Park & Rec Board Packet - 3/3/2015 CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD/ CONSERVATION COMMISSION JOINT MEETING AGENDA March 3, 2015 5:30 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of Joint Meeting Minutes from January 12, 2015. 2. Approval of an Amendment to the Conservation Committee Meeting Minutes from September 17, 2014. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of access easement on a portion of the Engel Conservation Property. 2. Park Arthur Volunteer Planting Project Information 3. Potential Closure of the Little Muskego Lake Hillview Drive Boat Launch 4. SE Quadrant Neighborhood Park Concept Plan Review (Conservation Commission dismissal if desired) 5. 2015 Baseball Schedule Update & Review of Baseball Camp at Park Arthur 6. Approval of New Park Rental Fees 7. Approval of Old Town Hall Rental Request for Extended Hours 8. Review of 2015 Water Bugs Practice/Show Dates 9. Review of Little Muskego Lake District Agreement COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Announcements only. No discussion or action will be taken. 1. Public Works Director's Report 2. Conservation Coordinator's Report 3. Recreation Manager's Report 4. Next Meeting Date ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO JOINT MEETING - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AND CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 12, 2015 6:30 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Parks and Recreation Chairman Toby Whipple called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Parks and Recreation Members: Toby Whipple, Ald. Borgman, Jerry Hulbert, Butch LeDoux, Paul Peardon, and Kelly Koble. Conservation Members: Len Pilak Ald. Wolfe, Sharon Roy, Howard Schneider (arrived 5:55 PM), Bill Miller, Julie Holubowicz, and Barb Schroeder. Staff: Jeff Muenkel, Dave Simpson, Tammy Dunn, and Tom Zagar. Excused: Brett Hyde. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes from October 13, 2014 and October 20, 2014. Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board from October 13, 2014 and October 20, 2014. Jerald Hulbert seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Approval of the Conservation Commission Minutes from September 17, 2014. William Miller made a motion to approve the Conservation Commission Minutes from September 17, 2014. Sharon Roy seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. NEW BUSINESS #1 Discussion on future of Parks and Recreation Board and Conservation Commission. (Conservation Commission members excused after concluding this item.) NEW BUSINESS #2 Approval of Planning/Engineering Services to begin design of Neighborhood Park in SE Muskego. Jerald Hulbert made a motion to approve of Planning/Engineering Services to begin design of Neighborhood Park in SE Muskego. Kelly Koble seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. 2015 Baseball/Softball Field Request. Jerald Hulbert made a motion to approve the 2015 Baseball/Softball Field Request. Paul Peardon seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Announcements only. No discussion or action will be taken. ADJOURNMENT Jerald Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 7:29 PM. Paul Peardon seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Kellie McMullen Recording Secretary CORRECTED* and Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES September 17, 2014 7:00 PM City Hall , W182 S8200 Racine Avenue PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Pilak called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members: Len Pilak, Ald. Rob Wolfe, Sharon Roy, Howard Schneider, William Miller, Julie Holubowicz, and Barb Schroeder. Staff: Tom Zager and Jessica Quinlan. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 12, 2014. Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve the minutes of June 12, 2014. Julie Holubowicz seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. PROJECT UPDATES Badertscher Preserve developments UNFINISHED BUSINESS Emerald Ash Borer update and management recommendations Proposed trails and trail uses at Badertscher Preserve and Ridges Site Proposed removal of dam structure on Jewel Creek Michelle Hase, DNR Representative, gave 3 options for the dam. The City could apply to the DNR to take ownership of the dam, a group of residents can form an association, and if they have the financial means to take care of the dam, can apply for ownership, or no one can take ownership and the DNR will declare it abandoned and will remove it. Ms. Hase explained seepage in dams may cause concrete failures underneath the surface. Sinkholes could form; which will become a liability issue. An engineer should be hired to determine if it is safe. Ben Heussner, DNR Representative, explained in this situation there is more benefit to the fish habitat if the dam were removed. Ron Ford expressed emotional connection of the dam to generations of Musekgo residents. Public access is used for recreation like swimming and fishing. The dam provides great fish habitat. Removing the dam will remove an opportunity for children to connect with nature. *William Miller made a motion to remove or abandon the dam. Julie Holubowicz seconded. Motion Failed 3 in favor 4 opposed. *Barb Schroeder made a motion to take ownership of the dam. Howard Schneider seconded. Motion Passed 4 in favor 3 opposed. NEW BUSINESS Discuss the property modified Preliminary Plat of Wildflower Farms subdivision Mr. Zagar explained the subdivision preliminary plat for Wildflower Farms, originally approved in October 2007, dedicated land adjacent to city conservation land. The area is alos within the Big Muskego Lake State Wildlife Area project boundary. A redelineation of the wetland areas was recently required and is now found to be affecting the layout of the development and two lots were lost. Jim Doering, developer, was present and explained they have reconfigured the lots and picked up the lost lots in other areas, but will have an impact on the outlot to be dedicated to the city. Mr. Doering stated the goal is to maintain 51 lots. Council approval may be needed to allow smaller lots. Mr. Zagar added that with this proposal there are considerations of creating a park in this area and trails. Mr. Zagar added he would like to keep what was originally proposed, however, if there is some other benefit such as city park land, staff would recommend considering the reconfiguration of the new lots. Mr. Zagar questioned if the lots not affected by the wetland delineation could be reconfigured/shrunken to keep 51 lots without moving into the dedicated conservancy land. Len Pilak made a motion to recommend approval of a redesign/revision for smaller lots and retain the outlot as originally approved on the preliminary plat. William Miller seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor 1 opposed. Barb Schroeder made a motion to recommend to Council that the Conservation Commission is receptive to a smaller dedication size if there are other benefits to the city. William Miller seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Ald. Wolfe voted no. Discuss wetland restoration project on Big Muskego Lake State Wildlife Area Mr. Zagar noted that MMSD stormwater funds may be applied to this project. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT Len Pilak adjourned the meeting at 8:34 PM. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary Memo To: Conservation Commission From: Tom Zagar CC: Jeff Muenkel, Dave Simpson, Tammy Dunn Date: February 19, 2015 RE: Background information for March 3 meeting and conservation updates Background information for conservation issues on meeting agenda: 1. Approval of access easement on a portion of the Engel Conservation Area Property. A property exists west of the strip of Engel Conservation Area land that connects to Woods Road. A potential buyer of this property has approached the City to request driveway access from the adjacent road end of Timberbrook Drive in Settlement Subdivision to connect to the area on the property which he intends to build a house. The paved road end already extends into this strip of land and granting of this easement should not impede the use of this land strip for pedestrian trail access to Woods Road. Staff recommends granting of this easement. 2. Park Arthur Volunteer Tree Planting Project The continuation of landscaping at Park Arthur will include approximately 25 trees and shrubs. While areas around the drive and parking lots were planted last year with 30 trees, the land eastward around the pavilion and leading to the baseball fields lacks trees. Staff will carefully plan the placement of trees so that they provide shade to park patrons while not shading the ball fields. We will again be looking to have volunteers plant the trees this year. This community involvement will foster a sense of stewardship toward the park and fulfil a requirement of Muskego’s Tree City USA designation. 3. Potential Closure of Little Muskego Lake Hillview Drive Boat Launch in 2015. Late last year the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources discovered an invasive plant (technically an alga) called Starry Stonewort growing in an area immediately east of the Hillview Drive boat launch. This is the first discovery of this species in the state of Wisconsin. It has been quite problematic in lakes in other states where it has established. In many cases it is more aggressive than Eurasian watermilfoil – currently our biggest invasive plant nemesis. Lake District personnel and City staff have been working with the DNR on plans to contain, control, and hopefully eradicate the Starry Stonewort. While more monitoring will be done in 2015 it is possibly only isolated to this particular area of the lake at this time. Reducing boat traffic in this area is an important strategy in reducing the spread of the plant and closure of this launch may be needed to help facilitate this. Muskego’s municipal code allows for the closure of parks or portions Community Development Department thereof at the discretion of the Director. No action is required by the Parks Board or Conservation Commission. The City would only close this launch if it is requested by the DNR. Memo To: Conservation Commission From: Tom Zagar CC: Jeff Muenkel, Dave Simpson, Tammy Dunn Date: February 19, 2015 RE: Background information for March 3 meeting and conservation updates Background information for conservation issues on meeting agenda: 1. Approval of access easement on a portion of the Engel Conservation Area Property. A property exists west of the strip of Engel Conservation Area land that connects to Woods Road. A potential buyer of this property has approached the City to request driveway access from the adjacent road end of Timberbrook Drive in Settlement Subdivision to connect to the area on the property which he intends to build a house. The paved road end already extends into this strip of land and granting of this easement should not impede the use of this land strip for pedestrian trail access to Woods Road. Staff recommends granting of this easement. 2. Park Arthur Volunteer Tree Planting Project The continuation of landscaping at Park Arthur will include approximately 25 trees and shrubs. While areas around the drive and parking lots were planted last year with 30 trees, the land eastward around the pavilion and leading to the baseball fields lacks trees. Staff will carefully plan the placement of trees so that they provide shade to park patrons while not shading the ball fields. We will again be looking to have volunteers plant the trees this year. This community involvement will foster a sense of stewardship toward the park and fulfil a requirement of Muskego’s Tree City USA designation. 3. Potential Closure of Little Muskego Lake Hillview Drive Boat Launch in 2015. Late last year the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources discovered an invasive plant (technically an alga) called Starry Stonewort growing in an area immediately east of the Hillview Drive boat launch. This is the first discovery of this species in the state of Wisconsin. It has been quite problematic in lakes in other states where it has established. In many cases it is more aggressive than Eurasian watermilfoil – currently our biggest invasive plant nemesis. Lake District personnel and City staff have been working with the DNR on plans to contain, control, and hopefully eradicate the Starry Stonewort. While more monitoring will be done in 2015 it is possibly only isolated to this particular area of the lake at this time. Reducing boat traffic in this area is an important strategy in reducing the spread of the plant and closure of this launch may be needed to help facilitate this. Muskego’s municipal code allows for the closure of parks or portions Community Development Department thereof at the discretion of the Director. No action is required by the Parks Board or Conservation Commission. The City would only close this launch if it is requested by the DNR. Memo To: Conservation Commission From: Tom Zagar CC: Jeff Muenkel, Dave Simpson, Tammy Dunn Date: February 19, 2015 RE: Background information for March 3 meeting and conservation updates Background information for conservation issues on meeting agenda: 1. Approval of access easement on a portion of the Engel Conservation Area Property. A property exists west of the strip of Engel Conservation Area land that connects to Woods Road. A potential buyer of this property has approached the City to request driveway access from the adjacent road end of Timberbrook Drive in Settlement Subdivision to connect to the area on the property which he intends to build a house. The paved road end already extends into this strip of land and granting of this easement should not impede the use of this land strip for pedestrian trail access to Woods Road. Staff recommends granting of this easement. 2. Park Arthur Volunteer Tree Planting Project The continuation of landscaping at Park Arthur will include approximately 25 trees and shrubs. While areas around the drive and parking lots were planted last year with 30 trees, the land eastward around the pavilion and leading to the baseball fields lacks trees. Staff will carefully plan the placement of trees so that they provide shade to park patrons while not shading the ball fields. We will again be looking to have volunteers plant the trees this year. This community involvement will foster a sense of stewardship toward the park and fulfil a requirement of Muskego’s Tree City USA designation. 3. Potential Closure of Little Muskego Lake Hillview Drive Boat Launch in 2015. Late last year the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources discovered an invasive plant (technically an alga) called Starry Stonewort growing in an area immediately east of the Hillview Drive boat launch. This is the first discovery of this species in the state of Wisconsin. It has been quite problematic in lakes in other states where it has established. In many cases it is more aggressive than Eurasian watermilfoil – currently our biggest invasive plant nemesis. Lake District personnel and City staff have been working with the DNR on plans to contain, control, and hopefully eradicate the Starry Stonewort. While more monitoring will be done in 2015 it is possibly only isolated to this particular area of the lake at this time. Reducing boat traffic in this area is an important strategy in reducing the spread of the plant and closure of this launch may be needed to help facilitate this. Muskego’s municipal code allows for the closure of parks or portions Community Development Department thereof at the discretion of the Director. No action is required by the Parks Board or Conservation Commission. The City would only close this launch if it is requested by the DNR. CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks & Rec Board/Conservation Commission March 3, 2015 Meeting To: Parks & Recreation Board / Conservation Commission From: Jeff Muenkel AICP Subject: Astor Hills Estates Neighborhood Park Planning Date: February 24, 2015 Background Information: At our January meeting the firm Graef was approved to start the conceptual planning for the new neighborhood park that may be dedicated to the city as part of the Astor Hills Estates Subdivision platting that should be completed later this spring. The Board sought direction from Graef stating that we would like to see a large portion of open turf area for soccer/baseball practicing, parking, playgrounds (tot lot and 5-12), a pavilion, and any other amenities that may work (trails, conservation areas, etc.). Please find enclosed two (2) concepts from Graef based on this input. The Boards will notice that the Concepts are essentially finding the same recreation needs but Concept #2 explores the option of creating a larger contiguous open turf area by suggesting that the residential parcel to the west may become useful. Both concepts include the initial amenities that we’ve discussed in the past along with a few more amenities such as pathways (asphalt and mowed) and a natural sledding hill. The pathways would connect to the Durham Drive roadway path system and could also connect south thru conservation areas to the DNR and City owned conservation lands to the south and west. Opportunity for prairie restoration abutting the DNR lands to the south can also occur. Graef displays the typical sizes of soccer, football, and baseball fields on the concepts so the Board can adequately see that the proposed turf areas area sufficient in size for these fields should the city ever desire to make a field more formal. The reason that the residential parcel to the west become an option is that owner expressed interest that the back half wasn’t required should the city desire this for more park space. As the Board can see there is ample turf area without the addition at this time. However, this extra acreage may prove useful in the future should the needs of the SE quadrant of the city dictate more turf/field space. Recommendation for Action: Approve Concept #1 without the need for the parcel to the west. If recreation needs necessitate, the option to possibly purchase the back half of the residential parcel to the west may be an option in the future. Upon approval, Graef will begin preliminary engineering and develop more concrete plans and start to determine costs for the park. Staff would hope to have these costs in time for the next meeting in April where the Conservation Commission and Parks and Recreation Board can negotiate any initial development (grading?) with the developer of Aster Hills in relation to the Park and Conservation Dedication fees that are normally assessed. Any other desires by the Board for a concept for the park can be discussed and or recommended at this time. CITY-OWNED CONSERVATION AREA DNR LAND SOUTH PRAIRIE POTENTIAL ACQUISITION A S T O R H I L L S E S T A T E S WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND OPEN TURF AREA (5.75 ac) PA R K I N G PLAYAREA 5-12y 2-5y mowed path , t y p . NATURAL SLEDDING AREA NEIGHBORHOOD PARK CONCEPT #2 -- parking accessed from Priegel Drive. approximately 30 stalls. -- space available for regulation soccer, U-10 soccer, and ball diamond. -- [if land is acquired, there would be room for a ball diamond or football eld in place of the U-10 eld.] -- 50x24 shelter with restrooms. -- sledding area adjacent to neighbors. -- playground equipment for 2-5y and 5-12y age groups, with structures, slides, and swings. -- compacted asphalt paths at recreation areas, with mowed grass paths going to south prairie areas. -- landscape buer at neighbor parcel. CONCEPT #2 HIGHLIGHTS (0.75ac) SOCCER FIELD REGULATION: 120y L BY 80y W. UNDER 10: 70y L BY 50y W LITTLE LEAGUE / SOFTBALL REGULATION: 225’ TO FENCE FOOTBALL FIELD 360’ BY 160’ 70y 50y120y 80y 225’ 160’ 360’ ASTOR HILLS ESTATES MUSKEGO, WI 0 100 200 400 CITY-OWNED CONSERVATION AREA DNR LAND SOUTH PRAIRIE POTENTIAL ACQUISITION A S T O R H I L L S E S T A T E S WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND PARKING 2-5y 5-12y PLAY AREA OPEN TURF AREA (5.75 ac) mowed path, ty p . NATURAL SLEDDING AREA NEIGHBORHOOD PARK CONCEPT #1 -- parking accessed from Priegel Drive. approximately 30 stalls. -- open area sucient for regulation soccer eld [or (2) U-10], with space for football eld [or ball diamond]. -- 50x24 shelter with storage. -- sledding area adjacent to neighbors. -- playground equipment for 2-5y and 5-12y age groups, with structures, slides, and swings. -- compacted asphalt paths at recreation eld areas, switching to mowed grass for south prairie areas, -- landscape buer along neighbor land. CONCEPT #1 HIGHLIGHTS SOCCER FIELD REGULATION: 120y L BY 80y W. UNDER 10: 70y L BY 50y W LITTLE LEAGUE / SOFTBALL REGULATION: 225’ TO FENCE FOOTBALL FIELD 360’ BY 160’ 70y 50y120y 80y 225’ 160’ 360’ ASTOR HILLS ESTATES MUSKEGO, WI 0 100 200 400 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Recreation Board From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Request by Jim Prusinski for a Baseball Camp at Park Arthur Date: February 20, 2015 Please find attached a request from the Warriors to again hold a youth baseball camp at Park Arthur, June 29-July 1st. This would be put on by Carthage Baseball Camp. Proceeds from the camp would be given from Carthage to the Warriors to be put back into field improvements at Park Arthur through the sponsorship fund. There would be no impact to game scheduled at the facility. The Warriors would work with Mick’s for all field maintenance needs they have and would be responsible for payment for those expenses. A camp flyer will be made available at the meeting for additional information. It was not ready in time for the packet. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve camp with Warriors receiving no less than 25% of camp fees which will then be given to the city for the sponsorship fund for improvements at Park Arthur. Move Page 2 of 2 THE MUSKEGO WARRIORS ARE PROUD TO PRESENT SOUTHERN WISCONSIN’S FEATURING INSTRUCTION PROVIDED BY: ACE OF DIAMONDS BASEBALL AND CARTHAGE COLLEGE COACHES AND PLAYERS BROUGHT TO YOU IN ASSOCIATION WITH JUNE 29th - JULY 1st PARK ARTHUR, MUSKEGO WI AGES 7-10 9AM - 11AM Cost $125 AGES 11-14 10AM - 1PM Cost $185 ??s, Contact JASON ACEVEDO: 224-715-5777, jacevedo2842@gmail.com FOR MORE INFO AND TO REGISTER, VISIT www.aceofdiamondstraining.com Page 1 of 2 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Recreation Board From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Policy Change for the Park Rental Fee Schedule Date: February 20, 2015 In order to be more efficient in both staff and board members time schedules, and to be able to provide a timely response to rental requests, the Park Rental Fee Schedule is being updated to include a line for those types of rentals that the Board normally waives fees. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve fee schedule to allow office staff to quickly process rental requests and provide timely approval to the requester. Move Park Building and Shelter Rentals Page 2 of 2 All individuals, clubs, associations or groups wishing to use a facility must complete the Application Form for Use of Park Buildings/Shelters available at the Recreation Department or from the website. Parks available for rental: Bluhm Park, Denoon Park, Manchester Hill Park, Park Arthur, Veterans Memorial Park **Idle Isle park is available Monday-Thursday only, no holidays or weekends** Adults/Families (Weekday or Weekend) Residents Non-resident 1-75 persons $75.00 $100.00 76-150 persons $100.00 $125.00 151-200 persons $150.00 $175.00 Youth/Non-profit (Weekend only) Residents Non-resident 1-75 persons $50.00 $100.00 76-150 persons $75.00 $125.00 151-200 persons $125.00 $175.00 Weekday Rental for Non-profit groups (i.e. Scouts, 4-H, school groups, etc. wanting exclusive use) Resident Non-resident 1-49 persons $15.00 $25.00 50-100 persons $30.00 $45.00 101+ persons $50.00 $75.00 **Non-profit groups wanting to have exclusive use of a shelter for their weekend events will pay the full rental price listed in the Youth/Non- profit section Community based service clubs providing community wide events with 100+ in attendance (i.e. M.A.A. Kick-off, Muskego Fest, Easter Egg Hunt, National Night Out, Leukemia fundraiser, etc.) Park rental fees will be waived, but fees for cleaning and/or any park restoration will be assessed for damage done to parks. These fees to be determined by DPW and Recreation Department. Veteran’s service clubs providing community wide events with less than 100 in attendance (i.e. VFW, Legion, etc.) Park rental fees will be waived, but fees for cleaning and/or any park restoration will be assessed for damage done to parks. These fees to be determined by DPW and Recreation Department. OLD TOWN HALL The Old Town Hall at the Old Settlement Centre is available for rental. Rental availability is based on whether or not programs are being held and only open for rental during the current program session (i.e. Jan.-May, Jun.-Aug. or Sep.-Dec.). Rental includes table and chair use. Facility has a maximum capacity of 100 persons. There is no access to a kitchen within this facility. Old Town Hall Fees & Charges: Rental Rates for Maximum of 100 People (building capacity): Resident: $100.00 for 4 hours (4 Hour Min.) + $50 required cleaning fee = $150/4 hours Non-Resident: $150.00 for 4 hours (4 Hour Min.) + $50 required cleaning fee = $200/4 hours Additional rental beyond 4 hours @ $25.00/hour (regardless of resident or non) Security Deposit (Required): $250.00 (separate check we will hold on to) Beer Permit: $0.00 Resident; $10.00 Non-resident Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Recreation Board From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: April 25th Rental of Old Town Hall with request for exceptions Date: February 20, 2015 Attached is a request from Heather Schuster to use the Old Town Hall facility for a birthday party event. She is requesting to have an extension of hours to 12:00 a.m. so her party can go until 10:00 p.m. and then allow time for clean-up. She also is requesting to be able to use the Old Town Hall facility for a dance. And she would like to serve beer and wine for her event. Both of these events can be approved by the Director per Chapter 26 ordinance. I have attached pages 3 and 4 from Chapter 26 covering these items for your review. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approval of the request as received. Renter will be paying for full usage time of 4PM to midnight, will be using a professional square dance caller who will maintain crowd control and she has completed the beer permit. Move 2 1. Dogs must be on a leash no greater than 6 feet in length. 2. Dogs must be under the control of the owner at all times. 3. Dog waste must be cleaned up by the owner. (d) Alcoholic Beverages (Ord. #1142 - 07-17-2003) 1. No intoxicating liquor shall be sold, stored or consumed in any park, parkway, recreational facility, athletic field, or playground apparatus area at any time with the exception of wine addressed in 26.02(1)(d) 2. 2. No wine as defined in Wis. Stats. 125.02(22) shall be stored or consumed in any park, parkway, recreational facility, athletic field, or playground apparatus area at any time, with the exception of the Old Town Hall with prior consent of the Parks and Recreation Director, or unless the Common Council has authorized the issuance of a temporary “Class B” wine (picnic) license for the sale of wine. 3. No fermented malt beverage (beer and wine coolers with a fermented malt base) may be consumed on any athletic field or playground or playground apparatus at any time. 4. No fermented malt beverage (beer and wine coolers with a fermented malt base) may be consumed in any park, parkway, recreational facility without prior consent of the Director through a permit. 5. No fermented malt beverage (beer and wine coolers with a fermented malt base) may be sold in any park, parkway, recreational facility unless the Common Council has authorized the issuance of a temporary Class “B” fermented malt beverage license. (e) Begging or Soliciting - It shall be unlawful to beg or solicit within any park or recreation area. (f) Cleats - Cleats or spikes on shoes are prohibited except in those specially designed athletic areas where programs rules specifically permit their use. (g) Dances - Dances shall be permitted only by written permit issued by the Director. (h) Disturbance - It shall be unlawful within any park, parkway, recreation building or area of the City to disturb the peace of others by violent, tumultuous, offensive, or obstreperous conduct, or by loud or unusual noises or by unseemingly profane, vulgar, obscene or offensive language or conduct, or to assault, strike or fight another, or to in any way break the peace. (i) Fires - Fires are permitted only in enclosed fireplace or grills, provided for this purpose under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Director and any fire(s) shall be extinguished before leaving any park or recreation area of the City. (j) Fireworks and Explosives - It shall be unlawful to have in any person's possession or set-off or otherwise cause to explode or discharge or burn, any firecrackers, torpedo, rocket or other fireworks or explosives of inflammable material, or discharge them or throw them into any park or such area from land or highway adjacent thereto. This prohibition includes any substance, compound, mixture or article that in conjunction with any other substance or compound that would be dangerous from any of the foregoing standpoints, except as allowed by law. 3 (k) Flying Objects - It shall be unlawful to throw, strike, propel or otherwise operate flying or propelled objects of a potentially dangerous nature, including by way of example, without limitations, such things as model airplanes, drones, rockets, horseshoes, arrows, golf balls, or rocks, except in areas designated for such use or part of an authorized sport or recreational activity or by a written permit of the Director. (l) Hours - Parks shall normally be open daily from 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., and normally be closed from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. except for activities and events sponsored by the Department or authorized by permission of the Director, and except for the purpose of using the boat launch to launch or remove a water craft. Any park or recreational facility may be declared closed to the public by the Director at any time for any interval of time, with temporarily or stated intervals as the Director shall find reasonably necessary. It shall be unlawful to go upon areas or parts of any park or recreational facility of the City when it has been declared to be closed to the public by the Director. (Ord. #986 - 06-17-98) (m) Hunting and Firearms - It shall be unlawful in any park to hunt, trap or pursue wildlife at any time. No person shall use, carry or possess firearms of any description or airrifles, spring-guns, bow and arrows, slings, or any other forms of weapons potentially inimical to wildlife and dangerous to human safety, or any instruments that can be loaded with the fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device unless activity is approved by the Board through offered activities and park amenities. Shooting into park areas from beyond park boundaries is prohibited. This code section shall not supersede concealed carry law as provided in 2011 Wisconsin Act 35. Hunting and trapping shall be allowed on certain city-owned lands in accordance with Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regulations and City policies where approved separately by Common Council Resolution. (Ord. #1357- 03-08-12) (n) Lost and Found - The finding of lost articles by any person shall be reported to the Department which shall make every reasonable effort to locate the owners. The Department shall make every reasonable effort to find articles reported as lost. After two months, all items will be given to the Muskego Historical Society donated. Those not accepted will be discarded. Items valued at $100 or more will be turned over to the Muskego Police Department. (Ord. #1025 - 04-20-2000) (o) Natural Resources - It shall be unlawful to dig, or remove any beach sand, whether submerged or not, or any soil, rock, stones, trees, shrubs, or plants, down-timber or other wood or materials, or make any excavation by tool, equipment blasting or other means. (p) Permits - The Director is hereby authorized to issue permits relating to any use of accommodation of any park or recreation facility of the City. The Board shall set the requirements for the issuance of any permit and may include in those requirements any fee and/or deposit. The Board shall approve requests made for tents, bouncy houses/dunk tanks, music, parking on grass, and waiver of fees. The Director shall have the power and authority to cancel any permit for violation of the requirements of the permit and violation of any of the rules and regulations set forth therein. (q) Pollution of Waters - It shall be unlawful to throw, discharge or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream, bay or other body of water in or adjacent to any park or any tributary, stream, storm sewer, or Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Recreation Board From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Approval of Muskego Water Bugs Ski Team Contract 2015 Date: February 19, 2015 Please find attached the contracts for both ski jump placement and Water Bugs pier placement. Be advised that there have been no changes to the documents from the 2014 agreements except for the updating of dates. Secondly, please find attached the Water Bugs Ski Team practice and show dates document. The Water Bugs are requesting one additional show date from what was requested in 2014. There were no complaints recorded in 2014. Recommendation for Action by Committee: I suggest both the pier placement and ski jump placement agreements are passed due to no changes to past agreements. I also suggest we approve the show dates and practice dates for 2015. Move 2015 Water Bug Commitment Dates 31 Water Practices (31 in 2014) May 11, 12, 18, 19, 26 (5) June 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30 (10) July 6, 7, 13, 14, 21, 22, 27, 28 (8) Aug 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25 (8) 16 Shows (15 in 2014) May 27 June 3, 10, 17, 24 July 1, *3 (Ski Festival), 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug 5, 12, 19, 26 Sept 2 3 Tournaments Mercury Open: June 27, in Janesville State Tournament: July 17-20 in Wisconsin Rapids National Tournament: August 7-9 in Rockford AGREEMENT WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC. and CITY OF MUSKEGO THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., a Wisconsin corporation, hereafter referred to as “the Corporation,” and the City of Muskego, hereafter referred to as “the City.” WHEREAS, the Corporation understands it is necessary for the Corporation to obtain appropriate approvals from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, hereafter referred to as “the WDNR,” to place a water ski jump on the bed of Little Muskego Lake ; and WHEREAS, the City’s approval of the placement of said ski jump is conditioned upon the execution of this Agreement, NOW, THERERFORE, in exchange for the execution of this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Corporation and the City agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement. a. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date on which the Corporation obtains all required approvals from all governing bodies and agencies, including, but not limited to, the WDNR, for placement of a water ski jump on the bed of Little Muskego Lake. The Corporation shall provide the City copies of all approvals obtained by the Corporation under this Agreement. Unless earlier terminated by action of the City, the term of this Agreement shall terminate on the 30th day of September, 2015. b. The term of this Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event the Corporation is properly ordered or otherwise required to remove the water ski jump from the bed of Little Muskego Lake by any governmental authority or agency. c. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Corporation shall remove the ski jump from the bed of the lake, together with any related equipment and materials, within seven (7) calendar days or no later than September 30, 2015. 2015 Agreement – Regarding Ski Jump Page 2 Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. and City of Muskego 2. Ownership and Placement of Ski Jump. a. At all times during the term of this Agreement, the Corporation shall be the sole owner of the ski jump located at Idle Isle Park, W182 S6666 Hard tke Drive, and PT NE ¼ of SEC 8T5N R20E & PT NW ¼ SEC 9 AN ISLAND APPROX 1100 FT N OF SE COR OF NE ¼ CONT 500 SQ FT VOL 1204/699 DS 3858687 QCD 9/11 , in the City of Muskego. The Corporation cannot, without the prior written approval of the City, assign an y ownership interests in the ski jump or any of the Corporation’s rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement to any person, entity or association. b. The Corporation shall be responsible for the physical placing and removal of the ski jump on and from the bed of Little Muskego Lake. The physical location of the ski jump on the bed of the lake shall be subject to the direction and decision of the City. c. While the ski jump is on the bed of the lake, the Corporation shall cause the installation, maintenance and operation of a flashing yellow light on the ski jump, from dusk to dawn. The flashing yellow light must be visible for at least 500 feet in all directions. d. The Corporation shall be solely responsible for and shall promptly perform all maintenance and upkeep required or recommended for the ski jump. In the event the Corporation fails, at any time, to perform any maintenance or upkeep reasonably deem necessary by the City, upon written notice to the Corporation, the term of this Agreement shall immediately terminate. 3. Liability Matters. a. The Corporation shall indemnify the City and hold the City harmless against and from any and all liabilities, fines, suits, claims, demands and actions, including costs and expenses of any kind or nature, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees, brought or asserted by anyone due to or arising out of (a) any default by the Corporation in observing any provision of this Agreement required to be observed and performed by the Corporation, or (b) any damage to property or injury to person or persons, including death, occasioned by or resulting from the Corporation’s ski jump. b. During the term of this Agreement, the Corporation, at its expense, shall maintain comprehensive general liability coverage, bodily injury coverage, and property damage coverage, insuring the Corporation and the City against liability for injury to persons or property occurring on or about the ski jump or arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of the ski jump. The insurance shall have a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence with an aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000. The Corporation shall cause the City to be named as an additional insured for the types and limits of coverage stated above in respect to this Agreement, and shall, upon request by 2015 Agreement – Regarding Ski Jump Page 3 Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. and City of Muskego the City, provide the City a certificate of insurance demonstrating the Corporation’s compliance with the above insurance provisions. c. The Corporation and its insurance carrier(s) shall provide the Cit y not less than a 30-day notice of any change in the terms or conditions, or the cancellation of any of the required types and limits of insurance coverage. 4. Notices. a. Notices required or permitted by this Agreement shall be given by certified mail, addressed: In the case of the Corporation, to: In the case of the City, to: Rick Nelson, President Director of Finance/Admin. Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. City of Muskego P.O. Box 111 W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 P. O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 b. Notice shall be deemed to have been given on the date such notice is postmarked by the United States Post Office. 5. Miscellaneous. a. The failure of either party to insist on strict performance of any term, covenant, or condition hereof, or to exercise any option herein contained shall not be construed as a waiver of such term, covenant, condition, or option in any other instance. b. This Agreement cannot be changed orally, but only by an instrument signed by both parties. c. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation and the City have duly executed this Agreement on the ______ day of ____________, 2015. 2015 Agreement – Regarding Ski Jump Page 4 Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. and City of Muskego Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. By: Rick Nelson, President Attest: , Secretary City of Muskego By: Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor Attest: Sharon Mueller, Director of Finance/Administration AGREEMENT WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC. & CITY OF MUSKEGO CONCERNING PIER PLACEMENT AT IDLE ISLE THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Corporation,” and the City of Muskego, hereinafter referred to as “City.” WHEREAS, the Corporation understands it may be necessary for the Corporation to obtain appropriate approvals, if any, from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as “WDNR,” for said pier placement; and WHEREAS, the City’s approval of the placement of said pier is conditioned upon the execution of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in exchange for the execution of this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Corporation and the City agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement A. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date on which the Corporation obtains all required approvals from al l governing bodies and agencies for placement of said pier. The Corporation shall provide the City copies of all approvals obtained by the Corporation under this Agreement. If no approvals are necessary, the Corporation shall provide the City with a statement to that effect. Unless earlier terminated by action of the City, the term of this Agreement shall terminate on the 30th day of September, 2015. B. The term of this Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event the Corporation is properly ordered or otherwise required to remove the pier from the Little Muskego Lake by any governmental authority or agency. C. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Corporation shall remove the pier, together with any related equipment and materials, within seven (7) calendar days. 2. Ownership and Placement of Pier A. At all times during the term of this Agreement the Corporation shall be the sole owner of the pier located at Idle Isle Park, W182 S6666 Hardtke Drive in the City of Muskego. The Corporation cannot, without the prior written approval of the City, assign any ownership interests in the pier or any of the Corporation’s rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement to any person, entity or association. B. The Corporation shall be responsible for the physical placing and removal of the pier from Idle Isle Park and Little Muskego Lake. The physical location of the pier shall be placed at a distance of thirty (30) feet from the 5' x 32' pier abutting the boat landing (see Exhibit A) havi ng a maximum length of thirty (30) feet. C. The Corporation will allow the City and the public to use this pier at all times that it is not scheduled for exclusive use of the Corporation. The Corporation will make five signs, with prior approval of the Recreation Manager. Two signs will indicate that the swimming area will be decreased in size ten minutes prior to and throughout the practice/show times as posted on the beach and at the entrance of the park. The swimming area will be increased to its original size ten minutes after the show or practice time unless in the case of a cancelled show or practice. The other two signs will indicate that the pier will be closed to the public one-half hour prior to and throughout the practice/show times posted at the pier and at the entrance of the park. The pier will be open to the public one-half hour after the show or practice time unless in the case of a cancelled show or practice. The last sign will indicate that the Corporation’s pier is not to be used for public swimming, diving or jumping from and no public boats shall be docked/moored to said pier. D. The Corporation shall be solely responsible for and shall promptly perform all maintenance and upkeep required or recommended for the pier and signs. In the event the Corporation fails at any time to perform any maintenance or upkeep reasonably deemed necessary by the City, upon written notice to the Corporation the term of this Agreement shall immediately terminate. 3. Liability Matters A. The Corporation shall indemnify the City and hold the City harmless against and from any and all liabilities, fines, suits, claims, demands and actions, including costs and expenses of any kind or nature including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees brought or asserted by anyone due to or arising out of (i) any default by the Corporation in observing any provision of this Agreement required to be observed and performed by the Corporation, or (ii) any damage to property or injury to person or persons, including death, occasioned by or resulting from the Corporation’s pier and signs. B. During the term of this Agreement, the Corporation, at its expense, shall maintain comprehensive general liability coverage, bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage insu ring the Corporation and the City against liability for injury to persons or property occurring on or about the pier and signs or arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the pier or signs. The insurance shall have a limit of not less than $1,0 00,000 per occurrence with an aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000. The Corporation shall cause the City to be named as an additional insured for the types and limits of coverage stated above in respect to this Agreement and shall, upon request by the City, provide the City a certificate of insurance demonstrating the Corporation’s compliance with the above insurance provisions. C. The Corporation and its insurance carrier(s) shall provide the City not less than a 30-day notice of any change in the terms or conditions or the cancellation of any of the required types and limits of insurance coverage. 4. Notices A. Notices required or permitted by this Agreement shall be given by certified mail addressed as follows: In the case of the Corporation to: In the case of the City, to: Rick Nelson, President Director of Finance/Admin. Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. City of Muskego P.O. Box 111 P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 B. Notice shall be deemed to have been given on the date such notice is postmarked by the United States Post Office. 5. Miscellaneous A. The failure of either party to insist on strict performance of any term, covenant or condition hereof, or to exercise any option herein contained, shall not be construed as a waiver of such term, covenant, condition or option in any other instance. B. This Agreement cannot be changed orally, but only by an instrument signed by both parties. C. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and gove rned by the laws of the State of Wisconsin. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation and the City have duly executed this Agreement on the _____ day of ____________, 2015. WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC. CITY OF MUSKEGO By:___________________________ By:____________________________ Rick Nelson, President Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: By:____________________________ By:____________________________ Secretary Sharon Mueller, Director of Finance/Administration Page 1 of 3 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Recreation Board From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Little Muskego Lake District/City of Muskego Weed Tipping Lease Date: February 23, 2015 Please find attached a revised agreement with the LMLD for the emergency parking of their weed tipping trucks. Over the 2014 cutting season, there were no complaints received with this operation. Recommendation for Action by Committee: In an attempt to be more efficient, I recommend signing this lease as a 5 year agreement with the understanding that it can be terminated at any time by the City. Move Page 2 of 3 LEASE THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Muskego, Lessor, and the Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District (LMLD), Lessee by LMLD Chairman, Tom Reck. The property, which is the subject of this lease is described as follows, to-wit: Park Arthur (south section) Parcel 1: Part of Lot 1 Certified Survey Map 9654 Tax Key No. MSKC 2173.991.003 TOTAL AREA TO BE LEASED IS APPROXIMATELY 1.0 ACRES, AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT “A”, AND THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY: Rent will be $55.00 per acre per year with renewal after (5) years, at the discretion of the City (OWNER). RENTAL: The rental of said property shall be for the term five (5) years, commencing on January 1, 2015, and ending the 31st day of December 2020. The payment of $55.00 per acre is due on or before December 31st of each year of the lease. Renewal of said lease will be at the discretion of the City (OWNER). This site is to be used for the parking of 2 weed tipping trucks in the event of emergency weed tipping. Parking will be limited to times when the weed tipping trucks cannot make their drop off locations and must be parked which would occur only on Saturdays and after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. During the entire term of the Lease shall not exceed 20 truckloads of weeds, each truckload not to exceed 12 cubic yards. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (1) The split rail fence at the curve in their entrance road to prevent vehicles from accessing park grass areas shall be maintained by the LMLD (2) Maintenance of the asphalt roadway from the Martin Drive roadway needs to be performed, at the expense of the LMLD, until told otherwise. (3) Any chemical usage at the site must be approved by the Conservation Coordinator prior to application. (4) Any Muskego resident concerns regarding this site shall be handled by the Alderman liaison to the LMLD committee and/or the LMLD committee. (5) If and weeds are placed at this location, all erosion control and/or farming methods recommended by the City's Engineering staff be put in place and practiced at the expense of the LMLD during the term of this agreement. (6) The LMLD should always have a current operational plan on file with the city for cutting and non-cutting season to address the weed turning and grading operations at the site. (7) The berm will need to be maintained and mowed on a regular basis by the LMLD to prevent noxious weed growth. Page 3 of 3 LIABILITY INSURANCE: Lessee shall, at his own expense and at all times during the term of this lease, maintain in force a policy or policies of insurance, written by one or more responsible insurance carriers, which will insure Lessor against liability for injury to or death of persons or loss or damage to property occurring in or about the demised premises. The liability under such insurance shall not be less than $1,000,000 for any one person killed or injured, $1,000,000 for any one accident and $1,000,000 property damage. A certificate of insurance to this effect must be on file with the Clerk/Treasurer Department prior to entering said property. RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES: The Lessor or anyone designated by them shall have the right of entry at any reasonable time to inspect their property. If this lease is terminated before the Lessee shall have obtained the benefits from any labor or formerly agreed upon expenses they incurred in operating the weed-tipping program, according to contract or agreement with the Lessor during the current lease year, the Lessor shall reimburse the Lessee for such labor or expense. The Lessee shall present, in writing to the Lessor, its claim for such reimbursement at least thirty (30) days before the termination of this lease. If the land is not used for weed tipping, a grassy cover crop must be planted on the land at the expense of the LMLD, acceptable to the Parks & Recreation Board. ASSIGNMENT: This lease shall not be assigned by the Lessee without the expressed written consent of the City. RENEWAL: This lease is not subject to automatic renewal after the five (5) year period. Lessee shall notify the Parks and Recreation Board to renew contract. This lease can be terminated at any time by the Lessor. Any restoration to the leased site, will be provided and paid for by the Lessee. Pursuant to Resolution #____-20_ passed and approved on ___________ by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, this lease is hereby executed this day of , 2015. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tom Reck, Chairman for Little Muskego Toby Whipple, President Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District, Lessee Muskego Parks & Recreation Board __________________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor City of Muskego Page 1 of 2 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Recreation Board From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Director of Public Works Report Date: February 24, 2015 I have included general information and project specific updates related to Parks maintenance for your use. Should any questions arise please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. General Maintenance  The DPW has been able to clear snow from the vast majority of trails and sidewalks in the City thus far this winter including the main gravel trails. Discussion was had at the Committee of the Whole and the decision was made to continue to move ahead with clearing all trails at this time.  Snow clearing of all parking lots and park access drives has been going smoothly. Facilities  Horn Park Building- Demolition of the oldest portion of this building is planned for this spring. DPW crews will complete demolition and contractors will be hired to complete the plumbing, electrical, and new wall construction.  The Committee of the Whole had initial discussion regarding the possibility of expanding the Department of Public Works garage and decommissioning the Parks Headquarters building and the Boxhorn Warehouse. Further discussion will be had at the March 10th Committee of the Whole.  A complete assessment of all parks buildings is planned for this spring by DPW staff. We expect that we will be completing some reroof ing and painting/staining projects. 2015 Park Improvements  Lions Park- A pickleball court will be added to Lions Park during this construction season. This was bid with the 2015 road program that is expected to be awarded to Stark Asphalt at the March 10th Common Council meeting. A detailed schedule is not yet known for this improvement.  Denoon Park- All roadways, parking lots, and the basketball court will be resurfaced in conjunction with the 2015 road program. Additionally, two areas of pavement are being added to the narrow roadway that leads to the boat launch to allow an area for vehicles to pass. DPW will be completing all turf restoration as part of this project. A detailed schedule is not yet known for this improvement. Page 2 of 2  Park Arthur- A paved pathway leading from the north parking lot to the three northern baseball fields and back to the pavilion will be installed in conjunction with the 2015 road program. Concrete pads will be added to the dugouts of the large field as a separately quoted project. A detailed schedule is not yet known for these improvements. Memo To: Conservation Commission From: Tom Zagar CC: Jeff Muenkel, Dave Simpson, Tammy Dunn Date: February 19, 2015 RE: Conservation Coordinator Report The following will be reported under miscellaneous business at the end of the joint Parks and Conservation meeting:  Hiring of a Conservation Technician The Conservation division of the Community Development Department has had a half - time position of Conservation Technician assisting the Conservation Coordinator/City Forester since 2002. Recently Jessica Quinlan, who admirably filled this position for over two years, left to take full time employment elsewhere. We are in the process of evaluating applicants to refill the position.  Land Dedication from Belle Chasse Subdivision The plat of Belle Chasse Subdivision Addition 2 was recently recorded and dedicates approximately 5.5 acres of land to the City. This parcel is adjacent to and will be annexed to Bluhm Farm Park. It contains about two acres of oak woodland while the remainder is sedge meadow and shrub wetlands. This land dedication augments one of the larger conservancy areas and the largest oak woodland owned by Muskego. In the subdivision approval the City had also allowed the location of a stormwater retention pond on Bluhm Park land. In turn, the subdivision developer agreed to establish a boardwalk in the park where the recreation trail had frequently inundated in times of wet weather. A walking trail and interpretive signage will also be established around the pond. Incidentally the developer also agreed to raise the elevation of the rugby field and provide a recreation trail along McShane Drive. The Conservation Coordinator is looking to have a contractor control invasive shrubs in the annexed conservancy area so that it will be ready for a prescribed burn this spring. The dedicated area and park improvements are depicted on the accompanying map. Community Development Department M c S h a n e D r i v e AT C R e c r e a t i o n Tr a i l BLUHM PARK Oak Woodlands Pra irie PlantingRetentionPond BELLE CHASSESUBDIVISION RugbyField Boardwalk Pra irie Planting TUDO R OAKS RETIREME NT CO MMUNITY Belle Chasse Subdivision Land Dedication & Bluhm Park Improvements Dedication Area (5.5 acr es) Wetla nds 0 250 500125 FeetµExisting Trail (Unimproved Surface) Proposed Trail (Unimproved Surface) Aspha lt Re creation Trail Boardwalk Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Memo to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Recreation Board From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Date: February 26, 2015 To bring you up to speed on a few items happening within the departm ent: 1) Interviews for the Recreation Specialist position have been going on for 3 weeks. Second interviews were held and the selected applicant will be given an offer on March 2nd. I am hoping to have this new staff person starting by March 23. 2) I am in the process of beginning to work on the summer program guide. We should be status quo as far as our regular summer programs, with the ability to add some new program areas with the new Rec. Specialist being able to take on some new activities. 3) Baseball game schedules are turned in and I am beginning the process of entering them into the baseball software program created last year. There has been growth in the girls softball program so I anticipate there being more games played in Muskego this year. 4) The MNSD summer school principals approached us about our All-Day Playground Program being a pick-up and drop-off location for children in our program who would like to attend summer school. We will be providing that option to the children at the Old Town Hall playground site.