COMMON COUNCIL Packet- 2/10/2015 CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA February 10, 2015 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE PUBLIC COMMENT City Residents and Taxpayers Only – Speakers will be limited to making comments related to all agenda items excluding closed session items relating to employment and labor issues. Comments will be limited to two minutes per speaker per agenda item. There will be no discussion by/with the Common Council during Public Comment. PUBLIC HEARING To consider levying special assessments for Fireside Orchard Subdivision Roadway Improvements CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under consent agenda will be approved in one motion without discussion unless any Council member requests that an item be removed for individual discussion. That item then can be acted on separately at the same meeting under the part of the meeting it would normally appear. Approve Acquisition Contracts and Authorize Signatures for Budget Approved Expenditures Over $50,000 - Purchase of 2015 Patrol Truck (Plow Truck) Approval of Operator Licenses Approval of Minutes - January 27, 2015 Reso. #020-2015 - Reapproval of Certified Survey Map - James Rozeski Reso. #021-2015 - Reapproval of Certified Survey Map - Orlo Zlensky Reso. #022-2015 - Approval of Certified Survey Map - Switala NEW BUSINESS Reso. #023-2015 - Relocation Order and Determination of Necessity of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (Flood Control Grant - S76 W18109 Janesville Road) REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Common Council Agenda 2 February 10, 2015 Finance Committee - January 13, 2015 Plan Commission - January 6, 2015 LICENSE APPROVAL Temporary License for the Sale of Wine and Fermented Malt Beverages - Friends of Muskego Public Library - April 25, 2014 VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Tax Vouchers General Fund Vouchers Voucher for Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department - $105,125.00 Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW City Calendar: http://www.cityofmuskego.org/Calendar.aspx FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. CITY OF MUSKEGO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR FIRESIDE ORCHARD SUBDIVISION ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin has declared its intention to exercise its police power in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 66.0703, to levy special assessments upon property within the following described assessment district which is shown on the attached map for benefits conferred upon such property for construction of a roadway: Fireside Orchard Subdivision Roadway Improvements See Attached Legal Description and Map A report showing the proposed plans and specifications, estimated cost of improvements, and proposed assessments is on file in the Office of the Department of Finance and Administraton and may be inspected during any business day between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. You are further notified that the Common Council will hear all interested persons, or their agents or attorneys, concerning matters contained in the preliminary resolution authorizing the assessments and in the above described report at 7:00 p.m. on February 10, 2015, at the Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin. All objections will be considered at this hearing and thereafter the amount of the assessments will be finally determined. Dated this 16th day of January, 2015. City of Muskego ________________________ Sharon Mueller City Clerk-Treasurer Fireside Orchard Roadway Improvements Assessment Boundary Legal All that part of the Southwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ and the Northwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, Waukesha County Wisconsin bounded and described as follows; Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 4, Fireside Orchard Subdivision, said point also being the point of beginning; thence S 87°32’43” W 877.21 feet, to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, said Fireside Orchard Subdivision; thence S 01°02’49” E along the East line of said Lot 1 a distance of 158.26 feet, to the North right-of-way line of Fireside Drive; thence N 87°32’43” E along said North line 225.25 feet, to a point on a curve; thence Northeasterly 23.19 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the West, having a radius of 15.00 feet and chord bearing of N 43°14’57” E and a Chord distance of 20.95 feet, to the West right-of way of Hillendale Drive; thence S 01°02’49” E along said West line 90.02 feet to the South right-of-way line of said Fireside Drive also being a point on a curve; thence Northwesterly 23.93 feet along said South line and along the arc of a curve whose center is to the West, having a radius of 15.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 46°45’03” W and a chord distance of 21.47 feet; thence continuing along said South line S 87°32’43” W 194.50 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 13 of said Fireside Orchard Subdivision; thence S 01°02’49” E 260.11 feet, to the South line of said Lot 13; thence continuing along said South line and along the South line of Lots 11 and 12, in said Fireside Orchard Subdivision S 87°32’43” W 355.91 feet, to West line of said Lot 11; thence N 02°27’17” W along said West line 260.04 feet to said South Fireside Drive right-of-way; thence S 87°32’43” W along said South line 30.00 feet, to the East line of Lot 10 of said Fireside Orchard Subdivision; Thence S 02°27’17” E along said East line 233.16 feet, to the South line of said Lot 10; thence S 87°32’43” W 50.55 feet, to the East line of Lot 8 in said Fireside Orchard Subdivision; thence S 02°27’17” E, along said East line 141.98 feet, to the North line of Lot 17 , of Fireside Orchard Addition No. 1; thence N 87°32’43” E 77.02 feet, to the East line of said Lot 17; thence S 01°08’32” E along the said East line and along the East line of Lot 16, of said Subdivision 240.00 feet, to the South line of said Subdivision; thence S 87°32’43” W along said South line 549.99 feet to the West line of said Subdivision; thence N 01°07’05” W along said West line and along said West line of Fireside Orchard Subdivision 457.00 feet to the South line of the Northeast ¼ of said Section 18; thence continuing along the West line of said Fireside Orchard Subdivision N 01°06’54” W 376.51 feet to the point of beginning 2229 2229 2229 -080 -081 -082 2229-085 2229 2229-072 2229-071 2229-070 2232-001 2232-002 2232-003 2232-004 2229-079-078 2229-0772229-076 2229-075 2229-074 2229-073 2232-987 2232-989-001 2232-989-002 2 2 29 -9 91 2229-990 2232-986-001 2232-986 2232-985-001 2232-005 2229-990-003 17 16 OUTLOT 3 131211109 87 6 5 4 3 2 1 14 15 18 CSM 7513 CSM 8014 CSM 8014 CSM 6858 CSM 6858 CSM 9772 CSM 9772 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 1 LOT 1 PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 LOT 1 LOT 3 HILL ENDAL E DR F I R E S I D E D R F I R E S I D E C T J A N E S V I L L E R D S O M M E R F I E L D L N ³ Fireside Orchard SubdivisionRoadway ImprovementsAssessement Boundary 1-9-2015 Not to Scale CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Common Council To: Common Council From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Purchase of 2015 Patrol Truck (Plow Truck) Date: January 30, 2015 Three quotes have been obtained for the purchase of a 2015 International 7400 SFA 4x2 truck. This will replace an existing patrol truck, which is a 1999 International, that will be sold to the highest bidder after the new truck is put into service. The following are the three quotes received when combined with the required purchase of plowing and hauling equipment from Wausau-Everest: Lakside International, LLC- $168,553.00 Packer City International Truck, Inc. - $168,982.00 Mid-State Truck SV, Inc.- $169,240.35 The 2015 budget for this purchase is $185,000.00 which will make this purchase $16,447.00 under budget. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approval of the purchase of a 2015 International 7400 SFA 4x2 patrol truck from Lakeside International, LLC and the purchase of the required plowing and hauling equipment from Wausau-Everest for a total price of $168,553.00 OPERATOR LICENSE APPROVALS COMMON COUNCIL – 02/10/2015 Kenneth Dorn Alma Frye Nicole Paradowski Sarah Rink Natalie Velez Robert Wincek S/CityHall/Licenses/Oper Lic Approval Lists/2015.doc Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES January 27, 2015 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Aldermen Madden, Kubacki, Engelhardt, Di Pronio, Borgman, Hammel and Wolfe. Also present: Assistant Deputy Clerk Chavie. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Assistant Deputy Clerk noted that the meeting was properly noticed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE - None PUBLIC COMMENT David Taube, S75 W18687 Kingston Drive regarding Ordinance #1394. CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Borgman moved to approve the items under Consent Agenda. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion passed 7 in favor. The following were approved: Approval of Operator Licenses Approval of Minutes - January 13, 2015 Reso. #016-2015 - Resolution Approving 2014 Trunked Radio System Contract Addendum and Authorizing the Issuance of a General Obligation Promissory Note to Waukesha County to Pay Infrastructure Costs of the New Digital Radio System Reso. #017-2015 - Resolution Authorizing a Loan from the Approved Commercial Building and Site Loan Program (Mike Fitzgerald) Reso. #018-2015 - Resolution Authorizing a Grant from the Approved Business Park Grant Program (Flores Automation) NEW BUSINESS Reso. #019-2015 - Proceedings by the Common Council of the City of Muskego to Discontinue and Vacate a Road Right-of-Way in the City of Muskego, Wisconsin (Commerce Drive) Introduction Only UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ord. #1394 - An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 9, Section 9.03, of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Fireworks). Second Reading. Common Council Minutes 2 January 27, 2015 Alderman Kubacki moved to adopt. Alderman Borgman seconded. Alderman Borgman moved to amend to add, "and resident," to the first sentence of Section 9.03 (3)(c) and to add the word, "applicable," before "all terms of this Section 9.03" in the same section. Alderman Hammel seconded; motion carried. Ord. #1394, as amended, adopted 6 in favor and Alderman Di Pronio voting no. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works Committee - November 17, 2014 Finance Committee - December 9, 2014 Parks and Recreation Board - October 13 and 20, 2014 Conservation Commission - September 17, 2014 Community Development Authority - September 16, 2014 LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of "Class B" License to Sell Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor and Trap License for M & T Shooting Enterprises LLC d/b/a Boxhorn Gun Club, Maxwell Geliche Agent Alderman Kubacki moved to approve. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion passed 7 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman moved for approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $381,928.63. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion passed 7 in favor. Tax Vouchers Alderman Borgman moved to approve Tax Vouchers in the amount of $168,756.86. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion passed 7 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman moved to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $372,750.04. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion passed 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Borgman moved to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $698,377.77. Alderman Engelhardt seconded. Motion passed 7 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Kubacki moved to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Alderman Engelhardt seconded; motion carried. Minutes transcribed by Jill Blenski. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #020-2015 RE-APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP James Rozeski WHEREAS, A certified survey map to finalize a two-lot land division of the James Rozeski property located on Racine Avenue in the SW ¼ of Section 21 (Tax Key No. 2243.997.001) was approved through Resolution #114-2010 on November 8, 2010; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C. 077-2010 recommending approval; and WHEREAS, The certified survey map was not recorded within the required twelve- month time period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby re-approve the Certified Survey Map to finalize a two-lot land division of the James Rozeski property located on Racine Avenue in the SW ¼ of Section 21 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 077-2010. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this re-approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, payment of any unpaid taxes, and approval of the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a digital file of this certified survey map shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2015. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Rob Wolfe This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #020-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ________________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 2/15jmb 1OMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #021-2015 RE-APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Orlo Zlensky WHEREAS, A certified survey map to finalize a four-lot land division of the Orlo Zlensky property located on Boxhorn Drive in the SW ¼ of Section 24 (Tax Key No. 2255.999) was approved through Resolution #006-2011 on January 25, 2011; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C. 072-2010 recommending approval; and WHEREAS, The certified survey map was not recorded within the required twelve- month time period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby re-approve the Certified Survey Map to finalize a four-lot land division of the Orlo Zlensky property located on Boxhorn Drive in the SW ¼ of Section 24 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 0 72-2010. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this re-approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, payment of any unpaid taxes, and approval of the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a digital file of this certified survey map shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2015. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Rob Wolfe This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #021-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ________________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 2/15jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #022-2015 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Switala Property WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on January 26, 2015 to finalize a two-lot land division of the Switala property located in the SE ¼ Section 10 on Woods Road (Tax Key No. 2200.094); and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C. 006-2015 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a two-lot land division of the Switala property located in the SE ¼ of Section 10 on Woods Road subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 006-2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, payment of any unpaid taxes, and approval of the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a digital file of this certified survey map shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2015. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Rob Wolfe This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #022-2015 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ________________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 2/2015jmb City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 006-2015 For the meeting of: February 3, 2015 REQUEST: Two (2) Lot Land Division – Switala property S77 W15973 Woods Road / Tax Key Number: 2200.094 SE ¼ of Section 10 PETITIONER: Joyce Switala INTRODUCED: February 3, 2015 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Adam Trzebiatowski, AICP BACKGROUND PC 006-2015 The petitioner is proposing to divide one parcel by Certified Survey Map to create two (2) parcels. The lots will range in size from 19,621 square feet to 133,815 square feet. PLAN CONSISTENCY PC 006-2015 Comprehensive Plan: The 2020 Plan depicts the area for Medium Density Residential uses. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Zoning: The property is currently zoned RS-3 Suburban Residence District, which requires a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet and average lot width of 100 feet per lot for sewered lots. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Parks and Conservation Plan: The 2012-2016 Plan does not depict any park or conservation areas on this site. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Street System Plan: All required right-of-way has previously been previously dedicated. Adopted 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area: All lots are served by municipal sewer. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Water Capacity Assessment District: All lots are served by municipal water. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Stormwater Management Plan: A grading plan will need to be submitted to the Engineering Department before building permits can be issued for any construction. DISCUSSION PC 006-2015 Upon review of the CSM, the bulk requirements of the code appear to be met. There are some minor technical corrections that need to occur that will need to be addressed before the CSM can be signed by the City and recorded. The one main comment relates to making sure that there is a suitable building pad on Lot 2 due to the location of the 100-year floodplain. It has been stated that a home is currently being designed to fit within the limited building pad on Lot 2. Before the CSM can be recorded the City must receive a preliminary survey and building plans, along with a preliminary grading plan, showing how a home can feasibly be built on Lot 2. Staff recommends approval subject to meeting all technical corrections received from the Engineering Division and providing the proper survey and grading plan to planning and engineering staff, as noted above. The Resolution is drafted accordingly. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 006-2015 Approval of Resolution PC 006-2015 RESOLUTION #P.C. 006-2015 APPROVAL OF A TWO LOT CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP FOR THE SWITALA PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 10 (TAX KEY NO. 2200.094 / S77 W15973 WOODS RD) WHEREAS, On January 26, 2015 a Certified Survey Map was submitted by Joyce Switala for a two (2) lot land division located in the SE ¼ of Section 10 (Tax Key No. 2200.094 / S77 W15973 Woods Rd), and WHEREAS, The two parcels vary in size from 19,621 square feet to 133,815 square feet, and WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned RS-3 Suburban Residence District and requiring minimum lot sizes of 15,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 100 feet for sewered lots, and WHEREAS, The 2020 Plan depicts the area for Medium Density Residential uses and the proposal is consistent with the plan, and WHEREAS, All lots are/will be served by municipal sewer and water. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a Certified Survey Map submitted by Joyce Switala for a two (2) lot land division located in the SE ¼ of Section 10 (Tax Key No. 2200.094 / S77 W15973 Woods Road), subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14(3) of the Land Division Ordinance and outstanding assessments if applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Since a portion of Lot 2 contains a 100-year floodplain, before the CSM can be recorded the City must receive a preliminary survey and building plans, along with a preliminary grading plan, showing how a home can feasibly be built on Lot 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all technical corrections from the City will need to be addressed before the Certified Survey Map can be signed and recorded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital file of this CSM shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance No. 1118 and Resolution 196-2002. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: February 3, 2015 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: February 3, 2015 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary CITY OF MUSKEGO Common Council To: Common Council From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Relocation Order for S76 W18109 Janesville Road Date: February 5, 2015 City staff has been working to locate grant opportunities to provide assistance for flood prone properties in Muskego. The Common Council moved forward with the Municipal Flood Control Grant process in early 2014 and we have now officially been given the grant so we can move ahead with the acquisition process for the home at S76 W18109 Janesville Road which has experienced some of the worst flooding in Muskego. I have attached a few pictures of the 2008 flood event to put some perspective on the severity. The attached resolution authorizes staff and our consultant to proceed with the acquisition process which includes approval from the State. We will only move ahead with the purchase if the seller is agreeable to the terms of the sale, so we will not utilize eminent domain. Recommendation for Action: Recommend approval of the attached resolution for the relocation order and determination of necessity to acquire S76 W18109 Janesville Road as part of a flood control grant. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #023-2015 RELOCATION ORDER AND DETERMINATION OF NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (Flood Control Grant– S76 W18109 Janesville Road) WHEREAS, the single family home located at S76W18109 Janesville Road is believed to be subject to a significant risk of flooding; and WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has awarded a Municipal Flood Control Grant Program grant award to the City of Muskego for the acquisition by the City of the foregoing property and for the removal of structures to allow the property to remain as permanent open space to provide additional flood storage for flood events, and the City of Muskego Common Council has ad opted Resolution No. 011-2014 in support of this State grant, provided that the owner of such property is willing to sell the property to the City. NOW THEREFORE the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, by its Common Council and for its Relocation Order and determination of necessity HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That this Resolution is a Relocation Order in accordance with §32.05(1), Wisconsin Statutes, for the purposes of the within described public improvement project and it is also a determination of necessity for that project in accordance with §32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes. 2. That the City of Muskego hereby determines that it is a necessary and public purpose to acquire a single family home at S76W18109 Janesville Road in order to eliminate the risk of flooding occurring to said structure. 3. That the site of said single family home and lands is contained in Exhibit “A” which is incorporated herein; 4. That the City of Muskego will acquire fee simple title for said single family home and lands as indicated on Exhibit "A". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is not the intention of the City of Muskego to utilize condemnation or powers of eminent domain for the purchase of this property. This resolution is a mechanism to start the purchase process only. If a willing seller/willing buyer purchase agreement cannot be made between the parties initially, the City of Muskego will not pursue the ultimate condemnation or eminent domain process, as this procedure is not the method approved by th e Common Council for this property unless the Council takes further action to approve condemnation or eminent domain. 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized to approve and sign an offer to purchase for the purchase up to the appraised value of the property. Passed and approved this __ ____ day of __________, 2015. I hereby certify that on the _ ___ day of _________, 2015, the within Relocation Order was adopted by a vote of _____ ayes to ______ nays and __ abstention by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. APPROVED: CITY OF MUSKEGO ______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Sharon Mueller, Clerk Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES January 13, 2015 6:30 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members Aldermen Borgman, Hammel and Kubacki. Also present: Aldermen Engelhardt and Madden, City Engineer Simpson and Deputy Clerk Blenski. Alderman Di Pronio arrived during the meeting. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The Deputy Clerk noted that the meeting was properly noticed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 9, 2014 Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the minutes of December 9, 2014. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend Approval of Operator Licenses Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval of Operator Licenses for Debra Berthelsen, David Brooks, Caylee Meer and Kyle Scheffler. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Approval of Taxi Licenses for Two Vehicles for Muskego Senior Taxi Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve a Taxi License for Two Vehicles for the Muskego Senior Taxi Service. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Approval of Drivers for Muskego Senior Taxi Service Alderman Hammel made a motion to approve the following Drivers for the Muskego Senior Taxi Service: Alfred Arroyo, Donald Crupi, Rebecca Dublinski, Karin Geier- Nickel, Michael Gorski, Patricia Greenlees, Alicia Hasselberger, Ernest Hunt, Bonnie Johnson, Diane Johnson, Michael Manthy, Mary Pachowitz, Steven Pachowitz, Daniel Finance Committee Minutes 2 January 13, 2015 Steele, Janis Theel, Debra Young and Erhard Zoellner. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Approval of Request by Little Muskego Yacht Club to Place Temporary Race Course Markers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the request by Little Muskego Yacht Club to Place Temporary Race Course Markers from May to September. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. NEW BUSINESS 50th Anniversary Task Force Recap Report - Tracy De Angelis Tracy De Angelis, Chairperson of the 50th Anniversary Task Force, was present to provide a final report. The event came in $4,758 under budget. At its last meeting, the Task Force members discussed some proposals for the money. One was signage to mark the 50th anniversary at each of the City's entrance signs. The other was a plaque or paver at Old Town Hall listing the names of the Task Force members. This will be placed on a future agenda. Mayor Chiaverotti thanked Tracy and all the Task Force members for their dedication and commitment to the project. Recommendation Regarding Funding Agreement with MMSD for Muskego Lake Wetland Restoration Phase 2 Project Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval of the agreement. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommendation Regarding Agricultural Leases Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval of the following agricultural leases: Bob Stigler, Jack King, Karl Thiesenhusen and Edward Schaefer. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommendation Regarding Award of Bid - Woods Road Bridge Replacement The following bids were received: Concrete Structures $742,797.29 Musson Brothers $899,999.50 Radtke Contractors $717,024.99 City Engineer Simpson stated the project is $140,000 under budget. Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend award of bid to Radtke Contractors in the amount of $717,024.99. Alderman Hammel seconded. Finance Committee Minutes 3 January 13, 2015 Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommendation Regarding Belle Chasse Addition #2 and Addition #3 Subdivider's Agreement Recommendation to Grant a Land Use Permit to Belle Chasse Partners, LLC Recommendation Regarding Dedication and Acceptance of Improvements in and for Belle Chasse Addition #2 Subdivision City Engineer Simpson stated the developers could only complete half of Addition #2 before winter. A new Subdivider's Agreement and Land Use Permit will be required to reflect Addition #3. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend the Subdivider’s Agreement, Land Use Permit and Dedication and Acceptance of Improvements. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommendation Regarding City of Muskego Road Assessment Policy #2 City Engineer Simpson stated the developers of the Fireside Orchard Subdivision as well as the bank that secured the Letter of Credit went bankrupt. Roadway improvements in the subdivision need to be completed. The Public Works Committee recommended that the City share 50% of the associated costs. Mr. Simpson worked with the City Attorney to develop an assessment policy. Adoption of the preliminary resolution begins the assessment process. A public hearing will be held. Alderman Kubacki moved to recommend adoption of Road Assessment Policy #2. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommendation Regarding Preliminary Resolution Declaring Intent to Exercise Special Assessment Police Powers Under 66.0703 WI Statutes as to the Fireside Orchard Subdivision Roadway Improvements Alderman Hammel made a motion to recommend the Preliminary Assessment Resolution as to the Fireside Orchard Subdivision Roadway Improvements. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $64,427.76. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Tax Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Tax Vouchers in the amount of $137,230.72. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Finance Committee Minutes 4 January 13, 2015 General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $272,303.08. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $325,446.53. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Kubacki made a motion to adjourn at 6:51 p.m. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Minutes taken and transcribed by Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES January 6, 2015 4:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti, Alderman Wolfe, Commissioners Hulbert and Jacques. Absent: Commissioners Buckmaster, Stinebaugh, and Bartlett. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws on December 30, 2014. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 2, 2014 MEETING. Commissioner Jacques made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 2, 2014 meeting. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 4 in favor. CONSENT BUSINESS Recommended for approval en gross. RESOLUTION #PC 001-2015 - Approval of a One Lot Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map for the Domin property located in the Town of Norway. Commissioner Jacques made a motion to approve RESOLUTION #PC 001-2015 - Approval of a One Lot Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map for the Domin property located in the Town of Norway. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Motion Passed 4 in favor. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 4:03 PM. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 4 in favor. Plan Commission Minutes 2 January 6, 2015 Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary Council Date FEB 10, 2015 Total Vouchers All Funds $346,080.78 Total Voucher Approval Utility Vouchers (Approve Separately) Water Vouchers $53,952.51 Water Wire Transfers Total Water $53,952.51 Sewer Vouchers 70,389.71 Sewer Wire Transfers Total Sewer $70,389.71 Net Total Utility Vouchers $ 124,342.22 #1 - Utility Voucher Approval Tax Vouchers - Refunds & Tax Settlements (Approve Separately) Tax Vouchers $38,783.56 Tax Void Checks ()** Total Tax Vouchers $ 38,783.56 #2 - Tax Voucher Approval Total General Fund Vouchers (Approve Separately) General Fund Vouchers $182,955.00 General Fund Void Checks ()** Total General Fund Vouchers $ 182,955.00 #3 - General Voucher Approval Big Muskego Lake Vouchers $ . Wire transfers (Approve Separately): Tax Settlements $ Debt Service $ Payroll/Invoice Transmittals $313,486.62 #4 - Wire Transfers Approval Void Checks Since Last Report Check #Amount Check #Amount Total *** Total 0.00 *Total *** CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 1 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments" Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number AARONIN STEEL SALES, INC. 49915 1 Invoice LEAF BOXES 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 2,889.00 215 Total AARONIN STEEL SALES, INC.:2,889.00 AMERICAN PLANNI NG ASSC. 141923-1514 1 Invoice APA MEMBERSHIP - ADAM 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 425.00 115 148535-1514 1 Invoice APA MEMERSHIP - JEFF 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 495.00 115 Total AMERICAN PLANNI NG ASSC.:920.00 AMS ALARM, LLC 431031-0215 1 Invoice RENEWAL/EMERGENCY FIRE ALA 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 492.00 215 Total AMS ALARM, LLC:492.00 ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY AND RIFFLE 10323 1 Invoice TRAFFIC/2014 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 1,724.00 1214 10323 2 Invoice TRAFFIC/2015 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 4,208.80 215 10323 3 Invoice BELLE CHASE/800 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 131.50 215 507. 10323 4 Invoice FIRESIDE ORCHARDS/474 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 290.00 1214 507. 10323 5 Invoice FIRESIDE ORCHARDS/474 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 1,197.60 215 507. 10323 6 Invoice MISC GEN GOV 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 1,231.30 1214 10323 7 Invoice MISC GEN GOV 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 1,077.20 215 10323 8 Invoice MMSD 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 117.70 215 10323 9 Invoice MISC /PARKLAND 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 52.00 1214 10323 10 Invoice WDS RD BRIDGE 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 52.00 215 410. 10323 11 Invoice BELLE CHASE/800 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 585.80 1214 507. Total ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY AND RIFFLE:10,667.90 ASSOCIATED BANK AS21015 1 Invoice REV BOND/PRIN 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 25,416.67 215 601. AS21015 2 Invoice REV BOND/INT 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 6,526.25 215 601. Total ASSOCIATED BANK:31,942.92 ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 60169/21015 1 Invoice ACCIDENT/JAN 01/20/2015 02/05/2015 202.68 215 60169/21015 2 Invoice CRITICAL ILL/JAN 01/20/2015 02/05/2015 152.25 215 60169/21015 3 Invoice LONG TERM/JAN 01/20/2015 02/05/2015 491.73 215 60169/21015 4 Invoice SHORT TERM/JAN 01/20/2015 02/05/2015 351.09 215 Total ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:1,197.75 AUTO ZONE, INC 1998173449 1 Invoice HEADLAMP BULBS/#3 01/09/2015 02/10/2015 28.79 215 Total AUTO ZONE, INC:28.79 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 2 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number BARKER, ERIC A 22592975/2101 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 182.08 215 501. Total BARKER, ERIC A:182.08 BEHRS, THOMAS BE21015 1 Invoice REFUND/OPERATOR LIC 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 52.00 215 Total BEHRS, THOMAS:52.00 BENDLIN FIRE EQP. CO., INC. 87638 1 Invoice CYLINDER,GAS DETECTORS 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 1,066.00 215 601. Total BENDLIN FIRE EQP. CO., INC.:1,066.00 BGP INC 978788 1 Invoice launch receipt books idle isle 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 260.00 115 Total BGP INC:260.00 BOARD OF CONSUMER OF PUBLIC LANDS BO021015 1 Invoice Asset Forfeiture 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 171.50 1214 505. Total BOARD OF CONSUMER OF PUBLIC LANDS:171.50 BOWSER, ANDREW & HILLARY 2208053/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 763.32 215 501. Total BOWSER, ANDREW & HILLARY:763.32 BPI (BLUEPRINTS, INC.) 0461189 1 Invoice LARGE SCALE PAPER 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 157.61 115 Total BPI (BLUEPRINTS, INC.):157.61 BROOKS TRACTOR INC. MO8187 1 Invoice OLD LOADER RING 01/22/2015 02/10/2015 155.16 215 Total BROOKS TRACTOR INC.:155.16 BULSKI, STEVEN & TARIA 2221993014/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 102.27 215 501. Total BULSKI, STEVEN & TARIA:102.27 BURMEISTER,GREG BU21015 1 Invoice MEETING ATTENDANCE 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total BURMEISTER,GREG:70.00 BURTON & MAYER INC 570492 1 Invoice #10 WINDOW ENV/10,000 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 392.19 215 Total BURTON & MAYER INC:392.19 BUSINESS CARD 122/21015 1 Invoice WI ARBORIST ASSC CONF 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 210.00 215 2733/21015 1 Invoice WI CHIEFS ASSC RENEWAL 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 100.00 215 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 3 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 2881/21015 1 Invoice BATTERY 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 21.00 1214 2881/21015 2 Invoice HEADLIGHT BULB 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 23.06 1214 2881/21015 3 Invoice SCIT MTG FOOD 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 17.95 215 4059/21015 1 Invoice EHLERS CONF 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 210.00 215 4059/21015 2 Invoice INTL ECON DEV EXAM 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 695.00 215 4059/21015 3 Invoice WEDA MEMBERSHIP DUES 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 325.00 215 4059/21015 4 Invoice ECON DEV MTLS 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 313.22 215 4059/21015 5 Invoice EHLERS CONF HOTEL 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 164.00 215 4059/21015 6 Invoice ACCESSLINE TOLL FREE #01/18/2015 02/06/2015 14.70 1214 5342/21015 1 Invoice MAINT/LIB 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 66.69 1214 5342/21015 2 Invoice MAINT/PD 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 211.00 215 5342/21015 3 Invoice MAINT/LIB 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 12.00 215 5678/21015 1 Invoice SCHOOL OUT SNACKS/2014 01/26/2015 02/06/2015 61.93 1214 5678/21015 2 Invoice WINDOW COVERING 01/26/2015 02/06/2015 175.50 215 5678/21015 3 Invoice REC SPECIALISTS WPRA JOB PO 01/26/2015 02/06/2015 75.00 215 6583/21015 1 Invoice PROMO/23266PR 12/29/2014 02/06/2015 77.21 1214 7266/21015 1 Invoice MISC SUPPLIES 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 116.07 1214 601. 7266/21015 2 Invoice BLDG SUPPLIES 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 75.77 215 601. 7266/21015 3 Invoice BLDG SUPPLIES 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 75.77 215 605. 7266/21015 4 Invoice SAFETY TRAINING SUPPLIES 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 25.04 215 601. 7266/21015 5 Invoice SAFETY TRAINING SUPPLIES 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 120.00 215 605. 7604/21015 1 Invoice CARHT/SHERPERS 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 89.99 1214 7604/21015 2 Invoice L/P JOHNNY'S 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 182.30 1214 7604/21015 3 Invoice L/P JOHNNY'S 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 80.90 1214 7604/21015 4 Invoice S HOOK & PAD 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 12.99 1214 7604/21015 5 Invoice MAILBOX MENARDS 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 241.77 215 7604/21015 6 Invoice RANGE OIL 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 164.04 215 7604/21015 7 Invoice T PART 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 6.61 215 8316/21015 1 Invoice JUV AUD VIS/23134JAV 12/24/2014 02/06/2015 10.05 215 8316/21015 2 Invoice PRINT/23257N 12/24/2014 02/06/2015 78.00 215 8316/21015 3 Invoice AUD VIS/23120AV 12/24/2014 02/06/2015 20.96 215 8316/21015 4 Invoice SUPPLIES 12/24/2014 02/06/2015 58.92 215 9391/21015 1 Invoice MONITORS 12/22/2014 02/06/2015 1,425.14 1214 410. 9391/21015 2 Invoice MONITOR MOUNTS 12/22/2014 02/06/2015 88.98 215 410. 9391/21015 3 Invoice MEMBERSHIP 12/22/2014 02/06/2015 50.00 215 Total BUSINESS CARD:5,696.56 BUSINESS CARD/BANK OF AMERICA , LISA 6481/21015 1 Invoice BINDERS/BATTERIES 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 90.08 1214 6481/21015 2 Invoice EVIDENCE BINDER 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 18.99 1214 6481/21015 3 Invoice DISPATCH CALENDER 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 19.76 215 6481/21015 4 Invoice SCIT MTG CUPS/WATER 01/18/2015 02/06/2015 13.14 215 Total BUSINESS CARD/BANK OF AMERICA , LISA:141.97 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC RR24813 1 Invoice Multi Display Stand 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 353.45 115 410. RT47279 1 Invoice Monitor Stand 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 79.66 115 RT65391 1 Invoice PrinterToner 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 59.51 115 RX23507 1 Invoice Radio Displays 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 2,290.38 115 410. RZ02687 1 Invoice Radio Power Bricks 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 54.63 115 410. Total CDW GOVERNMENT, INC:2,837.63 CHAVEZ, BEATRIZ CH21015 1 Invoice REFUND E-PAY ERROR #1.328465 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 53.55 215 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 4 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total CHAVEZ, BEATRIZ:53.55 CITY OF MUSKEGO 2212056 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/40 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 35.00 215 501. Total CITY OF MUSKEGO:35.00 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 71290212 1 Invoice 111.27T SALT 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 6,944.37 215 71290921 1 Invoice 108.99T SALT 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 6,802.07 215 71291652 1 Invoice 116.65T SALT 01/22/2015 02/10/2015 7,280.13 215 71294124 1 Invoice 90.37T SALT 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 5,640.00 215 Total COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA:26,666.57 COMPLETE OFFICE OF WIS 32190 1 Invoice Toner for Printer 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 187.50 215 32190 2 Invoice Legal Pads 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 5.29 215 33104 1 Invoice Office Supples - Date Stamp 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 16.10 215 33611 1 Invoice Return Address Stamp 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 25.06 215 33681 1 Invoice Dispatch Chair Repairs 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 68.40 215 Total COMPLETE OFFICE OF WIS:302.35 CONRARDY, DAVID & LAN 2195112/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/35 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 377.96 215 501. Total CONRARDY, DAVID & LAN:377.96 CORELOGIC REAL ESTATE TAX SRV 2174175 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 160.01 215 501. Total CORELOGIC REAL ESTATE TAX SRV:160.01 COWLING, MICHAEL CO21015 1 Invoice MEETING ATTENDANCE 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total COWLING, MICHAEL:70.00 CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING, INC 79399 1 Invoice DARE MTLS 11/28/2014 02/10/2015 603.88 1214 Total CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING, INC:603.88 DF TOMASINI, INC. 1905-153 1 Invoice SERVICE/QUIET WOOD 12/23/2014 02/10/2015 3,956.00 1214 605. Total DF TOMASINI, INC.:3,956.00 DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC. 195745 1 Invoice FSA FEES/JAN 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 247.57 215 196163 1 Invoice ANL ENROLLMENT FEE 01/22/2015 02/10/2015 100.00 215 Total DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC.:347.57 DIVERSIFIED TRUCK SRV INC 6308 1 Invoice OLD LOADER 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 600.00 215 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 5 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total DIVERSIFIED TRUCK SRV INC:600.00 DUNAHEE, STELLA DU21015 1 Invoice SEC SRV MEETING 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 246.00 215 Total DUNAHEE, STELLA:246.00 EAGLE MEDIA, INC. 00029773 1 Invoice Uniform Karfonta 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 54.08 215 29662/21015 1 Invoice UNIFORM/REBHOLZ 01/02/2015 02/10/2015 135.24 215 Total EAGLE MEDIA, INC.:189.32 ELLIOTT'S ACE HARDWARE 601005/21015 1 Invoice MANT/CH 01/31/2015 02/10/2015 15.12 215 601005/21015 2 Invoice MANT/LIB 01/31/2015 02/10/2015 160.35 215 601005/21015 3 Invoice MISC WTR SUPPLIES 01/31/2015 02/10/2015 2.80 215 605. 601005/21015 4 Invoice WTR METER SUPPLIES 01/31/2015 02/10/2015 94.91 215 601. Total ELLIOTT'S ACE HARDWARE:273.18 ENDRESS & HAUSER 6001707469 1 Invoice SCADA FLOW 12/22/2014 02/10/2015 1,311.30 1214 601. 6001709016/21 1 Invoice SHIPPING 12/31/2014 02/10/2015 8.22 1214 601. 6001713005 1 Invoice SCADA FLOW 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 1,478.46 215 601. Total ENDRESS & HAUSER:2,797.98 ENERGENECS INC. 0029642-IN 1 Invoice PUMP EP L/S 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 6,340.90 215 601. Total ENERGENECS INC.:6,340.90 FAUST COMPANY 6239 1 Invoice MERCURY DR ELEVATED TANK PI 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 34,000.00 215 605. Total FAUST COMPANY:34,000.00 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 0123095 1 Invoice GASKETS/MTRS 01/14/2015 02/10/2015 22.51 215 605. Total FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516:22.51 FIFIELD, DANIEL & SUSAN 2229992003/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 74.61 215 501. Total FIFIELD, DANIEL & SUSAN:74.61 FIRST SCRIBE 2465085 1 Invoice ROWAY WEB APPL 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 85.00 215 Total FIRST SCRIBE:85.00 FROEMMING, KEVIN & AMY 2200054/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 293.28 215 501. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 6 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total FROEMMING, KEVIN & AMY:293.28 FUHRMAN, RACHEL 2198045 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 54.92 215 501. Total FUHRMAN, RACHEL:54.92 GAGLIANELLO, NUNZIO & 2212083/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 47.56 215 501. Total GAGLIANELLO, NUNZIO &:47.56 GORDON, MICHAEL & KRISTIN 2228038/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/41 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 285.41 215 501. Total GORDON, MICHAEL & KRISTIN:285.41 GRAYBAR 96907663 1 Invoice BALLAST 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 130.90 215 Total GRAYBAR:130.90 GRIMME, RICHARD 2242989001/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 230.63 215 501. Total GRIMME, RICHARD:230.63 GUMMER, ANGELA 2223043 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 213.80 215 501. Total GUMMER, ANGELA:213.80 GUNN, KIMBERLY 76517 1 Invoice REFUND/VISION BOARD CLASS 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 27.00 215 Total GUNN, KIMBERLY:27.00 HALES CORNERS POLICE DEPT. HA21015 1 Invoice BOND/JACOB WOLF 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 98.80 215 Total HALES CORNERS POLICE DEPT.:98.80 HANNES, JOHN & LISA 2286971 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 4,436.55 215 501. 2286971001/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 257.43 215 501. Total HANNES, JOHN & LISA:4,693.98 HARTLAND POLICE DEPT HA21015 1 Invoice SCIT DUES/2013 01/01/2015 02/10/2015 4,000.00 215 Total HARTLAND POLICE DEPT:4,000.00 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD D437194 1 Invoice TIPPY STEM/HYDRANT REPAIR 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 688.34 215 605. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 7 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD:688.34 HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS HBS00504618 1 Invoice Firewall Maintenance 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 8,614.60 115 HBS00504618 2 Invoice Library Firewall Maintenance 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 1,136.60 115 Total HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS:9,751.20 HENRY M ADKINS & SONS INC 9167 1 Invoice ELECTION SIGNS 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 125.06 215 Total HENRY M ADKINS & SONS INC:125.06 HERR, ERIC & SHANNON HE21015 1 Invoice WEEDS/2204.106 12/31/2014 02/10/2015 90.00 1214 501. Total HERR, ERIC & SHANNON:90.00 HEUER, CANDACE 2192.999.002 1 Invoice LOTTERT CREDIT 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 116.92 215 501. Total HEUER, CANDACE:116.92 HIRSCH, JENNA 2189139 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/41 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 3,686.38 215 501. Total HIRSCH, JENNA:3,686.38 HO, DUNG & LYN PHAM 2258067/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 6,069.68 215 501. Total HO, DUNG & LYN PHAM:6,069.68 HUMMER BROS LANDSCAPING INC 2165987 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/37 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 195.72 215 501. Total HUMMER BROS LANDSCAPING INC:195.72 HUMPHREY SERVICE & PARTS 1168421 1 Invoice BEAD SEALER/TIRE LUBE 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 53.23 215 Total HUMPHREY SERVICE & PARTS:53.23 INLAND LEASING 58818877 1 Invoice CONTRACT PAY/FEB 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 116.82 215 Total INLAND LEASING:116.82 INTEGRATED TIME SYSTEMS 23007 1 Invoice TIME CARDS 01/19/2015 02/10/2015 25.88 215 23007 2 Invoice TIME CARDS 01/19/2015 02/10/2015 12.94 215 601. 23007 3 Invoice TIME CARDS 01/19/2015 02/10/2015 12.93 215 605. Total INTEGRATED TIME SYSTEMS:51.75 J.G. UNIFORMS INC 36045 1 Invoice Weapon accessories 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 79.05 215 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 8 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total J.G. UNIFORMS INC:79.05 JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC 582745 1 Invoice Copier ChGS/1/02-2/2/15 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 99.07 215 582747 1 Invoice COPIER MONTHLY CONTRACT C 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 164.68 115 583878 1 Invoice COPIES 1/3 MO CHG 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 11.91 215 583878 2 Invoice COPIES 1/3 MO CHG 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 11.92 215 601. 583878 3 Invoice COPIES 1/3 MO CHG 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 11.91 215 605. Total JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC:299.49 JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION MIL92150173 1 Invoice CLEANING/CH FEB 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 2,150.00 215 MIL92150173 3 Invoice CLEANING/PD FEB 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 1,728.00 215 MIL92150173 4 Invoice CLEANING/LIB FEB 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 3,049.00 215 MIL92150173 5 Invoice CLEANING/TOWN HALL FEB 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 363.00 215 MIL92150173 6 Invoice CLEANING/PK ARTHUR JAN 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 480.00 215 Total JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION:7,770.00 JANZ, JON & TAMMY 2175975001/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/41 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 610.18 215 501. Total JANZ, JON & TAMMY:610.18 JOHNSON, PATRICIA 2192086042/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 125.40 215 501. Total JOHNSON, PATRICIA:125.40 JOHNSTON, NATALIE JO021015 1 Invoice Johnston Boots Replacement 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 126.59 215 Total JOHNSTON, NATALIE:126.59 JSA CIVIL ENV ENGINEERS 2546 1 Invoice VEOLIA OVERSIGHT & AUDIT 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 4,490.29 215 Total JSA CIVIL ENV ENGINEERS:4,490.29 KANDZIORA, SCOTT & MICHELLE 2242027/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/39 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 560.95 215 501. Total KANDZIORA, SCOTT & MICHELLE:560.95 KIEFFER, ROLAND KI21015 1 Invoice MEETING ATTENDANCE 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total KIEFFER, ROLAND:70.00 KRUEGER, EDWARD KR21015 1 Invoice MAILBOX REIMB 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 50.00 215 Total KRUEGER, EDWARD:50.00 KUPHAL, MARK 2257081/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/41 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 167.62 215 501. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 9 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total KUPHAL, MARK:167.62 LAKESIDE INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 2077507P 1 Invoice CLAMP SEAL/#12 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 168.23 215 2077508P 1 Invoice PUMP/#14 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 423.53 215 2077579P 1 Invoice TRACK KIT/#15 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 124.35 215 2077581P 1 Invoice FILTER & KIT/#10 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 98.84 215 IB84879 1 Invoice PARTS 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 42.41 215 Total LAKESIDE INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS:857.36 LAMERS BUS LINES INC. 462927 1 Invoice preschool field trip 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 162.07 115 Total LAMERS BUS LINES INC.:162.07 LANGE ENTERPRISES 53406 1 Invoice HOUSE #'S & FRAMES 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 334.56 215 Total LANGE ENTERPRISES:334.56 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 9303011356 1 Invoice PARTS 01/16/2015 02/10/2015 153.29 215 Total LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC.:153.29 LINDEMER, JAMES & KAREN 2163166/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/34 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 298.72 215 501. Total LINDEMER, JAMES & KAREN:298.72 LUTZ, KRISTINE 21789200 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/43 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 287.24 215 501. Total LUTZ, KRISTINE :287.24 MACEJKOVIC, ZACHARY & BRIDGET SPARKS 2227988020/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/39 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 245.44 215 501. Total MACEJKOVIC, ZACHARY & BRIDGET SPARKS:245.44 MACHINE SERVICE, INC. 5250150016 1 Invoice PARTS/OLD 13 01/15/2015 02/10/2015 1,250.00 215 Total MACHINE SERVICE, INC.:1,250.00 MACIOSEK, SMANTHA MA021015 1 Invoice Restitution 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 100.00 215 Total MACIOSEK, SMANTHA:100.00 MAJORS, MIRANDA L MA021015 1 Invoice Witness Fees - Citation # P898158-2 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 29.80 215 Total MAJORS, MIRANDA L:29.80 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 10 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number MANOJLOVIC, DJURO & JASNA 2198108 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/39 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 210.58 215 501. Total MANOJLOVIC, DJURO & JASNA:210.58 MATEICKA, SR. DON MA21015 1 Invoice MEETING ATTENDANCE 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total MATEICKA, SR. DON:70.00 MCCOY, DUSTIN 2171128/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/18 12/29/2014 02/10/2015 382.72 1214 501. Total MCCOY, DUSTIN:382.72 MCGUIRE, TIMOTHY & MELISSA 2242058 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/34 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 185.96 215 501. Total MCGUIRE, TIMOTHY & MELISSA:185.96 MILLER, KATHI MI021015 1 Invoice clutter coach class instruction 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 132.00 115 Total MILLER, KATHI:132.00 MILLER, ROBERT & CHRISTA 2198079 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 192.86 215 501. Total MILLER, ROBERT & CHRISTA:192.86 MILW MET. SEWER DISTRICT 312-14 1 Invoice 4TH QTR LANDFILLS 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 5,961.47 215 601. Total MILW MET. SEWER DISTRICT:5,961.47 MINNESOTA LIFE INS. 2832L-G/21015 1 Invoice LIFE INS PREM/MAR 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 2,624.33 215 Total MINNESOTA LIFE INS.:2,624.33 MTAW MT21015 1 Invoice MEMBERSHIP/SHARON 02/06/2015 02/10/2015 50.00 215 Total MTAW:50.00 MURRAY, PAT MU21015 1 Invoice MEETING ATTENDANCE 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total MURRAY, PAT:70.00 MUSKEGO HEALTH CARE CENTER MU021015 1 Invoice JANESVILLE ROAD GRANT 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 3,000.00 115 Total MUSKEGO HEALTH CARE CENTER:3,000.00 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY - CHICAGO #12 51200939 1 Invoice BALANCE TIRES 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 3,369.95 215 51200939 2 Invoice BALANCE TIRES 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 1,684.97 215 601. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 11 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 51200939 3 Invoice BALANCE TIRES 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 1,684.97 215 605. Total MYERS TIRE SUPPLY - CHICAGO #12:6,739.89 NAPA AUTO PARTS/ #26 & 27 125716 1 Invoice PARTS/#23 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 4.00 215 601. 125716 2 Invoice PARTS/#23 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 3.99 215 605. 126120 1 Invoice CLAMP & HOSE 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 8.36 215 601. 126583 1 Invoice Generator Repair 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 8.67 215 126679 1 Invoice PARTS/#23 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 9.37 215 605. 126679 2 Invoice PARTS/#23 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 9.38 215 601. Total NAPA AUTO PARTS/ #26 & 27:43.77 NAULT, PATRICK & NICOLE LANOUE 2176088/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 183.62 215 501. Total NAULT, PATRICK & NICOLE LANOUE:183.62 NAVARRETE, DAN NA21015 1 Invoice MAILBOX REIMB 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 50.00 215 Total NAVARRETE, DAN:50.00 NITKA, MOLLY NI21015 1 Invoice REIMB GUN 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 250.00 215 Total NITKA, MOLLY:250.00 NOVOPRINT USA INC I-506460 1 Invoice AD IN CHAMBER BOOK 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 1,995.00 215 Total NOVOPRINT USA INC:1,995.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS 102330796 1 Invoice DOT TESTING 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 117.25 215 605. 102330796 2 Invoice DOT TESTING 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 117.25 215 601. Total OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS :234.50 OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT CORP. 0313244-IN 1 Invoice SAFETY GLASSES 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 55.36 215 601. Total OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT CORP.:55.36 OLSEN,RUSSELL 2174880/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/35 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 3,655.98 215 501. Total OLSEN,RUSSELL:3,655.98 OLSON, KAYLA L. OL021015 1 Invoice Witness Fees - Citation #I128528-1 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 8.90 215 Total OLSON, KAYLA L.:8.90 OLSON'S OUTDOOR POWER 49393 1 Invoice OIL CAP 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 7.26 215 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 12 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total OLSON'S OUTDOOR POWER:7.26 ONBASE 261986 1 Invoice SIRE Support 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 7,469.70 115 Total ONBASE:7,469.70 ONDRICKA, JASON ON21015 1 Invoice REIMB/MEALS EMD 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 22.13 215 Total ONDRICKA, JASON:22.13 ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT, INC 11296 1 Invoice LEON/ASSESSMENT 01/14/2015 02/10/2015 2,000.00 215 Total ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT, INC:2,000.00 PACKER FASTENER & SUPPLY 231526 1 Invoice PARTS/KUBOTA 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 8.89 215 Total PACKER FASTENER & SUPPLY:8.89 PAULUS, DAVID & TINA 2197056 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/34 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 4,159.34 215 501. Total PAULUS, DAVID & TINA:4,159.34 PERSONNEL EVALUATION INC 12274 1 Invoice Personnel Evaluation Program 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 257.50 215 Total PERSONNEL EVALUATION INC:257.50 PINKY ELECTRIC INC. 17262 1 Invoice Radio Electrical 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 769.00 115 410. Total PINKY ELECTRIC INC.:769.00 POLACK, JONATHAN 2174854/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/39 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 346.85 215 501. Total POLACK, JONATHAN:346.85 QUIGLEY, MICHAEL 2196094 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/40 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 1,198.11 215 501. Total QUIGLEY, MICHAEL:1,198.11 RACINE CNTY SHERIFFS DEPT RE21015 1 Invoice BOND/ALEXANDRIA SCHUBEL 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 512.90 215 Total RACINE CNTY SHERIFFS DEPT:512.90 RADTKE, GILBERT & DONNA 2161033/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/35 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 209.24 215 501. Total RADTKE, GILBERT & DONNA:209.24 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 13 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number RALPH'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIO INC 26253 1 Invoice BLOWER/TOWN HALL 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 136.58 215 Total RALPH'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIO INC:136.58 RC GRAPHICS 22062 1 Invoice Routing Sheets Printed 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 89.00 215 Total RC GRAPHICS:89.00 REBHOLZ, KATIE RE21015 1 Invoice REIMB/MEALS EMD 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 11.01 215 Total REBHOLZ, KATIE:11.01 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR 00W59262 1 Invoice Mesich/Constantineau Uniforms 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 433.65 215 OB188988 1 Invoice PANTS/SIMUNCAK 01/09/2015 02/10/2015 75.95 215 OOW59188 1 Invoice SWEATER/RAICHE 01/09/2015 02/10/2015 90.95 215 OOW59191 1 Invoice NOTEBOOK HOLDER/RAICHE 01/09/2015 02/10/2015 20.60 215 Total RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR:621.15 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/CH 21990/21015 1 Invoice SUPPLIES/CH 01/02/2015 02/10/2015 17.95 215 21990/21015 2 Invoice CABLE TIE SET 01/02/2015 02/10/2015 9.97 215 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/CH:27.92 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PW 22000/21015 1 Invoice PAINT & SUPPLIES 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 212.39 1214 22000/21015 2 Invoice MAILBOX SUPPLIES 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 7.79 215 22000/21015 3 Invoice LIFT SUPPLIES 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 19.85 215 22000/21015 4 Invoice LIFT SUPPLIES 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 9.93 215 601. 22000/21015 5 Invoice LIFT SUPPLIES 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 9.92 215 605. 22000/21015 6 Invoice SUPPLIES/PICNIC TABLES 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 176.59 215 22000/21015 7 Invoice SHOP SUPPLIES MISC 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 73.11 215 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PW:509.58 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/UTI 25000/21015 1 Invoice UT KNIFE ETC 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 31.43 1214 601. 25000/21015 2 Invoice EPI L/S 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 27.98 215 601. 25000/21015 3 Invoice CONNECTORS 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 12.98 215 601. 25000/21015 4 Invoice LAKE L/S 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 2.98 215 601. 25000/21015 5 Invoice STORAGE BOXES 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 34.95 215 601. 25000/21015 6 Invoice THERMO FILTER 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 70.72 215 605. Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/UTI:181.04 RUEKERT & MIELKE INC 110095 1 Invoice ELEVATED TANK 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 2,006.68 1214 605. 110095 2 Invoice MMSD 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 4,761.25 1214 601. 110095 3 Invoice SCADA/SWR 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 266.00 1214 601. 110095 4 Invoice SCADA/WTR 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 266.00 1214 605. 110095 5 Invoice SCADA 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 1,379.20 1214 601. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 14 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total RUEKERT & MIELKE INC:8,679.13 RUPP,EDWARD 2229993001/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 206.83 215 501. Total RUPP,EDWARD:206.83 RYTKONEN, ROBIN M 2162040 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 150.10 215 501. Total RYTKONEN, ROBIN M:150.10 SAFEWAY PEST MANAGEMENT INC. 486039 1 Invoice MTHLY PEST CONTROL 01/19/2015 02/10/2015 35.00 215 Total SAFEWAY PEST MANAGEMENT INC.:35.00 SCHOENECK, DOUGLAS & MONICA 2168103 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/36 01/27/2015 02/10/2015 176.70 215 501. Total SCHOENECK, DOUGLAS & MONICA:176.70 SCHULZ, WILLI & JUDITH 2202022 1 Invoice MAILBOX REIMB 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 50.00 215 Total SCHULZ, WILLI & JUDITH:50.00 SCHWANZ, CHRISTOPHER & LORI 2281117/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/34 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 228.39 215 501. Total SCHWANZ, CHRISTOPHER & LORI:228.39 SCHWEITZER, HARVEY SC21015 1 Invoice MEMBER ATTENDANCE 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total SCHWEITZER, HARVEY:70.00 SCHWUST, MELVIN SC21015 1 Invoice MAILBOX REIMB 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 50.00 215 Total SCHWUST, MELVIN:50.00 SHARON, ERIC & JESSICA 2204077 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/35 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 389.45 215 501. Total SHARON, ERIC & JESSICA:389.45 SLOCOMB, MARK SL21015 1 Invoice MEETING ATTENDANCE 2/2/1 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total SLOCOMB, MARK:70.00 SNYDER, SUE SA21015 1 Invoice MAILBOX REIMB 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 50.00 215 Total SNYDER, SUE:50.00 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 15 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES 98842 1 Invoice FLASHLIGHT/KRAUS 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 154.98 215 98853 1 Invoice PLAIN CLOTHES EQUIP/SIMUNCA 01/24/2015 02/10/2015 124.97 215 98856 1 Invoice HOLSTER/NITKA 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 99.99 215 98863 1 Invoice Lynkiewicz Flashlight 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 144.99 215 Total SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES:524.93 ST. FRANCIS POLICE DEPT ST21015 1 Invoice BOND/TRACEY MARTIN 02/01/2015 02/10/2015 114.00 215 Total ST. FRANCIS POLICE DEPT:114.00 STATE OF WISCONSIN ST21015 1 Invoice PILT 2014 PAYM 02/06/2015 02/10/2015 460.08 215 Total STATE OF WISCONSIN:460.08 TDS CO LLP 2167007005/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 513.07 215 501. Total TDS CO LLP:513.07 THEEL, JANIS TH21015 1 Invoice REIMB/BLOOD DRIVE 02/06/2015 02/10/2015 33.10 215 Total THEEL, JANIS:33.10 TIME WARNER CABLE 701507560/210 1 Invoice WAN ETHERNET CONNECTION C 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 180.00 215 701507560/210 2 Invoice DEDICATED INTERNET CIRCUIT 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 927.74 215 Total TIME WARNER CABLE:1,107.74 TOTAL ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 254918 1 Invoice RADIATOR ASSY L/S 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 1,846.27 215 601. TOTAL ENERGY SYSTEMS INC:1,846.27 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE 911461-02011 1 Invoice Phone Number/SSN Investigation 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 1.50 215 Total TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE:1.50 TRIEBOLD OUTDOOR POWER LLC IC16992 1 Invoice PARTS/KUBOTA 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 149.12 215 Total TRIEBOLD OUTDOOR POWER LLC:149.12 VERIZON WIRELESS 9738627983 1 Invoice Police Cellular 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 149.24 115 Total VERIZON WIRELESS:149.24 VIDOVIC, NIKOLA VI21015 1 Invoice MAILBOX REIMB 02/02/2015 02/10/2015 50.00 215 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 16 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total VIDOVIC, NIKOLA:50.00 VITAS, JONATHAN 2257058 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/34 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 5,600.62 215 501. Total VITAS, JONATHAN:5,600.62 WAUK CNTY WA021015 1 Invoice REGISTER OF DEEDS RECORDIN 02/06/2015 02/10/2015 60.00 215 507. Total WAUK CNTY:60.00 WAUK CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT WA21015 1 Invoice BOND/WALTER GREBE 01/24/2015 02/10/2015 336.50 215 Total WAUK CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT:336.50 WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS & LAND USE DEPT WA21015 1 Invoice MEETING ATTENDANCE 2/2/15 02/05/2015 02/10/2015 70.00 215 Total WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS & LAND USE DEPT:70.00 WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER 2014-0000264 1 Invoice DEC 2014 INMATE BILLING 12/31/2014 02/10/2015 78.12 1214 2015-0000009 1 Invoice Trunked Radio Contract 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 1,556.00 215 WA21015 1 Invoice TRUCK RADIO/2015 02/06/2015 02/10/2015 23,634.00 215 Total WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER:25,268.12 WE ENERGIES 0000-020-164/1 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/CH 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 1,930.19 1214 0000-020-164/2 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PD 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 2,465.80 1214 0000-020-164/3 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/ST LTS 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 3,909.22 1214 0000-020-164/4 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/SALT SHED 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 21.78 1214 0000-020-164/5 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/IND PK LTS 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 691.35 1214 0000-020-164/6 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/LT LK DAM 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 20.89 1214 0000-020-164/7 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/GARG 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 1,023.94 1214 0000-020-164/9 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/SWR 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 511.96 1214 601. 0000-020-164/10 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/WTR 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 511.96 1214 605. 0000-020-164/11 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PKS 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 516.86 1214 0000-020-164/12 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PKS GARG 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 217.48 1214 0000-020-164/13 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/ST LTS TESS 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 280.64 1214 0000-020-164/14 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/COMM CNTR 12/19/2014 02/05/2015 31.29 1214 0000-020-351/1 Invoice GROUP WELLS/2014 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 8,415.65 1214 605. 0000-021-027/1 Invoice GAS & ELEC L/S 01/23/2015 02/05/2015 10,450.25 1214 601. 00021134/2101 1 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/CH 12/26/2014 02/05/2015 851.84 1214 00021134/2101 2 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PD 12/26/2014 02/05/2015 836.59 1214 00021134/2101 3 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/GARG 50%12/26/2014 02/05/2015 1,411.65 1214 00021134/2101 4 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/SWR 12/26/2014 02/05/2015 705.82 1214 601. 00021134/2101 5 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/WTR 12/26/2014 02/05/2015 705.82 1214 605. 00021134/2101 6 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PKS 12/26/2014 02/05/2015 499.31 1214 00021134/2101 7 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PKS GARG 12/26/2014 02/05/2015 431.84 1214 0263-955-013/1 Invoice W13440 JANES/SIGN LT 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 28.90 215 0461-908-752/1 Invoice BOXHORN OUT BLDG 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 43.47 215 0650-659-591/1 Invoice S7795 PIONEER/ST LT 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 242.99 215 1210375582/21 1 Invoice RANGE 01/01/2015 02/10/2015 38.46 215 1222-851-033 1 Invoice WELL 9/GAS & ELEC 01/23/2015 02/10/2015 1,259.92 215 605. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 17 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 2288-776-743/1 Invoice W15913 JANES/ST LT 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 550.93 215 4277-310/008/1 Invoice W17007 JANES/ST LT 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 805.81 215 5271-186-125/1 Invoice SLED HILL 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 40.04 215 5499-564-961/1 Invoice GROUP GAS/LIB 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 3,057.16 215 5499-564-961/2 Invoice GROUP ELEC/LIB 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 3,871.58 215 5499-564-961/3 Invoice GROUP GAS & ELEC/HIST 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 594.60 215 5499-564-961/4 Invoice GROUP GAS & ELEC/ADDL POLE 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 13.50 215 5499-564-961/5 Invoice GROUP GAS & ELEC/ARCH 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 31.50 215 5499-564-961/6 Invoice GROUP GAS & ELEC/FOUNT 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 61.20 215 5499-564-961/7 Invoice GROUP GAS & ELEC/PAVILON 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 43.33 215 5499-564-961/8 Invoice GROUP GAS & ELEC/AREA LTS 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 114.20 215 5499-564-961/9 Invoice GROUP GAS & ELEC/VET PKS 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 64.01 215 6684-374-692/1 Invoice COLLEGE/ARTHUR 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 446.92 215 7202-321-889/1 Invoice MOORLAND ST LT 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 513.92 215 7613-832-186/1 Invoice 3 BB FIELDS 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 138.94 215 7652-884-955/1 Invoice W16446 JANES/ST LT 01/28/2015 02/10/2015 565.13 215 8695-949-170/1 Invoice SHOOT HOUSE 01/20/2015 02/10/2015 35.12 215 9495-306-298/1 Invoice RYAN L/S 2014 01/22/2015 02/10/2015 23.47 1214 601. Total WE ENERGIES:49,027.23 WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 312967 1 Invoice ACETYLENE/OXYGEN 01/19/2015 02/10/2015 33.85 215 313557 1 Invoice OXYGEN 01/22/2015 02/10/2015 103.30 215 Total WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY:137.15 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE - TIME T18338 1 Invoice BADGER NET/TIME SYSTEM 2015 01/21/2015 02/10/2015 9,594.00 215 T18658/21015 1 Invoice QTLY CHGS/1/1-3/31/15 01/25/2015 02/10/2015 300.00 215 Total WI DEPT OF JUSTICE - TIME:9,894.00 WIS DNR 221488828 1 Invoice REGISTRATION/ATV 02/03/2015 02/10/2015 5.00 215 Total WIS DNR:5.00 WISCONSIN BUILDING INSPECTION, LLP 135 1 Invoice JANUARY PERMITS & INSPECTIO 02/04/2015 02/10/2015 8,431.85 215 Total WISCONSIN BUILDING INSPECTION, LLP:8,431.85 YEAGER TRUST, ROBERT J 2163146/21015 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/34 01/26/2015 02/10/2015 625.98 215 501. Total YEAGER TRUST, ROBERT J:625.98 ZUBEK, ROBERT & DOREEN 2218020001/21 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/38 01/29/2015 02/10/2015 198.08 215 501. Total ZUBEK, ROBERT & DOREEN:198.08 ZUERN BUILDING PRODUCTS INC 129859 1 Invoice PICNIC TABLE WOOD 01/07/2015 02/10/2015 125.60 215 131670 1 Invoice PLYWOOD 01/30/2015 02/10/2015 83.39 215 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 18 Report dates: 1/29/2015-2/10/2015 Feb 06, 2015 11:48AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total ZUERN BUILDING PRODUCTS INC:208.99 Grand Totals: 346,080.78 Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments"