals and any new buildings will require approval of the City’s Planning Commission. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission 2015 Rezoning Approval: __/__/2015 per Resolution #___-2015 Common Council 2015 Rezoning Approval: __/__/2015 per Ordinance #1396 Plan Commission 2015 BSO Approval: ______ per Resolution #____-___ Common Council Developer’s Agreement Approval (If Applicable): ______ per Resolution #___- ____ (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) Lot Size (B) Density (C) Building Location (D) Building Size (E) Open Space (F) Height Min. Lot Area Min. Avg. Lot Width D/U Per Acre Min. Set Back Side Yards Rear Yard Min. floor area 1st floor Min. floor area total Floor Area Ratio Min. open space per res D/U Min. Ht principal structure Min. Ht Accessory structure Varies Varies 2.6 Varies Varies Varies - - Varies Varies 30 15 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. OPERATOR LICENSE APPROVALS COMMON COUNCIL – 05/26/2015 Jacquelynne Barret Rebecca Bingham Jane Blakeslee Lee Christenson Maggie Ewert Jennifer Geske Diane Jackson Adam Jankowski Katy Nicholson Debra Nuetzel Jennifer Obermeyer Connie Pfaff Kathleen Rynders Christine Satterstrom Gary Schmutzer Judith Semrad Simranjeet Singh Dawn Sobbe Sarah Thies Bailey Welch Tami Wright S/CityHall/Licenses/Oper Lic Approval Lists/2015.doc Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES April 28, 2015 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Aldermen Wolfe, Hammel, Borgman, Kapusta, Engelhardt, Kubacki and Madden. Also present: Planner Adam Trzebiatowski and Assistant Deputy Clerk Chavie. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Ms. Chavie stated that the meeting was properly noticed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Chiaverotti proclaimed May 9th as International Migratory Bird Day. PUBLIC COMMENT – None PUBLIC HEARING Ms. Chavie read the Public Hearing Notice to consider the petition of John Jewell to rezone property known as Tax Key Number 2196.958.001 from B-3 - General Business District and RS-3 - Suburban Residence District to PD - Planned Family Development District for the purpose of allowing a mixed use development (Commercial, Multi-Family, and Single-Family uses). The 2020 Comprehensive Plan also needs to be changed from Commercial uses to Commercial and Medium Density Residential Uses. Planner Trzebiatowski spoke briefly regarding the rezoning of the property. The following individuals spoke: John Albert, S77 W17530 St Leonards Drive Sharon Ostrowski, S77 W17383 St. Leonards Drive Suzi Link, W172 S7297 Lannon Drive Robert Bliese, S77 W17458 St. Leonards Drive Gary Kierzek, S77 W17482 St. Leonards Drive Debra Bolton, W186 S7543 Kingston Drive Tim Biro, S77 W17394 St. Leonards Drive Joe Monreal, S76 W17582 St. Leonards Drive Janine Pfeifer, S77 W17436 St. Leonards Drive The following comments were noted:  Concerned with flooding/floodplain that exits on site and in the area.  Concerned with water issues.  Sump pump issues are present in the area already.  Concerned with traffic on Westwood Drive before/after events and services at St. Leonard's Church. Common Council Minutes 2 April 28, 2015  Concerned with access on Westwood Drive.  Concerned with property values and crime.  Not in favor of using a Planned Development (PD) zoning; use straight zoning districts.  Will the input from the Public Hearing be considered in the final decision?  More details should be provided before moving forward.  The Department of Natural Resources should be involved due to the flooding/floodplain issues. Petitioner John Jewell responded stating that the wetlands will be identified/delineated on site, detailed stormwater management plans will be developed as part of the development process, and the main access point will be off of Janesville Road to limit traffic to Westwood. Planner Trzebiatowski noted that this item will be placed on the Plan Commission Meeting Agenda on May 5th for further discussion. Mayor declared the hearing closed. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Chiaverotti requested the removal of Resolution #039-2015 and Alderman Hammel requested the removal of Resolution #045-2015. Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the remaining items under the Consent Agenda. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. The following items were approved: Approval of Operator Licenses for Mohammad Ali Kamran, Samantha Menter and Daniel Sucharski, Albert Meinen (Temporary) and Lawrence Schweitzer (Temporary). Approval of Common Council Minutes - April 14 and 21, 2015 Reso. #040-2015 - Appointment of Aldermen to Various Boards and Committees Reso. #041-2015 - Appointment of Citizen Members to Various Boards, Committees and Commissions Reso. #042-2015 - Declaring Certain Weeds to be Noxious Reso. #043-2015 - Appointment of Weed Commissioner for the City of Muskego Reso. #044-2015 - Dedication and Acceptance of Public Improvements in and for Boxhorn Reserve Subdivision and Release of Letter of Credit NEW BUSINESS Reso. #039-2015 - Approval of Lease Agreement with Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District Mayor Chiaverotti noted the changes to the Lease Agreement. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Madden seconded. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to amend the resolution accepting the changes to the Lease Agreement. Alderman Madden seconded. Common Council Minutes 3 April 28, 2015 Motion Passed 7 in favor. Resolution #039-2015, as amended, adopted 7 in favor. Reso. #045-2015 - Approval of Fee Schedule for the Department of Public Works Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Borgman seconded. Discussion took place regarding the culvert replacement fees and who is responsible to pay for them, the homeowner or the city. After further discussion, Alderman Madden made a motion to defer this item back to the Public Works Committee for more information. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion to Defer Passed 7 in favor. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - March 24, 2014 Public Works Committee - February 16, 2015 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES AND POSSIBLE SECOND READING IF RULES WAIVED Ord. #1396 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego and the 2020 Comprehensive Plan (John Jewell - B-3 and RS-3 to PD - Planned Development District) Ord. #1397 - An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Parks and Recreation Regulations) LICENSE APPROVAL Outside Dance Permit and Amendment to Licensed Premise - Escher, Inc. d/b/a The Suburban Bourbon on May 2, 2015 - Noon to 7:00 p.m., June 5 and August 7, 2015 - 3:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., August 30 and November 21 - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $284,937.62. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $275,343.98. Alderman Madden seconded. Common Council Minutes 4 April 28, 2015 Motion Passed 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $322,657.32. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Mayor Chiaverotti distributed her committee appointment assignments to the Aldermen. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Hammel made a motion to adjourn at 7:59 pm. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Minutes transcribed by Kim Chavie, Assistant Deputy Clerk Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES May 12, 2015 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Aldermen Wolfe, Hammel, Borgman, Kapusta, Engelhardt, Kubacki and Madden. Also present: Community Development Director Muenkel, City Attorney Val Anderson and Deputy Clerk Blenski. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Ms. Blenski stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Chiaverotti noted that the Police Department held its Awards Ceremony on May 11. PUBLIC COMMENT The following individuals spoke regarding Ord. #1396: Heidi Lindhorst, S75 W18094 Boszhardt Lane Debra Bolton, W186 S7543 Kingston Drive Robert Bliese, S77 W17458 St. Leonards Drive John Albert, S77 W17530 St. Leonards Drive Suzi Link, W172 S7297 Lannon Drive John Jewell, W192 S6940 Elkwood Court CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the items under Consent Agenda. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. The following items were approved: Approval of Operator Licenses for Dennis Flitsch, Ann Marie Gonzales, Ashley Kenar, Pamela Pulver, Julie Thomas and Ralph Llanas (Temporary). Reso. #046-2015 - Approval of Certified Survey Map - Lakepoint Church Reso. #047-2015 - Approval of Reduction in Letter of Credit - Belle Chasse Phase III (aka Addition #2) Reso. #048-2015 - Approval of Three-Party Design Engineering Services Contract for Moorland Road Reso. #049-2015 - Approval of City of Muskego/Horn Brothers Use and Maintenance Common Council Minutes 2 May 12, 2015 Agreement for Parks Garage Parking Lot Reso. #050-2015 - Approval of Park Arthur Equestrian Trail Agreement Reso. #051-2015 - Approval of Final Plat for the Belle Chasse Subdivision Authorize Acquisition Contracts and Authorize Signatures for Budget Approved Expenditures Over $50,000 - Jensen Park Lift Station UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ord. #1396 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego and the 2020 Comprehensive Plan (John Jewell - B-3 and RS-3 to PD - Planned Development District. Second Reading. Alderman Madden made a motion to approve Ord. #1396. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Mr. Muenkel briefly reviewed the rezoning petition and responded to questions. Mr. Jewell was present and was permitted to speak regarding the proposed development. City Attorney Val Anderson stated that the petition that was submitted at the Plan Commission meeting was invalid, which does not require a 3/4 majority vote on the issue. Alderman Borgman made a motion to amend to remove the two-family unit on Westwood Drive and make it a single family parcel. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Ordinance #1396, as amended, adopted 5 in favor and Aldermen Hammel and Kapusta opposed. Ord. #1397 - An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Parks and Recreation Regulations). Second Reading. Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - April 14, 2015 Plan Commission - April 7, 2015 Parks and Recreation Board/Conservation Commission Joint Meeting - March 3, 2015 LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of Temporary Licenses for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages for Jammin' on Janesville (June 5 and August 7) Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Rensei-Kai - Muskego Dental Friends of Autism, Inc. - North Shore Bank Sandhill Booster Club - Jimmy John's Alderman Hammel made a motion to approve. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Common Council Minutes 3 May 12, 2015 Motion Passed 7 in favor. Approval of Temporary Licenses for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Wine for Jammin' on Janesville (June 5 and August 7) Muskego Chamber of Commerce - Muskego Post Office (Front Parking Lot) - June 5 Only Muskego Moose Lodge #1057 - Pick 'n Save (East End Parking Lot) Muskego Food Pantry - Corner Lot on Janesville and Pioneer Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Approval of Salvage and Recycling Permit - Kohne Salvage, W200 S7203 Williams Drive Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve. Alderman Engelhardt seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Approval of Outside Dance Permit for Three H's (Tres Locos), W172 S7505 Lannon Drive June 5 and August 7 - 5:00 pm to 11:30 pm (Jammin' on Janesville) June 20 - Noon to 10:00 pm Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Madden seconded. Alderman Borgman made a motion to amend the time to 11:00 pm on June 5th and August 7th. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Motion to approve the permit, as amended, passed 7 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $125,330.57. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Tax Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Tax Vouchers in the amount of $132.16. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $262,321.94. Alderman Engelhardt seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Common Council Minutes 4 May 12, 2015 Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $309,162.66. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Borgman made a motion to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Minutes transcribed by Kim Chavie. CITY OF MUSKEGO Reports and Presentations to Standing Committees of the Common Council (Finance, Public Works and Public Safety) and to Common Council To: Finance Committee From: Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk Department: Finance and Administration Department Subject: Official Newspaper Date: May 22, 2015 Background Information: The City is required to advertise annually for bids for its official newspaper. Wis. Stat ute 985 regulates official newspapers. The Advertisement for Bids was published in the Muskego-New Berlin Now as required by state statute. The City received a bid from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and a bid from the Waukesha Freeman. (See attached resolution for bids.) Key Issues for Consideration: 1. The statute requires that the paper making the lowest effective bid shall be awarded the contract. 2. While the per line bid submitted by the Freeman is lower, the per column inch bid is higher. 3. The bid submitted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reflects rates that are lower than what the City is currently paying. 4. The circulation of the Freeman is 144 households compared to 1,977 that receive the Muskego Now. Recommendation for Action by Committee and/or Council: Recommend acceptance of the bid submitted by the Journal Sentinel designating the Muskego Now as the City’s official newspaper. Date of Committee Action: May 26, 2015 Planned Date of Council Action (if required): May 26, 2015 Total $ Needed: Fiscal Note(s): $ Budgeted: Money has been budgeted for publication costs. When applicable, the cost of publication is passed on to the customer. $ Unbudgeted: Expenditure Account(s) to Be Used: (5/2015) COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #052-2015 DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, The City advertised for bids for the publication of council proceedings and legal notices in accordance with state statutes; and WHEREAS, The following bids were received: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Muskego-New Berlin Now) 1st 2nd Insertion Insertion Per Line Council Proceedings $ 0.61 $ 0.50 City’s Legal Notices $ 0.61 $ 0.50 Per Column Inch For Display Ads, Sample Ballots, and Other Matter Set in a Display Format $ 5.20 $ 4.77 Affidavit $1.00 each Waukesha Freeman 1st 2nd Insertion Insertion Per Line Council Proceedings $ 0.43 $ 0.34 City’s Legal Notices $ 0.43 $ 0.34 Per Column Inch Display Rate $ 6.54 $5.14 Affidavit $1.00 each WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the submitted bids and recommended that the Muskego-New Berlin Now be designated as the Official City Newspaper based on the following:  the per column inch for display ads is lower.  the paid circulation for the Waukesha Freeman is 144 households  the paid circulation for the Muskego Now is 1,977 households  the bid submitted by the Journal Sentinel reflects rates that are lower than what the City is currently paying Reso. #052-2015 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby designate the Muskego Now as its official newspaper. DATED THIS DAY OF MAY 2010. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #052-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 5/15jmb CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee & Common Council To: Finance Committee & Common Council Date: May 26th, 2015 From: Finance & Admin. Department Presenter(s): Finance & Admin. Director Subject: Topic for Presentation/Report to Committee: Requested revisions to the existing Fund Balance and Annual General Fund Budgeted Contingency Policy Background Information: On July 24th, 2007, the Common Council adopted a General Fund Reserve and Annual General Fund Budgeted Contingency Policy and Designation of Unreserved General Fund Balance, which replaced the 1995 Designation of Unappropriated Surplus policy. In 2011, the Common Council adopted a new fund balance policy per Resolution #170-2011 which was based upon the audit management letter from Baker Tilly recommending the City comply with GASB No. 54– Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions so that options available within the new standard could be fully utilized. The consequences of not adopting the policy were that the City financial statements would no longer be in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) and the special revenue funds would be required to merge into the General Fund and no longer be reported as was originally intended. Key Points and/or Information for Discussion: 1. Guideline #2 under ‘Procedures’ within the existing policy states “A committed general fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year equal to the unfunded portion of the City’s accrued compensated absences liability.” 2. As of fiscal year ending 2014, the Special Revenue Compensated Absences fund balance is completely expended due to the significant amount of retirements and organization changes over the past several years. As a result, 100% of the General Fund balance is now required to fund the accrued compensated absences liability as noted above. 3. For improved transparency and accountability, the recommendation is to transfer the actual liability amount of $2,805,819 from the General Operating Fund to the Compensated Absences fund. 4. If approved the General Operating Fund balance would reflect the actual unassigned and non-spendable balances within the Financial Statements and budget documents providing more clarification as to the actual amount available for cash flow purposes and unforeseen events. 5. The final requested revision to the policy is to remove the Special Revenue ‘Rescue’ and ‘Recreation Ticket’ funds since they no longer exist per prior Council authorization. Recommendation for Action by Committee: I am requesting the Finance Committee recommend to Common Council that the existing ‘Fund Balance and Annual General Fund Budgeted Contingency Policy’ be revised to reflect the changes per attached Resolution #053-2015. COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #053-2015 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO FUND BALANCE AND ANNUAL GENERAL FUND BUDGETED CONTINGENCY POLICY WHEREAS, In 2011, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Statement No. 54 – Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions, which changed the terminology used for fund balance reporting on balance sheets of Governmental Funds; and WHEREAS, With the adoption of Resolution #170 -2011, the Common Council established the Fund Balance and Annual General Fund Budgeted Contingency Policy to comply with GASB Statement No. 54. The new policy replaced prior fund balance policies; and WHEREAS, The new policy established the following procedure:  A committed general fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year equal to the unfunded portion of the City’s accrued compensated absences liability. WHEREAS, The existing policy needs to be amended to establish the following:  A committed Special Revenue Compensated Absences fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year equal to the unfunded portion of the City’s accrued compensated absences liability.  Remove Special Revenue Rescue Fund and Recreation Ticket Fund per prior Council authorization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby amend the existing Fund Balance and Annual General Fund Budgeted Contingency Policy as attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the policy shall take effect upon Common Council adoption. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the adoption of the revised policy will replace Resolution #170-2011 adopted on December 13, 2011. DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY , 2015. Resolution #053-2015 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #053-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk Treasurer 5/15 COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #053-2015 FUND BALANCE AND ANNUAL GENERAL FUND BUDGETED CONTINGENCY POLICY Purpose The objectives of this fund balance policy are as follows:  Preserve the credit rating of the City of Muskego for borrowing monies at favorable interest rates.  Provide working capital for the City of Muskego to meet cash flow needs during the year.  Provide a comfortable margin of safety to address unanticipated expenditures / emergencies and unexpected declines in revenue due to economic downturns, natural disasters, etc.  Provide a resource to stabilize fluctuations from year to year in the property taxes paid by the City of Muskego taxpayers. Policy Currently, fund balance is divided into three basic classifications for accounting and monitoring purposes: reserved, unreserved-designated and unreserved-undesignated. Reserved fund balance is that portion of fund balance that is not available fo r the subsequent year’s budget due to legal restrictions or resources which are not available for current spending. Unreserved fund balance includes funds set aside by management for specific uses, which are labeled “designated”. The balance of unreserved fund balance is labeled “undesignated”, which indicates it is available for appropriation. Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions. This Statement is effective for financial statements with periods beginning after June 15, 2010. The objective of this Statement is to improve the usefulness, including the understandability, of governmental fund balance information. The Statement provides more clearly defined categories to make the nature and extent of the constraints placed on a government’s fund balance more transparent. The Statement impacts governmental fund types. The fund balance will be reported in five new categories: Nonspendable Fund Balance, Restricted Fund Balance, Committed Fund Balance, Assigned Fund Balance and Unassigned Fund Balance. Resolution #053-2015 Nonspendable Fund Balance – Amounts cannot be spent because they are a) not in spendable form or b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Restricted Fund Balance – Amounts are restricted by external parties (i.e. creditors, grantors, contributors) or laws / regulations of other governments or restricted by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation, such as an ordinance. Committed Fund Balance – Amounts that can only be used for specific purpose pursuant to constraints imposed by formal action of the government’s highest level of decision making authority. The formal action must occur prior to the end of the reporting period. The amount, which will be subject to the constraint, may be determined in the subsequent period. Assigned Fund Balance – Amounts constrained by the government’s intent to be used for specific purposes that are neither restricted nor committed. The intent can be expressed by a) the governing body itself or b) a body or official to which the governing body has delegated the authority (i.e. Director of Finance and Administration, Clerk- Treasurer, committee. . .). Monies set aside for carryover appropriations, compensated absences, retirement obligations and contingencies are some of the examples to be included in the assigned category. Assigned fund balance can be used to eliminate the projected budgetary deficit in the subsequent year’s budget. Unassigned Fund Balance – Is a residual classification for the General Fund. The total fund balance less amounts categorized as nonspendable, restricted, committed and assigned equals unassigned fund balance. General Fund is only fund that should report a positive unassigned fund balance amount. A negative unassigned fund balance is possible in other governmental funds. Flow of Funds It is the policy of this government that in cases where multiple types of funds are available to pay for expenditures in the various funds, restricted resources will be used first, followed by committed, assigned, and finally unassigned (if applicable). Procedures In order to achieve the objectives of this policy, the following guidelines shall be adhered to by the Common Council: 1. An unassigned general fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year equal to a minimum of two months (or 17%) of the ensuing year’s budgeted general fund expenditures, with a targeted maximum of four months of the ensuing year’s budgeted expenditures. 2. A committed Compensated Absences fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year equal to the unfunded portion of the City’s accrued compensated absences liability. Resolution #053-2015 3. The City of Muskego will maintain appropriate commitments or assignments of general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds and capital projects funds for specified purposes, including but not limited to contingencies, compensated absences or similar items. Commitments and / or assignments of fund balance shall be made pursuant per adoption of this resolution. 4. As part of the annual budget process, the Director of Finance and Administration will estimate the surplus or deficit for the current year and prepare a projection of the year-end unassigned general fund balance. Such projection will include an analysis of trends in fund balance levels on an historical and future projection basis. Any anticipated balance in excess of the minimum unassigned general fund balance may be assigned to other purposes, or budgeted to reduce the ensuing year’s property tax levy. 5. Funds in excess of the upper range of the unassigned fund balance target may be considered to supplement “pay as you go” capital outlay expenditures (including reduction of anticipated debt issues) or to prepay existing debt via cash defeasance as allowable. Unassigned fund balance shall not be used to support recurring operating expenditures. 6. Withdrawal of any amount of unassigned general fund balance in excess of the targeted minimum of the amount budgeted under (3) above, for the sole purpose of reducing the ensuing year’s property tax levy, may be made only upon a two- thirds majority vote of the Common Council. 7. The Common Council, by two-thirds vote, can declare a fiscal emergency and withdraw any amount of general fund balance for purposes of addressing the fiscal emergency. Any such action must also provide for necessary appropriations to restore the unassigned general fund balance to the minimum balance within a three-year period. 8. It is the policy of this government that assignments of fund balances and resources within a fund may be determined by Director of Finance and Administration. 9. The City shall include in the General Fund operating budget annually, a contingency account greater than or equal to 0.50% of the General Fund total expenditures. This contingency will expire at the end of each fiscal year and balances will not be brought forward. In order to provide support for the proper determination of the reporting status of each fund, the Common Council makes the following findings with respect to the resources available in the listed funds. Resolution #053-2015 Fund Title Resource Determination Park Dedication/Improvement Grants/Fees Committed for park related projects Refuse/Recycling Grants/User Fees Committed for refuse/recycling operating expenses Revolving Loan State Funding Committed for loans to local businesses Landfill Standing Committees Landfill Host Fees Committed for costs to oversee and monitor the landfills Cable TV Franchise Fees Committed for video streaming Landfill Landfill Host Fees Committed for costs associated with landfill activities and as allowed per the agreement Well Testing Landfill Host Fees Committed for costs associated with testing private wells Land Open Space Conserv. Grants & Host Fees Committed for related operating costs and land purchases Stormwater Management Landfill Host Fees Committed for related operating costs and related projects Capital Improvement TIF Residual/Grant Committed for loans to local businesses and programs Tax Increment District Tax Levy Committed for related debt obligations and associated fees Community Development Authority Land Sales Committed for costs associated with redevelopment Compensated Absences Landfill Host Fees Committed for severance and & General Fund leave time payouts for Reserve terminated and retired employees Adopted December 13th, 2011 Revised May 12th, 2015 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee & Common Council To: Finance Committee & Common Council Date: May 26th, 2015 From: Finance & Admin. Department Presenter(s): Finance & Admin. Director Subject: Topic for Presentation/Report to Committee: Intergovernmental Agreement with Waukesha County to Purchase New Election Equipment and Software Background Information: In 2013, the Waukesha County Clerk formed a task force committee to select an outside consulting firm to study the County’s election process and equipment. With exception of three insight voting machines purchased in 2008, 2010 and 2012, the voting machines used at the Muskego polling places were purchased in 1996. Key Points and/or Information for Discussion: 1. Current Election equipment is outdated with many replacement parts no longer being manufactured. The recommended equipment has many enhanced features allowing for a more efficient process and accurate tabulation of votes. 2. The Waukesha County Task Force Committee recommendation to purchase the DS200 tabulator equipment along with an intergovernmental cost-sharing agreement was approved per County Board adopted Resolution 134, 2014. 3. As outlined within the Agreement, Waukesha County will purchase the equipment for participating municipalities and bill back one third of the cost over a period of three (3) years at no interest beginning in Fiscal Year 2016. Municipalities not participating will pay 100% of the voting equipment cost. 4. The cost incurred for the equipment amounts to approximately $25,646.94, which will be paid to the County over a three year period ($8,548.98). The trade-in value for used equipment is anticipated to be $1,850. Additional funding of $30,750 exists in the City Capital Expenditure Fund as a result of a $7,700 State voting equipment reimbursement and budgeted voting equipment funded but not expended for years 2012 – 2015. 5. Annual maintenance and support cost shall be the responsibility of the municipality following the initial one year warranty period. The annual cost is estimated to be $3,555 and will be included in the General Fund operating budget for years 2017 – 2021 per the package agreement. Recommendation for Action by Committee: I am requesting approval for the Intergovernmental Agreement with Waukesha County to purchase new election equipment and software. Is Common Council action required? Yes Fiscal Note(s): Purchase covers FY 2016 – 2021 – Cost allocation worksheet attached. Total Approximate $ Requested: FY 2016=$10,000 / FY 2017-2021 $34,855. Amount of Total Requested Budgeted/Unbudgeted: Surplus funding will offset the expenditure. Expenditure Account(s) number recommended to be used: #410. CITY OF MUSKEGO REQUESTED ELECTION EQUIPMENT - ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST 2016 - 2021 CAPITAL & OPERATING BUDGET Cost Annual Expected Description Per Unit Cost Quantity Life (yrs.) Equipment: Device Type DS200 Precinct Digital Tabulator $5,777.00 $46,216.00 8 10 Wireless Modem for DS200 $300.00 $2,400.00 8 10 ExpressVote ADA Ballot Marking Device $3,527.00 $24,689.00 7 10 ExpressVote Rocker Paddle $170.50 $1,193.50 7 10 ExpressVote Sip n' Puff Device $350.00 $2,450.00 7 10 Total Equipment Cost $10,124.50 $76,948.50 City of Muskego Cost Share 33.33%$25,646.94 3-year Annual Cost (2016 - 2018)$8,548.98 Maintenance: DS200 Annual Hardware Maintenance: Firmware License $75.00 $600.00 8 1 Gold Maintenance Package*$175.00 $1,400.00 8 1 Back-up Battery $130.00 $208.00 8 5 Coin Cell Battery $10.00 $16.00 8 5 Estimated Annual Maintenance $390.00 $2,224.00 ExpressVote Annual Hardware Maintenance: Firmware License $50.00 $350.00 7 1 Gold Maintenance Package*$115.00 $805.00 7 1 Back-up Battery $112.90 $158.06 7 5 Coin Cell Battery $10.10 $14.14 7 5 Estimated Annual Maintenance $288.00 $1,327.20 Estimated Annual Maintenance Cost (2017 - 2021)$3,551.20 Product Equipment Training ● Product equipment training for Municipal Clerk's, Election Inspector's and the Waukesha County Clerk's Office (WCCO) will be funded by the capital projects Over -> Trade-in Value to Municipality (option) ● Eagle - $150.00 each x 8 $1,200.00 ● Edge - $50.00 each x 7 $350.00 ● Insight - $100.00 each x 3 $300.00 Total Trade-in Value $1,850.00 2014 State Voting Equipment Reimbursement $7,700.00 2012-2015 Budget - Voting Equip Funding $23,050.00 Net Available Funding $32,600.00 Estimated Net Annual Cost 2016 - 2021: Equipment 2016 $8,548.98 Equipment & Maintenance 2017 $12,100.18 Equipment & Maintenance 2018 $12,100.18 Maintenance 2019 $3,551.20 Maintenance 2020 $3,551.20 Maintenance 2021 $3,551.20 Total $43,402.94 * Gold Package Annual Maintenance - DS200 Precinct Digital Tabulator - $175.00 ea. - ExpressVote ADA Ballot Marking Device - $115.00 ea. Includes: Yearly onsite preventative maintenance, 24 hour tech support line, onsite repairs by a tech, covers all parts with exception to batteries and damage to equipment. Core features for both the Gold coverage plan includes the use of certified replacement parts, technical help desk support, priority status for repair services, software and firmware upgrades, repairs made by certified ES&S techs. * Silver Package Biennial Maintenance - DS200 Precinct Digital Tabulator - $125.00 ea. - ExpressVote ADA Ballot Marking Device - $75.00 ea. Includes: Biennial onsite preventative maintenance, 24 hour tech support line, onsite repairs by a tech, covers all parts with exception to batteries and damage to equipment. Core features will provide repair services for the DS200 and ExpressVote units as well as a routine preventative maintenance service event during the coverage period. The routine preventative maintenance service event includes the cleaning and lubrication of each unit of equipment and all labor and parts (except consumables such as printer cartridges, paper rolls, batteries, removable memory devices or marking instruments). Over -> COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #054-2015 APPROVAL OF ELECTION EQUIPMENT CONTRACT GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, The existing election equipment is outdated and needs to be replaced ; and WHEREAS, Waukesha County has proposed the purchase of new voting equipment f or participating municipalities; and WHEREAS, The City would be billed for one third of the cost of the equipment over a three-year period at no interest beginning in 2016; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has recommended approval of the attached “Election Equipment Contract Governmental Agreement.” NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the “Election Equipment Contract Governmental Agreement between the City of Muskego and Waukesha County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF MAY , 2015. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #054-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 5/15jmb Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Public Works Committee To: Public Works Committee From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Refuse-Recycling Pickup and Transportation Contract Date: May 13, 2015 The City of Muskego’s current contract with Advanced Disposal (formally known as Veolia) will expire at the end of 2015. I have attached a first draft of the proposed bidding specifications/contract for review prior to bidding the project. I have been completing research into all of our options and in doing so spoke with the County about potentially joining their joint efforts related to recycling. They currently have a joint site that we could potentially join that would allow us to benefit from the revenue generated from the goods that come out of the recycling stream. In order to do so they asked that we pass the attached resolution, which in no way binds us to any obligations, it is just a fact finding step. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Recommend approval of the attached Resolution. COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #055-2015 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TO CONSIDER JOINING THE WAUKESHA COUNTY RECYCLING PROGRAM WHEREAS, under Chapter 287 Wisconsin Statutes, Waukesha County serves as the “Responsible Unit” for twenty-five (25) Municipalities, including compliance with the effective recycling program requirements under Chapter NR 542 Wis. Admin. Code, and; WHEREAS, the public/private partnership at the Waukesha County Material Recycling Facility (MRF) has allowed the County to provide recyclable processing, education programs, blue bins and drop-off boxes to the 25 communities at no cost, while distributing over $12 million in dividend payments to communities to help recover recyclable collection cost and reduce property taxes, and; WHEREAS, through state recycling grants, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources encourages recycling program efficiencies such as intergovernmental agreements and program consolidations, and; WHEREAS, starting in 2015, Waukesha County is planning for major changes to their recycling program, including switching to a single sort system, and; WHEREAS, not being an original partner in the Waukesha County coordinated recycling program, the City of Muskego is interested in additional information to consider joining the program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Muskego is requesting program information and a fiscal analysis regarding the possibility of joining the Waukesha County recycling program, including factors such as: financial assistance for recycling containers and direct hauling, meeting program educational requirements, processing and marketing of delivered recyclables, and administration of state grant funds. DATED THIS ________ DAY OF MAY, 2015. SPONSORED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #055-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council May 26, 2015 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel, AICP Subject: Aster Hills Estates Developer’s Agreement Date: May 20, 2015 Background Information: The Aster Hills Estates Developer’s Agreement is ready for approval before Finance and Council at this time. The agreement, as attached to the Council resolution, mainly outlines the responsibilities of the developer in regards to installation of utilities along with various items relating to maintenance and ownership of lots and outlots. Lastly, the agreement outlines the sureties that will guarantee the installation of improvements in given amount of time. The agreement has been approved by the City’s Attorney and is ready for approval. A couple of the main items in the agreement are as follows below. Please note that staff would like to openly discuss a few of the items found in the agreement and resolution prior to formal adoption.  Like all past subdivision agreements, this agreement ensures that the developer posts a surety to back the improvements. By law, the city can make the surety 120% of the anticipated value to construct the subdivision. The 120% value for this project is set at $4,515,968.53.  The State law has changed in the past couple years which allows a developer to post a performance bond a form of surety if they’d like. The developer’s agreement is setup to allow a bond or a letter of credit. It should be noted to Council that the developer anticipates using a bond and is working with the City Attorney on an approved bond form.  Recreation Trail: The plans for the subdivision require the developer to design and construct a recreation trail along North Cape Road. As Council may recall, the developer had issue in completing a po rtion of this trail along the frontage of a few homes along North Cape that they did not have ownership of. Since this time the developers have reconsidered and have offered to design and complete the gap portion of the trail. This has much to do with the dedication fee considerations found herein next.  One outstanding item that staff brought up at the last Parks and Conservation Board meeting is in relation to the Parks and Conservation Dedication Fees. The Parks and Conservation Dedication Fees were setup by the city over a decade ago. Essentially, the city recognized that as land is developed in the community that there is a reduction of available land for parks and conservation (open spaces) in the community as a result of the development. Further, more residents create more of a need for parks and open spaces or upgrades to existing facilities to accommodate more resident needs. Thus, the following fees below are imposed on new developments so the city has monies to aid in the future purchases and developments of the city’s parks and open spaces. The monies are used on sites that are then identified in the city’s adopted 2020 Comprehensive Plan and the adopted Parks and Conservation Plan.  Park Dedication Fee: $1,881 per new lot/unit created  Conservation Land Dedication Fee: $580/per developable acre  Conservation Trail Dedication: $60 per new lot/unit created The Aster Hills Estates Subdivision currently is approved with 53 lots and has approximately 43.85 developable acres (once we remove the acreage of the wetlands and the outlot dedicated to the city). A current plat of the development is attached for your reference. The dedication fees would result in $123,854 consisting of the following:  Park Dedication: $1,881/lot x 51 lots = $95,931  Conservation Land Dedication: $580/per developable acre x 43.85 acres = $25,433  Conservation Trail Dedication: $60/lot x 51 lots = $3,060 NOTE: We only charge for every new lot created and the Aster Hills Estates is platted on two existing lots thus the reduction of the lot count form 53 to 51. The Parks and Conservation fees are noted in the city’s ordinance that they should be paid “in lieu” of dedicating parks/conservation land to the city as part of the development. Ultimately, the ordinance gives the Council authority if they feel that dedication fees should be waived, collected, or modified. As far as the Aster Hill Estates Subdivision is concerned the developers have agreed to dedicate over 19 acres of land to go to the city for future park and conservation purposes. The Parks and Conservation board recommended that any waiver of the dedication fees be considered solely by the Council since this subdivision is unique in the fact that the rezoning was a planned development with some give and take density items taking place and since the park improvements for the subdivision will be a future Council consideration as well. Recommendation: Approval of waiving the dedication fees in full. The developer’s agreement is outlined to waive the park and conservation dedication fees due to the developer dedicating the 19+ acres of land that will utilized by the city for a future active park and for various conservation activities. To put it in perspective our city assessors put a value on unbuildable lands (Wetlands, etc.) from $4,000-$5,000/acre and a value of the buildable area, from $20,000-$30,000/acre. Approximately 10 of the 19+ acres are undevelopable while 9 acres are buildable. Based on that the land has a value of approximately $308,000, which is well above the dedication fees that could be imposed. Lastly, and more importantly, the developers have offered to dedicate the conservation outlot from the Big Muskego Estates Subdivision to the north to the City of Muskego. This 49.43 acre outlot has simply been under a conservation easement and has been pursued for ownership by the WDNR for many years. Ownership allows the city and WDNR to perform many more conservation activities on this key piece of real estate that is in the City’s Big Muskego Wildlife Area an d connects directly to Big Muskego Lake. The parcel will have its advantages for future preservation, conservation passive activities, and the Engineering Department has identified the parcel as possibly fulfilling future stormwater help for this area of the city (a pond exists already for the BME Subdivision that could be expanded for regional aid if need be). Recommendation: Approval of the Agreement as presented. 49 Acre Big Muskego Estates Outlot up for Dedication to the City of Muskego from Towne Realty Aster Hills Future Park Boat Launch DNR Lands Big Muskego Lake COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #056-2015 APPROVAL OF SUBDIVIDER’S AGREEMENT Aster Hills Estates WHEREAS, The Subdivider’s Agreement has been received for the Aster Hills Estates Subdivision and the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the Subdivider’s Agreement the Aster Hills Estates Subdivision, subject to approval of the City Attorney and all objecting and approving agencies, receipt of all fees as provided in Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, and the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 003-2008 as amended and adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That part of the approval of the Aster Hills Estates subdivider’s agreement is that the Common Council agrees to waive the park and conservation dedication fees in lieu of the developers dedicating Outlot 2 of said subdivision to the city for future parks and conservation purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the developers of the Aster Hills Estates Subdivision will deed outlot 3 of the Big Muskego Estates Subdivision to the City of Muskego for conservation purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That all of said approvals for the Subdivider’s Agreement be obtained within thirty (30) days of the date of approval of this Resolution or the same will be null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City, and that the Mayor, in consultation with the City Attorney, may make any necessary technical corrections. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2015. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #056-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer ASTER HILLS ESTATES - CITY OF MUSKEGO ASTER HILLS ESTATES SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT This Agreement, made this _____ day of ______, 2015 by and between HBT of Aster Hills Estates LLC, (the "Subdivider") and the City of Muskego, a municipal corporation of the State of Wisconsin, located in Waukesha County, (the "City"). W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Subdivider has submitted for approval by the City the Preliminary Plat for the Aster Hills Estates Subdivision (the “Subdivision”), a part of the lands as specifically described on the attached Exhibit A. WHEREAS, Section 236.13 of the Wisconsin Statutes provides that as a condition of plat approval, the governing body of the City may require that the Subdivider make and install certain public Improvements (with the term “Improvements” defined in Section III and used throughout this Agreement) reasonably necessary for the Subdivision and further, may require dedication of public streets or other ways within the Subdivision, to be conditioned upon the construction of said Improvements according to municipal specifications without cost to said municipality; and WHEREAS, The City's Engineer and the City's Public Works Committee, have approved, contingent on certain other approvals, Subdivider's plans and specifications for Subdivision Improvements, and WHEREAS, The City's Plan Commission and Common Council have duly approved the preliminary plat of the Subdivision and as per Section 18.31(2)e of the Muskego Chapter 18 Land Division ordinance, the Subdivider wishes to start Improvements for the Subdivision before the approval of the final plat. WHEREAS, Starting Improvements before Final Plat approvals from the Council is permitted as long as: Approval is found of the construction plans by the Public Works Director and the Public Works Committee; a Subdivider’s Agreement agreeing to install the required Improvements is approved and recorded between the Subdivider and City; and, a letter of credit, subdivision bond, cash or certified check meeting the approval of the City Attorney in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the Improvements is given. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION I : PHASING 1. Subdivider and City agree that this Agreement is for the installation of public and private Improvements as described in Section III herein, for the Subdivision, which consists of 53 lots on the Preliminary Plat approved per Council Resolution #100-2014 on December 9th, 2014. SECTION II : PLATTING 1. This Agreement addresses the development of 53 lots platted for single family residential use, all being under the Provisions of Chapters 17 and 18 of the Municipal Code, and under the auspices of RS-2 Suburban Residence District as modified by the PD Planned Development zoning. a) Single-family parcels shall conform to the zoning requirements of an RS-2 Suburban Residence District as modified by the PD Planned Development zoning. The PD zoning is allowed per Common Council approval and the PD can permit flexibility in the underlying zoning requirements. The Aster Hills Estates PD results in parcels generally being a minimum of 23,000 square feet in area, 110 feet in average lot width, having street yard setbacks of 30 feet, side Page 2 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement yard offsets of 15 feet and rear offsets of 25 feet (corner lots per plat and some highway abutting lots different per plat). b) Outlots shall be reserved for park/conservation purposes, open space management, and stormwater purposes consistent with PD Planned Development overlay zoning requirements. All outlots shall be owned and maintained by an Owners Association established by Subdivider with the exception of Outlot 2 which will be dedicated to the City of Muskego upon recordation of the Final Plat. 2. Subdivider shall entirely at its expense: a) As per Section 18.31(2)d of the Muskego Chapter 18 Land Division ordinance, have the Aster Hills Estates Final Plat submitted and approved. The Subdivider shall cause the Final Plat of Aster Hills Estates to be executed and recorded, and shall provide City with evidence of recording. Note: The Final Plat cannot be approved until after the acceptance of Improvements found in Section VII of this Agreement to ensure that no lots are sold until said acceptance is complete. b) Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement tender either an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit or Subdivision Bond in the amount required herein for the construction of Improvements required by this Agreement. No construction activity may commence until this Agreement has been executed and recorded except with prior City approval, and the Subdivision Bond or Letter of Credit has been tendered. c) Provide the City with title evidence showing that upon recording the Final Plat, the City will have good, indefeasible title to all interests in land dedicated or conveyed to the City by the Plat. d) Before the commencement of work on any Improvements set forth in Section III of this Agreement begins, the Subdivider shall execute this Agreement, shall cause this Agreement to be recorded at the Waukesha County Register of Deeds, and shall provide City with evidence of recording, unless prior approval by the City Engineer has been granted. e) Place and install monuments required by State Statute or City Ordinance. SECTION III : IMPROVEMENTS The term “Improvements” as used throughout this Agreement shall mean the roads and streets, the storm and surface water drainage and master grading, the sanitary sewer, the water main, landscaping, and erosion control measures per the civil engineering plans completed by R.A. Smith National withand as such plans have been approved by the City Engineer under the conditional approval of the Public Works Committee of the City. The Improvements are further defined in this Section III. Subdivider shall entirely at its expense: A. ROADS AND STREETS: 1. Prior to the start of construction of Improvements, the Subdivider shall provide to the City written certification from the Subdivider’s Engineer or Surveyor that all public street plans are in conformance with all federal, state, and City specifications, regulations and ordinances. 2. Grade and improve all roads and streets in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Public Works Committee on April 20, 2015, including Improvements necessary to provide such roads and streets, including grading and gravel, curb and gutter, and asphalt street improvements, as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Page 3 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Committee as indicated in the plans and specifications on file with the Engineering and Building Department. 3. Restore any damage to existing pavement, curb, gutter, and landscaping which may result from construction of Subdivision Improvements. 4. Reimburse the City for the cost of all street signs, street lights, traffic signs and posts, including the cost of their installation. 5. Contractors working at the Subdivision or on individual lots are required to clean up all mud, dirt, stone or debris on the streets no later than the end of each working day. In addition, the Subdivider shall have ultimate responsibility for cleaning up any and all mud, dirt, stone or debris on the streets until Final Acceptance has been granted by the City Council as described in Section VII. The City shall make a reasonable effort to require the contractor that placed the mud, dirt, stone or debris on the street, to clean up the same or to hold the subject property owner who hired the contractor responsible. The Subdivider and/or subject property owner shall clean up the streets within twenty- four (24) hours after receiving a notice from the City. If said mud, dirt, stone or debris are not cleaned up after notification, the City may do so at the Subdivider’s and/or subject property owner's expense, at the option of the City. 6. Final Course of Pavement – The final course of pavement, which shall include binder course repairs and curb and gutter repairs, shall be installed no later than October 15, 2016 and no earlier than August 1, 2016. B. STORM AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE AND MASTER GRADING PLAN: 1. Prior to the start of construction of Improvements, the Subdivider shall provide to the City written certification from the Subdivider's Engineer or Surveyor that all surface and storm water drainage facilities and erosion control plans are in conformance with all federal, state, and City regulations, guidelines, specifications, laws and ordinances. 2. Construct, install, furnish and provide facilities as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Committee on April 20, 2015 for storm and surface water drainage throughout the entire Subdivision and off site improvements if applicable and necessary, and a Master Grading Plan providing for sump pump discharge to a tile or storm sewer system, all in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the Building and Engineering Department. The City retains the right to require the Subdivider to install at Subdivider’s cost additional storm drainage and erosion control measures prior to acceptance of Improvements by the City. 3. Grade and improve all lots, on and off site, if applicable and necessary, in conformance with the Master Grading Plan as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Committee on April 20, 2015 all in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. Restore with topsoil and seed. Establish dense vegetation. 4. The City retains the right to require Subdivider to install within the development and immediately adjacent area if applicable and necessary, additional surface and storm water drainage measures if it is determined by the City Engineer that the original surface and storm water drainage plan as designed and/or constructed does not provide reasonable stormwater drainage pursuant to the City’s ordinances, written procedures and policies. 5. Clean all Storm Sewers prior to acceptance of Improvements and the issuance of building permits by the City. Page 4 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement 6. Execute and record a Storm Water Management Practice Maintenance Agreement and as also referenced in Section XXVI of this Agreement, as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee relating to privately owned storm water appurtenances, and provide proof of recording prior to sale of lots in the Subdivision. Keep and maintain all storm sewers, retention or detention ponds, and surface water drainage features which are outside of the rights-of-way in perpetuity, as provided for in the Maintenance Agreement if not otherwise dedicated to the City. C. SANITARY SEWER: 1. Prior to the start of construction of Improvements, Subdivider shall provide to the City written certification from the Subdivider's Engineer that the sanitary sewer plans are in conformance with all Federal, State and City specifications, regulations, ordinances and guidelines. 2. Construct, install, furnish, and provide without cost to City, a complete sanitary sewage collection system throughout the entire Subdivision, and including off site Improvements, if applicable, necessary to provide such system, as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and the Public Works Committee on April 20, 2015 all in accordance with the plans, specifications and drawings on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. 3. Complete, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director or his designee, any remaining punch list items concerning the sanitary sewer system prior to the connection of any structure to the sanitary sewer systems. 4. To clean all sanitary sewers in the Subdivision prior to acceptance of the Improvements and issuance of building permits by the City. 5. Televise the sanitary sewer system, repair any defects as determined by the Public Works Director or his designee, and supply video tape to the City, and clean all sewer lines prior to the issuance of building permits, and acceptance of Improvements by the City. D. WATER MAIN: 1. Prior to the start of construction of Improvements, Subdivider shall provide to the City written certification from the Subdivider's Engineer that the water system plans are in conformance with all Federal, State and City specifications, regulations, ordinances and guidelines. 2. Construct, install, furnish, and provide without cost to City, a complete system of water supply and distribution, throughout the entire Subdivision, and including off site improvements, if applicable, necessary to provide such system, as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Committee on April 20, 2015 and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. 3. Apply for all necessary permits to use water from hydrants for construction permits, as may be required by the City. 4. Complete to the satisfaction of the City any punch list items concerning the water system prior to connection of any building to the water system. E. LANDSCAPING: 1. Preserve existing trees outside of the public right-of-way to the maximum extent possible, when installing the Subdivision Improvements. Replace trees in accordance with plans approved by the Community Development Department. Page 5 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement 2. Remove and lawfully dispose of destroyed trees, brush, tree trunks, shrubs and other natural growth, and all rubbish. 3. Plant street trees without cost to City in accordance with Section 18.60 of the Muskego Land Division Ordinance and the adopted Urban Forestry Management Plan and Urban Forestry Strategic Plan dated March 28, 2000 and adopted by the Common Council on July 11, 2000 and in accordance with street tree and landscape plans that are to be approved by the Community Development Director and City Forester prior to the signing of this Agreement. The planting of the street trees shall occur simultaneously with the installation of the final course of pavement. 4. The City has the right to trim and remove any landscaping features which would interfere with safe operation and maintenance of the City right-of-ways and drainageways. F. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES: 1. Prior to commencing site grading and excavation, the Subdivider shall provide to the City written certification from the Subdivider’s Engineer or Surveyor that the erosion control plan, once implemented, shall meet all federal, state, and local regulations, guidelines, specifications, laws and ordinances, including proof of notification of land disturbances to the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the Army Corps of Engineers, if applicable, have approved said plans. 2. The Subdivider shall cause all grading, excavation, open cuts, side slopes and other land surface disturbances to be so seeded and mulched, sodded or otherwise protected that erosion, siltation, sedimentation and washing are prevented in accordance with the plans and specifications reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and Army Corps of Engineers, if applicable. 2.3.Submit to the City, an application for a Land Disturbing Permit in accordance with the Erosion Control Plan as approved in accordance with the requirements of Section 29.06 of the City's Erosion Control Ordinance by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Committee on April 20, 2015 and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the Building and Engineering Department. 3.4.Construct, install, furnish and provide without cost to City, a complete system of Erosion Control Devices or measures in specified areas of the Subdivision, on site, in accordance with the Erosion Control Plan as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Committee on April 20, 2015 and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. No construction or grading can begin until the City issues said permit, and no grading shall occur without a two (2) day notice to the City. 4.5.Install silt fencing in conformance with the approved Erosion Control Plan prior to the grading and construction work. Such fences shall be maintained by the Subdivider until such time as vegetative cover is established in the Subdivision. Install mulching and seeding of all disturbed areas to comply with Municipal Code Chapter 29. SECTION IV: ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS The Subdivider hereby agrees that if, at any time after plan approval and during construction of the Improvements, the City Engineer determines that modifications to the plans including additional Improvements such as additional drainage ways, erosion control measures, and surface and storm water management measures are necessary in the interest of public safety, are necessary in order to comply with current laws or are necessary for implementation of the original intent of the Improvement plans, the City is authorized to order Subdivider, at Subdivider’s expense, to implement the same. If Page 6 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Subdivider fails to construct the additional Improvement within a reasonable time under the circumstances, the City may cause such work to be carried out and shall charge against the financial guarantee held by the City pursuant to this Agreement. The requirement by the City of such additional Improvements as set forth herein must not negatively impact the Subdivision or cause or result in the loss of a lot within the Subdivision that was intended for the construction of a single family home. SECTION V : TIME OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS The Improvements set forth in Section III, except for final surface course of pavement as described previously, shall be completed by the Subdivider within one (1) year from the signing of this Agreement except if an earlier date is provided for in the Agreement. If the City receives notice of the intention to terminate either the Letter of Credit or Subdivision Bond, whichever is applicable, prior to completion of the final surface course pavement or such Final Course Guarantee, defined below, following the installation of the final surface course of pavement, such notice shall be considered a failure to complete Improvements in accordance with this Agreement and shall entitle the City to immediately draw against the Letter of Credit or file claim against the Subdivision Bond. SECTION VI : AS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS Subdivider authorizes the City to prepare all necessary as-built construction plans for Improvements to be dedicated to the City. The City has requested a lump sum cost from the City’s consulting firm of which such lump sum is $8,200 to complete the as-built plans and the Subdivider has been provided the proposal by the City’s consulting firm and both Subdivider and City have approved said costs so long as the Subdivider provides AutoCAD files of all utilities from their Engineer as a condition of the lump sum costs of producing the as-builts. Subdivider agrees to reimburse City for all costs incurred in the preparation and distribution of as-built data, including collection of data, revisions to construction documents and upload of data to City’s Geographic Information System, and City may utilize Subdivider’s Developers Deposit account for all charges related hereto. Subdivider authorizes the City to convert digital files submitted by Subdivider pursuant to Section 18.32(3)(i) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego and Common Council Resolution No. 196-2002 to any format deemed necessary by City. Subdivider agrees to reimburse City for all costs incurred in said conversions and City may utilize Subdivider’s Developers Deposit account for all charges related hereto. SECTION VII : FINAL ACCEPTANCE Throughout this Agreement, various stages of the development will require approval by the City. “Final Acceptance” as used herein, however, shall be the ultimate acceptance of all of the Improvements in the completed development as a whole, with the exception of the final lift of asphalt on the public streets, and shall be granted specifically by resolution of the City Council. Final Acceptance shall be granted when substantial completion occurs, as determined by the City Council pursuant to the definition of substantial completion shown in Wisconsin Statutes Section 236.13(2)(a)2. Granting Final Acceptance does not relieve the Subdivider of any obligations of this Agreement for uncompleted Improvements, and does not constitute a waiver, in particular, of the Subdivider’s obligation to complete the surface course of the public streets or any other Improvements or obligations that may be outstanding at the time that Final Acceptance is granted. SECTION VIII : DEDICATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS Page 7 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Subject to all of the other provisions of this Agreement, Subdivider shall, without charge to the City, upon completion of the above described Improvements, unconditionally give, grant, convey and fully dedicate the streets, sanitary sewers, water mains, storm water drainage facilities (excluding those facilities which are to be owned and maintained by the Aster Hills Estates Homeowners Association, Inc.) to the City, its successors and assigns, forever, free and clear of all encumbrances (except those encumbrances that may be acceptable to the City), together with and including, without limitation because of enumeration, any and all land, buildings, structures, mains, conduits, pipes lines, plant, machinery, equipment, appurtenances and hereditaments which may in any way be a part of or pertain to such Improvements and together with any and all necessary easements for access thereto. The City will be receptive to the dedications of Improvements, except private storm water drainage facilities, after the first lift of bituminous concrete pavement has been installed, when all said utilities have been completed and approved by the Public Works Directors and other agencies as applicable. Dedication shall not constitute acceptance of any Improvement by the City. The City shall not accept the dedication of any Improvements which do not fully comply with City standards and specifications. Claims of financial hardship by the Subdivider shall not be considered a reason for the City to accept substandard materials or work. The City shall have the right to connect to or integrate other utility facilities with the Improvements provided herein without payment, award, or consent required of the Subdivider. At such time as all Improvements are completed and acceptable as called for under this Agreement, and all approvals have been received from regulatory agencies, such Improvements shall be accepted by the City by separate resolution. Acceptance shall not occur until after the items listed below have taken place OR if the Public Works Director deems other items relating to the construction of the Subdivision necessary: 1. The sanitary sewer, water, and surface water drainage facilities required to serve such homes are connected with an operational system as required herein, and the installation of the bituminous concrete base course pavement has been properly installed, and 2. Deed Restrictions and the Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement have been recorded and a copy of the recorded documents are delivered to the Community Development Department, and 3. Video tape of sanitary sewer system has been completed by the Utilities Department, and the results found acceptable by the Utility Superintendent, and 4. Certification is provided to the Public Works Director or his designee by a Registered Land Surveyor that all lot grades conform to the Master Grading Plan or the Interim Master Grading Plan. SECTION IX: INSPECTION AND ADMINISTRATION FEES Subdivider shall pay and reimburse the City in advance of the signing of the Agreement, in accordance with Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and Ordinance No. 909, and at times specified herein, but in any event, no later than thirty (30) days after billing, all fees, expenses and disbursements which shall be incurred by the City prior to and following the date hereof in connection with or relative to the construction, installation, dedication and acceptance of the Improvements covered by Section III, including without limitation by reason of enumeration, design, engineering, preparing, checking and review of designs, plans and specifications, supervision, inspection to insure that construction is in compliance with the applicable plans, specifications, regulations and ordinances; and legal, administrative and fiscal work undertaken to assure and implement such compliance. Failure to pay or reimburse the City in a timely manner may cause the City to cease all construction inspections until such time as all anticipated or outstanding inspection and administration fees have been satisfied. Page 8 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement SECTION X: MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS The Subdivider shall: 1. Easements: Provide any easements on Subdivider's land deemed necessary by the Public Works Director or his designee prior to the Final Plat being signed, provided such easements are along lot lines or to the rear of the lots and are not any more restrictive to the building of homes beyond the applicable side yard and offset distances required by the zoning for such lots. 2. Manner of Performance: Cause all construction called for by this Agreement to be carried out and performed in a good and workmanlike manner. 3. Survey Monuments: Properly place and install any lot, block or other monuments required by State Statute, City Ordinance or the City Engineer. 4. Deed Restrictions: Execute and record deed restrictions in a form that is subject to the approval of the City Council, City Planner and City Attorney, and provide proof of recording prior to sale of lots for the Subdivision. The deed restrictions shall also contain the following language: "Each lot owner must strictly adhere to and finish grade its lot in accordance with the Master Lot Grading Plan or any amendment thereto approved by the City Engineer on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Subdivider and/or the City and/or their agents, employees or independent contractors shall have the right to enter upon any lot, at any time, for the purpose of inspection, maintenance, correction of any drainage condition, and the property owner is responsible for cost of the same." 5. Grades: Prior to the issuance of a building permit for a specific lot, the Subdivider and/or lot owner and/or their agent shall furnish to the Building Inspector of the City a copy of the stake out survey showing the street grade in front of the lot, the finished yard grade, the grade of all four corners of the lot, and the lot corner grades of the buildings on adjoining lots where applicable, as existing and as proposed. 6. Underground Utilities: Install all electrical, telephone, cable and gas utilities underground. Coordination of installation and all costs shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 7. Permits: Provide and submit to the City upon the City’s request, valid copies of any and all governmental agency permits. 8. Removal of Topsoil: The Subdivider agrees that no topsoil shall be removed from the Subdivision without approval from the City Engineer of which said approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. Park, Conservation Land, Conservation Trail and Public Site Dedication Fees: Said fees are waived in in lieu of dedication of Outlot 2. 10. North Cape Recreation Trail: Subdivider shall design and install recreation trail portion along frontage of properties not owned by Subdivider along North Cape Road and this shall be made part of the construction plans. If said trail is located off of the Subdivision lands as previously described, the trail is to be constructed and located within the right-of-way of North Cape Road. The Subdivider shall not be responsible to obtain any permanent or temporary easements for the construction and location of said section of the trail. Page 9 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement 11. Noise: Make every effort to minimize noise, dust and similar disturbances, recognizing that the Subdivision are located near existing residences. Construction of Improvements shall not begin before 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and Saturdays, and 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. Construction of Improvements shall not continue beyond 7:00 p.m. during weekdays and Saturdays, and 5:00 p.m. on Sundays. 12. Debris: Have ultimate responsibility for cleaning up debris that has blown from buildings under construction within the Subdivision until such time as all Improvements have been installed and Final Acceptance has been granted by the City Council as described in Section VII. The City shall make a reasonable effort to require the contractor responsible for the debris to clean up the debris or to hold the subject property owner who hired the contractor responsible. The Subdivider and/or subject property owner shall clean up the debris within forty-eight (48) hours after receiving a notice from the City Engineer. If said debris is not cleaned up after notification, the City will do so at the Subdivider’s and/or subject property owner's expense. 13. Public Construction Projects: If any aspect of the development involves a public construction project subject to the State law, all requirements of the State Public Construction Bidding Law must be satisfied, including but not limited to, providing a performance bond. 14. Prevailing Wage Rates and Hours of Labor: If any aspect of the development involves a project of public works that is regulated by Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0903, then: (1) The Subdivider shall pay wage rates not less than the prevailing hourly wage rate as described and regulated pursuant to such statutes and related laws; and (2) The Subdivider shall comply with the prevailing hours of labor as described and regulated pursuant to such statutes and related laws; and (3) The Subdivider shall fully comply with the reporting obligations, and all other requirements of such laws; and (4) The Subdivider shall ensure that the Subdivider’s subcontractors also fully comply with such laws. The Subdivider’s General Indemnity obligation of this Agreement shall apply to any claim that alleges that work contemplated by this Agreement is being done, or has been done, in violation of prevailing wage rates, prevailing hours of labor, or Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0903 for any work arising out of this agreement. SECTION XI: GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS Municipal Codes and Ordinances: All the provisions of the City's ordinances are incorporated herein by reference, and all such provisions shall bind the parties hereto and be a part of this Agreement as fully as if set forth at length herein. This Agreement and all work and Improvements required hereunder shall be performed and carried out in strict accordance with and subject to the provisions of said ordinances. SECTION XII: GUARANTEES 1. The Subdivider shall guarantee the public roads and streets, sanitary sewers, water mains, surface water drainage improvements and all other improvements described in Section III, against defects due to faulty materials or workmanship provided that such defects appear within a period of 14 months from the date of Final Acceptance and this time period shall be defined as the Guarantee Period. The Subdivider shall pay for any damages to City property resulting from such faulty materials or workmanship. This guarantee shall not be a bar to any action the City might have for negligent workmanship or materials. Wisconsin law on negligence shall govern such situations. The amount of the guarantee shall be equal to the total cost to complete any uncompleted public Improvements at the time that Final Acceptance is granted plus up to 10 percent of the total cost of the completed public improvements pursuant to current City practice, policy and procedure. If the Subdivider fails to pay for any damages or defects to City property and/or Improvements, and the City is required to draw against the financial guarantee, the Subdivider is required to replenish the financial guarantee up to an amount that equals the total cost to complete any uncompleted public Page 10 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Improvements plus up to 10 percent of the total costs of the completed public Improvements pursuant to current City practice, policy and procedure. 2. Obligation to Repair. The Subdivider shall make or cause to be made, at its own expense, any and all repairs which may become necessary under and by virtue of the Subdivider’s Guarantee and shall leave the Improvements in good and sound condition, satisfactory to the City Council at the expiration of the Guarantee Period. 3. Notice of Repair. If during said Guarantee Period the Improvements, in the reasonable opinion of the City Engineer, require any repair or replacement necessitated by reason of structure of backfill, or other defective materials or workership, the Subdivider shall, upon notification by the City of the necessity for such repair or replacement, make such repair or replacement at its own cost and expense. Should the Subdivider fail to make such repair or replacement within the time specified by the City in the aforementioned notification, after notice has been sent as provided herein the City Council may cause such work to be done, (while having no obligation to do so), either by contract or otherwise, and the City Council may draw upon such Guarantee security to pay any costs or expenses incurred in connection with such repairs or replacements. Should the costs or expenses incurred by the City Council in repairing or replacing any portion of the Improvements covered by this Guarantee exceed the amount of the Guarantee security, then the Subdivider shall immediately pay any excess cost or expense incurred in the repair/replacement process. 4. Maintenance During Guarantee Period. a) All Improvements shall be maintained by the Subdivider so they conform to the approved plans and specifications during the Guarantee Period. This maintenance shall include routine maintenance, such as crack filling and roadway patching. In cases where emergency maintenance is required, the City Council retains the right to complete the required emergency maintenance in a timely fashion and bill the Subdivider for all the associated costs. Said bill shall be paid immediately by the Subdivider. The Subdivider’s obligation to maintain all Improvements shall expire at the expiration of the Guarantee period. b) Street sweeping and dust suppression shall be done by the Subdivider upon a regular basis as needed to ensure a reasonably clean and safe roadway until end of the Guarantee Period. Should the Subdivider fail to meet this requirement, the City Council may cause the work to be done and thereafter bill the Subdivider on a time and material basis, with the invoice to be paid immediately by the Subdivider. If the cause of the dust or the necessity of street sweeping is not the Subdivider, but a lot owner, the City shall reasonably pursue cost recovery from the person causing the dustresulting in the necessity of street sweeping. c) In the event drainage problems arise within the Subdivision, the Subdivider shall correct such problems to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Such correction measures shall include, without limitation because of enumeration, cleaning of soil, loose aggregate and construction debris from culverts, drainage ditches and streets; dredging and reshaping of siltation or retention ponds; replacing of siltation fences; sodding and or seeding; construction of diversion ditches, ponds and siltation traps; and restoration of all disturbed areas. This responsibility shall continue until such time as the roads, ditches, and other disturbed areas have become adequately vegetated under best management practices and the City Council is satisfied that the Subdivider has restored all areas which were disturbed because of the development of the Subdivision. SECTION XIII : GENERAL INDEMNITY In addition to, and not to the exclusion or prejudice of, any provisions of this Agreement or documents incorporated herein by reference, Subdivider shall indemnify and save harmless, and agrees to accept Page 11 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement tender of defense and to defend and pay any and all reasonable legal, accounting, consulting, engineering and other expenses relating to the defense of any claim asserted or imposed upon the City its officers, agents, and employees, and independent contractors growing out of this Agreement as stated above by any party or parties except those claims asserted by Subdivider against City, its officers, agents and employees in an effort to enforce this Agreement. The Subdivider shall also name as additional insured on its general liability insurance the City, its officers, agents, and employees, and any independent contractors hired by the City to perform service as to this Subdivision and give the City evidence of the same upon request by the City. a) Hold Harmless. The Subdivider shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss, or expense (i) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Subdivider, its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees or anyone for whose acts any of them may be made liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified herein. In any and all claims against the City, its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees by the Subdivider, its officers, agents, independent contractors, employees, and anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be held liable, the indemnification obligation under this section shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for the Subdivider, its officers, agents, independent contractors, employees under Workers’ Compensation Acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts. b) Personal Liability of Public Officials. In carrying out any of the provisions of this Agreement or in exercising any power or authority granted to them thereby, there shall be no personal liability of the City officers, agents, independent contractors, or employees, it being expressly understood and agreed that in such matters they act as agents and representatives of the City. c) Indemnification for Environmental Contamination. The Subdivider shall indemnify, defend, and hold City and its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees harmless from any claims, judgments, damages, penalties, fines, costs, or loss (including reasonable fees for attorneys, consultants, and experts) that arise as a result of the presence or suspected presence in or on the real property dedicated or conveyed to the City by, under, pursuant to, or in connection with the Plat and this Agreement (including but not limited to street right-of-way) of any toxic or hazardous substances arising from any activity occurring prior to the acceptance of all Improvements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the indemnification by the Subdivider shall include costs incurred in connection with any site investigation or any remedial, removal, or restoration work required by any local, State, or Federal agencies because of the presence or suspected presence of toxic or hazardous substances on or under the real property, whether in or on the soil, groundwater, air, or any other receptor. The City agrees that it will immediately notify Subdivider of the discovery of any contamination or of any facts or circumstances that reasonably indicate that such contamination may exist in or on the real property. Upon receipt of notice from the City or other entities, Subdivider shall investigate and rectify conditions which indicate the presence of or suspected presence of contamination on the subject property as identified by local, state, or federal agencies in order to comply with applicable laws. d) Subdivider shall, at its expense, obtain and carry commercial general liability insurance on an occurrence basis with limits of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) general aggregate; ten million dollars ($10,000,000) products completed operations aggregate; and ten million dollars ($10,000,000) each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage (or such higher amounts Page 12 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement as the City shall from time to time deem reasonable). Such policy shall cover both Subdivider and the City and its agents, employees, and officials, and all insurers shall agree not to cancel the same without at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Subdivider. Upon said notice of cancellation to Subdivider, immediate written notice shall be provided to City by Subdivider. A certificate of Subdivider’s insurance shall be furnished to the City upon execution of this Agreement. Each such policy shall provide that no act or default of any person other than the City or its agents shall render the policy void as to the City or effect the City’s right to recover thereon. SECTION XIV : CITY RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPROVEMENTS: The City shall not be responsible to perform repair or maintenance on any Improvements until the final surface course of pavement has been completed and accepted by the City. SECTION XV : RISK OF PROCEEDING WITH IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO APPROVALS OF FINAL PLAT: If a Subdivider proceeds with the installation of Improvements or other work on the site prior to approval of the final plat, it proceeds at its own risk as to whether or not the final plat will receive all necessary approvals. The Subdivider, prior to commencement of the installation of Improvements or other work on site, shall notify the City of the Subdivider’s intention to proceed with the installation of Improvements or other work on site, prior to approval of the final plat. Additionally, Subdivider shall make arrangements to have any Improvements and/or other work on site inspected by the City Engineer. SECTION XVI : AGREEMENT FOR BENEFIT OF PURCHASERS: The Subdivider agrees that in addition to the City's rights herein, the provisions of this Agreement shall be for the benefit of the purchaser of any lot or any interest in any lot or parcel of land in the Subdivision. Further, that the sale of any lot or parcel shall not release the Subdivider from completing the work provided for under this Agreement, by applicable ordinances and as set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. SECTION XVII : CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, ETC. The City shall, within its authority: 1. Issue such permits, adopt such resolutions, and execute such documents as may be necessary to permit the Subdivider to construct the Improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications called for by this Agreement, upon Subdivider's compliance with any deposit provisions or other requirements of the applicable ordinances or regulations. 2. Furnish the Subdivider such permits or easements as may be required to enter upon and install the previous described Improvements in any public street or public property. 3. Cooperate with the Subdivider in obtaining similar permits, resolutions and documents as may be necessary from other authorities having jurisdiction in the premises. 4. Make available to the Subdivider or their nominee, successors or assigns, permits for the construction of single-family residences subject to the provision of Section XIII. SECTION XVIII : BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS: It is expressly understood and agreed that no building permits shall be issued for any homes until the Public Works Director or his designee has determined that: Page 13 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement 1. Either a Subdivision Bond or a letter of credit remains on file for the remaining Improvements. 2. The Final Plat is recorded and the appropriate copies and mylar of the recorded plat are delivered to the Community Development Department. 3. The Resolution of the Final Acceptance of Improvements is approved by the City. 4. Any negative balance in Developer's Deposit is satisfied unless otherwise authorized by the Community Development Director. 5. The Subdivider has prepared appropriate deed restrictions which are approved by the City, filed with the City Clerk and recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds. 6. The Subdivider is not in default of any aspect of this Agreement. 7. There is no default of any aspect of this Agreement. It is expressly understood and agreed that no occupancy permits shall be issued for any homes until the Community Development Director has determined that: 1. Street Tree Plans as required by Section III E (3) of this Agreement have been approved. SECTION XVIII : RESERVATION OF RIGHTS AS TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: The City reserves the right to withhold issuance of any and all building permits if Subdivider is in violation of this Agreement, but no permits shall be unreasonably withheld. SECTION XIX : FINANCIAL GUARANTEES: 1. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE: Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement by the City, the Subdivider shall file with the City either a Subdivision Bond or a Letter of Credit, in the City Attorney approved form, setting forth terms and conditions in the amount of $4,515,968.53 as a guarantee that the required plans and Improvements will be completed by the Subdivider and its subcontractors no later than one (1) year from signing of the Agreement, except if another date is provided within this Agreement and as a further guarantee that all obligations to the subcontractors for work on the Subdivision are satisfied. If at any time: a) The Subdivider is in default of any aspect of this Agreement, or b) The Subdivider does not complete the installation of the Improvements within one (1) year from the signing of this Agreement unless otherwise extended by this Agreement or by action of the City Council, or c) The letter of credit or bond on file with the City is dated to expire sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the same if the same has not been extended, renewed or replaced, per the terms of this Agreement or d) The Subdivider fails to maintain a cash deposit, bond or letter of credit in an amount approved by City Engineer, and in a form approved by the City Attorney, to pay the costs of Improvements in the Subdivision per the terms of this Agreement, the Subdivider shall be deemed in violation of this Agreement and the City Council shall have the authority to draw upon the financial guarantee. Page 14 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement e) Invoices: Invoices documenting public Improvements addressed and not addressed in the Letter of Credit or the Subdivision Bond, but attributable to the subject development shall be provided to the City. f) Reduction Of Either Subdivision Bond or Letter Of Credit Balance: The Subdivider shall provide Public Works Director or his designee with a written request accompanied by: invoices for work completed for which a release is being requested, breakdown of invoices in the format of the Public Improvement Cost Breakdown form, and signed original lien waivers for all work which is subject of the release request. The Public Works Director or his designee will process all requests in accordance with policies adopted by the Finance Committee, as may be amended from time to time. 2. DEVELOPER'S DEPOSIT: The Subdivider shall maintain a $10,000.00 balance in the Developer's Deposit. No reduction of either the Subdivision Bond or the Letter of Credit balance shall be entertained until the Developer's Deposit is satisfied unless otherwise authorized by the Common Council following a recommendation of the Finance Committee. 3. PRESERVATION OF ASSESSMENT RIGHTS: a) Waiver of Notice. In addition to other remedies provided to the City by this Agreement, the City shall have the right, without notice or hearing, to impose special assessments for any amount to which the City is entitled by virtue of this Agreement upon the Subdivision. This provision constitutes the Subdivider’s consent to the installation by the City of all Improvements required by this Agreement and constitutes the Subdivider’s waiver of notice and consent to all special assessment proceedings as described in Section 66.0703(7)(b), Wis. Statutes. b) Remedies not exclusive. The City may use any other remedies available to it under the Agreement or in law or equity in addition to, or in lieu of, the remedies provided herein. SECTION XX : PARTIES BOUND: Subdivider or its assignees shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement or any part herein as it applies to any phase of the development. Any mortgagees of the Property must consent to the terms of this Agreement, and must subordinate their interest to the interests of the City, if applicable. Approval by the City shall not be deemed a waiver as the ultimate responsibility for the proper design and installation of streets improvements, drive and parking areas, drainage facilities, ditches, landscaping and all other improvements shall be the Subdividers. The fact that the City or it's engineers, or it's attorney, or it's staff may approve a specific project shall not constitute a waiver, or relieve the Subdivider from ultimate responsibility for the design, performance, and function of the development and related infrastructure. SECTION XXI : EXCULPATION OF VILLAGE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES: The parties mutually agree that the Mayor and/or the City Clerk, entered into and are signatory to this Agreement solely in their official capacity and not individually, and shall have no personal liability or responsibility hereunder; and personal liability as may otherwise exist, being expressly released and/or waived. SECTION XXII : PRELIMINARY PLAT AND FINAL PLAT CONDITIONS: At a time prior to the Subdivider’s installation of the binder course of asphalt, the Subdivider shall submit the final plat of Aster Hills Estates for the City’s final approval of said plat. The City shall review and approve said plat within 60 days of the substantial completion if the Improvements which is defined as the time at which the binder course of asphalt has been installed. Page 15 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement The Subdivider acknowledges that the Subdivision is subject to a conditional preliminary plat approval and a conditional final plat approval by the City. The Subdivider further agrees that it is bound by these conditions. A copy of the conditional preliminary plat approval for the subject property is attached hereto and incorporated herein as EXHIBIT B (City Resolution #100-2014), and the conditional final plat approval for the subject property is incorporated herein as EXHIBIT C. If there is a conflict between the conditions as forth in said conditional approvals and the Subdivider’s Agreement, the more restrictive shall apply. SECTION XXIII : AMENDMENTS AND ASSIGNMENT: Subdivider shall not assign this Agreement without the written consent of the City. The City and the Subdivider, by mutual consent, may amend this Agreement, by written agreement between the City and the Subdivider. SECTION XXIV : NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, the delivery of all notices and correspondence shall only be effective upon being delivered personally, sent by prepaid United States Postal Service certified mail with return receipt requested, sent by facsimile with transmission confirmation, or sent by electronic mail with return receipt requested, to all parties as follows: To City: Community Development Department City of Muskego POB 749 W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150-0749 Phone Number: (262) 679-4136 Facsimile: (262) 679-5614 Email: jmuenkel@cityofmuskego.org To Subdivider: HBT of Aster Hills Estates LLC C/O Towne Realty, Inc., manager 710 North Plankinton Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53203 Attn: James W. Doering Phone Number (414) 274-2488 Facsimile: (414) 274-2711 Email Address: Jim.Doering@Zilber.com And Sandra J. DeLisle, Esq. Zilber Ltd. 710 North Plankinton Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53203 Phone Number: (414) 274-2438 Facsimile: (414) 274-2710 Email: Sandi.DeLisle@Zilber.com All notices shall be considered to have been delivered at the time such notices are personally delivered to each party, facsimile transmission, or electronic mail, or three (3) days after the date of postmark on any prepaid certified letter. Page 16 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Parties to this Agreement shall give fifteen (15) days notice of any change of mailing address, telephone or facsimile number, or electronic mail address. Failure to provide said notice may constitute a default by the party. SECTION XXV : RECORDING This Agreement shall be recorded against the Subdivision property and shall run with the land. SECTION XXVI : STORM WATER AGREEMENT Prior to or contemporaneously with the recording of the Final Plat, the Subdivider shall enter into a Storm Water Management Practice Maintenance Agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney and the City Engineer to ensure the proper maintenance of all storm water facilities within the Subdivision, and such Storm Water Agreement shall be recorded against the Subdivision property. SECTION XXVII : PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT This Agreement is binding upon the Subdivider, the owners of the Subdivision, their successors and assigns, and any and all future owners of the Subdivision (the “Successors”). This section allows for City enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement against all such Successors, as the Subdivider. This does not, however, grant rights to such Successors absent City written consent, as described in Section XVII. IN WITNESS HEREOF, Subdivider has caused this Agreement to be signed by its appropriate officers and their seals to be hereunto affixed in duplicate original counterparts on the date and year first written above. SUBDIVIDER: A. HBT of Aster Hills Estates LLC By: Towne Realty, Inc., manager By: _______________________________ William A. Wigchers, Vice President STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this _____ day of ______, 20__, ___________, Vice President of Towne Realty, Inc., to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public-State of Wisconsin My Commission Expires SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER: HBT of Aster Hills Estates LLC By: Towne Realty, Inc., manager Page 17 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement By:__________________________________ William A. Wigchers, Vice President STATE OF W ISCONSIN ) SS _______________ COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this _____ day of ______, 20__, ___________, Subdivision Property Owner, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public-State of Wisconsin IN WITNESS HEREOF, City has caused this Agreement to be signed by its appropriate officers and their seals to be hereunto affixed in duplicate original counterparts on the date and year first written above. B. CITY OF MUSKEGO: BY: Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor BY: Sharon Mueller, City Clerk-Treasurer STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this _____ day of ______, 20__, the above named Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor, and Sharon Mueller, City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Muskego, to me known to be the persons executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such Mayor and City Clerk-Treasurer of said municipal corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of said municipal corporation by its authority and pursuant to the authorization by the Common Council from their meeting on the _____ day of ______, 20__. Notary Public-State of Wisconsin My Commission Expires CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Subdivider's Agreement for Aster Hills Estates Subdivision, Muskego, Wisconsin, as entered into on the _____ day of ______, 20__, by and between _____________ and the City Of Muskego, pursuant to the authorization by the Common Council from their meeting on the _____ day of ______, 20__. Page 18 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement BY THE COMMON COUNCIL ________________________ Sharon Mueller, City Clerk-Treasurer City Clerk/Treasurer SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME This _____ day of ______, 20__. My commission expires This instrument drafted by Jeff Muenkel, AICP City of Muskego PO Box 0749 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 Page 19 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Exhibit A Legal Description Parcel One (1) of CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 6039 being a part of the Southeast One-quarter (1/4) and Southwest One- quarter (1/4) of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of Section Twenty-four (24), in Township Five (5) North, Range Twenty (20) East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, recorded in the Register of Deeds for Waukesha County on November 30, 1989 in Volume 49 of Certified Survey Maps on Pages 261 to 263 inclusive, as Document No. 1567191. AND All that part of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of Section Twenty-four (24), in Township Five (5) North, Range Twenty (20) East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said ¼ Section; thence South 01°25’14” East, along the West line of said ¼ Section, 403.38 feet to the Southwest corner of Parcel I of Certified Survey Map No. 3641, a recorded map in Waukesha County, and the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence North 87°32’00” East, along the South li ne of said Certified Survey Map No. 3641, 175.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Certified Survey Map; thence North 01°25’14” West, along the East line of said Certified Survey Map, 373.37 feet to a point 30 feet South of as measured normal to the Nor th line of said ¼ Section, said point being the Northeast corner of said Certified Survey Map; thence North 87°32’00” East, parallel to the Nor th line of said ¼ Section 1028.47 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of the old location of Durham Drive; thence South 39°58’00” East, along said line, 714.10 feet to a point on the Westerly line of North Cape Road; said point being 50 fe et West of the Center line of said road; thence South 09°33’08” West along said line, 475.38 feet to a point on the North line of Certified Survey Map No. 866; thence North 82°18’14” West, along the North line of said Certified Survey Map, 290.49 feet to the Northwest corner of said Certified Survey Map; thence South 07°41’46” West, along the West line of Certified Survey Map No. 866 and Certified Survey Map No. 196, 370.04 feet to a point; thence South 82°18’14” East, along the South line of Certified Survey Map No. 196 and the North line of Certified Survey Map No. 6039, 278.50 feet to a point on the Westerly line of North Cape Road, said point being 50 feet West as measured normal to the centerline of said road; thence South 09°33’08” West, along said line, 307.78 feet to a point of curve; thence Southwesterly 249.31 feet, along the ar c of a curve, center lying to the East, whose radius is 1687.02 feet, with a chord which bears South 05°19’07” West, a chord distance of 249.08 feet, to a point; thence South 87°31’12” West, 1399.73 feet to a point on the West line of said ¼ Section; thence North 01°25’14” West, along said line, 1568.70 feet to the point of beginning. Together with that portion of vacated Durham Drive (OLD) abutting said premises on the Northeast. Excepting therefrom those lands described in a Quit Claim Deed recorded on March 22, 2007 as Document No. 3466858. Also excepting therefrom those lands described as Certified Survey Map No. 6039 recorded on November 30, 1989 in Volume 49 of Certified Survey Maps on Pages 261 to 263, as Document No. 1567191. AND All that part of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) and Northwest One-quarter (1/4) of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of Section Twenty-four (24), in Township Five (5) North, Range Twenty (20) East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said ¼ Section; thence North 87°32’00” East, along the North line of said ¼ Section, 1179.90 feet to a point; thence South 39°58’00” East, 475.66 feet to a point; thence North 09°33’08” East, 32.54 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continuing North 09°33’08” East, 32.54 feet to a point; thence North 39°58’00” West, 178.07 feet to a point on the Southerly line of relocated Durham Road; thence Northwesterly 76.58 feet along the arc of a curve, center lying to the North, with a radius of 1004.93 feet, and with a chord which bears North 58°49’37” West, a chord distance of 76.57 feet, to a point; thence South 39°58’00” East, 271.65 feet to the point of beginning. AND Part of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of Section Twenty-four (24), in Township Five (5) North, Range Twenty (20) East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Page 20 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Exhibit A Continued Commencing at the Northwest corner of said ¼ Section; thence South 01°25’14” East along the West line of said ¼ Section 1972.08 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence North 87°31’12” East along the South line of land s described in Document No. 228641 a distance of 1399.71 feet to the West line of North Cape Road; thence Southerly 20.50 feet along said West line and the arc of a curve whose center lies to the East, whose radius is 1687.02 feet and whose chord bears South 00°46’15” West 20.50 feet to the North line of Boxhorn Reserve; thence South 87°32’08” West along said North line 1398.92 feet to the West line of said Northeast ¼ Section; thence North 01°25’14” West along said West line 20.09 feet t o the point of beginning. Page 21 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Exhibit B Conditional Approval of Preliminary Plat (City Resolution #100-2014) COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #100-2014 APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE ASTER HILL ESTATES SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, A preliminary plat was submitted by Towne Realty for the Aster Hill Estates Subdivision (formerly Wildflower Farms) located in the NE ¼ of Section 24 (Tax Key Nos. 2253.998.003 and 2253.998); and WHEREAS, Said plat proposes the development of 53 single-family residential parcels and a number of outlots for park/conservation dedication, wetland preservation and stormwater management; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the conditions of adopted Resolution #P.C. 063-2014; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the preliminary plat and three -lot certified survey map for the Belle Chasse Subdivision in the SE 1/4 of Section 11 subject to each of the following conditions being met: 1. Developer completing all subdivision improvements prior to approval of the final plat. 2. All of the subdivision improvements shall be made only after approval of the landscape plans by the City Forester and only after the approval of the construction plans by the City Engineer, the Public Works Committee and a Developer’s Agreement between the City and Subdivider agreeing to install the required improvements is entered, approved by the City and recorded and a letter of credit, cash or certified chec k meeting the approval of the City Attorney in an amount equal to 120% the estimated cost of the improvements is given. 3. Pursuant to §18.31(2)(d) of the Muskego Chapter 18 Land Division ordinance, the final plat must be submitted and approved within thirty-six months of the preliminary plat approval. The final plat will not be approved until after the acceptance of improvements to insure that no lots are sold until all improvements are accepted by the City. 4. Approval is subject to receipt of the submittal fees and favorable reports from all approving and objecting agencies. 5. That a digital file of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER , 2014. Field Code Changed Page 22 Aster Hills Estates Subdivider’s Agreement Exhibit C Conditional Approval of Final Plat (will not exist until binder course of pavement is installed and final plat is submitted and approved by the City) CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council May 26, 2015 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel, AICP Subject: TIF 8 Grant (DeWinter Eye Care) Date: May 20, 2015 Background Information: As the Council is aware staff and the Community Development Authority have been working with various property owners along Janesville Road in our expanded Tax Increment District #8. This district ran up to the intersection of Janesville Road and Lannon Drive, but with the CDA’s recommendation the Council amended the district in November 2012 (Council Resolution #111-2012) to expand to the west and east along Janesville Road. The main reason the city expanded the district was to hopefully utilize the approximate $375,000 in TIF 8 funds we have leftover. Staff and the CDA have been working with the new business owners in this area and it has been the statement of the CDA in the past that the CDA would look to aid improvements to sites/structures in this area with these monies in the forms of minimal grants and via low interest loans. While grants are to be considered, loans were the most desirable since a loan would be paid back. Projects could help to foster new improvements to sites/structures in the area that would increase the tax base of the TID as well. The DeWinters request a grant of $75,000 for their ~$1,600,000+ worth of improvements. The improvements consist of redeveloping the vacant corner parcel on the SW corner of Janesville Road and Bay Lane Drive into a new state of the art 6,010 SF office facility on .61 acres. See pictures of the site plan and architecture herein. The resulting project will be an excellent gateway building to the east end of the City’s downtown area and Redevelopment District #2. Since this time the Council has approved the following:  $75,000 loan and $7,500 grant for Niko’s Café site/façade improvements  $100,000 loan and $22,500 grant for John Jewell new building  $100,000 loan and $15,000 grant for Westwood Centre building/site  $35,825 grant for old Shell Gas Station property Our next formal submittal to utilize the TIF 8 monies is from Judy and Dan DeWinter who are looking to build their new DeWinter Eye Care Center on the currently vacant parcel located on the SW corner of Janesville Road and Bay Land Drive. The DeWinter’s have received approval from the city’s Planning Commission for the major site and façade improvements and are now looking to have the city partner in the financing of the improvements. The grant requested would be the largest downtown grant that the city would have approved, but the injection of developer dollars in this project and the impact of tax base and downtown perception is also the greatest. Since the property is in a Redevelopment District and due to completing a whole development in the city’ downtown confines, staff believes that the submittal meets the purposes set forth in awarding incentive dollars. Further, aiding in incentives to this property is looked upon very fondly in our existing TID 8 as the improvements will inject a great deal of tax base that will help the overall tax increment district get paid off faster. NOTE: The Firestone property across the street currently paid taxes of $21,000+ back in 2014. The DeWinter parcel has been tax exempt for the past few years as it was Waukesha County owned. Staff will note that the petitioners worked with staff in looking at a loan as well but it was found that a grant would create less administration in the long run for both parties. Further the petitioners would have been looking for monies if a combination of the grant and loan were requested anyway. In all, the ratio of developer dollars vs. city incentive dollars is approximately a 21:1 ratio. This ratio is far above past grant projects approved of which staff can share those examples at our meeting. Staff recommends approval of this TID 8 grant as the monies were set aside specifically for these tax base producing purposes back when the TID 8 was amendment to include this property in 2012. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve for reasons discussed above. CDA recommended approval based on reasons discussed above as well as stating the following:  Amount of city incentive will be paid back in tax dollars in approximately four years which still leaves time for the new tax base to aid the overall TIF district.  Best ratio of incentive dollars compared to developer investment dollars the city has done to date for a TIF 8 project. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #057-2015 APPROVAL OF A TIF 8 GRANT DeWinter Eye Care S73 W16437 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2198.948.001 WHEREAS, Daniel and Judy DeWinter, owners of DeWinter Eye Care have submitted a grant application form requesting a grant in the amount of $75,000; and WHEREAS, The Common Council, upon recommendation from the Community Development Authority, amended Tax Increment District #8 in November 2012 per Council Resolution #111-2012 to include businesses properties west of Lannon Drive/Janesville Road; and WHEREAS, It was the intent of the TID 8 amendment to utilize leftover TID monies for various redevelopment projects for the businesses within the amended boundaries; and WHEREAS, Said property is within the boundaries of amended TID #8 and within the boundaries of the adopted Redevelopment District #2; and WHEREAS, The Community Development Authority has recommended a grant approval, under the auspices of the adopted Commercial Building and Site Grant Fund of $75,000 at its May 19, 2015 meeting, subject to the conditions outlined herein being met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Community Development Authority, does hereby approve a grant submitted by Daniel and Judy DeWinter subject to the following conditions: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verified that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. Resolution #057-2015 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign any documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF MAY , 2015. SPONSORED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ald. Kevin Kubacki Ald. Thomas Kapusta This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #057-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council May 26, 2015 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel, AICP Subject: RLF Loan Approval: Alpha Plastics Date: May 20, 2015 Background Information: Please find enclosed in the supplement an RLF application from Alpha Plastics for the purchase of capital equipment and inventory for the business located at S82 W19362 Apollo Drive. The purchases would include the following equipment: chiller, switchgear, compressor, and racking. As per policy, our representative from the Southeastern Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), Mr. John Meland, has put together a cover letter explaining the application and contingencies of the loan recommended. Overall, $200,000 of City RLF monies is requested as part of a combined $480,000 loan/equity package consisting of $200k City and $280k in owner’s equity. The loan will be dependent that Alpha Plastics brings in ten (10) new fulltime equivalent jobs to the community of which 51% of the jobs must be for low to moderate income individuals. The term of the city loan would be 5 years with deferred principal payments for 12 months at an interest rate of 1.625%. Interest-only payment would be made on a monthly basis during the deferral period. The city usually requires security in the form of around 50-75% of whatever loan amount is requested. In this case the city would have available: 1) a Letter of Credit of $140,000 (70%); 2) A second mortgage on the equipment, accounts receivable, and inventory; and 3) The personal guarantee of the three shareholders. The resolution is contingent on the following to occur per the direction of the City’s loan reviewers at the South Eastern WI Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC): 1. That a $200,000 RLF loan is provided to Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc. 2. That the RLF loan is matched with loans of at least $280,000 in owner’s equity. 3.That the RLF loan is matched with at least $36,000 in owner’s equity. 4. That the RLF loan is provided with a term and amortization of 5 years, a twelve-month deferral on principal payments, and an interest rate of 1.625 percent. Interest-only payments would be made on a monthly basis during the deferral period. 5. That the RLF loan is secured with the collateral of 1) a Letter of Credit of $140,000 (70%); 2) A second mortgage on the equipment, accounts receivable, and inventory; and 3) The personal guarantee of the three shareholders. 6. That the Company agrees to create 10 full-time equivalent jobs and at least 51% of the new jobs are provided to low- and moderate-income persons. 7. That the borrowers provide to the City, or its designee, on an annual basis, semi-annual financial statements and signed copies of their Federal income tax return. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve. Overall, staff believes that the proposal outlined is more than adequate and recommends approval subject to Mr. Meland’s stated contingencies from his letter attached herein. A couple notes:  Alpha Plastics received an RLF loan from the city back in 2008 for $200,000. This loan went towards the purchase of capital equipment at that time and required 10 full time equivalent jobs. Alpha since hired more than the requirement of jobs and paid off the loan ahead of the seven (7) year schedule.  The amount requested tonight is more than the usual $100,000 maximum that the adopted RLF program discusses. However, the city is allowed to grant more than $100,000 at their discretion should they see fit, as was done for Alpha in 2008. Staff finds the loan to be in an approvable form and looks forward to Alpha Plastics expansion and addition of new employees. Staff believes that the $200,000 amount of the proposed loan be allowed to Alpha for a few reasons:  The RLF is rarely used.  Alpha has shown a history of making these loans work.  The loan comes with sureties to create 10 full time equivalent jobs of which 51% will go to low to moderate income individuals.  The RLF monies are in discussion by the state to have a “pooling” system where all the allotted RLF monies from each community in a County would be pooled into one fund administered by the County. If this happens, a city like Muskego, who uses their RLF monies regularly may end up losing monies to other businesses in other communities. Thus it is advantageous to use as much of our RLF monies to date so Muskego can also then utilize the pool of monies should this system take place in the near future. For Council reference, The Revolving Loan Fund now has approx. $438,750 in it due to a few loans recently being paid off. The last loan awarded was in 2013. The past loans the City has given are as follows: 2013: Haven Salon and Spa up to $100,000 2009: DK Motors (Napa Auto) up to $80,000 2008: Alpha Plastics up to $200,000 2006: Stella And Chewy’s LLC $100,000 2005: Animal Doctor, Inc. $100,000 2003: Gorski Inc. $46,700 DENIED MEMORANDUM TO: City of Muskego Community Development Authority FROM: John R. Meland, Principal Specialist Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission DATE: May 13, 2015 SUBJECT: REVOLVING LOAN FUND (RLF) REQUEST The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a summary and Commission staff analysis of the request from Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc. (ASPI) for a loan from the City of Muskego Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) program. A description of the business proposal and the findings of a Commission staff analysis based upon RLF underwriting standards are presented below: Background ASPI is a plastic injection molding and extrusion business that began operations at S82W19362 Apollo Drive in July 2007. The attached business plan executive summary provides information on the company’s expansion plans that includes the acquisition of new capital equipment and working capital. The Company is currently leasing space from Apollo Drive, LLC, and is owned by three shareholders – Tim Hogan, Pres- ident, along with Earl Meinen and Robert Malburg. A copy of Mr. Hogan’s resume is attached. Financial statements show sales of $4.9 million in 2014 with a projected increase of 12 percent in 2015. Funding Request Alpha Plastics is requesting that the City provide a $200,000 RLF loan to assist with the purchase of capital equipment and inventory (see attached RLF application). The RLF loan would be matched with at $280,000 in equity from the owners. The RLF program limits loan amount requests to $100,000 but does allow for loans in excess of the maximum to be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. The Company is requesting that the RLF loan be provided with a term and amortization of five years, a de- ferral of principal payments for 12 months, and an interest rate of 1.625 percent. The request is consistent with the underwriting standards for the RLF program and will allow for a rapid repayment on the loan. The collateral available to secure the RLF loan would include: 1) a junior lien position on equipment, ac- counts receivable, and inventory; 2) the personal guaranties of the three shareholders; and 3) irrevocable letter(s) of credit from the owners in the aggregate amount of $140,000 that are issued by a local financial institution in favor of the City of Muskego. W239 N1812 ROCKWOOD DRIVE PO BOX 1607 WAUKESHA, WI 53187-1607 Serving the Counties of: TELEPHONE (262) 547-6721 FAX (262) 547-1103 KENOSHA MILWAUKEE OZAUKEE RACINE WALWORTH WASHINGTON WAUKESHA -2- The Company has agreed to create 10 new full-time equivalent jobs in exchange for the RLF loan with at least 51 percent of the jobs benefiting low- and moderate-income persons. The jobs would be recruited through the Waukesha County Workforce Development Center. Contingencies Should the City decide to provide the requested financing, it is recommended that the approval be based on the following contingencies: 1. That a $200,000 RLF loan is provided to Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc. 2. That the RLF loan is matched with $280,000 in owners’ equity. 3. That the RLF loan is provided with a term and amortization of five years, a 12-month deferral on principal payments, and an interest rate of 1.625 percent. Interest-only payments would be made on a monthly basis during the deferral period. 4. That the RLF loan is secured with the collateral identified above. 5. That the Company creates 10 new full-time equivalent jobs that are recruited through the Waukesha County Workforce Development Center. At least 51 percent of the new jobs would be provided to low- and moderate-income persons. 6. That the borrower provides to the City, or its designee, on an annual basis, semi-annual financial statements and signed copies of the borrower’s Federal income tax return. * * * JRM/jm APSI CDA MEMO 2015 Enclosures ALPHA PLASTICS SOLUTIONS, INC. Business Plan Executive Summary 3/1/15 This document provides and executive summary of the business plan for Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc., a Wisconsin S-Corporation located in Muskego, WI. This plan is to summarize our current position and present our plan to grow into our expectations. APSI was formed February 2007 and Incorporated in July 2007. We started up a new plastic injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming and assembly business at an existing facility in the Muskego Industrial Park. Several key factors are considered in the selection of that location, including proactive business and economic development efforts in the area, proximity to primary transportation routes via I-43, and the city’s location within a regional economy that includes the cities of Milwaukee, Chicago, Rockford, Madison and Green Bay. With respect to our machine diversity and capabilities, if we strive for 75% capacity running a 5-24 work week, the revenue should vary between 9 and 12 million dollars in annual revenue. The company focused its initial efforts as a supplier of high-quality OEM components for the industrial and consumer markets. Subsequent to its formation, Alpha Plastics Solutions has investigated selected opportunities to produce proprietary injection-molded and extruded products for the distribution and retail markets. We have developed 400 extrusion dies and 226 injection molding tools to date. Alpha Plastics established itself in a highly competitive market. While certain barriers to entry in that market do exist, they are relatively nominal. As we approach our seventh year anniversary in business we have successfully exceeded our budget plan and forecasts. Controllable factors, such as proper asset, operations, and cash flow management, as well as intangible factors including strategic differentiation and customer service, we are now in position to move forward and grow through capitol acquisition or merger. Alpha Plastics projected sales for the years ending December 31, 2015 through 2016 are approximately $5.0 to $7.0 million respectively. Those figures are based on a sales forecast of existing and prospective customers for injection molded components and extrusion molding capability during 20 13. Based on industry and management expertise of the principals, a consensus to strive for sustained, controlled, profitable growth; and their plan to retain and re-invest a substantial portion of the profits in the business, Alpha Plastics expects financial results to be at or above industry averages for similarly-sized companies. Some of the challenges we are faced with is an abnormal growth pattern in a volatile economy. We have customers that are providing large scope projects that have the potential of growing our revenue 2 fold all while willing to help us develop the manufacturing processes. Each step in our growth requires the assistance of additional human resources and capital intensive equipment to make this possible. We are also faced with the opportunities of capturing even more business as our capabilities expand and so will our position in the market with our current customers. Other opportunities that can be seized at this point in our business are the fact that some of our competitors changing focus for various reasons e.g. contract and customers that provide a specific minimum sales dollar. The market conditions are ripe for finding and utilizing a strong workforce to assist with the growth and expansion of our capacity. Tim Hogan Resume/Bio President/Owner Tim has over 3.5 decades of operations management experience, with the majority of those in well-known worldwide companies including: Kohler Company, Newell/Rubbermaid and Fiskars as well as lesser known successful plastics facilities. He has experience in all areas of operation management such as divisional director of engineering, facilities manager, and General Manager. He has lead and developed successful teams in the areas of purchasing management, capital growth, property management, as well as employee enrichment activities. Tim also believes in giving back, he has always looked to the surrounding areas for way his company could influence and assist. One such award winning a ccomplishment is his work co-developing the school-to-work program in the Madison, WI area; which provides training and jobs for technically apt less privileged at-risk students. He received his AA degree from Lakeland College and his BSOM (Bachelors of Science in Operations Management) from Marion College. Tim has also earned a number of plastics industry certifications, OSHA 501 training certifications with Wittmann, Van Dorn, Branson, Milacron, etc. Tim will focus on Operations and Sales, serving as President of the company. Tim founded Alpha Plastics Solutions Inc in 2007 at the beginning of the Great Recession. The company grew from a business plan to 5mm in sales very quickly and now is poised for the next opportunity to grow even more. We started with no equipment and no employees to 28 pieces of primary equipment to 35 full time employees. Tim also believes in focusing on the family and spending as much time with wife Robin and 3 active sons. Tim has assembled the ALPHA Plastics team by bringing a very successful management and support staff together that will carry this business into the future. 1.Business Name: Address: Contact Person: Telephone No.: 2. RLF Debt Seller Owner's 3.Source and Use of Funds Financing Financing Financing Equity TOTAL a)Real Estate Purchase b)Building Construction c)Building Renovation d)Equipment 65,000$ 15,000$ 80,000$ e)Working Capital 133,000$ 265,000$ 400,000$ f)Closing Costs 2,000$ TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 200,000$ 280,000$ 480,000$ 4.RLF Assistance Requested: d) Principal Deferral (months)12 months racking. Working capital is for a $720,000 project that will have inventory costs of $400,000. 1.625% 5 years ATTACHMENT A b) Interest Rate (percent) c) Loan Term (years) a) Loan Amount Muskego, WI 53150 (262) 971-2774 Brief Project Description: The purchase of equipment that includes a chiller, switchgear, compressor, and Tim Hogan, President Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc. S82W19362 Apollo Drive City of Muskego Revolving Loan Fund Application 200,000$ 5.Source of Private Debt Financing Name:Owners: Tim Hogan, Earl Meinen, Robert Malburg Address: Contact Person: Telephone No.: 6. Job Creation and Retention Number Pay Range Number Pay Range Full-Time Jobs 10.0 $10 per hour Part-Time Jobs TOTAL JOBS 10.0 7. I hereby certify that the information provided above and in the attached supporting documentation is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. s/ Tim Hogan 05/13/15 Signature Date This attachment is included for reference, and is subject to change upon the availability of updated information from the Wisconsin Department of Administration or SEWRPC. June 2015Date Project Will Begin: New Jobs Retained Jobs S82W19362 Apollo Drive Muskego, WI 53150 Tim Hogan (262) 971-2774 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #058-2015 APPROVAL OF REVOLVING LOAN FUND APPLICATION (Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc.) S82 W19362 Apollo Drive / Tax Key No. 2225.999.018 WHEREAS, The City of Muskego is a participant in the Revolving Loan Fun d (RLF) Plan; and WHEREAS, Alpha Plastics has submitted a loan application form reque sting a loan in the amount of $200,000; and WHEREAS, The Community Development Authority has recommended approval at its May 19, 2015 meeting, subject to the conditions outlined by SEWRPC being met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Community Development Authority, does hereby approve the attached loan fund application submitted by Alpha Plastics subject to the following conditions: 1. That a $200,000 RLF loan is provided to Alpha Plastics Solutions, Inc. 2. That the RLF loan is matched with loans of at least $280,000 in owner’s equity. 3. That the RLF loan is matched with at least $36,000 in owner’s equity. 4. That the RLF loan is provided with a term and amortization of five years, a twelve-month deferral on principal payments, and an interest rate of 1.625%. Interest-only payments would be made on a monthly basis during the deferred period. 5. That the RLF loan is secured with the collateral of: 1) a Letter of Credit in the amount of $140,000 (70%); 2) a second mortgage on the equipment, accounts receivable and inventory; and 3) the personal guarantee of the three shareholders. 6. That the Company agrees to create 10 full-time equivalent jobs and at least 51% of the new jobs are provided to low and moderate income persons. 7. That the borrowers provide to the City, or its designee, on an annual basis, semi-annual financial statements and signed copies of their Federal income tax return. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign any documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF MAY , 2015. Resolution #058-2015 Page 2 SPONSORED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ald. Kevin Kubacki Ald. Thomas Kapusta This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #058-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council May 26, 2015 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel, AICP Subject: TIF 8 Grant (Muskego Mobil) Date: May 20, 2015 Background Information: Enclosed, please find an application for a grant within the confines of the city’s tax increment district (TID) #8. The applicant is Mr. Hardip (Hardi) Singh Bhatti who owns the structure and property that houses Muskego Mobil located at S73 W16680 Janesville Road. Mr. Singh Bhatti requests a grant of $25,000 for his $41,155 worth of improvements. The improvements consist of the following below. A full submittal and description can be found in the supplement attached.  Demolition of the front of the main building by removing some of the windows and the existing metal panel siding. Some demo on the west façade as well.  Add new windows on the front façade.  Add new brick to the front façade that matched the brick on the back half of the building.  Add same new brick to the columns of the gas pump overhang.  Add brick to the monument sign base to match brick on rest of buildings. As the Council may know we have treated properties within the TID 8 in the downtown a bit differently when it comes to grant and loan requests. The city amended the TIF 8 back in 2012 to include more properties along Janesville Road to the west of Lannon and to the east of the library. The TID amendment was specific that the city had over $375,000 of leftover TID monies that we wanted to use for redevelopment projects that would spur new tax base and that could be used for grants/loans similar to our Commercial Building and Site Grant/Loan Programs. Since this site is within the TID 8 boundary we can use the TID 8 monies for any grants requested rather the usual funds used for other grants/loans that we’ve given for properties outside the TID 8. However, we usually want to apply the same principles that the adopted Commercial Building & Site Program implores. Thus, the Commercial Building & Site Grant Program offers grants to petitioners that meet the following criteria below: The purpose of the Commercial Building & Site Grant Program is to provide matching grants to existing commercial buildings and sites for preservation and restoration. Further, the program is instituted to encourage urban design excellence, integrate urban design and preservation of Muskego’s heritage into the process of downtown redevelopment, and enhance the character of the downtown area. Grant resources should produce visible changes to commercial buildings and commercial sites. Since funding sources are limited, priority will be given to projects demonstrating the most substantial impact on building and neighborhood aesthetics. It is important to note that Mr. Singh Bhatti has done many other improvements on the property in the recent years and intends to complete much more (interior and exterior). Mr. Singh Bhatti mentioned at the CDA meeting that over $100,000 upgrades to the outside pumps will be made next year as well. The city did allow $3,000 as part of the Commercial Grant Program back in 2011 as a matching grant to repaint the whole structure and aid in landscape improvements. The TID 8 currently has a balance of $300,000+ that can go for grants related to the betterment of the district. Since this time the Council has approved the following:  $75,000 loan and $7,500 grant for Niko’s Café site/façade improvements  $100,000 loan and $22,500 grant for John Jewell new building  $100,000 loan and $15,000 grant for Westwood Centre building/site  $35,825 grant for old Shell Gas Station property In all, staff believes that the level of improvements is substantial and meets the expectations of a grant for the aesthetic improvement of the properties on Janesville Road. Given that we still want to be involved in other projects along TID 8 with this money staff suggests that a bit smaller amount be awarded and definitely less than or equal to 50% of the anticipated project costs to be consistent with past approvals. Perhaps around a range of $10,000-$15,000. Structural façade improvements are of course more able to produce tax base than landscape or site improvements which is a plus. Staff recommends approval of this TID 8 grant as the monies were set aside specifically for these tax base producing purposes back when the TID 8 was amendment to include this property in 2012. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve for reasons discussed above. The CDA recommended approval of a grant of $13,700 for Mobil which represents about 1/3 of the project costs. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #059-2015 APPROVAL OF A TIF 8 GRANT Muskego Mobil S73 W16437 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2198.991.001 WHEREAS, Mr. Hardip Singh Bhatti, owner of the Muskego Mobil, has submitted a grant application form requesting a grant in the amount of $25,000; and WHEREAS, The Common Council, upon recommendation from the Community Development Authority, amended Tax Increment District #8 in November 2012 per Council Resolution #111-2012 to include businesses properties west of Lannon Drive/Janesville Road; and WHEREAS, It was the intent of the TID 8 amendment to utilize leftover TID monies for various redevelopment projects for the businesses within the amended boundaries; and WHEREAS, Said property is within the boundaries of amended TID #8 and within the boundaries of the adopted Redevelopment District #2; and WHEREAS, The Community Development Authority has recommended a grant approval, under the auspices of the adopted Commercial Building and Site Grant Fund of $13,700 at its May 19, 2015 meeting, subject to the conditions outlined herein being met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Community Development Authority, does hereby approve a grant submitted by Mr. Hardip Singh Bhatti subject to the following conditions: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verified that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. Resolution #059-2015 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign any documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF MAY , 2015. SPONSORED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ald. Kevin Kubacki Ald. Thomas Kapusta This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #059-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council May 26, 2015 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel AICP Subject: Commercial Road Grant Program Award Date: May 20, 2015 Background Information: Enclosed, please find an application for the Commercial Building & Site Grant Program. The applicant is Mr. Mike Kremski who runs the Max A. Sass and Sons Funeral Home in Muskego located at W173 S7629 Westwood Drive). Mr. Kremski requests a grant of $15,000 for his $69,268 worth of improvements. The improvements consist of completely rehauling the existing parking lot with a new resurface ($59,900) and addition of new landscaping ($9,768). A full submittal and description can be found in the supplement attached. The grant program is specifically setup to go towards the purposes below: The purpose of the Commercial Building & Site Grant Program is to provide matching grants to existing commercial buildings and sites for preservation and restoration. Further, the program is instituted to encourage urban design excellence, integrate urban design and preservation of Muskego’s heritage into the process of downtown redevelopment, and enhance the character of the downtown area. Grant resources should produce visible changes to commercial buildings and commercial sites. Since funding sources are limited, priority will be given to projects demonstrating the most substantial impact on building and neighborhood aesthetics. Since the property is in a Redevelopment District and due to completing aesthetic improvements, staff believes that the submittal meets the purposes set forth in the adopted grant program. The request is for more than the $3,000 maximum though that is in the City’s adopted program. The program does however allow more than $3,000 per the following text: NOTE: While the grant amount stated above has a maximum of $3,000 allowed, actual amounts approved are subject to change by the approval of the CDA and Common Council on a case-by-case basis. Examples of allowing more than the stated maximum amount may include projects that demonstrate a benefit to the community and the surrounding area, projects that may set the tone for an area, projects that may be a catalyst for other redevelopments/developments in the area, and/or projects providing a considerable percentage match above the needed minimum of 50%. It is up to the CDA and Council if the project meets the requirement above to allow more than the $3,000 maximum. It is important to note that many of our Commercial Grants awarded have been anywhere from 2:1 to 6:1 average ratio of petitioner dollars versus city incentive dollars. The requested $15,000 represents a ratio of 4.6:1 at this time. The CDA found that the parking lot project is more of a maintenance item that the city traditionally doesn’t contribute much to in this program. In the end, the CDA recommended funding half the landscaping portion which came to $4,884. The CDA approved the grant, up to $4,884 at their May 19, 2015 meeting subject to the following conditions, which are also a part of the Council resolution: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verified that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve. COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #060-2015 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT FROM THE APPROVED COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND GRANT PROGRAM Max A. Sass and Sons Funeral Home (W173 S7629 Westwood Drive) WHEREAS, The Common Council approved the Building and Site Grant Program per Resolution #105-2009 to help foster the development and redevelopment of the properties affected by the road reconstructions and within the adopted Redevelopment Districts, and WHEREAS, The Common Council has designated the Community Development Authority (CDA) as the recommending approval body for the grant program, and WHEREAS, A submittal from Mr. Mike Kremski has been received, which requests matching grant monies to assist with site improvements and landscaping; and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $4,884 subject to the restrictions outlined below at its May 19, 2015 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby allow a grant of $4,884 to W 173 S7629 Westwood Drive subject to the following restrictions: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verifie d that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the grant may be issued by the Department of Finance and Administration once the above restrictions are satisfied per the discretion of the Community Development Director. Reso. #060-2015 Page 2 DATED THIS DAY OF __MAY___, 2015. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Kevin Kubacki Ald. Thomas Kapusta This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #060-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council May 26, 2015 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel AICP Subject: Commercial Road Grant Program Award Date: May 20, 2015 Background Information: Enclosed, please find an application for the Commercial Building & Site Grant Program. The applicant is Mr. Mark Sobczak who owns the structure and property that houses Marx Pioneer Inn located at W180 S7808 Pioneer Drive. Mr. Sobczak requests a grant of $4,300 for his $8,640.80 worth of improvements. The improvements consist of adding a new monument sign with landscaping to the Pioneer frontage of his business property. A full submittal and description can be found in the supplement attached. The grant program is specifically setup to go towards the purposes below: The purpose of the Commercial Building & Site Grant Program is to provide matching grants to existing commercial buildings and sites for preservation and restoration. Further, the program is instituted to encourage urban design excellence, integrate urban design and preservation of Muskego’s heritage into the process of downtown redevelopment, and enhance the character of the downtown area. Grant resources should produce visible changes to commercial buildings and commercial sites. Since funding sources are limited, priority will be given to projects demonstrating the most substantial impact on building and neighborhood aesthetics. Since the property is in a Redevelopment District and due to completing aesthetic improvements, staff believes that the submittal meets the purposes set forth in the adopted grant program. The request is for more than the $3,000 maximum though that is in the City’s adopted program. The program does however allow more than $3,000 per the following text: NOTE: While the grant amount stated above has a maximum of $3,000 allowed, actual amounts approved are subject to change by the approval of the CDA and Common Council on a case-by-case basis. Examples of allowing more than the stated maximum amount may include projects that demonstrate a benefit to the community and the surrounding area, projects that may set the tone for an area, projects that may be a catalyst for other redevelopments/developments in the area, and/or projects providing a considerable percentage match above the needed minimum of 50%. The CDA found that going above the $3,000 maximum was appropriate due to the investments Mr. Sobczak has made over the years and continues to make. Further,the property was affected by the Pioneer Drive construction, is in a Redevelopment District, and due to completing aesthetic improvements. The CDA approved the grant, up to $4,300 at their May 19, 2015 meeting subject to the following conditions, which are also a part of the Council resolution: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verified that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve. COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #061-2015 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT FROM THE APPROVED COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND GRANT PROGRAM Marx Pioneer Inn (W180 S7808 Pioneer Drive) WHEREAS, The Common Council approved the Building and Site Grant Program per Resolution #105-2009 to help foster the development and redevelopment of the properties affected by the road reconstructions and within the adopted Redevelopment Districts, and WHEREAS, The Common Council has designated the Community Development Authority (CDA) as the recommending approval body for the grant program, and WHEREAS, A submittal from Mr. Mark Sobczak has been received, which requests matching grant monies to assist with the addition of a new sign with landscaping; and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $4,300 subject to the restrictions outlined below at its May 19, 2015 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby allow a grant of $4,300 to W 180 S7808 Pioneer Drive subject to the following restrictions: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is ver ified that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the grant may be issued by the Department of Finance and Administration once the above restrictions are satisfied per the discretion of the Community Development Director. Reso. #060-2015 Page 2 DATED THIS DAY OF __MAY___, 2015. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Kevin Kubacki Ald. Thomas Kapusta This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #061-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Public Works Committee To: Public Works Committee From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Review and update Department of Public Works fees Date: May 22, 2015 Previously Reported: The Department of Public Works provided services to certain residents within the City that are considered above and beyond a normal service that is offered to every resident through operating expenses. Examples of this would be culvert replacements, underdrain installation, or drive approach repairs. A list of rates is updated periodically and are approved by the Public Works Committee. We have revised the list from 2008 and have attached the proposed rates for 2015. One main topic of discussion is culvert replacement costs. We have calculated the actual cost of a 15” diameter x 20’ culvert replacement to be approximately $1,930.00. We have in the past charged base on culvert size but feel that a flat rate would be more equitable as a resident does not control the size of their culvert. The cost for a resident to hire a contractor would be approximately $3,000. I believe that we should offer a slight reduction to our actual cost, so perhaps a fee of $1,500 per 20’ long culvert would be a fair price. New Information: The Public Works Committee reviewed the proposed rates again at their May meeting after the Common Council requested they do so. The Committee made a motion to change the culvert replacement cost to $1,930.00 unless the required replacement is part of a City capital project, in which case the cost would be part of that project. I have updated the proposed price list to reflect that request and have attached it. Recommendation for Action by Council: Approve the attached price list per the Committee’s recommendation. Page 1 of 1 Type of Work/Equipment/Labor Current Rates Labor Patrolman (per employee per hour)50.00$ Equipment Rates and Services Lawn Mowing (per hour, includes labor)100.00$ Grading (per hour, includes labor)100.00$ Patrol/Dump Truck (per hour, includes labor)100.00$ Cruz Aire (per hour, includes labor)105.00$ Vactor (per hour, includes one laborer)110.00$ Camera Truck (per hour, includes two laborers)160.00$ Culverts Culvert Permit Fee for New Culverts and All Commercial (each) 150.00$ New Endwalls Installed on Existing Culvert (pair)350.00$ Existing Culvert Reset (each)750.00$ Replacement Culvert 20' Long (all diameters, includes endwalls)1,930.00$ Replacement Culvert Additional Footage (per ft)40.00$ Replacement Culvert Band (each)30.00$ Replacing Asphalt 12' x 20' Area in conjunction with Culvert Replacements/Resets 200.00$ 12' x 20' Area separate from Culvert Replacements 350.00$ Additional asphalt over 12' x 20' area (per ton)50.00$ Underdrain 4" Pipe (per foot)7.00$ Dual 4" Pipe (per foot)8.00$ Road Opening Permits 1/2 of road width (36" width max) (permit through Engineering)865.00$ Entire road width (36" width max) (permit through Engineering)1,265.00$ Rates Approved by the Common Council on 5/26/2015 T:\Departments\Public Works\Prices\DPW Current Fee Schedule.xlsx The City will replace existing driveway culverts for one and two family homes only and will bill the property owner according to the fee schedule below. All new culverts and commercial replacment culverts must be permitted following the permit fee below. City of Muskego - Department of Public Works Fee Schedule COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #045-2015 APPROVAL OF FEE SCHEDULE FOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS, It was determined by the Public Works Committee that fees should be increased for work performed by the Department of Public Works as reflected on the attached schedule; and WHEREAS, The Municipal Code provides that fees referred to shall be established from time to time by Resolution of the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby approve the attached Fee Schedule for the Department of Public Works effective immediately. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2015 SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Deferred 4/28/2015 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #0 45-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 4/15jmb Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES April 28, 2015 6:50 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:50 pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members Aldermen Borgman, Kubacki and Madden. Also present: Aldermen Hammel, Kapusta and Engelhardt, and Assistant Deputy Clerk Chavie. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Ms. Chavie stated that the meeting was properly noticed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 14, 2015 Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the April 14, 2015 minutes. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend Approval of Operator Licenses Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of an Operator's License for Mohammad Ali Kamran, Samantha Menter and Daniel Sucharski, Albert Meinen (Temporary) and Lawrence Schweitzer (Temporary). Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommend Approval of Outside Dance Permit and Amendment to Licensed Premise - Escher, Inc. d/b/a The Suburban Bourbon on May 2, 2015 - Noon to 7:00 p.m., June 5 and August 7, 2015 - 3:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., August 30 and November 21 - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. NEW BUSINESS Recommend Dedication and Acceptance of Improvements for Boxhorn Reserve Subdivision and Release of Letter of Credit Finance Committee Minutes 2 April 28, 2015 Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $284,937.62. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $275,343.98. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $322,657.32. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Kubacki made a motion to adjourn at 6:55 pm. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Minutes transcribed by Kim Chavie, Assistant Deputy Clerk. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1398 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Tudor Oaks Planned Development District Amendment) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described properties are currently zoned PD-6 (Tudor Oaks Planned Development) and are hereby amended to allow the originally approved densities of allowed beds and apartments to be amended as shown in Attachment A: Tax Key Numbers 2207.999 & 2207.999.002 SECTION 2: Upon satisfaction of the conditions of Section 4, below, Chapter 17 of the City of Muskego Code entitled “Zoning,” Section 9.12 entitled “PD-6 Tudor Oaks” is hereby added as depicted in Attachment A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to allow the development proposed by Tudor Oaks as described in their submittal dated April 23, 2015 and accompanying documentation, subject to all applicable terms and conditions of this ordinance and subject to final revisions that may be made upon the City’s approval of the final development documents pursuant to Section 9.06 of the Muskego Zoning Code. SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication subject to Plan Commission approvals of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan and any required Council approvals of Developer’s Agreements if required. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2015. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor First Reading: ATTEST: ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance Published: ATTACHMENT A 9.12 PD-6 TUDOR OAKS (1) The Tudor Oaks Planned Development contains approximately 110 acres within 2 parcels for single-family residential and institutional uses located off the south side McShane Drive just east of Durham Drive. The development was originally part of the Mus-Kee-Guac development. Tudor Oaks is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by sewer and water. The lands consist of one large structure with living units and nursing facilities and have approvals for associated landscaping, access, accessory structures, and parking. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer’s to provide an institutional mixed-use environment for senior citizen living and care. The development is subject to the developers receiving Planning Commission Building, Site, and Operation Plan (BSO) approval for site specifics as long as the PD does not exceed the following:  No more than 50 single-family home sites south of McShane Road  No more than 275 300 apartments and a 85 60 bed health care facility A Developer’s Agreement is approved for the development by the City’s Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. Planned Development rezoning amendments were approved in 2015 allowing the bed count to go from 60 to 85 while reducing the amount of allowed apartments from 3000 to 275. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rezoning Approval: 04/24/1973 per Ordinance #250 Common Council Revised PD Approval: 06/25/1974 per Resolution #116-1974 Common Council PD Agreement Approval: 04/08/1975 per Resolution #099-1975 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 07/02/1974 per Resolution #086-1974 Plan Commission Amended BSO Approval: 01/17/2006 per Resolution #136-2005 Plan Commission 2015 Rezoning Approval: __/__/2015 per Resolution #___-2015 Common Council 2015 Rezoning Approval: __/__/2015 per Ordinance #____ Plan Commission 2015 BSO Approval: ______ per Resolution #____-___ (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) Lot Size (B) Density (C) Building Location (D) Building Size (E) Open Space (F) Height Min. Lot Area Min. Avg. Lot Width Max Allowed = 350 units/ 110 acres Min. Set Back Side Yards Rear Yard Min. floor area 1st floor Min. floor area total Floor Area Ratio Min. open space for development Min. Ht principal structure Min. Ht Accessory structure Varies Varies 3.18 Varies Varies Varies - - 25% 75% - - (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. Council Date MAY 26, 2015 Total Vouchers All Funds $236,719.95 Total Voucher Approval Utility Vouchers (Approve Separately) Water Vouchers $15,930.10 Water Wire Transfers Total Water $15,930.10 Sewer Vouchers 17,578.23 Sewer Wire Transfers Total Sewer $17,578.23 Net Total Utility Vouchers $ 33,508.33 #1 - Utility Voucher Approval Tax Vouchers - Refunds & Tax Settlements (Approve Separately) Tax Vouchers $3,670.02 Tax Void Checks ()** Total Tax Vouchers $ 3,670.02 #2 - Tax Voucher Approval Total General Fund Vouchers (Approve Separately) General Fund Vouchers $199,541.60 General Fund Void Checks ()** Total General Fund Vouchers $ 199,541.60 #3 - General Voucher Approval Big Muskego Lake Vouchers $ . Wire transfers (Approve Separately): Tax Settlements $ Debt Service $665,700.00 Payroll/Invoice Transmittals $314,244.28 #4 - Wire Transfers Approval Void Checks Since Last Report Check #Amount Check #Amount Total *** Total 0.00 *Total *** CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 1 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments" Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number ACE HARDWARE - WINDLAKE 739650 1 Invoice SHOP TOWELS 04/09/2015 05/26/2015 37.35 515 605. 739650 2 Invoice SHOP TOWELS 04/09/2015 05/26/2015 37.35 515 601. Total ACE HARDWARE - WINDLAKE:74.70 ADDICTION RESOURCE COUNCIL, INC AD52615 1 Invoice MONEY FROM DRUG COLLECTIO 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 96.85 515 Total ADDICTION RESOURCE COUNCIL, INC:96.85 ADVANCED DISPOSAL - MUSKEGO-C6 C6042670/526 1 Invoice REF/APR 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 52,565.70 515 C6042670/526 2 Invoice RECYCLING/APR 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 24,549.40 515 C6042670/526 3 Invoice YARD WASTE/APR 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 1,378.59 515 Total ADVANCED DISPOSAL - MUSKEGO-C6:78,493.69 ADVANTAGE POLICE SUPPLY INC 15-0522 1 Invoice SCIT vests/equipment 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 4,831.60 515 410. Total ADVANTAGE POLICE SUPPLY INC:4,831.60 AMERICAN RED CROSS 10368385 1 Invoice Babysitting class certifications 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 90.00 515 Total AMERICAN RED CROSS:90.00 AMERICAN SIGNAL CORPORATION 0005931-IN 1 Invoice SIREN SITE M03 TEST ANT, INSTA 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 205.00 515 410. Total AMERICAN SIGNAL CORPORATION:205.00 ANDERSON, JENNIFER AN052615 1 Invoice Preschool Class supplies 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 23.72 515 Total ANDERSON, JENNIFER:23.72 ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 5469400/52615 1 Invoice DENTAL - JUNE 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 3,395.64 515 5469400/52615 2 Invoice VISION - JUNE 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 457.17 515 Total ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:3,852.81 AT & T GLOBAL SRV, INC SB841527 1 Invoice Radio Service 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 292.50 515 410. Total AT & T GLOBAL SRV, INC:292.50 AT & T 262679410605 1 Invoice Phone Service 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 607.60 515 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 2 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total AT & T:607.60 BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY 2030612991 1 Invoice PRINT 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 2,737.17 515 2030621997 1 Invoice PRINT 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 71.82 515 2030630724 1 Invoice PRINT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 140.41 515 2030630949 1 Invoice PRINT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 464.13 515 2030631096 1 Invoice PRINT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 557.02 515 2030638692 1 Invoice PRINT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 707.22 515 2030641377 1 Invoice PRINT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 1,353.34 515 5013619359 1 Invoice PRINT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 62.18 515 5013631434 1 Invoice PRINT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 47.00 515 Total BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY:6,140.29 BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAINMENT K41543140 1 Invoice AV 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 49.55 515 M71340920 1 Invoice AV 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 11.98 515 M71340921 1 Invoice AV 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 14.98 515 M71340922 1 Invoice AV 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 53.98 515 M71340923 1 Invoice AV 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 225.27 515 M71340924 1 Invoice AV 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 25.19 515 M71340925 1 Invoice AV 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 14.39 515 M71711220 1 Invoice AV 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 66.93 515 M72228030 1 Invoice AV 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 592.24 515 M72429130 1 Invoice AV 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 32.37 515 Total BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAINMENT:1,086.88 BURTON & MAYER INC 571801 1 Invoice JOINT SCHOOL DIST-CITY LTR 03/31/2015 05/26/2015 4,045.00 515 573416 1 Invoice #10 REG ENVELOPES 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 348.00 515 573612 1 Invoice BUSINESS CARDS/MADDEN/KAPU 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 115.00 515 Total BURTON & MAYER INC:4,508.00 CAPITAL CITY CULVERT 5831 1 Invoice CULVERTS 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 4,476.50 515 5839 1 Invoice CULVERTS 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 5,650.00 515 Total CAPITAL CITY CULVERT:10,126.50 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC VG63065 1 Invoice Keyboard & Mouse 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 43.16 515 Total CDW GOVERNMENT, INC:43.16 CENTURY LINK 1338495990 1 Invoice Long Distance 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 3.73 515 Total CENTURY LINK:3.73 COMPLETE OFFICE OF WIS 153596 1 Invoice TONER, P2035/2055 05/07/2015 05/26/2015 47.00 515 153596 2 Invoice DUSTER CANISTERS 05/07/2015 05/26/2015 17.98 515 329153 1 Invoice OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/20/2015 05/26/2015 25.56 515 331722 1 Invoice OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/13/2015 05/26/2015 16.40 515 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 3 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 331722 2 Invoice 2 TONER CARTRIDGES HP364A 05/13/2015 05/26/2015 187.50 515 334170 1 Invoice OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 33.50 515 90184 1 Invoice Ink for computer and binder clips 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 29.10 515 Total COMPLETE OFFICE OF WIS:357.04 COUNTY MATERIALS CORPORATION 2528293-00 1 Invoice MANHOLE BLK - 6" SWR BLK 05/12/2015 05/26/2015 490.12 515 Total COUNTY MATERIALS CORPORATION:490.12 COVELLI, GENE CO052615 1 Invoice PUB RELATIONS - LIONS 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 100.00 515 503. CO052615 2 Invoice JAMMIN ON JANESVILLE 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 100.00 515 Total COVELLI, GENE:200.00 CULLIGAN OF WAUKESHA CU52615 1 Invoice JENSEN PK FILTER MAY 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 43.21 515 Total CULLIGAN OF WAUKESHA:43.21 DARE ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT LLC 2015013 1 Invoice BIG MUSKEGO ESTATES BURN 05/20/2015 05/26/2015 4,000.00 515 508. Total DARE ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT LLC:4,000.00 DERSE, JOAL DE052615 1 Invoice Computer Class Cancellation 05/20/2015 05/26/2015 35.00 515 Total DERSE, JOAL:35.00 DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC. 201614 1 Invoice HRA FEES/MAY 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 387.50 515 Total DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC.:387.50 EAGLE MEDIA, INC. 00030376 1 Invoice DECALS #54 05/11/2015 05/26/2015 99.00 515 00030387 1 Invoice Jones Boat Patrol Uniform 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 47.99 515 00030404 1 Invoice Rens Uniform Pants 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 98.98 515 Total EAGLE MEDIA, INC.:245.97 EDWARDS, WILLIAM ED052615 1 Invoice Program Guide Ads (Win/Spr)05/18/2015 05/26/2015 90.00 515 Total EDWARDS, WILLIAM:90.00 ENERGENECS INC. 0030154IN 1 Invoice GASKETS & VALVE 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 574.83 515 601. 0030186-IN 1 Invoice KIT PM SINGLE STAGE 05/13/2015 05/26/2015 214.46 515 601. Total ENERGENECS INC.:789.29 FASTENAL COMPANY WIMUK55162 1 Invoice TP/PAPER TOWEL 05/04/2015 05/26/2015 228.92 515 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 4 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total FASTENAL COMPANY:228.92 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 0134819 1 Invoice 6 - 3/4" MTRS 05/06/2015 05/26/2015 1,743.96 515 605. 0134819-1 1 Invoice 4 - 1 1/2" MTRS 05/13/2015 05/26/2015 2,587.50 515 605. Total FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516:4,331.46 FOX SERVICES, LLC 4449 1 Invoice LAWN MOWING SERVICES - APRI 05/01/2015 05/26/2015 6,081.25 515 4450 1 Invoice GROUNDS MAINTENANCE - APRIL 05/01/2015 05/26/2015 842.50 515 Total FOX SERVICES, LLC:6,923.75 FRANKLIN AGGREGATES, INC. 1339310 1 Invoice CABC 04/30/2015 05/26/2015 1,658.96 515 1342181 1 Invoice STONE 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 946.78 515 1342181 2 Invoice LANNON & WDS SWR 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 667.29 515 601. Total FRANKLIN AGGREGATES, INC.:3,273.03 GLEASON REDI MIX 226801 1 Invoice REDI MIX 04/27/2015 05/26/2015 94.50 515 227146 1 Invoice REDI MIX 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 94.50 515 Total GLEASON REDI MIX:189.00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 0146376/52615 1 Invoice 1YR RENEWAL/SHARON 03/25/2015 05/26/2015 225.00 515 Total GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION:225.00 GUNN, KIMBERLY GU052615 1 Invoice Tennis Course Cancellation 05/20/2015 05/26/2015 84.00 515 Total GUNN, KIMBERLY:84.00 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD D868749 1 Invoice REPAIR CPLG & PLUG 05/01/2015 05/26/2015 467.52 515 605. Total HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD:467.52 HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS I150506215 1 Invoice Library Citrix Implementation 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 2,645.00 515 Total HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS:2,645.00 HILLER FORD INC 336373 1 Invoice VEHICLE REPAIR 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 99.50 515 Total HILLER FORD INC:99.50 HOLZ MOTORS, INC 1033663/52615 1 Invoice REMOVAL OF SALES TAX 02/07/2015 05/26/2015 2.03-515 1044374 1 Invoice OIL & FILTER - MAINTENANCE VA 05/11/2015 05/26/2015 41.30 515 1044374 2 Invoice REMOVAL OF SALES TAX 05/11/2015 05/26/2015 2.19-515 65173/052615 1 Invoice Squad 1 radiator repair 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 654.73 515 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 5 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total HOLZ MOTORS, INC:691.81 HORN BROS, INC. 134791 1 Invoice 14-14-14 04/17/2015 05/26/2015 113.70 515 Total HORN BROS, INC.:113.70 HUMPHREY SERVICE & PARTS 1177996 1 Invoice PICK PROMO 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 142.95 515 1178017 1 Invoice RAD CAN 05/06/2015 05/26/2015 54.76 515 Total HUMPHREY SERVICE & PARTS:197.71 INTEGRITY ENVIRONMENTAL I15232 1 Invoice ASBESTOS REMOVAL/PUMP HOU 05/07/2015 05/26/2015 2,930.00 515 605. Total INTEGRITY ENVIRONMENTAL:2,930.00 JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC (lease) 278396098 1 Invoice LEASE - PRINT STATION 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 425.00 515 Total JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC (lease):425.00 JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION MIL05150592 1 Invoice Extra Cleaning Old Town Hall 2x in A 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 100.00 515 Total JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION:100.00 JOHNSON SAND & GRAVEL INC 71030 1 Invoice IDLE ISLE BEACH SAND 05/09/2015 05/26/2015 283.68 515 Total JOHNSON SAND & GRAVEL INC:283.68 KC'S INFLATABLES, LLC 2015-105 1 Invoice JAMMIN ON JANESVILLE 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 87.50 515 Total KC'S INFLATABLES, LLC:87.50 KOWALKOWSKI PLUMBING LLC 3745 1 Invoice PARK ARTHUR 05/06/2015 05/26/2015 173.65 515 Total KOWALKOWSKI PLUMBING LLC:173.65 LF GEORGE IC48145 1 Invoice STUMP GRINDER 05/15/2015 05/26/2015 486.72 515 IC48166 1 Invoice STUMP GRINDER 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 25.62 515 Total LF GEORGE:512.34 MARK J. RINDERLE TIRE INC. 114550 1 Invoice RANGER/PARK 04/28/2015 05/26/2015 380.00 515 114551 1 Invoice CREDIT LOADER 04/28/2015 05/26/2015 500.00-515 114671 1 Invoice TIRES 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 1,082.76 515 Total MARK J. RINDERLE TIRE INC.:962.76 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 6 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number MEINEN, EARL 2228998008/52 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/95 05/07/2015 05/26/2015 2,262.40 515 501. Total MEINEN, EARL:2,262.40 MENARDS ME052615 1 Invoice SUPPLIES 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 91.28 515 Total MENARDS:91.28 MICROMARKETING LLC 572230 1 Invoice AV 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 47.00 515 573497 1 Invoice AV 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 65.99 515 Total MICROMARKETING LLC:112.99 MILLER-BRADFORD & RISBERG, INC IB 67576 1 Invoice PARTS 580 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 60.59 515 Total MILLER-BRADFORD & RISBERG, INC:60.59 MILW MET. SEWER DISTRICT 092-15 1 Invoice 1ST QTR LANDFILLS 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 4,234.98 515 601. Total MILW MET. SEWER DISTRICT:4,234.98 MORENCY, JEANNE MO052615 1 Invoice Cancelled Class - Clutter Coach 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 15.00 515 Total MORENCY, JEANNE:15.00 MUSKEGO DOCK & BOAT LIFTS LLC 340 1 Invoice BOAT PIER BUMPERS 04/25/2015 05/26/2015 164.00 515 Total MUSKEGO DOCK & BOAT LIFTS LLC:164.00 MUSKEGO PARKS & REC. DEPT. PA052615 1 Invoice Preschool Love Bugs class snacks & 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 14.47 515 PA052615 2 Invoice Parks Keys 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 18.82 515 Total MUSKEGO PARKS & REC. DEPT.:33.29 NAPA AUTO PARTS/ #26 & 27 135025 1 Invoice 4S GASKET 05/11/2015 05/26/2015 12.99 515 601. Total NAPA AUTO PARTS/ #26 & 27:12.99 NELSON, NATALIE 2228015004/52 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/94 05/06/2015 05/26/2015 29.15 515 501. Total NELSON, NATALIE:29.15 NEW BERLIN REDI-MIX, INC. 1030492 1 Invoice JENSEN 4S SLURRY 05/04/2015 05/26/2015 916.40 515 601. 1030549 1 Invoice JENSEN 4S SLURRY 05/04/2015 05/26/2015 1,374.60 515 601. Total NEW BERLIN REDI-MIX, INC.:2,291.00 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 7 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number NITKA, MOLLY NI052615 1 Invoice Nitka Training Meals 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 36.22 515 Total NITKA, MOLLY:36.22 NORTHERN LAKE SERVICE INC 275142 1 Invoice PARK WATER TESTING 05/12/2015 05/26/2015 140.00 515 605. Total NORTHERN LAKE SERVICE INC:140.00 OLSON'S OUTDOOR POWER 54266 1 Invoice TUBE TIRE 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 21.20 515 Total OLSON'S OUTDOOR POWER:21.20 OSG STATEMENT SRV 0000035950 1 Invoice ENVELOPES 04/27/2015 05/26/2015 504.00 515 601. 0000035950 2 Invoice ENVELOPES 04/27/2015 05/26/2015 504.00 515 605. 0000035950 3 Invoice ENVELOPES 04/27/2015 05/26/2015 252.00 515 0000035950 4 Invoice ENVELOPES 04/27/2015 05/26/2015 252.00 515 Total OSG STATEMENT SRV:1,512.00 OSG STATEMENT SRV. (postage) 51846 1 Invoice 1ST QTR 2015 04/09/2015 05/26/2015 1,204.33 515 601. 51846 2 Invoice 1ST QTR 2015 04/09/2015 05/26/2015 1,204.33 515 605. 51846 3 Invoice 1ST QTR 2015 04/09/2015 05/26/2015 602.16 515 51846 4 Invoice 1ST QTR 2015 04/09/2015 05/26/2015 602.17 515 Total OSG STATEMENT SRV. (postage):3,612.99 P.I.N.S. 4755 1 Invoice Pins - Citizens Academy/CRO 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 411.60 515 Total P.I.N.S.:411.60 PAETEC 58400190 1 Invoice Phone Service 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 991.03 515 Total PAETEC:991.03 PARAGON DEV SYS INC 871059 1 Invoice PC Replacements 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 14,991.00 515 871060 1 Invoice PC Replacements 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 791.00 515 Total PARAGON DEV SYS INC:15,782.00 PATTERSON, ZACHARY PA052615 1 Invoice Patterson Training Meals 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 32.79 515 Total PATTERSON, ZACHARY:32.79 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE LLC 9052340001 1 Invoice AV 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 45.00 515 Total PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE LLC:45.00 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 8 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number PIRANHA PAPER SHREDDING LLC 1492050715 1 Invoice Monthly Paper Shred 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 30.00 515 Total PIRANHA PAPER SHREDDING LLC:30.00 PNC BANK 2223081/52615 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/95 05/07/2015 05/26/2015 900.00 515 501. Total PNC BANK:900.00 PORT-A-JOHN 1238923-IN 1 Invoice BADERTSCHER RESTROOM 05/04/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 1239098-IN 1 Invoice IDLE ISLE PARK 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 1239099-IN 1 Invoice BIG MUSKEGO 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 1239100-IN 1 Invoice BOXHORN LAUNCH 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 1239258-IN 1 Invoice ENGLE CONSERVATION 05/13/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 1239297-IN 1 Invoice JENSEN PARK 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 1239298-IN 1 Invoice MANCHESTER HILL 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 1239299-IN 1 Invoice BAY LANE 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 138.00 515 1239300-IN 1 Invoice MILL VALLEY HANDICAP 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 69.00 515 D399939-IN 1 Invoice MILL VALLEY SCHOOL 05/12/2015 05/26/2015 65.00 515 Total PORT-A-JOHN:755.00 PROHEALTH CARE 201504-0 1 Invoice Blood Draws 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 280.00 515 Total PROHEALTH CARE:280.00 PROMISING PICASSOS INC 2013-1927 1 Invoice Spring Art Session 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 261.00 515 Total PROMISING PICASSOS INC:261.00 PROVEN POWER INC 02-150522 1 Invoice PUMP 05/06/2015 05/26/2015 13.73 515 601. Total PROVEN POWER INC:13.73 R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC 290613 1 Invoice RED PAINT 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 39.36 515 290613 2 Invoice GREEN PAINT 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 157.44 515 601. 648044 1 Invoice GRASS SEED (40)05/05/2015 05/26/2015 3,840.00 515 648048 1 Invoice MIRROR LENS (40)05/07/2015 05/26/2015 209.78 515 Total R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC:4,246.58 RC GRAPHICS 22360 1 Invoice Business Cards 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 135.00 515 22370 1 Invoice Court Juvenile/CA forms 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 419.00 515 Total RC GRAPHICS:554.00 REGISTRATION FEE TRUST RE052615 1 Invoice Certified Driving Record 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 2.00 515 RE52615 1 Invoice #54 GMC P/U 2015 05/20/2015 05/26/2015 74.50 515 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 9 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total REGISTRATION FEE TRUST:76.50 RUEKERT & MIELKE INC 111132 1 Invoice ELEVATED TANK PIPING 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 496.24 515 605. 111133 1 Invoice SCADA RADIO UPGRADE 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 4,115.58 515 605. 111133 2 Invoice SCADA RADIO UPGRADE 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 4,115.58 515 601. 111134 1 Invoice ASTER HILLS ESTATES - COMPUT 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 1,495.75 515 507. 111135 1 Invoice MMSD 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 1,890.00 515 601. Total RUEKERT & MIELKE INC:12,113.15 RUNDLE-SPENCE S2364448.001 1 Invoice DRINKING BUTTON 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 86.63 515 Total RUNDLE-SPENCE :86.63 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 7039-1 1 Invoice Paint for Dispatch 03/31/2015 05/26/2015 30.28 515 410. 7039-1 2 Invoice PAINT/POLICE MAINT 03/31/2015 05/26/2015 30.28 515 Total SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.:60.56 SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES 99094 1 Invoice Lemanczyk Replace Gloves Biohaza 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 28.80 515 99095 1 Invoice Supplies for CRO Uniform Rakers 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 98.13 515 Total SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES:126.93 SPECTER INSTRUMENTS 1504037831 1 Invoice WIN - 911 SOFTWARE 04/21/2015 05/26/2015 197.50 515 601. 1504037831 2 Invoice WIN - 911 SOFTWARE 04/21/2015 05/26/2015 197.50 515 605. Total SPECTER INSTRUMENTS:395.00 STREICHER'S I1151099 1 Invoice Patterson Vest 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 600.00 515 I1151099 2 Invoice Patterson Vest Excess 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 393.99 515 Total STREICHER'S:993.99 TAPCO INC. I487930 1 Invoice SIGNS 05/04/2015 05/26/2015 258.11 515 I488920 1 Invoice BOAT/SIGNS 05/12/2015 05/26/2015 1,352.83 515 Total TAPCO INC.:1,610.94 TOM DAHLMAN 20924 1 Invoice 37 BALES 04/16/2015 05/26/2015 110.00 515 Total TOM DAHLMAN:110.00 TRIEBOLD OUTDOOR POWER LLC IC18168 1 Invoice PLUG - PULLEY 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 413.47 515 Total TRIEBOLD OUTDOOR POWER LLC:413.47 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 10 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 060-3167 1 Invoice ASSMT SRV 2015 04/28/2015 05/26/2015 6,160.00 515 060-3211 1 Invoice IAS Software License 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 23,570.00 515 410. Total TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC:29,730.00 U.S. CELLULAR 0083459421 1 Invoice Cellular Com Dev 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 25.00 515 0083459421 2 Invoice Cellular Police 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 268.00 515 0083459421 3 Invoice Cellular Water Scada 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 70.00 515 605. 0083459421 4 Invoice Cellular Sewer Scada 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 70.00 515 601. 0083459421 5 Invoice Cellular Elections 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 11.94 515 0083459421 6 Invoice Cellular IT 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 80.00 515 0083459421 7 Invoice Cellular Engineering 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 25.00 515 0083459421 8 Invoice Cellular Library 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 25.00 515 0083459421 9 Invoice Cellular Assessor 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 25.00 515 0083459421 10 Invoice Cellular Finance & Admin 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 25.00 515 Total U.S. CELLULAR:624.94 VERIZON WIRELESS 9745393334 1 Invoice Police Dept Cellular 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 242.45 515 Total VERIZON WIRELESS:242.45 VON BRIESEN & ROPER S.C. 198601 1 Invoice ATTY FEES/EMPLOYMENT LAW 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 3,212.00 515 Total VON BRIESEN & ROPER S.C.:3,212.00 WAL-MART COMMUNITY 4275/052615 1 Invoice Bins for club basketball storage 05/21/2015 05/26/2015 95.82 515 Total WAL-MART COMMUNITY:95.82 WAUK CNTY CLERK WA52614 1 Invoice PUBLIC DIRECTORY 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 11.20 515 Total WAUK CNTY CLERK:11.20 WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER 2015-0000018 1 Invoice Radio Services Programming 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 82.20 515 410. MSKC2204.01 1 Invoice HODGE/2011 TAX PYMT 2204.011 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 478.47 515 501. MSKC2204.01 2 Invoice HODGE/2011 TAX PYMT 2204.011 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 21.53 515 Total WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER:582.20 WE ENERGIES 1478-266-911/1 Invoice RACINE AVE/SIGN LT 05/11/2015 05/26/2015 22.09 515 3836-104-158/1 Invoice 4/15 L/S ELEC 05/01/2015 05/26/2015 1,313.26 515 601. 3836-104-158/2 Invoice 4/15 L/S GAS 05/01/2015 05/26/2015 35.76 515 601. 4223-489-258/1 Invoice WELL 13 4/15 GAS 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 28.48 515 605. 5024-948-351/1 Invoice GAS 4/15 HILLENDALE 05/08/2015 05/26/2015 25.67 515 605. 5063-865-935/1 Invoice W18167 JANES/ST LT 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 637.62 515 9026-628-301/1 Invoice WELLS GROUP ELECTRIC 05/12/2015 05/26/2015 1,270.25 515 605. Total WE ENERGIES:3,333.13 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 11 Report dates: 5/13/2015-5/26/2015 May 22, 2015 12:03PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 331388 1 Invoice OXY & ACETYLENE 05/12/2015 05/26/2015 43.73 515 601. 331388 2 Invoice OXY & ACETYLENE 05/12/2015 05/26/2015 43.72 515 605. Total WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY:87.45 WESTERN CULVERT & SUPPLY INC 047947 1 Invoice CULVERTS 05/11/2015 05/26/2015 799.50 515 048012 1 Invoice 18" TEE/15" TEE/15" BANDS 05/18/2015 05/26/2015 597.00 515 Total WESTERN CULVERT & SUPPLY INC:1,396.50 WESTPHAL, STEPHEN WE052615 1 Invoice Training Madison - Lunch 05/19/2015 05/26/2015 7.79 515 Total WESTPHAL, STEPHEN:7.79 WI STATE LAB OF HYGIENE 414961 1 Invoice WTR TESTING 05/10/2015 05/26/2015 68.00 515 605. Total WI STATE LAB OF HYGIENE:68.00 WIND LAKE AUTOMOTIVE INC 26124 1 Invoice PD 2013 TAHOE 05/05/2015 05/26/2015 60.00 515 26191 1 Invoice ALIGN 2006 GMC #2 05/14/2015 05/26/2015 60.00 515 26196 1 Invoice ALIGN 2002 DODGE PARKS 05/15/2015 05/26/2015 60.00 515 Total WIND LAKE AUTOMOTIVE INC:180.00 WIS DEPT OF JUSTICE L6806T/52615 1 Invoice RECORD NAME SEARCHES 05/04/2015 05/26/2015 168.00 515 Total WIS DEPT OF JUSTICE:168.00 Grand Totals: 236,719.95 Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments"