COMMON COUNCIL Packet - 12/9/2014 CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA December 9, 2014 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Reso. #097-2014 - Honoring Eagle Scout Alex Ciepluch PUBLIC COMMENT City Residents and Taxpayers Only – Speakers will be limited to making comments related to all agenda items excluding closed session items relating to employment and labor issues. Comments will be limited to two minutes per speaker per agenda item. There will be no discussion by/with the Common Council during Public Comment. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under consent agenda will be approved in one motion without discussion unless any Council member requests that an item be removed for individual discussion. That item then can be acted on separately at the same meeting under the part of the meeting it would normally appear. Approval of Operator Licenses Approval of Minutes - October 28 and November 11, 2014 Reso. #098-2014 - Approval of Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for Assessment Services Reso. #099-2014 - Approval of Spectrum Watertower Holdings Developer's Agreement Reso. #100-2014 - Approval of Preliminary Plat for the Aster Hill Estates Subdivision Reso. #101-2014 - Approval of WE Energies Easement on the Moorland Road Water Tower Property Reso. #102-2014 - Dedication and Acceptance of Public Improvements in and for St. Andrews Village Phases I and II and Release of Cash Deposit Reso. #103-2014 - Reduction in Letter of Credit for Belle Chasse Phase III (aka Addition #2) Reso. #104-2014 - Approval of Extension of Boxhorn Warehouse Lease Agreement Approve Acquisition Contracts and Authorize Signatures for Budget Approved Common Council Agenda 2 December 9, 2014 Expenditures Over $50,000 - AIS Software CLOSED SESSION Please take notice that following Communications and Miscellaneous Business, the Common Council will convene, upon passage of the proper motion, into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Sections 19.85 (1) (c) (f) and (g) to discuss the department structure and performance of specific employees in the Parks and Recreation Department in light of possible budgetary options in those areas. OPEN SESSION NEW BUSINESS Reso. #105-2014 - Resolution to Create the Recreation Department and Approve Job Description for Recreation Manager Reso. #106-2014 - Resolution Confirming the Selection of Recreation Manager for the City of Muskego UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ord. #1392 - An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 28, Sections 28.04 (17) (b) and (c) and Section 28.05 (4) (e), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Cross Connection Inspections). Second Reading. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - November 11, 2014 Plan Commission - November 4, 2014 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES AND POSSIBLE SECOND READING IF RULES WAIVED Ord. #1393 - An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 1, Section 1.09, of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Elections) (Request rules be waived due to election time frame.) LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of Six-Month "Class B" Retailer's License - The Brick House Bar and Grill, S64 W18295 Martin Drive VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Tax Vouchers General Fund Vouchers Wire Transfers for Debt Service Common Council Agenda 3 December 9, 2014 Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW City Calendar: http://www.cityofmuskego.org/Calendar.aspx FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. OPERATOR LICENSE APPROVALS COMMON COUNCIL – 12/09/2014 Chad Dega Theresa Hougum Christopher Jones S/CityHall/Licenses/Oper Lic Approval Lists/2014.doc Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 2014 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Aldermen Wolfe, Hammel, Borgman, Di Pronio, Engelhardt, Kubacki and Madden. Also present: Department of Finance and Administration Director Mueller, City Engineer Simpson and Community Development Director Muenkel. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Ms. Mueller stated that the meeting was properly noticed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Reso. #083-2014 - Resolution of Appreciation Regarding Donation by Keith Hammitt Alderman Madden made a motion to approve Reso. #083-2014 - Resolution of Appreciation Regarding Donation by Keith Hammitt. Alderman Engelhardt seconded. Mayor Chiaverotti presented the resolution to the artist, Shelly Bird. Mr. Hammit could not be present. Proclamation - Muskego's 50th Anniversary The Mayor read a Proclamation for the City's 50th Anniversary. The Task Force has organized a breakfast to celebrate the anniversary, which will be held on Sunday, November 9. She thanked Tracy De Angelis for serving on the Task Force. PUBLIC COMMENT The following individuals spoke regarding Ordinance #1391:  Butch LeDoux, S67 W14593 Janesville Road  Terrance Sindic, W161 S7380 Daisy Drive  Anthony Case, S67 W14732 Janesville Road  Harry Swanto on behalf of Muskego Health Care Center, S77 W18690 Janesville Road  Colleen Peaslee, W184 S7735 Kelly Drive  K. Baas, S67 W14681 Janesville Road  Gordon Kirchoff, S67 W14746 Janesville Road  Mark Oliver, S75 W17674 Harbor Circle  Curtis Doane, S77 W18359 Janesville Road Common Council Minutes 2 October 28, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING Ms. Mueller read the notice to consider the petition of Briohn Building Corporation to grant a rezoning from BP-1 - Business and Office Park Support District to BP-3 - Business Park District for the purpose of expanding business development opportunities on site for Tax Key Number 2169.993.005. The 2020 Comprehensive Plan already identifies this area for Business Park uses. Mr. Muenkel stated the parcel is located in Moorland Commerce Center West along Moorland Road just north of the GE Healthcare Building. The 2020 Comprehensive Plan identifies the area as business park use; no amendment would be required. The petitioner is requesting the rezoning to allow a 60,000 multi-tenant building. The proposed rezoning will be at the November 4 Plan Commission meeting along with approval for the Building, Site and Operation Plan. No one was present who came forward to speak. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under consent agenda will be approved in one motion without discussion unless any Council member requests that an item be removed for individual discussion. That item then can be acted on separately at the same meeting under the part of the meeting it would normally appear. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the items under Consent Agenda. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Approval of Operator Licenses for Jennifer Lavery, Peter Saggio and Susan Triggs. Reso. #084-2014 - Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Approve Vouchers Reso. #090-2014 - Resolution Approving a Customer Diversification Assessment Grant Program Reso. #091-2014 - Authorizing Street Name Change NEW BUSINESS Reso. #085-2014 - Approval of 2015 General Fund Operating Budget and Tax Levy Alderman Hammel stated he does not support this budget; we can do better. Alderman Kubacki stated the tax rate actually went down with services not being affected. Adequate reserves are needed so the City's bond rating can be maintained. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve Reso. #085-2014 - Approval of 2015 General Fund Operating Budget and Tax Levy. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor 2 opposed (Wolfe and Hammel). Reso. #086-2014 - Approval of 2015 Capital Budget Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve Reso. #086-2014 - Approval of 2015 Common Council Minutes 3 October 28, 2014 Capital Budget. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor 2 opposed (Wolfe and Hammel). Reso. #087-2014 - Approval of 2015 Sewer Utility Budget and Rates Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Reso. #087-2014 - Approval of 2015 Sewer Utility Budget and Rates. Alderman Di Pronio seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Reso. #088-2014 - Approval of 2015 Water Utility Budget and Rates Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Reso. #088-2014 - Approval of 2015 Water Utility Budget and Rates. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Reso. #089-2014 - Resolution of Necessity (Mainus & Minkley) Mr. Muenkel stated that the CDA has been working to find new redevelopment opportunities along Pioneer Drive. The CDA recommended the possible acquisition of two parcels adjacent to a City owned lot on Pioneer Drive. The property owners (Mainus and Minkely) were present and have expressed interest in the proposal. If the City wishes to pursue the purchase, the process outlined by State Statutes must be followed. Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity authorizes the City to begin the appraisal and negotiation process. The Mayor suggested sending the issue back to the CDA. Alderman Madden moved to send the item back to the Community Development Authority. Alderman Engelhardt seconded. Motion passed 7 in favor. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ord. #1389 - An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 14, Section 1.5 (2), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Floodplain Zoning Ordinance - Official Map and Revisions). Second Reading. Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve Ord. #1389 - An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 14, Section 1.5 (2), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Floodplain Zoning Ordinance - Official Map and Revisions). Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - September 23, 2014 Parks & Recreation Board - September 8, 2014 Public Works Committee - September 15, 2014 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES AND POSSIBLE SECOND READING IF RULES WAIVED Ord. #1390 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Briohn Building Common Council Minutes 4 October 28, 2014 Corporation - BP-1 to BP-3) Ord. #1391 - An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 8 of the the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Sidewalk Maintenance) Mr. Simpson stated there are factors that define what a sidewalk is. One is width. Typically anything over 5' is a recreational trail. However, the City does have some sidewalks that are wider. The sidewalks on Janesville Road are defined as such by state law because they run parallel to the roadway and are located on both sides. The only sidewalks in the City are located on Janesville and a portion of Pioneer. The City has to clear them (within three weeks) or pass the responsibility along to the property owners. After considerable discussion, the consensus was to have the Department of Public Works clear the sidewalks (within the three-week timeframe). Mr. Simpson noted that the type of equipment that would be required would have to be researched. Alderman Borgman moved to waive the rules so the ordinance could have a second reading. Alderman Di Pronio seconded. Motion carried 7 in favor. Alderman Engelhardt made a motion to adopt Ord. #1391 - An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (Sidewalk Maintenance). Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Failed 7 in favor. LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of New Agent (Jeremy Walters) for Class "A" License held by Kwik Trip Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the new agent, Jeremy Walters, for Class "A" License held by Kwik Trip. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $368,493.43. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Tax Vouchers in the amount of $190.15. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $431,493.26. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Common Council Minutes 5 October 28, 2014 Motion Passed 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Debt Service Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Debt Service in the amount of $116,575.96. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals in the amount of $378,620.73. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Madden made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Minutes transcribed by Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk. Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES November 11, 2014 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti, Aldermen Madden, Kubacki, Engelhardt, Di Pronio, Borgman, and Hammel. Absent: Alderman Wolfe. Also present: Community Development Director Jeff Muenkel and Recording Secretary Kellie McMullen. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws on November 7, 2014. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Chiaverotti acknowledged that today is Veteran's Day and thanked all veterans for their service. The American Legion dedicated a brick today at Old Town Hall in honor of the City's 50th Annviersay and the local veterans. Mayor Chiaverotti thanked the election clerks on a smooth election process. Mayor Chiaverotti noted the City's official 50th Anniversary was Sunday November 9th and was celebrated with a well-attended pancake breakfast. Mayor thanked the Task Force for the 50th Anniversary led by Tracy DeAngelis, the businesses and local organizations for their support, staff members, youth groups from Whitnall and Muskego, and the Aldermen. PUBLIC COMMENT City Residents and Taxpayers Only – Speakers will be limited to making comments related to all agenda items excluding closed session items relating to employment and labor issues. Comments will be limited to two minutes per speaker per agenda item. There will be no discussion by/with the Common Council during Public Comment. The following individuals registered to speak:  Debra Bolton, W186 S7543 Kingston Drive  Suzi Link, W172 S7297 Lannon Drive  Jon Lemke, S75 W18104 & 08 Boszhardt Lane  David Taube, S75 W18687 Kingston Drive  Robert Harvey, S73 W14275 Woods Road  Jim & Heidi Lindhorst, Boszhardt Lane  Lorie Oliver, S75 W17674 Harbor Circle Common Council Minutes 2 November 11, 2014 CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under consent agenda will be approved in one motion without discussion unless any Council member requests that an item be removed for individual discussion. That item then can be acted on separately at the same meeting under the part of the meeting it would normally appear. Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the consent agenda engross. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Approval of Operator Licenses Reso. #092-2014 - Proceedings by the Common Council of the City of Muskego to Discontinue and Vacate a Road Right-of-Way in the City of Muskego, Wisconsin (Wauer Lane) Reso. #093-2014 - Dedication and Acceptance of Public Improvements in and for Tudor Oaks Retirement Community and Release of Cash Deposit Reso. #094-2014 - Approval of Certified Survey Map - Commerce Drive Reso. #095-2014 - Approval of Quit Claim Deed - Muskego Commerce Center Approve Acquisition Contracts and Authorize Signatures for Budget Approved Expenditures Over $50,000 - DPW Multi-purpose Machine to be Used Primarily for Snow Removal NEW BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ord. #1385 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Ener-Con Companies, Inc. - RL-3 to PD-14 and PD-14 Amendment). On the floor and deferred 10/14/2014. Plan Commission Recommendation November 4, 2014. Director Muenkel explained Plan Commission, at the last meeting, recommended approval of this item and Attorney Larson has drafted an amended ordinance with changes reflecting Plan Commission's stipulations and contingencies. Director Muenkel and City Attorney Eric Larson discussed the protest petition that was filed by Jim and Heidi Lindhorst with Council members. They explained, based on staff and City Attorney opinion, it does not meet the statutes and ordinances and is not a valid petition to require a super majority vote. Ald. Borgman expressed the following concerns with amending PD-14:  The Developer's Agreement allows 74 condo units and states buildings will be no bigger than 6 units each and the proposed building is 12 units  Contradicts the intent of the western property being single family homes  Tax bills are being paid on less property than being calculated  Public Launch will be required by the DNR  Violates the 2020 Comprehensive Plan by placing high density in a medium density area Common Council Minutes 3 November 11, 2014 Director Muenkel clarified the following:  The Developer's Agreement specific for Bay Breeze included the 74 units and 6 unit buildings, which applied to Bay Breeze not the western portion. The Developer's Agreement of 1992 allows for 7 single family homes to the west and the mixed use facility was replaced with 10 single family homes.  There is existing/underlying zoning in place but Council has the opportunity to change it.  A public launch is not required for this area as public access exists less than a 1/2 mile away already.  The 2020 Comp Plan is based on overall density per unit, and is not single family or multi family specific. The Plan Commission recommendation was based on the density per gross acreage. The Comp Plan separates out Bay Breeze as high density and the rest as medium. Ald. Kubacki stated he looks at this development as Bay Breeze is completely separate, while including the DJ property. Ald. Kubacki reviewed the 2020 Comp Plan and feels there is an opportunity for change and growth according to the plan. Believes this plan meets the City and Comp Plan requirements and feels this plan is a win for the City. Ald. Hammel expressed concerns with this development. He stated the Bay Breeze condos are already maxed out with 74 units. This development is using the eastern property for density but it's not being developed. The common areas are not centralized on the property and all the units are on one half of the property. Mayor Chiaverotti explained that is the purpose of a Planned Development and has been done in other areas of the city. Ald. Hammel stated he doesn't feel this development meets the spirit of intent of the codes. Ald. Hammel made a motion to call the question. Ald. Madden seconded. Motion passed 6-0. Alderman Madden made a motion to approve Ord. #1385 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Ener-Con Companies, Inc. - RL-3 to PD-14 and PD-14 Amendment) as presented. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 4 in favor 2 opposed. Ald. Hammel and Ald. Borgman voted no. Ord. #1390 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Briohn Building Corporation - BP-1 to BP-3). Second Reading. Plan Commission Recommendation - November 4, 2014. Alderman Madden made a motion to approve Ord. #1390 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (Briohn Building Corporation - BP-1 to BP- 3). Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - October 14, 2014 Plan Commission - October 7, 2014 Common Council Minutes 4 November 11, 2014 LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of New Agent (Edward Rupp) for "Class B" License held by K & E, Inc. d/b/a Mug Z's Pub & Grill, W194 S7060 Hillendale Drive Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve of New Agent (Edward Rupp) for "Class B" License held by K & E, Inc. d/b/a Mug Z's Pub & Grill, W194 S7060 Hillendale Drive. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount $88,144.04. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Tax Vouchers General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $922,709.12. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Wire Transfers for Debt Service Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals in the amount of $332,601.85. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS City Calendar: http://www.cityofmuskego.org/Calendar.aspx COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Alderman Madden made a motion to adjourn at 8:23 PM. Alderman Engelhardt seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #098-2014 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FOR ASSESSMENT SERVICES (January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017) WHEREAS, With adoption of the 2015 operating budget, the Common Council determined that the City’s assessment services should be provided by Tyler Technologies, Inc., Appraisal & Tax Division (CLT); and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached agreement and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for assessment services. DATED THIS DAY OF 2014. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #098-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 12/14jmb City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED ........................................................................................ 2 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................. 2 3. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT .............................................................................................. 2 4. COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................. 3 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR ..................................................................................... 4 6. OWNERSHIP OF DATA ................................................................................................... 5 7. PURPOSE/USE OF APPRAISALS ................................................................................... 5 8. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE ....................................................................... 5 9. FORCE MAJEURE ............................................................................................................ 7 10. EMPLOYMENT LAWS .................................................................................................... 8 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ............................................................................................... 8 12. PROJECT PERSONNEL.................................................................................................... 8 13. SUBCONTRACTS ............................................................................................................. 9 14. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT ................................................................................... 9 15. GOVERNING LAW ........................................................................................................... 9 16. CONFLICT ....................................................................................................................... 10 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ................................................................................................... 10 18. SEVERABILITY .............................................................................................................. 10 19. TERMINATION ............................................................................................................... 10 20. NOTICES .......................................................................................................................... 11 SIGNATURE PAGE .........................................................................................................12 SCHEDULE A (Annual Assessment Services to be Provided) SCHEDULE B (Revaluation Services) SCHEDULE C (Time and Material Rates) City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 1 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is by and between the City of Muskego, located in the State of Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as “the City," AND Tyler Technologies Inc., Appraisal & Tax Division (CLT), a corporation formed under the laws of the State of Delaware and qualified to do business in the State of Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as " the Company," W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Company has experience in the design, development, and implementation of data processing systems and programs as they relate to mass appraisal techniques; and WHEREAS, the Company has served county and municipal governments in the mass appraisal field for over seventy-five years; and WHEREAS, the City desires to utilize said services; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that the Company shall provide the professional services contained in Schedule A (Annual Assessment Services to be Provided), Schedule B (Revaluation Services) and Schedule C (Additional Services) during the period of this Agreement as specified in Article 3 below. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 2 1. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The Company shall provide to the City in a professional and workmanlike manner, all of those services stipulated in Schedule A (Annual Assessment Services to be Provided), Schedule B (Revaluation Services) and Schedule C (Additional Services) the Company shall be responsible for the scheduling of personnel as categorized in Schedules A and B. The Company will perform all Assessor duties for the City during the term of this Agreement. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS This Agreement and Schedules A, B and C comprise the Contract documents. 3. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall run from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017. The Company's time of performance of the Agreement is conditioned upon the performance of the City responsibilities contained in Schedule A, 2.0 SUPPORT OF ASSESSMENT SERVICES BY THE CITY , and upon the nonoccurrence of an act of God or other cause or causes beyond the Company's control, but occurrence of any such event should not relieve the Company from full performance, but shall entitle the Company to a mutually agreed to reasonable extension of the completion date, waiver of penalty provisions and/or reasonable increase in the fee to be paid the Company, should such occurrence materially increase the degree of difficulty of project execution. If the City fails to make timely deliveries of such information or access, the Company's City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 3 obligation to perform the services provided in this Agreement shall be suspended until such deliveries are made. 4. COMPENSATION As compensation for the Company providing the professional services contained in Schedule A: The City shall pay the Company a fee of SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($79,000.00) for these assessment services for the period of January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. The City shall pay the Company a fee of EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($80,000.00) for these assessment services for the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. The City shall pay the Company a fee of EIGHTY-ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($81,500.00) for these assessment services for the period of January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. As compensation for the Company providing the revaluation services contained in Schedule B: City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 4 The City shall pay the Company a fee of FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($53,500.00) for these revaluation services for the period of October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. For Schedules A and B, invoices shall be submitted at the beginning of each month based upon percent of work completed and not upon the whole value of any part of the value of the contract. Payments will be made within thirty (30) days of submittal to the City. Failure of the City to make payment when due shall entitle the Company, in addition to its other rights and remedies, to suspend, temporarily, further performance of this Agreement without liability. The City shall have the right to inspect the progress of the work at any reasonable time, including without limitation, inspection of data completed by the Company. Additional compensation that may be due the Company as a result of additional services requested by the City in writing that are beyond the scope of services of this Agreement will be invoiced in the month subsequent to the month in which the services were provided. Article 1.0 of Schedule C provides a schedule of Time and Material Rates that would apply to services that are beyond the Scope of Services. 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The relationship of the Company to the City shall be that of an independent contractor and no principal-agent or employer-employee relationship is created by this Agreement. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 5 6. OWNERSHIP OF DATA Data collected is the property of the City. Data used by the Company in the services contemplated herein shall remain the property of the City and no use or copying shall be made thereof beyond that listed in this Agreement without the written permission of the City. 7. PURPOSE/USE OF APPRAISALS The Company by virtue of this Agreement is contracted to provide certain services and recommendations of value to the City which are intended for exclusive use as recommendation of value for determinations of assessment for ad valorem tax purposes. Any use other than that stated above is not authorized nor intended, and most specifically excluded, is an opinion of value used for federally related real estate transactions or other mortgage lending purposes. 8. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Except as provided below, the Company agrees to defend and save harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees against all claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recovery, and judgments of every kind and description arising out of the performance of this Agreement, for the personal injury or property damage brought or recovered against it by reason of any negligent action or omission of the Company, its agents, or employees and with respect to the degree to which the City is free from negligence on the part of itself, its employees or agents. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 6 Neither party shall be liable to the other for consequential, indirect or incidental damages, including, but not limited to, loss of tax revenue or claims related to valuation of property, whether based in contract, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise. In any event, the Company's liability for damages (except for damage to real or personal property or personal injury as provided above) under any theory of liability or form of action including negligence shall not exceed the total amount paid by the City to the Company under this Agreement. The Company shall carry Commercial General Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 including protection for bodily injury and property damage with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 and $500,000 for each occurrence naming the City as the additional insured. The Company shall also maintain Automobile Liability Insurance providing limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, and the Company shall provide Workers' Compensation Insurance. The Workers' Compensation Insurance shall provide coverage under the governing Compensation Act of Wisconsin, and shall provide the employer's liability insurance in the amount of $100,000. Certificates of Insurance shall be supplied to the City by the Company detailing the above coverage. A carrier authorized to do business within the State of Wisconsin will issue the certificates. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 7 9. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss, damage, failure, delay, or breach in rendering any services or performing any obligations hereunder to the extent that such failure, delay, or breach results from any cause or event beyond the control of the party being released hereby (Force Majeure), including, but not limited to acts of God, acts or omissions of civil or military authorities (acting in their sovereign, but not in their contractual, capacity), floods, torrential rainfall, other severe or unusual weather or climatic conditions, which would exist for a substantial period of time and would have an affect so as to substantially impair the complete deadline, epidemics, quarantines, other medical restrictions or emergencies, defects or failures in equipment or materials owned or supplied by the other party, strikes or other labor actions, embargoes, wars, civil disobedience, riots, terrorism, extreme inflation (eight percent or greater per year) or of governmental rationing of fuel and/or power which would result in a severe shortage thereof, which would substantially impair the proposed completion deadline. If either party is prevented or delayed in the performance of its obligations hereunder by Force Majeure, that party shall immediately notify the other party in writing of the reason for the delay or failure to perform, describing in as much detail as possible the event of Force Majeure causing the delay or failure and discussing the likely duration of the Force Majeure and any known prospects for overcoming or ameliorating it. Both parties agree to take any commercially reasonable measures to overcome or ameliorate the Force Majeure and its adverse effects on this Agreement, and to resume performance as completely as is reasonably possible once the Force Majeure is overcome or ameliorated. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 8 10. EMPLOYMENT LAWS The Company shall comply with all the applicable provisions of Federal and Wisconsin laws, rules and regulations regarding employment and shall further specifically comply with those sections related to Equal Employment Opportunity. 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Company covenants that it has no public or private interest, and will not acquire directly or indirectly any interest that would conflict in any manner with the performance of its services. The Company warrants that no part of the total Contract amount provided herein shall be paid directly or indirectly to any officer or employee of the City as wages, compensation, or gifts in exchange for acting as officer, agent, employee, subcontractor, or consultant to the Company in connection with any work contemplated or preformed relative to this Agreement. 12. PROJECT PERSONNEL All work requiring certification by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Revenue shall be performed by personnel certified by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Revenue. The Company shall provide and update the City with a listing of personnel assigned to the Project. All project personnel assigned shall be approved by the City. During the Period of Agreement (Article 3) and for a period of six (6) months following the project completion date, the City will not solicit for employment or hire any Company employee without the express written consent of the Company. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 9 13. SUBCONTRACTS The Company agrees not to subcontract any of the work required by this Agreement without the written permission of the City. The Company agrees to be responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of the work submitted in the fulfillment of its responsibilities under this Agreement. 14. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Company agrees not to assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of the Agreement or its rights, titles, or interest in this Agreement without the previous consent and written approval of the City. 15. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be interpreted under the substantive law of Wisconsin, as it existed and was interpreted on the date of this Agreement. In the event that the laws of the State of Wisconsin change, so as to create additional work for the Company not provided for in this Agreement, the City shall allow the Company a reasonable extension of the completion date and additional compensation to be negotiated. The methods and procedures used in performance of this Agreement shall comply with Chapter 70 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 10 16. CONFLICT In the case of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of Schedules A, B and C, the terms of this Agreement shall control. 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the complete and entire Agreement between the parties and ma y not be altered or amended except in writing, executed, making specific references to this Agreement, by a duly authorized officer of the Company and by a duly authorized official of the City. 18. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the whole Agreement, but the whole Agreement shall be construed and enforced accordingly. 19. TERMINATION The either party can terminate the contract upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other. Upon termination, the City shall remit payment for all products and services delivered to the City and all expenses incurred by the Company prior to the effective date of termination. The City will not be entitled to a refund or offset of previously paid license and other fees. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 11 20. NOTICES All notices required to be sent to the Company shall be sent to the following address: Mark Link, State Manager Tyler Technologies A&T Division 10617 W. Oklahoma Avenue, Suite U-4 West Allis, WI 53227 All notices required to be sent to the City shall be sent to the following address: Ms. Sharon Mueller Director of Finance and Administration W182 S8200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 749 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 City of Muskego, Wisconsin Articles of Agreement September 2014 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hand to the Agreement on this ________ day of____________________, 2014. CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN ATTEST: BY: BY: BY: Tyler Technologies Inc. Appraisal & Tax Division (CLT) BY: Troy Fryman Senior Account Executive City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 13 SCHEDULE A Annual Assessment Services to be Provided TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE COMPANY......................................................14 Section I. General Provisions ............................................................................................14 Section II. Assessment Duties...........................................................................................15 2.0 SUPPORT OF ASSESSMENT SERVICE BY THE CITY ..............................................20 A. Computer Services .................................................................................................20 B. Office Space ...........................................................................................................20 City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 14 SCHEDULE A ANNUAL ASSESSMENT SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 1.0 WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE COMPANY SECTION I. General Provisions A. The Company will perform the municipal assessment services as the statutory assessor of the City of Muskego, pursuant to Chapter 70 of the Wisconsin Statutes (as amended from time to time) as hereinafter set forth. The Company shall report and be accountable to the Director of Finance and Administration. B. Meeting Hours - The Company will be available to attend, upon the request of the City, department head meetings or other prescribed meetings not directly related to specific assessment issues, upon reasonable prior notice. Such meeting hours are expected to average, but will not exceed, two (2) hours per month and twenty-four (24) hours per year. The Company and the City will mutually agree upon the dates and times. C. City Staff Supervision - The Company will provide supervisory guidance and training to future municipal staff, as directed by the City in the use of assessment related computer programs and in understanding the location and interpretation of assessment property tax information and other material generally utilized by the Company. Such training shall be accomplished within a reasonable time of need and within the Company's regular hours of availability hereunder, during the entire term of this Contract. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 15 D. The Company will complete all work under this agreement including completion of the Board of Review by July 31st of each year. The Director of Finance and Administration may extend the due date for completed work for one (1) period of thirty (30) additional calendar days for sufficient reason, without penalty, upon written request of the Company. The City Council may extend the due date for completed work for a second thirty (30) day period. Such request shall provide documentation of the reasons for the extension of the due date. SECTION II. Assessment Duties The prescribed duties of the Company shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: A. Maintain the City's assessment roll as required pursuant to Chapter 70 of the Wisconsin Statutes, as amended from time to time. B. Provide on-site clerical support for the Assessor’s Office averaging sixteen (16) hours per week, said hours to begin January 1, 2015 and continue through December 31, 2017. The City and the Company shall agree on the specific days of the week for said hours to be provided. C. Provide on-site assessment supervision by an individual certified at the Assessor 2 level of certification with the Department of Revenue an average of eight (8) hours per week, said hours to begin January 1, 2015 and continue through December 31, 2017. The City and the Company shall agree on the specific day(s) of the week for said hours to be provided. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 16 D. Perform field review as the Company deems necessary on sale properties and properties for which no building permit has been issued. E. Change and keep updated property record data and review assessments in 2015, 2016, and 2017 for the following reasons: 1. Annexation 2. Measure, field review, and assess new construction or remodeling (as provided for by permits) as of January 1st of the current year, with photos and including interior inspections 3. Measure, field review, and assess properties under partial construction as of January 1st of the previous year, including interior inspections and photos, as required 4. Measure, field review, and assess miscellaneous permits such as decks, basement remodels, detached buildings, air conditioning, and any other type of permits that affect the assessed value of the property 5. New (recorded) plats, certified surveys, and other land divisions 6. Formerly exempt, now assessed parcels 7. Formerly assessed, now requesting exemption parcels 8. Buildings destroyed, significantly damaged or removed (as provided for by permits) 9. Change to higher land use 10. Change in class or legal description 11. Agricultural use value assessments as prescribed by state statutes 12. Parcels with information discovered by the Assessor’s office that was not previously on the assessment record. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 17 13. Data and final valuations shall be recorded in the City’s IAS CAMA solution and be in accordance and equity with the City of Muskego assessment database that is in place for 2014 or resulting from a subsequent revaluation. F. Personal property accounts are to be assessed as per the value reported on the returns filed pursuant to law of property to be assessed as follows: 1. Annually field visit all personal property accounts to discover new accounts and account for businesses that may have closed prior to the assessment year. 2. Mail forms to all holders of personal property by January 15th of each year. 3. Value reported will be reviewed for uniformity between similar types of property. 4. Personal property subject to assessment but not reported, shall be field inspected as to physical location and actual operation, then "doomage" assessed by the Company as described in Chapter 70 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 5. Should the Company become aware of any new assessable personal property accounts, the appropriate forms shall be mailed and a new personal property identification number shall be created. Should the property owner of such new account fail to file or report within a reasonable time prior to the Board of Review, the Company shall place a doomage assessment on the property as described in Section II Assessment Duties under E.4. above. G. Prepare and maintain the assessment roll and coordinate with the Waukesha County Tax Listing Offices to facilitate the transfer of assessment data and values. The Company shall balance values between the City’s IAS CAMA City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 18 solution and the County’s tax solution prior to the start of Board of Review and after the conclusion of Board of Review. The final balance shall take place within fourteen (14) days after the conclusion of Board of Review. H. The Company shall work with the Director of Finance and Administration to schedule and conduct all work under this agreement for a timely completion of the assessment roll. I. The Company shall complete all required assessor reports to be filed with the Department of Revenue including the Assessor’s Annual Report (AAR), the Municipal Assessor’s Report (MAR), the TID Annual Report (TAR) and the Exempt Computer Report (ECR). A copy of each report will be given to the Director of Finance and Administration for review prior to the final submission of each report to the Department of Revenue. J. The Company shall record all appropriate data relating to sale properties including sale date, sale type, sale price, sale validity code, ownership information, document number and DOR sales number in the City’s IAS CAMA solution and report all required data into the Department of Revenues PAD (Provide Assessment Data) system. K. The Company shall work with the City’s IT Department to place assessment data and sales listings on the City’s website. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 19 L. The Company shall prepare and mail notices of assessment annually as required by law. The cost of materials and postage relating to notices of assessment shall be the responsibility of the City. M. Prepare, attend and serve as staff during the annual Open Book and Board of Review periods as required by the Wisconsin Statutes. The Company shall be responsible for working with the City Clerk to schedule Open Book and Board of Review dates. The Company will also promptly and adequately follow up and respond to any appeals made at the Board of Review hearings, incorporating assessment modifications as approved. N. Provide a telephone number and email address for City officials and residents to contact a responsible member of its staff during normal business hours Monday through Friday of each week. Responses shall be made within forty-eight (48) hours. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule A – Annual Assessment Services to be Provided September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 20 2.0 SUPPORT OF ASSESSMENT SERVICE BY THE CITY A. Computer Services The City shall make available to the Company access to a computerized system of valuation. The Company shall facilitate the automation of property records utilizing such computerized system of valuation. Both the Company and the City agree that the City’s IAS computerized system of valuation will be utilized. B. Office Space and Postage The City of Muskego shall provide, at no cost to the Company, suitable office space and all necessary accoutrements to allow the Company to perform the functions related to property assessment. This includes but is not limited to local phone service, desks, file cabinets, chairs, tables, shared personal computer/printer, photocopier, miscellaneous writing and general office materials, assessment notification forms and postage for assessment mailings. Schedule B – Revaluation Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 21 SCHEDULE B Revaluation Services Schedule B – Revaluation Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 22 SCHEDULE B REVALUATION SERVICES A. APPROACHES TO VALUE 1. Type of Approach – The Company shall consider the cost, market and income approaches in the valuation of all vacant and improved parcels of property. a. Sales Analysis – The Company shall analyze sales data provided in order to become familiar with prevailing market conditions, activity and specific transactions which may be utilized in determining the market value of competitive properties throughout the City. b. Income Analysis – In valuing income-producing properties, the Company shall collect information from owners, tenants, realtors, financial institutions and any other necessary sources, for use in the valuation process. Data to be analyzed shall include actual and economic rents for each type of property, typical vacancy rates and typical operating expense ratios. All data shall be properly documented and adequate records shall be prepared for each parcel showing the determination of value by the income approach. For improved parcels, this shall include a reconstruction of income and expenses, an estimate of remaining economic life, and the capitalization rate applied. Capitalization rates shall be accurately documented by information obtained from the market. Any documentation used in establishing any of the foregoing shall become property of the City. B. DATA FOR EVALUATION – The Company shall gather and analyze market value data including, but not limited to sales, lease data, rentals, rates of return, operating statements, vacancy factors, and construction costs for use in determining property valuation standards pursuant to Section 70.32 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Data gathered Schedule B – Revaluation Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 23 will either be noted on the property record cards or contained within supplements to the record cards. C. NEIGHBORHOOD DELINEATION – The Company shall update existing neighborhood delineation for the entire City and provide the City with a color-coded map indicating the various neighborhood designations. The neighborhood identification procedure shall conform to the City’s IAS CAMA solution. D. DATA MANAGEMENT – This section will outline the Company’s procedures for collecting and encoding the data collected into the City's IAS CAMA solution. 1. The Company shall encode or perform data maintenance to all property records as needed into the IAS CAMA solution. 2. The City and the Company shall cooperate to avoid duplication and confusion to the property owner and to see that all permit alterations and additions are accounted for in the revaluation program. E. IMPROVEMENT VALUATION – The Company proposes to follow the guidelines listed below in determining improvement revaluation: 1. Valuation Approach – The Company shall value improvements in accordance with the Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual and the City’s IAS CAMA solution. The three (3) industry-recognized approaches to value; i.e. market, cost and income, shall be considered by the Company for all parcels. All accrued depreciation, including physical deterioration, functional obsolescence and economic obsolescence, must be accurately documented by the market and deducted from current replacement costs. a. Residential Approach – In valuing residential improvements, prescribed forms, or their equivalent as approved by the Department, shall be used in Schedule B – Revaluation Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 24 determining final values. The property record cards shall be completed as recommended for use with the City’s IAS CAMA solution with proper base costs selected as appropriate and adjusted to reflect differences from base building values. b. Agricultural Approach – In valuing agricultural outbuildings, the current replacement costs should be determined for all sound buildings. Buildings in poor condition, having little or no value, shall be physically described and listed as having "no value" or given an appropriate sound physical value. c. Commercial Approach – In valuing commercial improvements, proper base costs shall be selected as appropriate and adjusted to adequately reflect variations from base building costs. When many adjustments are necessary to base costs, the property is a special purpose building, or certain characteristics make it impossible to value via the City’s IAS CAMA solution, the unit-in-place method, as presented in the Marshall & Swift Valuation Service Manual, may be used. F. LAND VALUATION – The Company shall provide the following approach to the revaluation of land characteristics: 1. Classification – Land classified as Agricultural shall be valued according to use, per s. 70.32 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Agricultural buildings and the land necessary for the location and convenience (site) shall be assessed at fair market value in the Other classification. Land values of the Undeveloped and Agricultural Forest class properties shall be valued at fifty percent (50%) of market value per s. 70.32 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Productive Forest, and Other classed land values shall be determined from an analysis of available market data. When available, market sales shall be used in the development of Other land units’ values. In the analysis of sales, Schedule B – Revaluation Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 25 work forms shall be prepared for recording data on each sale analyzed and correlating price data from the sales. Such forms shall be left with the City. 2. Basic Unit Values – Basic unit values shall be determined for residential and commercial lands from an analysis of sales, rents, leases and other available market data. In the analysis of market data, adequate records will be prepared showing data collected and unit value determinations. Such records shall be left with the City. Having determined basic unit values, the Company shall apply such to each parcel, making adjustments to account for particular characteristics of the site as required by the City’s IAS CAMA solution. For residential and commercial lands, maps and schedules will be prepared indicating unit values used and locations thereof to be left with the City. 3. Land Tables – A copy of all charts, schedules and tables, not previously referred to, including depth factor tables, and used in the valuation of lands shall be left with the City. G. FINAL REVIEW – Prior to open book conference, the Company shall review the indicated value of the structure and the indicated value of the land as compared against sales information concerning the same parcel or comparable parcels. The Company shall make all assessments in accordance with the Assessor's Manual as specified in Sections 70.32(1) Wisconsin Statutes, and the Company shall be responsible for all final values arrived at in compliance with same. Additionally, the Company will follow the Interim Market Update (IMU) process indentified on pages 4-3 through 4-4 of the WPAM Volume 1. The City may at any time during the final review request an update from the Company and/or inspect the work completed by the Company relating to the preliminary values or other revaluation topics. Schedule B – Revaluation Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 26 H. CITY TO REVIEW ASSESSMENTS Prior to sending notices and open book conferences, and upon request by the City, the City shall have ample time to review assessed values on real estate and personal property. At the discretion of the City, such review may include property record cards and all other material prepared for the revaluation. I. NOTICES OF ASSESSMENT - The Company will prepare and send a Notice of Assessment (Notice) by first class mail to each property owner at the last known mailing address whether or not the assessment on the property is proposed to be changed. The Notice form used shall be that approved by the Department of Revenue as provided in Section 70.365. The Company shall also indicate on the Notice, or attach to the Notice; the time and place the open book conference will be held. Mailing shall be five (5) days prior to the first day of conferences for the convenience of the property owners. Expenses related to the printing and mailing of the Notices shall be the responsibility of the City. J. OPEN BOOK CONFERENCE – Upon completion of the City’s review of assessments and prior to the completion of the assessment rolls, the Company shall hold open book conferences for the purpose of enabling property owners or their agents to review and compare the assessed values. A sufficient number of qualified Company personnel, approved by the City, will be available to conduct open book conferences, Monday through Friday, at a place designated by the City. The open book conferences will be held in an orderly manner with the least confusion to the property owner. Conferences on an appointment basis are the preferred method to attain this result. The City and the Schedule B – Revaluation Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc. 27 Company shall mutually agree upon the date and hours of conferences to ensure that all property owners have an equal opportunity to review their assessment. Hearing times shall include evening hours. K. BOARD OF REVIEW – A certified member(s) of the Company’s field staff, typically the statutory Assessor, will attend meetings of the Board of Review to explain and defend the assessed value and be prepared to testify under oath in regard to such values. In the event of appeal to the Department of Revenue or the courts, it is agreed that the Company shall make available a qualified representative(s) upon request from the City, at no additional cost, to furnish testimony in defense of the values established by the revaluation in all cases which might be filed within one (1) year of the completion date specified for the revaluation. City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule C – Additional Services September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc 28 SCHEDULE C Additional Services City of Muskego, Wisconsin Schedule C – Additional Services September 2014 Tyler Technologies Inc 29 SCHEDULE C - ADDITIONAL SERVICES ADDITIONAL SERVICES 1.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Except as may otherwise be mutually agreed to, any additional services not described in Schedule A and Schedule B will be provided to the City upon written request by the City specifying that additional services are requested at the Time & Materials Rates per Schedule C as described below. TIME AND MATERIALS RATES The Company’s time and materials hourly rates for calendar years 2015, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: Category On-Site ($) Full 8 Hour Day ($) Project Supervisor $70.00 $560.00 Appraiser $50.00 $400.00 Data Collector $40.00 $320.00 Clerical/Data Entry Operator $35.00 $280.00 The above rates are subject to change periodically, reflecting changes in labor costs, taxes, etc. The Company will notify the City of said changes in writing not less than 30 days in advance of said change. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #099-2014 APPROVAL OF DEVELOPER’S AGREEMENT Spectrum Watertower Holdings WHEREAS, The Developer’s Agreement has been received for Spectrum Watertower Holdings, LLC and the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the Developer’s Agreement for Spectrum Watertower Holdings, subject to approval of the City Attorney and all objecting and approving agencies, receipt of all fees as provided in Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, and the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 059-2014. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That all of said approvals for the Developer’s Agreement be obtained within thirty (30) days of the date of approval of this Resolution or the same will be null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Developer and City agree that this agreement is for the installation of public and private improvements for the Spectrum Watertower Holdings development and a new Developer’s Agreement must be approved by the City before any additional phase is constructed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City, and that the Mayor, in consultation with the City Attorney, may make any necessary technical corrections. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #099-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 12/14jmb Legal Description: LOT 1 OF CSM 10532 V100/330 A REDIV OF LOT 1 CSM 10531 V100/320 A REDIV OF OUTLOT 1 CSM 10174 & PART OF THE NW1/4 SW1/4 & SE1/4 OF NE1/4 SEC 3 T5N R20E. Known as Tax Key Number 2169.993.005 This information must be completed by the submitter: document title, name & return address, and PIN (if required). Other information such as the granting clauses, legal description, etc. may be placed on this first page of the document or may be placed on additional pages of the document. Note: Use of this cover page adds one page to your document and $2.00 to the recording fee.. Wisconsin Statutes, 59.517. WRDA 2/96 Tax Key Nos. 2169.993.005 Spectrum Watertower Holdings Developer’s Agreement Document Number Document Title Recording Area Name and Return Address City of Muskego Com. Dev. Dept. P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 BRIOHN BUILDING CORPORATION - CITY OF MUSKEGO BRIOHN DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT This Agreement, made this __th day of ____, 2014 by and between Spectrum Watertower Holdings, LLC (the "Owner") and the City of Muskego, a municipal corporation of the State of Wisconsin, located in Waukesha County, (the "City"). W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Owner has submitted for approval by the City a Certified Survey Map (the “Subdivision”), a part of the lands described as: LOT 1 OF CSM 10532 V100/330 A REDIV OF LOT 1 CSM 10531 V100/320 A REDIV OF OUTLOT 1 CSM 10174 & PART OF THE NW1/4 SW1/4 & SE1/4 OF NE1/4 SEC 3 T5N R20E. Known as Tax Key Number 2169.993.005, the CSM(s) of which will be recorded with the Register of Deeds for Waukesha County and a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Statutes and Muskego Ordinances provide that as a condition of plat approval, the governing body of the City may require that the Owner make and install certain public improvements reasonably necessary for the Subdivision and further, may require dedication of public streets, alleys or other ways within the Subdivision, to be conditioned upon the construction of said improvements according to municipal specifications without cost to said municipality; and WHEREAS, The City's Engineers, the City's Public Works Committee, Public Utility Committee and Finance Committee have duly approved, contingent of certain other approvals, Owner's plans and specifications for subdivision improvements, and the City's Plan Commission and Common Council have duly approved the certified survey maps of the Subdivision property contingent in part upon the execution and performance of this Agreement by the Owner. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION I : PLATTING 1. This Owner’s Agreement addresses the development of a total of 3 parcels platted for business park use, all being under the Provisions of Chapters 17 and 18 of the Municipal Code, and under the auspices of the BP-3 Business Park District sewered zoning. a) Single family parcels in this CSM shall conform to the zoning requirements of a sewered BP-3 Business Park District, being a minimum of 80,000 square feet in area per unit, having street yard setbacks of 40 feet, side and rear yard offsets of 20 feet. 2. Owner shall entirely at its expense: a) Within fourteen (14) days after approval of this Agreement by the Common Council, the Owner shall execute this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to be recorded at the Waukesha County Register of Deeds and shall provide City with evidence of recording. b) Owner shall cause the CSM to be executed and recorded, and shall provide City with evidence of recording when appropriate for owner. c) Upon execution of this Agreement tender cash or letter of credit in the amount required herein for the construction of the improvements herein. No construction activity may commence until this Agreement has been executed and recorded, and the cash or letter of credit has been tendered. d) Place and install monuments required by State Statute or City Ordinance. SECTION II : PHASING 1. Owner and the City agree that the installation of public and private improvements described in Section III shall occur in one phase. SECTION III : IMPROVEMENTS Owner shall entirely at its expense: A. ROADS AND STREETS: 1. Grade and improve all roads and streets in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Public Works Director, including offsite improvements necessary to provide such roads and streets, including grading and gravel, curb and gutter, and asphalt street improvements, as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Committee as indicated in the plans and specifications on file with the Engineering and Building Department. 2. Restore any damage to existing pavement, curb, gutter, and landscaping which may result from construction of subdivision improvements. 3. Reimburse the City for the cost of all street signs, street lights, traffic signs and posts, including the cost of their installation. B. STORM AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE AND MASTER GRADING PLAN: 1. Construct, install, furnish and provide facilities as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Director for storm and surface water drainage throughout the entire Subdivision and off site improvements as necessary, and a Master Grading Plan providing for sump pump discharge to a tile or storm sewer system, all in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the Building and Engineering Department. The City retains the right to require the Subdivider to install at Subdivider’s cost additional storm drainage and erosion control measures prior to acceptance of improvements by the City of Muskego. 2. Grade and improve all lots, on and off site, in conformance with the Master Grading Plan as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and all in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. Restore with topsoil and seed. Establish dense vegetation. 3. Clean all Storm Sewers prior to acceptance of improvements and the issuance of building permits by the City. C. WATER MAIN: 1. Construct, install, furnish, and provide without cost to City, a complete system of water supply and distribution, throughout the entire Subdivision, and including off site improvements necessary to provide such system, as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee and Public Works Director and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. 2. Apply for all necessary permits to use water from hydrants for construction permits, as may be required by the City. 3. Complete to the satisfaction of the City any punch list items concerning the water system prior to connection of any building to the water system. D. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES: 1. Submit to the City, an application for a Land Disturbing Permit in accordance with the Erosion Control Plan as approved in accordance with the requirements of Section 29.06 of the City's Erosion Control Ordinance by the Public Works Director and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the Building and Engineering Department. 2. Construct, install, furnish and provide without cost to City, a complete system of Erosion Control Devices or measures in specified areas of the Subdivision, on and off-site, in accordance with the Erosion Control Plan as approved by the Public Works Director and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. No construction or grading can begin until the City issues said permit, and no grading shall occur without a two (2) day notice to the City. 3. Install silt fencing in conformance with the approved Erosion Control Plan prior to the grading and construction work. Such fences shall be maintained by the Subdivider until such time as vegetative cover is established in the Subdivision. Install mulching and seeding of all disturbed areas to comply with Municipal Code Chapter 29. SECTION IV : TIME OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS The improvements set forth in Section III above shall be completed by the Owner within one (1) year from signing of this Agreement or except if an earlier date is provided for in the Agreement. If the City receives notice of the intention to retrieve the cash deposit prior to completion of the improvements such notice shall be considered a failure to complete improvements in accordance with this agreement and shall entitle the City to immediately draw against the cash deposit. SECTION V : AS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS Owner authorizes the City to prepare all necessary as-built construction plans for improvements to be dedicated to the City. Owner agrees to reimburse the City for all costs incurred in the preparation and distribution of as-built data, including collection of data, revisions to construction documents and upload of data to City’s Geographic Information System, and the City may utilize Owner’s Developers Deposit account for all charges related hereto. Owner authorizes the City to convert digital files submitted by Owner pursuant to Section 18.32(3)(i) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego and Common Council Resolution No. 196-2002 to any format deemed necessary by the City. Owner agrees to reimburse the City for all costs incurred in said conversions and the City may utilize Owner’s Developers Deposit account for all charges related hereto. SECTION VI : DEDICATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS Subject to all of the other provisions of this Agreement, Owner shall, without charge to the City, upon completion of the improvements described above in Section III, unconditionally give, grant, convey and fully dedicate the improvements to the City, its successors and assigns, forever, free and clear of all encumbrances (except those encumbrances that may be acceptable to the City) whatever, together with and including, without limitation because of enumeration, any and all land, buildings, structures, mains, conduits, pipe lines, plant, machinery, equipment, appurtenances and hereditaments which may in any way be a part of or pertain to such improvements and together with any and all necessary easements for access thereto. Dedication shall not constitute acceptance of any improvement by the City. The City shall not accept the dedication of any improvements which do not fully comply with City standards and specifications. Claims of financial hardship by the Owner shall not be considered a reason for the City to accept substandard materials or work. At such time as all improvements are completed and acceptable as called for under this Agreement, and all approvals have been received from regulatory agencies, such improvements shall be accepted by the City by separate Resolution. The Resolution of Acceptance shall be recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds. The City shall have the right to connect to or integrate other utility facilities with the improvements provided herein without payment, award, or consent required of the Owner. SECTION VII: INSPECTION AND ADMINISTRATIONS FEES Owner shall pay and reimburse the City in advance of the signing of the Agreement, in accordance with Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and Ordinance No. 909, and at times specified herein, but in any event, no later than thirty (30) days after billing, all fees, expenses and disbursements which shall be incurred by the City prior to and following the date hereof in connection with or relative to the construction, installation, dedication and acceptance of the improvements covered by Section III, including without limitation by reason of enumeration, design, engineering, preparing, checking and review of designs, plans and specifications, supervision, inspection to insure that construction is in compliance with the applicable plans, specifications, regulations and ordinances; and legal, administrative and fiscal work undertaken to assure and implement such compliance. Failure to pay or reimburse the City in a timely manner may cause the City to cease all construction inspections until such time as all anticipated or outstanding inspection and administration fees have been satisfied. SECTION VIII: GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS Municipal Codes and Ordinances: All the provisions of the City's ordinances are incorporated herein by reference, and all such provisions shall bind the parties hereto and be a part of this Agreement as fully as if set forth at length herein. This Agreement and all work and improvements required hereunder shall be performed and carried out in strict accordance with and subject to the provisions of said ordinances. SECTION IX: GUARANTEES The Owner shall guarantee all improvements described in Section III, against defects due to faulty materials or workmanship provided that such defects appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance. The Owner shall pay for any damages to City property resulting from such faulty materials or workmanship. This guarantee shall not be a bar to any action the City might have for negligent workmanship or materials. Wisconsin law on negligence shall govern any such action. SECTION X : GENERAL INDEMNITY In addition to, and not to the exclusion or prejudice of, any provisions of this Agreement or documents incorporated herein by reference, Owner shall indemnify and save harmless, and agrees to accept tender of defense and to defend and pay any and all reasonable legal, accounting, consulting, engineering and other expenses relating to the defense of any claim asserted or imposed upon the City, its officers, agents, and employees, and independent contractors growing out of this Agreement as stated above by any party or parties except those claims asserted by Owner against the City, its officers, agents and employees in an effort to enforce this Agreement. The Owner shall also name as additional insured on its general liability insurance the City, its officers, agents, and employees, and any independent contractors hired by the City to perform service as to this Subdivision and give the City evidence of the same upon request by the City. a) Hold Harmless. The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, providing that any such claim, damage, loss, or expense (i) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Owner, its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees or anyone for whose acts any of them may be made liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified herein. In any and all claims against the City, its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees by the Owner, its officers, agents, independent contractors, employees, and anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of they may be held liable, the indemnification obligation under this section shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for the Owner, its officers, agents, independent contractors, employees under Workers’ Compensation Acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts. b) Personal Liability of Public Officials. In carrying out any of the provisions of this Agreement or in exercising any power or authority granted to them thereby, there shall be no personal liability of the City officers, agents, independent contractors, or employees, it being expressly understood and agreed that in such matters they act as agents and representatives of the City. c) Indemnification for Environmental Contamination. The Owner shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City and its officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees harmless from any claims, judgments, damages, penalties, fines, costs, or loss (including reasonable fees for attorneys, consultants, and experts) that arise as a result of the presence or suspected presence in or on the real property dedicated or conveyed to the City by, under, pursuant to, or in connection with the Plat and this Agreement (including but not limited to street right-of-way) of any toxic or hazardous substances arising from any activity occurring prior to the acceptance of all improvements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the indemnification by the Owner shall include costs incurred in connection with any site investigation or any remedial, removal, or restoration work required by any local, State, or Federal agencies because of the presence or suspected presence of toxic or hazardous substances on or under the real property, whether the soil, groundwater, air, or any other receptor. The City agrees that it will immediately notify Owner of the discovery of any contamination or of any facts or circumstances that reasonably indicate that such contamination may exist in or on the real property. Upon receipt of notice from the City or other entities, Owner shall investigate and rectify conditions which indicate the presence of or suspected presence of contamination on the subject property as identified by local, state, or federal agencies in order to comply with applicable laws. d) Owner or owner’s contractor, shall, at its expense, obtain and carry comprehensive general liability insurance with combined single limits of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for one person and at least Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence, and at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) property damage (or such higher amounts as the City shall from time to time deem reasonable). Such policy shall cover both Owner and the City and its agents, employees, and officials, and all insurers shall agree not to cancel or change the same without at least thirty (30) days written notice to the City. A certificate of Owner’s insurance shall be furnished to the City upon execution of this Agreement. Each such policy shall provide that no act or default of any person other than the City or its agents shall render the policy void as to the City or effect the City’s right to recover thereon. SECTION XI: AGREEMENT FOR BENEFIT OF PURCHASERS: The Owner shall agree that in addition to the City's rights herein, the provisions of this Agreement shall be for the benefit of the purchaser of any lot or any interest in any lot or parcel of land in the Subdivision. Further, that the sale of any lot or parcel shall not release the Owner from completing the work provided for under this Agreement, by applicable Ordinances and as set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the City Building and Engineering Department. SECTION XII: CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, ETC. The City shall, within its authority: 1. Issue such permits, adopt such resolutions, and execute such documents as may be necessary to permit the Owner to construct the improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications called for by this Agreement, upon Owner's compliance with any deposit provisions or other requirements of the applicable ordinances or regulations. 2. Furnish the Owner such permits or easements as may be required to enter upon and install the previous described improvements in any public street or public property. 3. Cooperate with the Owner in obtaining similar permits, resolutions and documents as may be necessary from other authorities having jurisdiction in the premises. 4. Make available to the Owner or its nominee, successors or assigns, permits for the construction of single family residences on the 5 parcels platted for single family residential use subject to the provisions of Section XIV and this Agreement. SECTION XIII: BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS: It is expressly understood and agreed that no building permits or occupancy permits shall be issued for any homes until the City Engineer has determined that: 1. Negative balance in Developer's Deposit is satisfied unless otherwise authorized by the Planning Director. 2. That all improvements as per this agreement have been completed. SECTION XIV: FINANCIAL GUARANTEES: 1. LETTER OF CREDIT: Concurrent with the execution of the Agreement by the City, the Owner shall file with the City a Letter of Credit, in the City Attorney approved form, setting forth terms and conditions in the amount of $_______.00, which amount shall be approximately 120% of the estimated cost of improvements, as a guarantee that the required plans and improvements will be completed by the Owner and its subcontractors no later than one (1) year from signing of the Agreement, except if another date is provided within this Agreement, as a guarantee that all obligations to the subcontractors for work on the Subdivision are satisfied and as a guarantee that all obligations of the Agreement are satisfied specifically including, but not limited to, prevailing wage rates, hours of labor and public bidding. If the City receives notice of the intention to terminate the Letter of Credit prior to compliance with all obligations of this Agreement, such notice shall be considered a failure to comply with the obligations of the Agreement and shall entitle the City to immediately draw against the Letter of Credit. Instead of a Letter of Credit, Owner may deposit cash, a certified check or the equivalent in the same amount pursuant to the terms and conditions as set forth in the Agreement. a) Invoices: Invoices documenting public improvements addressed and not addressed in the Letter of Credit, but attributable to the subject development shall be provided to the City. b) Reduction Of Letter Of Credit Balance: The Owner shall provide Director of Engineering and Building with a written request accompanied by: invoices for work completed for which a release is being requested, breakdown of invoices in the format of the Public Improvement Cost Breakdown form, and signed original lien waivers for all work which is subject of the release request. The Director of Engineering and Building will process all requests in accordance with policies adopted by the Finance Committee, as may be amended from time to time. 2. DEVELOPER'S DEPOSIT: The Owner shall maintain a $10,000.00 balance in the Developer's Deposit. No reduction of the Cash Deposit balance shall be entertained until the Developer's Deposit is satisfied unless otherwise authorized by the Common Council following a recommendation of the Finance Committee. 3. PRESERVATION OF ASSESSMENT RIGHTS: a) Waiver of Notice. In addition to other remedies provided to the City by this Agreement, the City shall have the right, without notice or hearing, to impose special assessments for any amount to which the City is entitles by virtue of this Agreement relating to the improvements and any other obligations under this Agreement including, but not limited to, prevailing wage rates, hours of labor and public bidding. This provision constitutes the Developer’s consent to the installation by the City of all improvements required by this Agreement and constitutes the Developer’s waiver of notice and consent to all special assessment proceedings as described in Section 66.0703(7)(b), Wis. Statutes. b) Remedies not exclusive. The City may use any other remedies available to it under the Agreement or in law or equity in addition to, or in lieu of, the remedies provided herein. SECTION XV: PREVAILING WAGE RATES AND HOURS OF LABOR If any aspect of the construction of the Improvements involves a project of public works that is regulated by Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0903 or 66.0904, then (1) The Developer shall obtain any necessary prevailing wage rate determination for the project: and (2) The Developer shall pay wage rates not less than the prevailing hourly wage rate as described and regulated pursuant to such statutes and regulated laws; and (3) The Developer shall comply with the prevailing hours of labor as described and regulated pursuant to such statutes and related laws; and (4) The Developer shall fully comply with the reporting obligations, and all other requirements of such laws; and (5) The Developer shall ensure that the Developer’s subcontractors also fully comply with such laws and (6) The Developer shall file the documentation required by Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0903(9)b and 66.0903(9)c and any other documentation the City deems reasonably necessary. The Developer’s General indemnity obligation of this Agreement shall apply to any claim that alleges that work contemplated by this Agreement is being done, or has been done, in violation of prevailing wage rates, prevailing hours of labor, or Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0903 or 66.0904, for any work arising out of this Agreement. SECTION XVI : PARTIES BOUND: Owner or its assignees shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement or any part herein as it applies to any phase of the development. Approval by the City shall not be deemed a waiver as the ultimate responsibility for the proper design and installation of streets improvements, drive and parking areas, water facilities, drainage facilities, ditches, landscaping and all other improvements shall be the Owners. The fact that the City or its engineers, or its attorney, or its staff may approve a specific project shall not constitute a waiver, or relieve the Owner from ultimate responsibility for the design, performance, and function of the Development and related infrastructure. SECTION XVII : AMENDMENTS AND ASSIGNMENT: Owner shall not assign this Agreement without the written consent of the City. The City and the Owner, by mutual consent, may amend this Agreement, by written agreement between the City and the Owner. SECTION XVIII : NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, the delivery of all notices and correspondence shall only be effective upon being delivered personally, sent by prepaid United States Postal Service certified mail with return receipt requested, sent by facsimile with transmission confirmation, or sent by electronic mail with return receipt requested, to all parties as follows: To the City: City of Muskego, Wisconsin W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 Attn: Mayor To the Developer: Spectrum Watertower Holdings, LLC Attention: Larry Surges, Managing Member 2800 S 166th St New Berlin, WI 53151 With a copy to: Susan Sorrentino SBRK Services LLC W229 N1433 Westwood Drive, Suite 100 Waukesha, WI 53186 All notices shall be considered to have been delivered at the time such notices are personally delivered to each party, or three (3) days after the date of postmark on any prepaid certified letter, facsimile transmission, or electronic mail. Parties to this Agreement shall give fifteen (15) days notice of any change of mailing address, telephone or facsimile number, or electronic mail address. Failure to provide said notice may constitute a default by the party. SECTION XIX : PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT IN WITNESS HEREOF, Owner has caused this Agreement to be signed by its appropriate officers and their seals to be hereunto affixed in duplicate original counterparts on the date and year first written above. A. DEVELOPER: Spectrum Watertower Holdings, LLC By: Larry Surges, Managing Member STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this __th day of ____, 2014 Larry Surges, Managing Member, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public-State of Wisconsin My Commission Expires IN WITNESS HEREOF, the City has caused this Agreement to be signed by its appropriate officers and their seals to be hereunto affixed in duplicate original counterparts on the date and year first written above. B. CITY OF MUSKEGO: BY: Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor BY: Sharon Mueller, City Clerk-Treasurer STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this ___th day of _________, 2014, the above named Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor, and Sharon Mueller, City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Muskego, to me known to be the persons executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such Mayor and City Clerk-Treasurer of said municipal corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of said municipal corporation by its authority and pursuant to the authorization by the Common Council from their meeting on the _____nd day of _________, 2014. Notary Public-State of Wisconsin My Commission Expires CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Owner's Agreement for the Subdivision CSM, Muskego, Wisconsin, as entered into on the ___th day of ____ , 2014, by and between Spectrum Watertower Holdings, LLC and the City Of Muskego, pursuant to the authorization by the Common Council from their meeting on the _____nd day of _____, 2014. BY THE COMMON COUNCIL ________________________ Sharon Mueller, City Clerk-Treasurer SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME This _____th day of _____, 2014. My commission expires This instrument drafted by Jeff Muenkel, Community Development Director City of Muskego PO Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #100-2014 APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE ASTER HILL ESTATES SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, A preliminary plat was submitted by Towne Realty for the Aster Hill Estates Subdivision (formerly Wildflower Farms) located in the NE ¼ of Section 24 (Tax Key Nos. 2253.998.003 and 2253.998); and WHEREAS, Said plat proposes the development of 53 single-family residential parcels and a number of outlots for park/conservation dedication, wetland preservation and stormwater management; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the conditions of adopted Resolution #P.C. 063-2014; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the preliminary plat and three-lot certified survey map for the Belle Chasse Subdivision in the SE 1/4 of Section 11 subject to each of the following conditions being met: 1. Developer completing all subdivision improvements prior to approval of the final plat. 2. All of the subdivision improvements shall be made only after approval of the landscape plans by the City Forester and only after the approval of the construction plans by the City Engineer, the Public Works Committee and a Developer’s Agreement between the City and Subdivider agreeing to install the required improvements is entered, approved by the City and recorded and a letter of credit, cash or certified check meeting the approval of the City Attorney in an amount equal to 120% the estimated cost of the improvements is given. 3. Pursuant to §18.31(2)(d) of the Muskego Chapter 18 Land Division ordinance, the final plat must be submitted and approved within thirty-six months of the preliminary plat approval. The final plat will not be approved until after the acceptance of improvements to insure that no lots are sold until all improvements are accepted by the City. 4. Approval is subject to receipt of the submittal fees and favorable reports from all approving and objecting agencies. 5. That a digital file of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. Resolution #100-2014 Page 2 DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Rob Wolfe This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #100-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 11/14mb City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 063-2014 For the meeting of: December 2, 2014 REQUEST: Approval of a Preliminary Plat, Aster Hill Estates (formerly: Wildflower Farms) North Cape Road / Tax Key No. 2253.998.002 & 2253.998 NE ¼ of Section 24 PETITIONER: Towne Realty INTRODUCED: December 2, 2014 LAST AGENDA: N/A PREPARED BY: Jeff Muenkel BACKGROUND PC 063-2014 Petitioner has submitted the Preliminary Plat for the Aster Hill Estates subdivision. The proposal includes 53 single-family lots and 6 outlots along North Cape Road. Plan Commission and Council originally approved a planned development rezoning for Aster Hill Estates (under the name Wildflower Farms) earlier this year allowing the land division as presented. PLAN CONSISTENCY PC 063-2014 Comprehensive Plan: The 2010 Plan depicts the properties for Low-Density Residential development (Densities of .5 – 1.49 units per acre). The proposal is consistent with the plan and no amendments to the plan are required. Zoning: The property is currently zoned RC-2 Country Residence District (Allowing parcels of 60,000 square feet and 175 feet in width) and RC-3 Country Residence District (Allowing parcels of 40,000 square feet and 150 feet in width). A rezoning to a PD, using the RS-2 District as a base (consistent with 20,000 square foot lots or greater) was allowed by PC and Council earlier this year. Under RS-2, parcels can be as low as 20,000 square feet and 110 feet in width. The plat shows an average size per lot of 25,000+ square feet and no lots less than 23,000 square feet or less than 110 feet in width. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the proposed plat. Park and Conservation Plan: A trail is required along North Cape Road as part of the Park and Conservation Plan. An easement is shown for this and monies will be kept as part of the Developer’s Agreement for the future improvement to the trail system here. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Outlot 4 is to be dedicated to the city for future park purposes as well. Conservation Plan: The Plan shows the parcel within the Big Muskego Wildlife Area. The City and DNR own lands attached to this piece to the south already and the DNR/City are working on purchasing the land directly west of this parcel as well. The developers have been in front of the Conservation Commission and the Commission recommended approval of the development land being dedicated to the preservation of the Big Muskego Lake Wildlife Area. The most recent approvals left little lands left for conservation purposes since most has been left for park purposes now. However an area on the southwestern corner of the plat is reserved for conservation. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Street System Plan: All Right-of-Ways are shown to be dedicated to their ultimate widths. The plat is consistent with the Plan. Adopted 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area: The property is within the sewer service area. The parcels will be served by municipal sewer. Water Capacity Assessment District: The lots will be serviced by public water. STAFF DISCUSSION PC 063-2014 As mentioned above, Aster Hill Estates has been in front of Council and PC earlier this year getting approvals for an amendment to PD Planned Development Zoning District. The PD zoning was allowed for the subdivision as long as the large western outlot was dedicated to the City for Park and Conservation purposes due to the area being within the Big Muskego Wildlife Area and part of the City’s Parks Plan as needing a neighborhood park in this area of the community. The PD Planned Development Overlay District allows flexibility in the underlying zoning in relation to reduced densities, lot sizes, open spaces, height of structures, and/or setbacks and offsets. The PD Planned Development District in this case utilizes the RS-2 District as a base (consistent with 20,000 square foot lots or greater) for the purpose of a future subdivision allowing the following: Using the gross acreage for density calculations and reduced setbacks and offsets for the future lots. The RS-2 District permits sewered residential development allowing single-family residential lots of a minimum of 20,000 square feet and 110 feet in width. The future preliminary plat shows no parcels less than 23,000 square feet and 110 feet in width. The RS-2 zoning allows front setbacks of 40 feet and offsets of 15 feet on one side and 20 on all other, however, this Planned Development will have setbacks mimic king those granted in the Boxhorn Reserve Subdivision to the south, with front setbacks of 30 feet and offsets of 15 feet on the sides and 25 feet on the rear. The plat proposes 51 lots for single-family use and a number of outlots for wetland preservation, stormwater management, and open space preservation. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan has the area for Low Density Residential and the proposal meets this requirement under the Planned Development zoning previously approved. As mentioned, an outlot (#4) is shown along the western border of the plat for park and conservation dedication purposes to the city. Further, easement for a trail along North Cape is in place on the plat. The resolution is worded that planning for the future neighborhood park outlot should start taking place by the community so the city can appropriate park dedication fees by the time the final plat is ready in the spring of 2015. The Resolution is drafted to allow approval subject to technical corrections, which do not substantially im pair the plat. The Resolution is drafted to permit planning and engineering corrections prior to final plat approval. The misc. items required in the resolution are as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the outlot dedicated to the city for park and conservation purposes should have room for a future trail along the western border of the plat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the outlot dedicated to the city for park purposes should be appropriately planned at this time so the city can adequately offset park dedication costs if required to take place of some Stormwater Management Plan: Stormwater is shown to be accommodated in the outlots. improvements desired. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all wetlands on private lots or close to borders of private lots should be lined with split rail fences as part of the subdivision construction plans. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 063-2014 Approval of Resolution #PC 063-2014 RESOLUTION #P.C. 063-2014 APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE ASTER HILL ESTATES SUBDIVISION (FORMERLY WILDFLOWER FARMS) LOCATED IN THE NE ¼ OF SECTION 24 (TAX KEY NUMBERS 2253.998.003 & 2253.998) / NORTH CAPE ROAD) WHEREAS, On October 31, 2014 a preliminary plat was submitted by Towne Realty for the Aster Hill Estates Subdivision located in the NE ¼ of Section 24, and WHEREAS, Previous preliminary plat approvals took place for this property under the name Wildflower Farms Subdivision but a new preliminary plat is required as many lot configurations have changed, and WHEREAS, A rezoning amendment occurred as per PC Resolution #054-2014 for this subdivision to review moving lots due to new wetland evidence and to add lots to balance a city desired dedic ation for a future park outlot, and WHEREAS, Said plat proposes 53 lots for single-family use and a number of outlots for park/conservation dedication, wetland preservation, and stormwater management, and WHEREAS, The area of the proposed development was approved for a PD Planned Development zoning to allow the subdivision as presented as long as the northwestern outlot was dedicated to the City for park purposes and the southwestern outlot was dedicated to the city due to the area being within the Big Muskego Wildlife Area, and WHEREAS, The PD Planned Development Overlay District allows flexibility in the underlying zoning in relation to reduced densities, lot sizes, open spaces, height of structures, and/or setbacks and offsets, and WHEREAS, The PD Planned Development District utilizes the RS-2 District as a base (consistent with 20,000 square foot lots or greater) for the purpose of a future subdivision allowing the following: Using the gross acreage for density calculations and reduced setbacks and offsets for the future lots, and WHEREAS, The RS-2 District permits sewered residential development allowing single-family residential lots of a minimum of 20,000 square feet and 110 feet in width and the preliminary plat shows no parcels less than 23,000 square feet and 110 feet in width, and WHEREAS, The Planned Development was approved with setbacks mimicking those granted in the Boxhorn Reserve Subdivision, to the south, with front setbacks of 30 feet and offsets of 15 feet on the sides and 25 feet on the rear, and WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan has the area for Low Density Residential and the proposal meets this requirement under the Planned Development zoning previously approved, and WHEREAS, Parcels are shown to be serviced by City sewer and water, and WHEREAS, Stormwater management would be accommodated within the outlots depicted. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends approval to the Common Council of a Preliminary Plat for the Aster Hill Estates Subdivision, located in the NE ¼ of Section 24 and will be receptive to the submittal of a final plat, subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Planning Department and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and outstanding assessments if applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the outlot dedicated to the city for park and conservation purposes should have room for a future trail along the western border of the plat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the outlot dedicated to the city for park purposes should be appropriately planned at this time so the city can adequately offset park dedication costs if required to take place of some improvements desired. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all wetlands on private lots or close to borders of private lots should be lined with split rail fences as part of the subdivision construction plans. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A Subdivider’s Agreement and Letter of Credit must be approved by the Council and all subdivision improvements made and accepted before any Final Plat approvals can be allowed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital file of this Plat shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance No. 1118 and Resolution 196-2002. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: December 2, 2014 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: December 2, 2014 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee To: Finance Committee From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Approval of a WE Energies easement on the Moorland Road Water Tower Property Date: December 2, 2014 As part of the grading operations for the new commercial building being planned for the northern lot on Commerce Drive WE Energies must relocate a pad mounted transformer and power line that serves the water tower. In order to do this they must relocate the existing easement that is just to the south or the water tower property line onto the water tower property. The easement will be located directly to the north of the property line and will not interfere with any City maintenance operations or future property needs as the easement is only 12 feet wide and immediately adjacent to the property line. I have attached the easement that they are looking to be granted at no cost. As the easement is for the benefit of the power that serves the water tower I feel a not cost transference is justified. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Recommend approval of the attached distribution easement on the Moorland Road water tower property. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #101-2014 APPROVAL OF DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT TO WE ENERGIES ON THE MOORLAND ROAD WATER TOWER PROPERTY WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached WE Energies Distribution Easement on the Moorland Road water tower property and has recommended approval to the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the WE Energies Distribution Easement on the Moorland Road water tower property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the document in the name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. SPONSORED BY FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #101-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 11/14jmb CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee/Common Council To: Finance Committee/Common Council From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Dedication of Improvements & Release of Cash Deposit for Saint Andrews Village Phase One and Two Date: December 2, 2014 Muskego St. Andrews LLC, the owner/developer of St Andrews Village (Phase I & II) has satisfactorily completed all of the required improvements in accordance with their developer’s agreement. The required public improvements include sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer improvements. The roadways are privately owned and maintained. Attached is their request to dedicate the required improvements which includes the total quantity and the itemized costs for each of the utility improvements. They have also requested a full release of the cash deposit in the amount of $171,494.00 that secured those improvements. I have reviewed the requests and recommend accepting dedication and approving a full release of the cash deposit less $2,000 that will be held until all invoices have been paid for consulting fees at which time any remaining balance will be refunded. Recommendation for Action by Committee: I recommend that both Finance Committee and Common Council accept the dedication of public improvements and approve a full release of the cash deposit less $2,000 for St. Andrews Village Phase I & II. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #102-2014 DEDICATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN AND FOR ST. ANDREWS VILLAGE PHASE I AND II AND RELEASE OF CASH DEPOSIT WHEREAS, Muskego St. Andrews LLC, hereafter called “DEVELOPER” has constructed public improvements which include sanitary sewer, water mains, and storm sewer facilities, including any and all equipment and appurtenances in and for St. Andrews Village Phase I and II; and WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER has completed the construction and installation of the following improvements: Sanitary Sewer 10 LF at $ 71.30/LF of 8” Sanitary Sewer (Slurry) 950 LF at $ 50/LF of 8” Sanitary Sewer (Gavel) 525 LF at $ 30/LF of 6” Sanitary Laterals (13) 8 EACH at $ 2,101.50/EACH of 48” Sanitary Manholes 10 LF at $ 85/LF of 8” Sanitary Sewer (Slurry) 305 LF at $ 65/LF of 8” Sanitary Sewer (Gravel) 210 LF at $ 55/LF of 6” Sanitary Laterals (4) 2 EACH at $ 2,897.50/EACH of 48” Sanitary Manholes 12 LF at $ 80/LF of 8” Sanitary Sewer (Slurry) 1,032 LF at $ 60/LF of 8” Sanitary Sewer (Gravel) 424 LF at $ 45/LF of 6” Sanitary Laterals (7) 5 EACH at $ 1,329.20/EACH of 48” Sanitary Manholes Water Main 985 LF at $ 35/LF of 8” Watermain (Gravel) 31 LF at $ 30/LF of 8” Watermain (Spoil) 33 LF at $ 65/LF of 6” Hydrant Leads 586 LF at $ 45/LF of 1-1/4” Water Service (13) 4 EACH at $ 1,500.50/EACH of Hydrant W/Valve & Box 5 EACH at $ 802/EACH of 8” Butterfly Valve & box 309 LF at $ 37/LF of 8” Watermain (Gravel) 10 LF at $ 65/LF of 6” Hydrant Leads (1) 229 EACH at $ 50/EACH of 1-1/4” Water Service (4) 1 EACH at $ 1,826/EACH of Hydrant w/Valve & Box 2 EACH at $ 800/EACH of 8” Butterfly Valve & box 1,056 LF at $ 40/LF of 8” Watermain (Gravel) 17 LF at $ 60/LF of 6” Hydrant Leads (2) 402 EACH at $ 35/EACH of 1-1/4” Water Service (7) Reso. #102-2014 Page 2 3 EACH at $ 1,500/EACH of Hydrant w/Valve & Box 2 EACH at $ 616/EACH of 8” Butterfly Valve & Box 58 LF at $ 300/LF of 12” Watermain w/24” Casing 795 LF at $ 90/LF of 12” Watermain (Spoil) 23 LF at $ 80/LF of 6” Hydrant Leads (3) 3 EACH at $ 2,800/EACH of Hydrants w/Valve & Box 2 EACH at $ 847.50/EACH of 12” Butterfly Valves w/Box 265 LF at $ 65/LF of 12” Watermain (Gravel) 1,153 LF at $ 55/LF of 12” Watermain (Spoil) 22 LF at $ 82/LF of 6” Hydrant Leads (3) 3 EACH at $ 1,100/EACH of Hydrants w/Valve & Box 7 EACH at $ 384.50/EACH of 12” Butterfly Valves w/Box Storm Sewer 395 LF at $ 35/LF of 12” Storm Sewer (Gravel) 131 LF at $ 40/LF of 15” Storm Sewer (Gravel) 310 LF at $ 45/LF of 18” Storm Sewer (Gravel) 399 LF at $ 50/LF of 24” Storm Sewer (Spoil) 628 LF at $ 25/LF of 6” PVC Sump Lines 355 LF at $ 30/LF of 4” Storm Laterals (13) 7 EACH at $ 1,000/EACH of Storm Manholes 16 EACH at $ 725/EACH of Storm Inlets 5 EACH at $ 450/EACH of Sump Cleanouts 1 EACH at $ 459/EACH of 15” End Section 1 EACH at $ 400/EACH of 12” End Section 70 LF at $ 30/LF of 12” Storm Sewer (Gravel) 396 LF at $ 25/LF of 6” Sump Lines 118 LF at $ 30/LF of 6” Storm Laterals (4) 4 EACH at $ 500/EACH of Storm Inlets 3 EACH at $ 510/EACH of Sump Cleanouts 2 EACH at $ 456.50/EACH of 12” End Sections 103 LF at $ 30/LF of 12” Storm Sewer (Gravel) 195 LF at $ 45/LF of 12” Storm Sewer (Spoil) 200 LF at $ 52/LF of 15” Storm Sewer (Spoil) 24 LF at $ 65/LF of 27” Storm Sewer (Gravel) 936 LF at $ 25/LF of 6” Sump Lines 211 LF at $ 30/LF of 6” Storm Laterals (7) 3 EACH at $ 1,000/EACH of Storm Manholes 6 EACH at $ 500/EACH of Storm Inlets 6 EACH at $ 510/EACH of Storm Cleanouts 4 EACH at $ 450/EACH of 12” End Sections 1 EACH at $ 500/EACH of 15” End Sections and appurtenances (collectively called “IMPROVEMENTS”) in accordance with the provision of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, hereafter called the “CITY”, and the City Engineer has certified the systems’ acceptability; and Reso. #102-2014 Page 3 WHEREAS, it is the Developer’s intent to, without charge to the CITY, unconditionally give, grant, convey and fully dedicate the IMPROVEMENTS to the CITY, free and clear of all encumbrances, and together with mains, conduits, pipes, plants, machinery, equipment and appurtenances which relate directly to the utilization of such IMPROVEMENTS; and WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER shall guarantee the public improvements to be dedicated against any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship which appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of dedication and shall pay for any damages resulting therefrom to the CITY property and shall indemnify the CITY against any claims, suits, or liabilities brought against the CITY at any time arising out of the alleged defects or other failure of this guarantee; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has recommended a full release of the cash deposit in the amount of $171,494.00 minus $2,000.00 which will be held to pay final invoices and any balance returned after all have been paid; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept dedication and acceptance of the public improvements within St. Andrews Village Phase I & II and authorize a release of the cash deposit with $2,000 to be held by the City until all invoices are paid. DATED THIS ______ DAY of , 2014 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #104-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Reso. #102-2014 Page 4 ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 11/14jmb CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee/Common Council To: Finance Committee/Common Council From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Reduction to Letter of Credit for Belle Chasse Ph. III (aka Addition #2) Date: December 4, 2014 Belle Chasse Partners, LLC entered into a Development Agreement with the City to construct certain improvements in and for the Belle Chasse Phase III (aka Belle Chasse Addition #2). These improvements include, but are not limited to, sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, roadway construction and grading. Certain work has been completed and the Developer is now asking for a reduction to the letter of credit (attached). I have reviewed the request and I am recommending a partial reduction to the letter of credit with enough remaining balance to accomplish the remaining items. I have estimated that with all items outstanding, the letter of credit can be reduced to $1,927,712.46 . Attached please find a worksheet detailing the letter of credit information for this reduction. Recommendation for Action by Committee/Council: Recommend that the Belle Chasse Phase III Letter of Credit be reduced to $1,927,712.46. COST BREAKDOWN Belle Chasse Phase III Reduction Proposed Cost 12/9/2014 ADJ. BAL. #1 ROAD CONSTRUCTION a. Stone/Binder Lifts of Asphalt/Curb & Gutter 270,000.00$ ($50,000.00)$220,000.00 b. Final Lift of Asphalt (including final inlet adjustments)100,000.00$ $100,000.00 d. Recreational Trail or Sidewalk 60,000.00$ $60,000.00 e. Other -$ $0.00 f. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)47,300.00$ ($10,000.00)$37,300.00 477,300.00$ ($60,000.00)$417,300.00 #2 SITE GRADING/LANDSCAPING/RESTORATION a. Erosion control 60,000.00$ ($40,000.00)$20,000.00 b. Site Grading (including retention ponds & Bluhm Park)425,000.00$ ($325,000.00)$100,000.00 c. Landscaping (street trees, PEC restoration, prairie)75,000.00$ $75,000.00 d. Site Restoration (topsoil/seed or sod as required)125,500.00$ $125,500.00 e. Other- Polymer Stabilization & Misc Changes $0.00 f. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)34,275.00$ ($15,000.00)$19,275.00 719,775.00$ ($380,000.00)$339,775.00 #4 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM a. Mains & Manholes 450,392.00$ ($180,000.00)$270,392.00 b. Laterals 136,950.00$ ($50,000.00)$86,950.00 c. Pumping station & Generator -$ $0.00 d. Force main -$ $0.00 e. Grinder pumps &chamber-indiv dwelling -$ $0.00 f. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)52,860.78$ ($30,000.00)$22,860.78 g. Other (Cleaning By Contractor & TV by City)3,000.00$ $3,000.00 643,202.78$ ($260,000.00)$383,202.78 #5 WATER MAIN SYSTEM a. Mains, valves & manholes 322,642.00$ ($200,000.00)$122,642.00 b. Hydrants, valves & leads 42,000.00$ ($25,000.00)$17,000.00 c. Water services 96,913.00$ ($50,000.00)$46,913.00 d. Well & pumphouse -$ $0.00 e. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)41,539.95$ ($22,500.00)$19,039.95 f. Other -$ $0.00 503,094.95$ ($297,500.00)$205,594.95 #6 STORM SEWER SYSTEM a. Mains & manholes 396,006.00$ ($300,000.00)$96,006.00 b. Inlets 57,400.00$ ($20,000.00)$37,400.00 c. Laterals + Sump Lines 46,942.00$ ($20,000.00)$26,942.00 d. Headwalls/discharge structures 7,500.00$ ($5,000.00)$2,500.00 e. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)45,706.32$ ($25,000.00)$20,706.32 f. Other -$ $0.00 553,554.32$ ($370,000.00)$183,554.32 Established 9/18/2014 #7 SPECIAL/MISC IMPROVEMENTS a. Street lights (2 WE Energies Lights)6,000.00$ $6,000.00 b. Street signs 500.00$ $500.00 c. Other- Retaining Wall 29,000.00$ ($24,000.00)$5,000.00 35,500.00$ ($24,000.00)$11,500.00 #8 FEES a. City administration 5,000.00$ ($2,000.00)$3,000.00 b. Engineering Design and Admin and Testing 50,000.00$ ($40,000.00)$10,000.00 c. Engineering-As builts for underground (by City consultant)20,000.00$ $20,000.00 d. Engineering- Survey & Grading As-builts (including ponds)30,000.00$ $30,000.00 e. Legal 5,000.00$ ($2,500.00)$2,500.00 f. Other -$ $0.00 110,000.00$ ($44,500.00)$65,500.00 TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATE $3,042,427.05 ($1,436,000.00)$1,606,427.05 120 % = LETTER OF CREDIT AMOUNT 3,650,912.46$ 1,927,712.46$ November 20, 2014 Dave Simpson City of Muskego W182S8200 Racine Ave Muskego, WI 53150 RE: LOC Reduction Belle Chasse Addition No. 2 Dear Dave: Belle Chasse Partners LLC would like to request a letter of credit reduction for the work completed as of November 11, 2014. Our general contractor has submitted a request to paid $1,579,331 for work completed in Belle Chasse Addition No 2. The original LOC was in the amount of $3,350,912.46. Attached with this letter are the Cost Breakdown Form, General Contractor Invoice w/detailed billing, and Conditional Waiver and Release for the request. My understanding is that you will need to review and approve the request and provide the information to the Common Council for approval. I believe the next Common Council Agenda is December 9th. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or requests for additional information. Sincerely, Cory O’Donnell Neumann Companies, Inc. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #103-2014 APPROVAL OF REDUCTION TO LETTER OF CREDIT FOR BELLE CHASSE PHASE III (aka Addition #2) WHEREAS, The developer has submitted a request for a letter of credit reduction for the Belle Chasse Phase III subdivision; and WHEREAS, The City Engineer and Finance Committee have recommended that the letter of credit for the development be reduced to $1,927,712.46. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve a reduction to the letter of credit for Belle Chasse Phase III to $1,927,712.46. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #103-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 11/14jmb Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee To: Finance Committee From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Extension of Lease for Boxhorn Warehouse Space Date: December 4, 2014 As part of the acquisition of the Boxhorn boat launch the City acquired a warehouse adjacent to the Boxhorn Gun Club. As part of the original agreement to purchase the launch property the City agreed to lease half of the warehouse space back to the gun club for a period of two years at a rate of $25/month. The two year lease was up in May of 2014 at which time the Parks & Recreation Board gave an extension to the end of 2014 with the understanding that the Gun club would work with staff to work out the details of a possible further extension. As staff discussed this option the reorganization of staffing occurred that would require the Department of Public Works to complete all Parks maintenance which changed the City’s potential need for storage. At this time the Gun Club was told that the City would most likely not entertain a long term lease as we may need the space for City equipment or may consider selling the building. The attached letter was received from Gun Club representatives requesting a lease extension for six months while options are further discussed. The existing warehouse is not ideal for storage of City equipment as it is such a large distance from the City Garage and is difficult to provide security for and has a limited ceiling height. Based on the reorganization I believe that there is a possibility that with a small addition to the City Garage and construction of cold storage building onsite at the City Garage the City might be able to sell the existing Parks Garage and the Boxhorn Warehouse. However, as the DPW has only recently taken on these new responsibilities we will need more time to gather data to present it to the Public Works Committee and Common Council for discussion regarding these possibilities. Based on the attached request and the need for more time to discuss all options I believe that a six month extension is reasonable. Continuing at the reduced rental rate of $25/month now with an understanding that market rate, which could be as much as $700/month, will be used if further extensions are necessary, may be a reasonable way to proceed. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve an extension to June 30th, 2015 for the current Boxhorn Warehouse lease. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #104-2014 APPROVAL OF EXTENSION OF BOXHORN WAREHOUSE LEASE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, The City had a lease agreement for the Boxhorn warehouse space, which expired earlier this year; and WHEREAS, Ownership of the property is in transition and representatives of the Gun Club have requested that the terms of the lease agreeme nt be extended to June 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the request and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve an extension of the lease agreement for the Boxhorn warehouse space. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #104-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 11/14jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #105-2014 RESOLUTION TO ELIMINATE THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARMENT, CREATE THE RECREATION DEPARTMENT, AND APPROVE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR RECREATION MANAGER WHEREAS, With the adoption of the 2015 operating budget, the Common Council of the City of Muskego determined that the Parks Department maintenance and planning functions be consolidated within the Department of Public Works and Community Development Department, respectively, and that a new department be created to meet the City’s Recreation needs; and WHEREAS, The Common Council determined that the creation of a Recreation Department and transitioning the Parks maintenance and planning to the Department of Public Works and Community Development Department would provide more efficiency and oversight, and better meet the City’s current and future needs; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached job description for the Recreation Manager position and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby eliminate the Parks and Recreation Department and create the Recreation Department effective immediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the job description for the Recreation Manager and eliminates the existing position of Parks and Recreation Director effective immediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the employee position descriptions within the affected Departments will be revised administratively. DATED THIS 9TH DAY OF December , 2014. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #105-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. __________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 12/14sem COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #106-2014 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE SELECTION OF RECREATION MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, Tammy Dunn has been selected to fill the position of Recreation Manager; and WHEREAS, The biweekly starting salary for the position will be $2,691, which is in accordance with the City’s Permanent Promotion Policy and 2015 Adopted Operating Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby confirm the selection of Tammy Dunn to fill the position of Recreation Manager effective immediately at a biweekly starting salary of $2,691. Effective January 1st, 2015, the salary will be adjusted to reflect a merit increase based upon the 2014 performance evaluation in accordance with the City’s Employee Merit Pay/Incentive Program. DATED THIS 9TH DAY OF December , 2014. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #106-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 12/14sem Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Public Works Committee To: Public Works Committee From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Proposed changes to Municipal Code section 28.04(17) for cross connection inspections and 28.05(4) for regulation of private wells when connected to municipal water Date: October 20, 2014 The City’s Water Utility is required to meet certain requirements enacted by State Administrative Codes. In order to comply with WDNR requirements we must make some changes to our Municipal Code that regulates the water utility and implement a cross connection inspection program of all properties connected to the City’s water system. The code changes must be completed by the end of the year and we must begi n cross connection inspections in 2015. Cross connection inspections can be completed by City staff when completing meter changes on residential facilities, however, inspections must be completed every two years for high hazard properties. High hazard inspections must be completed by trained professionals that deal with this type of inspection on a regular basis. I recommend hiring a firm to complete the inspections over the next two years with costs being billed to the property owners. The required code changes that are being required by the WDNR as well as the proposed “Cross Connection Control Policy Manual” are attached for your review and potential approval. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Recommend approval of changes to section 28.04(17) and 28.05(4) as presented as well at the Cross Connection Control Policy Manual COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1392 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 28 SECTIONS 28.04 (17) (b) and (c) AND SECTION 28.05 (4) (e) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Cross Connection Inspections) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 28, Section 28.04 (17) (b), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: 28.04 OPERATING RULES (17) PURITY OF SUPPLY NOT TO BE IMPAIRED BY CROSS CONNECTIONS (b) UNPROTECTED CROSS CONNECTIONS PROHIBITED. No person, firm, or corporation may establish or maintain, or permit to be established or maintained, any unprotected cross connection. Cross connections shall be protected as required in chapters NR810 and SPS 382, Wisconsin Administrative Code. SECTION 2: Chapter 28, Section 28.04 (17) (c), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: (17) PURITY OF SUPPLY NOT TO BE IMPAIRED BY CROSS CONNECTIONS (c) INSPECTION. The water utility may inspect, or arrange for an inspection of, property served by the public water system for cross connections. At its sole discretion, the water utility may require a person, firm, or corporation who owns, leases, or occupies property to have their plumbing inspected, at their own expense by a State of Wisconsin Certified Cross Connection Inspector. Inspections will be conducted for every residential and low hazard non-residential service a minimum of once every ten years or on a schedule matching meter replacement. Public educational materials, when being provided in lieu of low hazard inspections, shall be provided to the customer no less than every 3 years and with every cross connection inspection. Unless otherwise approved by the Utility and the WDNR, the Utility shall cause an inspection to be conducted for every high hazard services a minimum of once every 2 years. Any unprotected cross connections identified by the inspection shall be promptly corrected. Failure to promptly correct an unprotected cross connection shall be sufficient cause for the water utility to discontinue water service to the property, as provided under 28.04(17)(f) of this ordinance. Ord. #1392 Page 2 SECTION 3: Chapter 28, Section 28.05 (4) (e), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: 28.05 WATER SERVICE RATES (4) USE OF PRIVATE WELLS UPON CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE (e) Permanent Abandonment Procedure. (Ord. #786 - 3-18-93) Owner intending to permanently abandon well will notify the Utility of the date of the intended abandonment. Persons intending to abandon a well shall pay a $30 registration fee to the Building Inspection Department, fill out a registration form and DNR Form #3300-5W and/or any other similar or replacement forms that may be in use from time to time. The DNR form or forms shall be completed and properly filed and a copy of said completed form filed with the City of Muskego Building Inspection Department within 30 days of receipt of said form. Failure to return the completed DNR form or forms to the Building Inspection Department within the time required will result in the well not being abandoned. The Utility will be permitted to fully inspect the entire process of abandonment. Owner will comply with NR 812, Wisconsin Administrative Code. In the event the Owner of a private well that has tested unsafe or has failed to obtain well permit refuses or neglects to permanently abandon said well on or before September 1 of each year, the Utility or its agents or contractors may, without notice, enter upon Owner's property and permanently seal said well in accordance with NR 812, Wisconsin Administrative Code, and the cost thereof shall be presented to the City Treasurer who shall place said amount on the tax roll as a special charge pursuant to State Statute §66.60 (16), Wisconsin Statutes. Any person who shall attempt to abandon said well without having first notified the Utility shall be subject to the requirement of furnishing the Utility proof of property compliance with NR 812, Wisconsin Administrative Code. In the event owner is unable to furnish satisfactory proof to the Utility that said well was properly abandoned under said Administrative Code provision, the Utility shall have the right to enter upon the property and perform all necessary tasks to verify that the abandonment of said well was done under the Administrative Code procedure and specifications. Any and all costs incurred by the Utility in permanently sealing said well shall be presented to the City Treasurer who shall place said amount on the tax roll as a special charge pursuant to State Statute §66.60(16), Wisconsin Statutes. Any future additions, amendments, revisions or modifications of the current NR 812, Wisconsin Administrative Code, or future successors to said section, are also incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4: The several sections of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other Ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Ord. #1392 Page 3 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF _______ , 2014. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor ATTEST: First reading: _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 11/2014jmb Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance Published: Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES November 11, 2014 5:50 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 5:55 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti, Ald. Borgman, Ald. Kubacki and Ald. Hammel. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws on November 7, 2014. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 28, 2014 Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 28, 2014 meeting. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend Approval of Operator Licenses Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Operator Licenses for Wendy Hahn, Raeann Kuemmerlein, Andrew Kutz, Jay Poissant, Lester Ruehle, and Ricca Veboril. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommend Change of Agent (Edward Rupp) for "Class B" License held by K & E, Inc. d/b/a Mug-Z's Bar & Grill, W194 S7060 Hillendale Drive Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval of Change of Agent (Edward Rupp) for "Class B" License held by K & E, Inc. d/b/a Mug-Z's Bar & Grill, W194 S7060 Hillendale Drive. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. NEW BUSINESS Recommend Dedication of Improvements and Release of Cash Deposit for Tudor Oaks Water Mains Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Dedication of Finance Committee Minutes 2 November 11, 2014 Improvements and Release of Cash Deposit for Tudor Oaks Water Mains. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $88,144.04. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Tax Vouchers None. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $922,709.12. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Wire Transfers for Debt Service None. Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals in the amount of $332,601.85. Alderman Hammel seconded. FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT Alderman Kubacki made a motion to adjourn at 5:59 PM. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES November 4, 2014 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti, Ald. Wolfe, Commissioners Hulbert, Bartlett, Buckmaster and Jacques. Also present: Director Muenkel and Recording Secretary McMullen. Absent: Commissioner Stinebaugh. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Laws on October 30, 2014. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 7, 2014 MEETING. Alderman Wolfe made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 7, 2014 meeting. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. OLD BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION Request from Common Council to have Plan Commission discussion and recommendation concerning whether the Standards outlined in Section 9.04 of the City Zoning Code have been met, relating to the Ener-Con Companies rezoning proposal from Resolution #PC 052-2014. Discussion that Council requested Plan Commission to have further discussion on this item in order to find more concrete findings for their denial from the October Plan Commission meeting. Full discussion on subject can be had and possible reconsideration of resolution is allowed. Discussion by Attorney Larson leads Plan Commission to address the “Basis For Approval” items in the City’s Planned Development Zoning Ordinances found in Chapter 17, Section 9.04. Consensus on the items in this ordinance were taken as follows: Section 9.04(1)A: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)B: Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to find that this condition has been met as part of the rezoning proposal. Mayor Chiaverotti seconded. Motion Passed 4 in favor 2 opposed. Section 9.04(1)(C)1: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)2: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)3: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)4: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)5: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)6: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)7: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)8: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Section 9.04(1)(C)9: Attorney Larson asks if there is anybody dissatisfied with this ordinance and willing to make a motion of dissatisfaction. No motion made and satisfaction is thus found. Attorney Larson states the Plan Commission has now satisfied themselves that the proposed rezoning meets the Basis For Approval ordinances discussed which is in contrary to the October recommendation given to the Council. Reconsidering Resolution 052-2014 could now take place. OLD BUSINESS FOR POSSIBLE RECONSIDERATION AND ACTION RESOLUTION #PC 052-2014 - Recommendation to Common Council to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego for Ener-Con Companies for properties located in the SE 1/4 of Section 9 (Tax Key No. 2195.999, 2193.970.028, 2193.970.029 / Janesville Road). Commissioner Bartlett made a motion to reconsider RESOLUTION #PC 052-2014 - Recommendation to Common Council to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego for Ener-Con Companies for properties located in the SE 1/4 of Section 9 (Tax Key No. 2195.999, 2193.970.028, 2193.970.029 / Janesville Road). Commissioner Buckmaster seconded. Motion Passed 5 in favor 1 opposed. Resolution is on the floor. Vote is taken on RESOLUTION #PC 052-2014 - Recommendation to Common Council to Amend the Zoning Map of the city of Muskego for Ener-Con Companies for properties located in the SE 1/4 of Section 9 (Tax Key No. 2195.999, 2193.970.028, 2193.970.029 / Janesville Road) passing with 5 in favor and 1 opposed. CONSENT BUSINESS Recommended for approval en gross. Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve CONSENT BUSINESS engross. Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. RESOLUTION #PC 058-2014 - Approval of an operations and site review for Express Convenience Center located in the SE 1/4 of Section 2 (S66 W1450 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2168.996). RESOLUTION #PC 060-2014 - Approval of a Right of Way Vacation for the Muskego Commercial Development property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 3 (Tax Key No. 2169.993.005 / Commerce Drive). NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #PC 059-2014 - Recommendation to Common Council to Rezone a property from BP-1 (Business & Office Park Support District to BP-3 (Business Park District), and Approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan for Muskego Commercial Development, and Approval of a Two Lot Certified Survey Map for the property located NW 1/4 of Section 3 (Tax Key No. 2169.993.005 / Commerce Drive). Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve RESOLUTION #PC 059-2014 - Recommendation to Common Council to Rezone a property from BP-1 (Business & Office Park Support District to BP-3 (Business Park District), and Approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan for Muskego Commercial Development, and Approval of a Two Lot Certified Survey Map for the property located NW 1/4 of Section 3 (Tax Key No. 2169.993.005 / Commerce Drive). Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 PM. Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion Passed 6 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Common Council Standing Committee To: Finance Committee Presenter(s): Finance & Administration Director From: Finance & Administration Department Subject: Topic for Presentation/Report to Committee: Polling Place – District #7 Date: December 9th, 2014 Background Information: The current polling place for District #7 is located at the Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department - Station #2, S100 W13444 Loomis Drive, and has approximately 2,316 registered voters. Although this building had been a suitable location for several years, there have been concerns raised regarding distance, building space and parking, interruption should there be a fire emergency and fire department display obstruction. In 2002, an ordinance was authorized to temporarily change the polling location of District #7 from Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Station #2 to Tudor Oaks Retirement Community due to building remodeling. Tudor Oaks proved to be accommodating for the elections with no issues to report. Key Points and/or Information for Discussion: 1. On November 21st, 2014, staff and I met with the Representative from Tudor Oaks Retirement Community, located at S77 W12929 McShane Drive, to discuss the possibility of conducting future elections at their location and tour the facility. The Representative was very pleased the City reached out to them as a future polling place location and also having an opportunity to be more involved in the community. The facility appeared to be an ideal location to conduct elections due to parking availability, two large rooms with significant capacity (one being an auditorium) and an ADA compliant building. In addition, this location change will be extremely accommodating for the residents of Tudor Oaks. 2. Due to the type and reduced number of elections next year, the timing to move forward with this request is advantageous for residents as well as respective staff members. This will also allow extra time to prepare for the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. 3. On December 4th, 2014, we received official notice from the Tudor Oaks representative to move forward with this proposal. 4. It is required that polling place parking lots be clear of ice or snow on Election Day. If needed, the City may need to assist, which is the case for all other polling places and has not been an issue for past elections. 5. If authorized, this proposal requires an Ordinance amendment (1st and 2nd readings) and notification to residents. Due to the December 23rd Council meeting cancelation, election time frame and publication notice, a request to waive the 2nd reading rules is necessary. Recommendation for Action by Committee: I am requesting the Finance Committee recommend approval to the Common Council that the polling location of District #7 be changed from Tess Corners VFD Station #2 to Tudor Oaks Retirement Community Center, effective with the 2015 elections; as well as waive the ordinance rules. Is Common Council action required? Yes Fiscal Note(s): Total Approximate $ Requested: N/A Amount of Total Requested Budgeted/Unbudgeted: N/A Expenditure Account(s) number recommended to be used: CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Common Council Standing Committee To: Finance Committee Presenter(s): Finance & Administration Director From: Finance & Administration Department Subject: Topic for Presentation/Report to Committee: Central Count Date: December 9th, 2014 Background Information: On September 20th, 2007, Ordinance #1264 was amended to provide for the Canvassing of Absentee Ballots for all elections by the Municipal Board of Absentee Ballot Canvassers for the purpose of allowing the processing of absentee ballots in one location. This process was initially put in place to ease the workload of poll workers. Key Points and/or Information for Discussion: 1. As compared to the last 2010 Fall General Election, the number of absentee ballots processed has risen by over 80%. Since that time, the Government Accountability Board has implemented new processes requiring a substantial amount of paperwork and results reporting. 2. This trend of casting absentee ballots has reduced the amount of electors voting at the polling locations. However, it is required a minimum of five (5) inspectors be scheduled at each polling place. With the continual reduction of in-person voters, this should allow for adequate time to assist with the processing of absentee ballots. For the high volume elections, an additional team of inspectors would be assigned. 3. The advantages of processing absentee ballots at the polling places versus one location include savings recognized due to the reduced number of required machines to purchase and test, staff time, paperwork to process, less supplies and ease of balancing the number of votes cast. 4. The City of Brookfield recently repealed central count processing leaving only six (6) reporting entities in the entire State of Wisconsin that process absentee ballots by way of central count. 5. Due to the type and reduced number of elections next year, the timing to move forward with this request is advantageous for respective staff members including election inspectors. This will also allow extra time to prepare for the upcoming Presidential election in 2016. 6. If authorized, this proposal requires an Ordinance amendment (1st and 2nd readings) and notification to residents. Due to the December 23rd Council meeting cancelation, election time frame and publication notice, a request to waive the 2nd reading rules is necessary. Recommendation for Action by Committee: I am requesting the Finance Committee recommend approval to the Common Council that ‘Central Count’ be repealed; as well as waive the ordinance rules due to time constraints. Is Common Council action required? Yes Fiscal Note(s): Total Approximate $ Requested: N/A – Savings Recognized in excess of $1,000 per election. Amount of Total Requested Budgeted/Unbudgeted: N/A Expenditure Account(s) number recommended to be used: COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1393 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 1, SECTION 1.09, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Elections) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 1, Section 1.09 (1), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: 1.09 ELECTIONS (1) POLLING PLACES Wards 1, 2 and 3 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School District 1 S66 W14325 Janesville Road Wards 4 & 5 Muskego Public Library District 2 S73 W16663 Janesville Road Wards 6, 7 and 8 Atonement Lutheran Church District 3 S70 W16244 Martin Drive Wards 9 and 10 Muskego City Hall District 4 W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Wards 11 and 12 Fox River Christian Church District 5 S67 W19491 Tans Drive Wards 13 and 14 Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department Station #4 District 6 W195 S10030 Racine Avenue Wards 15 and 16 Tudor Oaks Retirement Community District 7 S77 W12929 McShane Drive SECTION 2: Chapter 1, Sections 1.09 (4) and (5), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: The several sections of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other Ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Ord. #1393 Page 2 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2014. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor ATTEST: First reading: _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 11/2014jmb Newly Enacted Ordinance Published: Council Date DEC 9, 2014 Total Vouchers All Funds $391,054.63 Total Voucher Approval Utility Vouchers (Approve Separately) Water Vouchers $13,183.44 Water Wire Transfers Total Water $13,183.44 Sewer Vouchers 44,727.50 Sewer Wire Transfers Total Sewer $44,727.50 Net Total Utility Vouchers $ 57,910.94 #1 - Utility Voucher Approval Tax Vouchers - Refunds & Tax Settlements (Approve Separately) Tax Vouchers $1,850.64 Tax Void Checks ()** Total Tax Vouchers $ 1,850.64 #2 - Tax Voucher Approval Total General Fund Vouchers (Approve Separately) General Fund Vouchers $331,293.05 General Fund Void Checks ()** Total General Fund Vouchers $ 331,293.05 #3 - General Voucher Approval Big Muskego Lake Vouchers $350.00 . Wire transfers (Approve Separately): Tax Settlements $ Debt Service $ Payroll/Invoice Transmittals $328,232.82 #4 - Wire Transfers Approval Void Checks Since Last Report Check #Amount Check #Amount Total *** Total 0.00 *Total *** CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 1 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments" Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number ADVANCED TRAINING SYSTEMS INC AD12914 1 Invoice COMPUTER TARGET SYS/RANGE 09/19/2014 12/09/2014 8,240.00 1214 410. Total ADVANCED TRAINING SYSTEMS INC:8,240.00 ALL LIGHTING INC 68773 1 Invoice LIGHT BULBS/PARTS 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 74.28 1214 Total ALL LIGHTING INC:74.28 ALSCO 42510/12914 1 Invoice UNIFORM RENT/ 11/2014 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 56.20 1214 42510/12914 2 Invoice UNIFORM RENT/ 11/2014 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 56.20 1214 605. 42510/12914 3 Invoice UNIFORM RENT/ 11/2014 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 186.68 1214 601. 42511/12914 1 Invoice UNIFORM RENT/ 11/2014 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 74.44 1214 601. 42511/12914 2 Invoice UNIFORM RENT/ 11/2014 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 44.56 1214 605. 42511/12914 3 Invoice UNIFORM RENT/ 11/2014 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 44.56 1214 Total ALSCO:462.64 AMERICAN LITHO, INC. 24799001 1 Invoice WINTER/SPRING PROG GUIDE 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 3,406.00 1214 Total AMERICAN LITHO, INC.:3,406.00 APPLIED ASSC 96489202 1 Invoice PARTS 11/13/2014 12/09/2014 135.78 1214 96492938 1 Invoice CABLE TIES 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 39.42 1214 Total APPLIED ASSC:175.20 ASSOCIATED BANK AS12914 1 Invoice REV BOND/PRIN 12/1/14 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 25,416.67 1214 601. AS12914 2 Invoice REV BOND/INT 11/1/14 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 6,526.25 1214 601. Total ASSOCIATED BANK:31,942.92 ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 60169/12914 1 Invoice ACCIDENT/DEC 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 253.35 1214 60169/12914 2 Invoice CRITICAL ILL/DEC 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 152.25 1214 60169/12914 3 Invoice LONG TERM/DEC 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 266.08 1214 60169/12914 4 Invoice SHORT TERM/DEC 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 494.59 1214 Total ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:1,166.27 BPI (BLUEPRINTS, INC.) 0011697 1 Invoice KIP METER READING CHARGES 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 6.88 1214 Total BPI (BLUEPRINTS, INC.):6.88 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 2 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number BROCK-WHITE CO OF WIS, INC 0198159-IN 1 Invoice WIRE,SNOW FENCE,TIRES 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 130.00 1214 Total BROCK-WHITE CO OF WIS, INC:130.00 BUBRICKS INC 1551 1 Invoice CALENDARS 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 39.86 1214 4540 1 Invoice GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 121.18 1214 Total BUBRICKS INC:161.04 BURTON & MAYER INC 477164 1 Invoice JOINT SCHOOL DIST-CITY LTR 10/31/2014 12/09/2014 4,041.00 1214 Total BURTON & MAYER INC:4,041.00 BUSINESS CARD 0531/12914 1 Invoice COURT CLK CONF/SUSAN & EMIL 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 420.00 1214 1059/12914 1 Invoice SUPPLIES/PUMPKIN TIME 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 40.57 1214 2733/12914 1 Invoice CAMERA BATTERY 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 21.13 1214 2733/12914 2 Invoice FLASH CORD/CAMERA 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 25.64 1214 2881/129/14 1 Invoice CRO HALLOWEEN TRUNK/TREAT 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 6.21 1214 392/12914 1 Invoice CHANGE LOCKS/PKS GARG 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 165.00 1214 392/12914 2 Invoice RENEW AMER PW DUES 2015 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 189.00 1214 392/12914 3 Invoice CAMERA 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 109.00 1214 4059/12914 1 Invoice LIGHT BULBS/JANESVILLE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 387.71 1214 4059/12914 2 Invoice ACCESSLINE TOLL FREE #11/18/2014 12/04/2014 14.70 1214 5147/12914 1 Invoice ELECTION EXP/11/4/14 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 209.99 1214 5147/12914 2 Invoice ELECTION EXP/11/4/14 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 56.50 1214 5147/12914 3 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 150.00 1214 5147/12914 4 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 50.00 1214 5147/12914 5 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 50.00 1214 5147/12914 6 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 375.00 1214 5147/12914 7 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 137.50 1214 601. 5147/12914 8 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 137.50 1214 605. 5147/12914 9 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 225.00 1214 5147/12914 10 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 75.00 1214 5147/12914 11 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 525.00 1214 5147/12914 12 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 75.00 1214 5147/12914 13 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 50.00 1214 5147/12914 14 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 925.00 1214 5147/12914 15 Invoice EMP APPRECIATION/GIFT CARDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 225.00 1214 5342/12914 1 Invoice MAINT/CH 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 24.72 1214 5342/12914 2 Invoice VENDING SNACKS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 76.77 1214 5342/12914 3 Invoice ELECTION SUPPLIES 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 7.58 1214 5342/12914 4 Invoice MAINT/GENERAL 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 549.99 1214 5342/12914 5 Invoice MAINT/LIB 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 657.55 1214 5342/12914 6 Invoice MAINT/MISC 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 6.51 1214 5420/12914 1 Invoice SECURITY LOCK 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 24.16 1214 5420/12914 2 Invoice EVIDENCE CAMERAS & SUPPLIES 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 865.96 1214 5420/12914 3 Invoice FOAM CASES/EVODENCE CAMER 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 135.96 1214 5420/12914 4 Invoice TAC SHIRTS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 129.66 1214 5678/12914 1 Invoice UNDER CONSTRUCTION SNACKS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 19.41 1214 6583/12/9/14 1 Invoice PROMO/23137 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 41.02 1214 6583/12/9/14 2 Invoice BARNES & NOBLE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 205.58 1214 6583/12/9/14 3 Invoice CONF/23163CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 14.00 1214 6583/12/9/14 4 Invoice CONF/23163CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 5.87 1214 6583/12/9/14 5 Invoice ELEC/23161 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 16.52 1214 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 3 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 6583/12/9/14 6 Invoice ELEC/23161 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 357.86 1214 6583/12/9/14 7 Invoice ELEC/23161 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 39.00 1214 6583/12/9/14 8 Invoice GRANT/23174 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 123.96 1214 503. 7266/129/14 1 Invoice LP 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 18.50 1214 601. 7266/129/14 2 Invoice LP 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 18.50 1214 601. 7266/129/14 3 Invoice SUPPLIES/WEATHERWOOD 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 55.08 1214 605. 7266/129/14 4 Invoice DOOR LOCK/FRONT GARAGE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 49.50 1214 7266/129/14 5 Invoice DOOR LOCK/FRONT GARAGE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 24.75 1214 601. 7266/129/14 6 Invoice DOOR LOCK/FRONT GARAGE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 24.75 1214 605. 7604/12/9/14 1 Invoice SUPPLIES/ELECTION 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 9.99 1214 7604/12/9/14 2 Invoice JEWEL CREST BRIDGE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 13.98 1214 7604/12/9/14 3 Invoice LP 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 162.80 1214 7604/12/9/14 4 Invoice MORTAR MIX/BASINS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 17.95 1214 7604/12/9/14 5 Invoice FENCE & POSTS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 943.04 1214 8127/12914 1 Invoice TAXPAYER ALLIANCE RENEW/201 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 48.00 1214 8127/12914 2 Invoice 50TH ANV FOOD 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 30.00 1214 8127/12914 3 Invoice NATL PUBLIC EMPLOYER RENEW 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 195.00 1214 8127/12914 4 Invoice PREV BAL 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 37.97 1214 8166/12914 1 Invoice MICROWAVE & CANDY SQDS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 99.92 1214 8166/12914 2 Invoice BATTERY/EVIDENCE CAMERA 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 29.99 1214 8166/12914 3 Invoice FOAM CASE/CAMERA 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 70.91 1214 8166/12914 4 Invoice HOTEL CONF/FANDRE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 280.00 1214 8316/12914 1 Invoice PUB REL/23130PR 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 64.98 1214 503. 8316/12914 2 Invoice PUB REL/23130PR 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 42.37 1214 503. 8316/12914 3 Invoice PUB REL/23130PR 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 116.61 1214 503. 8316/12914 4 Invoice PUB REL/23130PR 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 174.92 1214 503. 8316/12914 5 Invoice GRANT/23131 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 596.40 1214 503. 8316/12914 6 Invoice AUD VIS/23136AV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 39.00 1214 8316/12914 7 Invoice CONF/23143C 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 50.00 1214 8316/12914 8 Invoice SUPPLIES/23127S 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 174.35 1214 8316/12914 9 Invoice SUPPLIES/23128S 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 105.93 1214 8316/12914 10 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 119.84 1214 8316/12914 11 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 14.45 1214 8316/12914 12 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 13.78 1214 8316/12914 13 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 23.07 1214 8316/12914 14 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 24.91 1214 8316/12914 15 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 43.60 1214 8316/12914 16 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 51.95 1214 8316/12914 17 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 165.29 1214 8316/12914 18 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 26.09 1214 8316/12914 19 Invoice AUD VIS/23134JAV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 19.05 1214 8316/12914 20 Invoice CONF/23202CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 32.22 1214 8316/12914 21 Invoice CONF/23202CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 26.92 1214 8316/12914 22 Invoice CONF/23202CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 7.59 1214 8316/12914 23 Invoice CONF/23202CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 16.00 1214 8316/12914 24 Invoice CONF/23202CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 11.67 1214 8316/12914 25 Invoice AUD VIS/23162AV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 108.82 1214 8316/12914 26 Invoice AUD VIS/23162AV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 29.98 1214 8316/12914 27 Invoice SUPPLIES/23167S 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 135.22 1214 8316/12914 28 Invoice AUD VIS/23120AV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 159.18 1214 8316/12914 29 Invoice AUD VIS/23120AV 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 29.98 1214 8316/12914 30 Invoice CONF/23202CE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 87.37 1214 8316/12914 31 Invoice MISC CREDITS 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 202.03-1214 9391/12914 1 Invoice BATERY 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 7.14 1214 9391/12914 2 Invoice PRINTER BASE 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 229.00 1214 Total BUSINESS CARD:12,623.81 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 4 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number BUSINESS CARD/BANK OF AMERICA , LISA 6481/129/14 1 Invoice CLEANING/UNIFORM JACKET 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 20.00 1214 6481/129/14 2 Invoice STAMP/ARREST SHEET 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 8.97 1214 6481/129/14 3 Invoice CITIZENS ACADEMY/PIZZA 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 157.50 1214 6481/129/14 4 Invoice HEAVY DUTY STAPLER 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 24.73 1214 6481/129/14 5 Invoice TOURNIQUET & CASE/ONDRICKA 11/18/2014 12/04/2014 67.99 1214 Total BUSINESS CARD/BANK OF AMERICA , LISA:279.19 CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO CI120914 1 Invoice JEWELL LOAN 3RD PAYMENT 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 27,130.00 1214 Total CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO:27,130.00 CITY OF NEW BERLIN PARKS, PRI1488 1 Invoice FALL 2013 REC CO-OP CLASSESS 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 664.00 1214 PRI1488 2 Invoice FALL 2013 REC CO-OP CLASSESS 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 841.00 1214 Total CITY OF NEW BERLIN PARKS,:1,505.00 CITY OF WAUKESHA MUNICPAL CRT CI12914 1 Invoice FINE AMT/PAYM#R794799-5 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 126.60 1214 Total CITY OF WAUKESHA MUNICPAL CRT:126.60 CREATIVE FORMS & CONCEPTS, INC 113401 1 Invoice ACCT PAY & PAYROLL END OF Y 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 306.30 1214 113421 1 Invoice ACCT PAY & PAYROLL END OF Y 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 15.45 1214 Total CREATIVE FORMS & CONCEPTS, INC:321.75 CUMMINS NPOWER,LLC 80554264 1 Invoice REPAIRS/CAMERA TRK 09/19/2014 12/09/2014 1,052.34 1214 601. Total CUMMINS NPOWER,LLC:1,052.34 DELIKAT, WAYNE DE12914 1 Invoice 2014 CLOTHING REIMB 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 131.04 1214 Total DELIKAT, WAYNE:131.04 DEWINTER EYE CARE CENTER 12914 1 Invoice PALUBICKI/GLASSES 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 342.00 1214 Total DEWINTER EYE CARE CENTER:342.00 DIEDRICH, SHAWN DI12914 1 Invoice PANTS/OC HOLDER DIEDRICH 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 126.82 1214 DI12914 2 Invoice K9 CONF MEALS 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 16.83 1214 Total DIEDRICH, SHAWN:143.65 DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC. 192530 1 Invoice HRA FEES/DEC 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 208.06 1214 193602 1 Invoice HRA FEE/DEC 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 372.87 1214 Total DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC.:580.93 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 5 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number DIVERSIFIED TRUCK SRV INC 6168 1 Invoice FENDER/#16 10/10/2014 12/09/2014 813.00 1214 Total DIVERSIFIED TRUCK SRV INC:813.00 DRANA, JOHN DR12914 1 Invoice REIMB DRANA/GRD #5 TOURNEY 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 175.00 1214 Total DRANA, JOHN:175.00 ELKHORN YOUTH BASKETBALL EL12914 1 Invoice GR7A BLOUNT TOURNEY 12/05/2014 12/09/2014 150.00 1214 Total ELKHORN YOUTH BASKETBALL:150.00 ELLIOTT'S ACE HARDWARE 601005/12914 1 Invoice MAINT SUPPLIES/CH 11/30/2014 12/09/2014 37.83 1214 601005/12914 2 Invoice MAINT SUPPLIES/LIB 11/30/2014 12/09/2014 23.36 1214 601005/12914 3 Invoice MAINT SUPPLIES/TOWN HALL 11/30/2014 12/09/2014 35.94 1214 601005/12914 4 Invoice MISC SWR SUPPLIES 11/30/2014 12/09/2014 20.58 1214 601. 601005/12914 5 Invoice CREDIT 11/30/2014 12/09/2014 19.48-1214 Total ELLIOTT'S ACE HARDWARE:98.23 FANDRE, RYAN FA12914 1 Invoice NTOA TEAM LEADER CONF MEAL 11/21/2014 12/09/2014 103.26 1214 FA12914 2 Invoice NTOA CONF/FUEL 11/21/2014 12/09/2014 11.61 1214 Total FANDRE, RYAN:114.87 FASTENAL COMPANY WIMUK52754 1 Invoice PARTS 11/12/2014 12/09/2014 24.09 1214 Total FASTENAL COMPANY:24.09 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 0162793 1 Invoice HYDRANT PARTS 11/13/2014 12/09/2014 21.00 1214 605. Total FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516:21.00 FIRST SCRIBE 2464527 1 Invoice ROWAY WEB APPL 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 85.00 1214 Total FIRST SCRIBE:85.00 FORCE AMERICA INC. 02128481 1 Invoice SENSOR KIT 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 1,515.03 1214 Total FORCE AMERICA INC.:1,515.03 FRANSEN, MICHAEL & MONICA 2212088/12914 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/2 12/03/2014 12/09/2014 524.51 1214 501. Total FRANSEN, MICHAEL & MONICA:524.51 GAIL FORCE ENTERPRISES 5194 1 Invoice YOGA/NOV 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 608.00 1214 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 6 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total GAIL FORCE ENTERPRISES:608.00 GIGGLY HUGS CHILD CARE INC GI12914 1 Invoice MISIC MAKERS/NOV & DEC 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 420.00 1214 Total GIGGLY HUGS CHILD CARE INC:420.00 GREENDALE JUNIOR PANTHERS GR12914 1 Invoice GR 4A BEECK TOURNEY 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 80.00 1214 Total GREENDALE JUNIOR PANTHERS:80.00 GRIZZ SPORTS GR12914 1 Invoice GR 5A KRAUSE TOURNEY 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 225.00 1214 Total GRIZZ SPORTS:225.00 GULLO, DOMINIC 2171027 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/#1 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 212.13 1214 501. Total GULLO, DOMINIC:212.13 HEINRICH, FRANK HE12914 1 Invoice 2014 REIMB CLOTHING 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 300.00 1214 Total HEINRICH, FRANK:300.00 HENDRICKSON, CANDACE HE12914 1 Invoice 2014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 58.07 1214 Total HENDRICKSON, CANDACE:58.07 HERDA, EMILY HE12914 1 Invoice REIMB EXP/COURT CLK SEMINAR 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 19.31 1214 Total HERDA, EMILY:19.31 HERSLOF OPTICAL CO 847549 1 Invoice GLASSES/DEIKAT 11/06/2014 12/09/2014 41.75 1214 Total HERSLOF OPTICAL CO:41.75 HO, DUNG & LYN PHAM 2258067/12914 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/1 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 372.56 1214 501. Total HO, DUNG & LYN PHAM:372.56 HUMPHREY SERVICE & PARTS 1161481 1 Invoice FILM 11/21/2014 12/09/2014 315.84 1214 Total HUMPHREY SERVICE & PARTS:315.84 HUTCHESON, SUSAN HU12914 1 Invoice REIMB CONF EXP/COURT CLK CO 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 39.87 1214 Total HUTCHESON, SUSAN:39.87 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 7 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number INLAND LEASING 58814964 1 Invoice CONTRACT PAYM/DEC 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 116.82 1214 Total INLAND LEASING:116.82 INTELLISYS INC 141001MUS 1 Invoice 2015 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 10/01/2014 12/09/2014 375.00 1214 601. 141001MUS 2 Invoice 2015 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 10/01/2014 12/09/2014 375.00 1214 605. Total INTELLISYS INC:750.00 JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC 572382 1 Invoice COPIES 1/3 MO CHG 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 13.35 1214 572382 2 Invoice COPIES 1/3 MO CHG 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 13.35 1214 601. 572382 3 Invoice COPIES 1/3 MO CHG 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 13.35 1214 605. Total JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC:40.05 JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION MIL12140171 1 Invoice CLEANING/CH DEC 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 2,150.00 1214 MIL12140171 2 Invoice CLEANING/PD DEC 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 1,728.00 1214 MIL12140171 3 Invoice CLEANING/LIB NOV 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 3,049.00 1214 MIL12140171 4 Invoice CLEANING/TOWN HALL DEC 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 363.00 1214 MIL12140171 5 Invoice CLEANING/PK ARTHUR DEC 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 480.00 1214 Total JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION:7,770.00 JOERS, STACI 12414 1 Invoice COOKING CLASS/DEC 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 15.50 1214 Total JOERS, STACI:15.50 JOHNSON, PAUL 2258067 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/1 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 38.73 1214 501. Total JOHNSON, PAUL:38.73 JOURNAL SENTINEL INC 7000556-11-14 1 Invoice MISC PUBL 12/05/2014 12/09/2014 177.20 1214 7000556-11-14 2 Invoice ELECTIONS 12/05/2014 12/09/2014 29.60 1214 Total JOURNAL SENTINEL INC:206.80 KUCHLER, GERALD F ATTORNEY KU12914 1 Invoice COURT ORDERED REF/#R794800-11/19/2014 12/09/2014 291.60 1214 Total KUCHLER, GERALD F ATTORNEY:291.60 LAKE GENEVA BOYS BASKETBALL 122014 1 Invoice GR 7A BLOUNT TOURNEY 12/05/2014 12/09/2014 165.00 1214 Total LAKE GENEVA BOYS BASKETBALL:165.00 LINCOLN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY INC J54594 1 Invoice 3" MUD PUMP 10/13/2014 12/09/2014 106.48 1214 Total LINCOLN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY INC:106.48 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 8 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number LYNN PEAVEY CO. 296386 1 Invoice EVIDENCE SUPPLIES 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 38.95 1214 Total LYNN PEAVEY CO.:38.95 MACHINE SERVICE, INC. 543160009 1 Invoice KUBUTA 11/12/2014 12/09/2014 147.34 1214 Total MACHINE SERVICE, INC.:147.34 MANTEK 1720190 1 Invoice 100#S MANZYME 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 1,433.41 1214 601. 1720192 1 Invoice AEROSAL 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 216.40 1214 Total MANTEK:1,649.81 MARK J. RINDERLE TIRE INC. 112588 1 Invoice TIRE/#2 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 540.00 1214 112632 1 Invoice TIRES/#26 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 196.00 1214 601. 112632 2 Invoice TIRES/#26 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 196.00 1214 605. Total MARK J. RINDERLE TIRE INC.:932.00 MERIT ASPHALT, INC. 70836 1 Invoice WEATHERWOOD CT 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 1,789.00 1214 605. Total MERIT ASPHALT, INC.:1,789.00 MILLER, KATHI 111914 1 Invoice NOV/CLUTTER CLASS 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 144.00 1214 Total MILLER, KATHI:144.00 MILW AUDOBON SOC/BIRD CITY WI MI120914 1 Invoice BIRD CITY RENEWAL 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 100.00 1214 Total MILW AUDOBON SOC/BIRD CITY WI:100.00 MUSKEGO NORWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT MN12914 1 Invoice 12/1/14 POLICE LIASON OVERAG 12/05/2014 12/09/2014 896.68 1214 Total MUSKEGO NORWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT:896.68 MUSKEGO PARKS & REC. DEPT. MU12914 1 Invoice REIMB PRESCHOOL MATLS 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 49.84 1214 Total MUSKEGO PARKS & REC. DEPT.:49.84 MUSKEGO ST ANDREWS LLC MU12914 1 Invoice RELEASE CASH BOND / DD#833 12/03/2014 12/09/2014 55,129.00 1214 507. MU12914 2 Invoice RELEASE CASH BOND / DD#834 12/03/2014 12/09/2014 114,365.00 1214 507. Total MUSKEGO ST ANDREWS LLC:169,494.00 NOSIR, HANY & MARY 2172003/12914 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/#1 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 378.45 1214 501. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 9 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total NOSIR, HANY & MARY:378.45 OAK CREEK GIRLS BASKETBALL OA12914 1 Invoice GR 4A BEECK TOURNEY 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 185.00 1214 Total OAK CREEK GIRLS BASKETBALL:185.00 OSG STATEMENT SRV 0000035198 1 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/26/2014 12/09/2014 65.67 1214 601. 0000035198 2 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/26/2014 12/09/2014 32.84 1214 0000035198 3 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/26/2014 12/09/2014 32.84 1214 0000035198 4 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/26/2014 12/09/2014 65.67 1214 605. Total OSG STATEMENT SRV:197.02 OSG STATEMENT SRV. (postage) 51194 1 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 203.78 1214 601. 51194 2 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 203.79 1214 605. 51194 3 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 101.90 1214 51194 4 Invoice 3RD QTR 14 DELQ 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 101.90 1214 Total OSG STATEMENT SRV. (postage):611.37 PINKY ELECTRIC INC. 17155 1 Invoice VET PK & OLD TOWN HALL 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 94.00 1214 Total PINKY ELECTRIC INC.:94.00 PIRANHA PAPER SHREDDING LLC 012211201411 1 Invoice PAPER SHREDDING 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 12.50 1214 1492112014 1 Invoice PAPER SHREDDING 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 30.00 1214 Total PIRANHA PAPER SHREDDING LLC:42.50 POLICE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 1168 1 Invoice LIGHT BAR SET UP/#5 & 6 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 3,950.00 1214 1169 1 Invoice LIGHTS & LABOR/#2 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 4,071.00 1214 1170 1 Invoice LABOR PUCHBAR/#5 & 6 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 4,240.00 1214 Total POLICE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT:12,261.00 PORT-A-JOHN 1232619-IN 1 Invoice RESTROOM AT ENGEL 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 71.00 1214 Total PORT-A-JOHN:71.00 POST HOLES UNLIMITED INC PO121419 1 Invoice REPAIR SPRING 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 31.50 1214 605. PO121419 2 Invoice REPAIR SPRING 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 31.50 1214 601. PO12914 1 Invoice REPAIR SPRING 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 63.00 1214 Total POST HOLES UNLIMITED INC:126.00 R.A. SMITH NATIONAL INC. 1159696 1 Invoice BOXHORN RESERVE CONSTRUC 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 6,134.14 1214 507. 115973 1 Invoice 2014 PAVING PROGRAM 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 6,076.93 1214 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 10 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total R.A. SMITH NATIONAL INC. :12,211.07 R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC 703830 1 Invoice BLUE PAINT 11/21/2014 12/09/2014 157.44 1214 605. 703830 2 Invoice GREEN PAINT 11/21/2014 12/09/2014 157.44 1214 601. Total R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC:314.88 REGISTRATION FEE TRUST RE12914 1 Invoice PLATE TRANSFER/NEW SQD#2 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 85.50 1214 Total REGISTRATION FEE TRUST:85.50 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/CH 21880/12914 1 Invoice SUPPLIES/CH 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 21.47 1214 21880/12914 2 Invoice SUPPLIES/OLD TOWN HALL 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 36.67 1214 21880/12914 3 Invoice supplie/BELLE CHASSE #800 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 19.49 1214 507. Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/CH:77.63 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PD 89882 1 Invoice BLUE TAPE 11/03/2014 12/09/2014 13.98 1214 89882 2 Invoice KEYS 11/03/2014 12/09/2014 23.13 1214 89882 3 Invoice SECURITY PAD LOCK 11/03/2014 12/09/2014 22.99 1214 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PD:60.10 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PW 22000/12914 1 Invoice MISC SUPPLIES 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 66.21 1214 22000/12914 2 Invoice ELECTION SUPPLIES 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 16.97 1214 22000/12914 3 Invoice ELECTION SUPPLIES 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 4.29 1214 Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/PW:87.47 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/UTI 89801 1 Invoice HEATER 10/28/2014 12/09/2014 67.96 1214 601. 89987 1 Invoice ANTIFREEZE 11/10/2014 12/09/2014 15.87 1214 601. 89987 2 Invoice ANTIFREEZE/PKS 11/10/2014 12/09/2014 28.74 1214 90076 1 Invoice SUPPLIES/WELL#2 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 1.99 1214 605. Total ROZMAN TRUE VALUE/UTI:114.56 RUNDLE-SPENCE S2317789001 1 Invoice BRASS BUSHONGS/WELL#2 11/14/2014 12/09/2014 6.42 1214 605. Total RUNDLE-SPENCE :6.42 SCHAEFER, EDWIN SC121914 1 Invoice 2014 CLOTHING REIMB 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 106.95 1214 SC12914 1 Invoice 2014 CLOTHING REIMB 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 156.28 1214 Total SCHAEFER, EDWIN:263.23 SCHWAAB, INC EO7771 1 Invoice NOTARY STAMP 10/13/2014 12/09/2014 40.25 1214 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 11 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total SCHWAAB, INC:40.25 SHERIDAN, SCOTT SH12914 1 Invoice MEALS IN-SRV 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 30.00 1214 Total SHERIDAN, SCOTT:30.00 SHERPERS INC. AAA175217AA 1 Invoice BIB OVERALLS 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 49.99 1214 601. AAA175217AA 2 Invoice BIB OVERALLS 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 50.00 1214 605. Total SHERPERS INC.:99.99 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB 0187226-IN 1 Invoice EVIDENCE SUPPLIES 11/21/2014 12/09/2014 252.06 1214 Total SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB:252.06 SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES 98729 1 Invoice HOLSSTER/PATTERSON 11/28/2014 12/09/2014 139.99 1214 98737 1 Invoice FLARES 12/03/2014 12/09/2014 149.98 1214 Total SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES:289.97 STAPLES ADVANTAGE INC 3248805075 1 Invoice GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/15/2014 12/09/2014 194.13 1214 Total STAPLES ADVANTAGE INC:194.13 STREICHER'S I112196711 1 Invoice REPLACE HOLSTER/ONDRICKA 11/14/2014 12/09/2014 57.99 1214 Total STREICHER'S:57.99 TAPCO INC. I474456 1 Invoice SIGNS-DR DECALS 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 92.50 1214 Total TAPCO INC. :92.50 TASER INTERNATIONAL SL1377956 1 Invoice TASER BATTERIES 11/13/2014 12/09/2014 227.46 1214 Total TASER INTERNATIONAL:227.46 TEMPLIN, THOMAS & LINDA 2188995002/12 1 Invoice TAX REFUND/1 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 324.26 1214 501. Total TEMPLIN, THOMAS & LINDA:324.26 THE UPS STORE #3692 TE12914 1 Invoice NEPTUNE GUN 11/21/2014 12/09/2014 31.13 1214 605. Total THE UPS STORE #3692:31.13 TIME WARNER CABLE 701507560/129 1 Invoice WAN ETHERNET CONNECTION C 12/06/2014 12/09/2014 180.00 1214 701507560/129 2 Invoice DEDICATED INTERNET CIRCUIT 12/06/2014 12/09/2014 926.42 1214 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 12 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 702969401/129 1 Invoice MTHLTY CHG PK & REC 11/22/2014 12/01/2014 69.95 1214 Total TIME WARNER CABLE:1,176.37 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SRVS 267303006 1 Invoice MTHLY COPIER LEASE 11/30/2014 12/09/2014 222.00 1214 Total TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SRVS:222.00 TOTAL ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 252617 1 Invoice FOREST HOME SITE 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 498.63 1214 601. TOTAL ENERGY SYSTEMS INC:498.63 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE 911461/12914 1 Invoice DATA SEARCH RESOURCE 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 17.75 1214 Total TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE:17.75 UNITRENDS SOFTWARE CORP. 56319 1 Invoice 2015 Unitrends Support 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 4,949.00 1214 Total UNITRENDS SOFTWARE CORP.:4,949.00 USA BLUE BOOK 234932 1 Invoice QTRLY SPRINKLER TESTING 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 180.00 1214 497487 1 Invoice FLAGS/BLUE 11/11/2014 12/09/2014 74.94 1214 605. 497487 2 Invoice FLAGS/GREEN 11/11/2014 12/09/2014 74.94 1214 601. 497487 3 Invoice FLAGS/GREEN 11/11/2014 12/09/2014 55.74 1214 601. 497487 4 Invoice FREIGHT 11/11/2014 12/09/2014 26.15 1214 601. 501733 1 Invoice FLAGS/SWR 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 207.71 1214 601. 501793 1 Invoice VENT FILTER 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 143.92 1214 601. 503041 1 Invoice WIRE STAFF BLUE 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 93.01 1214 605. 503041 2 Invoice WIRE STAFF GREEN 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 71.41 1214 601. 504253 1 Invoice SEAL RING & TEST TUBES 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 139.52 1214 605. Total USA BLUE BOOK:1,067.34 USA FIRE PROTECTION 234930 1 Invoice NOV 14 QTLY/CH 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 180.00 1214 234931 1 Invoice NOV 14 QTLY/CH 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 180.00 1214 Total USA FIRE PROTECTION:360.00 USEMCO INC 66394 1 Invoice PUMP 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 2,885.00 1214 605. 66422 1 Invoice FREIGHT/#66394 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 164.03 1214 605. Total USEMCO INC:3,049.03 WAL-MART WA12914 1 Invoice SHOP WITH A COP 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 2,250.00 1214 505. Total WAL-MART:2,250.00 WATERTOWN YOUTH BASKETBALL WA12914 1 Invoice GR 5A KRAUSE TOURNEY 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 150.00 1214 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 13 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total WATERTOWN YOUTH BASKETBALL:150.00 WAUK CNTY TECH COLLEGE SO579461 1 Invoice IN SRV/6 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 534.06 1214 SO579461 2 Invoice EVOC/CITIZENS ACADEMY CLASS 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 136.72 1214 Total WAUK CNTY TECH COLLEGE:670.78 WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER WA12914 1 Invoice JAIL ASSMT/NOV 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 1,050.00 1214 WA12914 2 Invoice DRIVE SURCHG/ NOV 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 2,389.20 1214 WA12914 3 Invoice INTERLOCK SURCHG/ NOV 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 251.00 1214 WA12914 4 Invoice ADJUSTMENT 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 40.00-1214 Total WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER:3,650.20 WE ENERGIES 0000-020-164/1 Invoice CITY GROUP/CH 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 2,541.73 1214 0000-020-164/2 Invoice CITY GROUP/PD 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 2,318.11 1214 0000-020-164/3 Invoice CITY GROUP/ST LTS 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 3,909.22 1214 0000-020-164/4 Invoice CITY GROUP/SALT SHED 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 21.78 1214 0000-020-164/5 Invoice CITY GROUP/IND PK LTS 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 420.73 1214 0000-020-164/6 Invoice CITY GROUP/LY LK DAM 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 16.30 1214 0000-020-164/7 Invoice CITY GROUP/GARG 50%12/01/2014 12/01/2014 606.96 1214 0000-020-164/8 Invoice CITY GROUP/SWR 25%12/01/2014 12/01/2014 303.48 1214 601. 0000-020-164/9 Invoice CITY GROUP/WTR 25%12/01/2014 12/01/2014 303.48 1214 605. 0000-020-164/10 Invoice CITY GROUP/PKS 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 565.45 1214 0000-020-164/11 Invoice CITY GROUP/PKS GARG 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 209.05 1214 0000-020-164/12 Invoice CITY GROUP/ST LTS TESS 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 188.90 1214 0000-020-164/13 Invoice CITY GROUP/COMM CTR 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 22.67 1214 0000-020-351/1 Invoice OCT WELLS ELEC 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 5,042.83 1214 605. 0000-020-351/2 Invoice OCT WELLS GAS 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 14.19 1214 605. 0000-021-027/1 Invoice GROUP L/S 10/14 11/18/2014 12/02/2014 6,001.93 1214 601. 000021134/129 1 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/CH 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 227.89 1214 000021134/129 2 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PD 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 48.49 1214 000021134/129 3 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/GARG 50%12/01/2014 12/01/2014 89.05 1214 000021134/129 4 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/SWR 25%12/01/2014 12/01/2014 44.53 1214 601. 000021134/129 5 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/WTR 25%12/01/2014 12/01/2014 44.53 1214 605. 000021134/129 6 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PKS 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 94.39 1214 000021134/129 7 Invoice CITY GROUP BILL/PKS GARG 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 34.12 1214 0263-955-013/1 Invoice W13440 JANES/SIGN LT 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 21.25 1214 0650-659-590/1 Invoice S7795 PIONEER DR/ST LT 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 293.71 1214 1210-375-582/1 Invoice RANGE 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 51.20 1214 1222-851-033/1 Invoice ELEC 11/14/WELL#9 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 524.71 1214 605. 1222-851-033/2 Invoice GAS 11/14/WELL#9 11/18/2014 12/09/2014 20.47 1214 605. 2288-776-743/1 Invoice W15913 JANES/ST LT 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 527.95 1214 3836-104-158/1 Invoice L/S GROUP/GAS 11/26/2014 12/09/2014 41.27 1214 601. 3836-104-158/2 Invoice L/S GROUP/ELEC 11/26/2014 12/09/2014 1,157.55 1214 601. 4223-489-258/1 Invoice GAS WELL#13 12/02/2014 12/09/2014 38.65 1214 605. 4277-310-008/1 Invoice W17007 JANES/ST LT 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 807.92 1214 5024-948-351/1 Invoice GAS HILLENDALE 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 72.70 1214 605. 5063-865-935/1 Invoice W18167 JANES/ST LT 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 997.23 1214 5271-186-125/1 Invoice COLLEGE AVE SLED HILL 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 35.01 1214 5499-564-931/1 Invoice GROUP GAS/LIB 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 1,396.10 1214 5499-564-931/2 Invoice GROUP ELEC/LIB 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 4,197.26 1214 5499-564-931/3 Invoice GROUP ELEC & GAS/HIST 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 336.27 1214 5499-564-931/4 Invoice HIST POLE 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 13.49 1214 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 14 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 5499-564-931/5 Invoice ARCH 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 31.99 1214 5499-564-931/6 Invoice FOUNT 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 46.67 1214 5499-564-931/7 Invoice PAVILON 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 76.91 1214 5499-564-931/8 Invoice AREA LTS 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 114.24 1214 5499-564-931/9 Invoice VET PK 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 51.48 1214 6684-374-692/1 Invoice COLLEGE & ARTHUR PK PAV 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 249.05 1214 7202-321-889/1 Invoice MOORLAND ST LTS 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 367.57 1214 7613-832-186/1 Invoice 3 BB FILEDS 11/20/2014 12/09/2014 27.81 1214 7652-884-955/1 Invoice W16446 JANES/ST LT 11/24/2014 12/09/2014 586.56 1214 8695-949-170/1 Invoice ELEC BILL/SHHOTHOUSE 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 37.36 1214 9495-306-298/1 Invoice RYAN RD L/S 10/14 11/17/2014 12/09/2014 14.06 1214 601. Total WE ENERGIES:35,206.25 WHITEWATER TRAVELING BASKETBALL CLUB WH12914 1 Invoice GR 7A BLOUNT TOURNEY 12/05/2014 12/09/2014 160.00 1214 Total WHITEWATER TRAVELING BASKETBALL CLUB:160.00 WIND LAKE AUTO PARTS INC. 1975/12914 1 Invoice AIR HOSE 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 75.00 1214 1975/12914 2 Invoice CREDIT/HOSE 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 75.00-1214 1975/12914 3 Invoice CREDIT/TENSIOR 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 112.46-1214 1975/12914 4 Invoice CREDIT/CORE 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 150.00-1214 1975/12914 5 Invoice BRACKETS/#16 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 17.70 1214 1975/12914 6 Invoice LAMPS/#16 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 94.02 1214 1975/12914 7 Invoice OIL FILTERS/#16 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 289.11 1214 1975/12914 8 Invoice ECONO FAST 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 24.82 1214 1975/12914 9 Invoice FILTERS/#1 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 95.08 1214 1975/12914 10 Invoice FILTERS/#8 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 156.86 1214 1975/12914 11 Invoice AIR FILTERS 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 22.90 1214 1975/12914 12 Invoice OIL JET SPRAY/#15 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 100.78 1214 1975/12914 13 Invoice FUEL FILTERS 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 13.17 1214 1975/12914 14 Invoice PARKS/F520 OIL & AIR 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 23.36 1214 1975/12914 15 Invoice PD BOAT/OIL STABLIZER 11/29/2014 12/09/2014 19.57 1214 Total WIND LAKE AUTO PARTS INC.:594.91 WIS DEPT OF ADMIN WI/12914 1 Invoice COURT FEES/NOV 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 6,598.79 1214 Total WIS DEPT OF ADMIN:6,598.79 WIS DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 25014-166339 1 Invoice TRACS CONF 09/26/2014 12/02/2014 35.00 1214 Total WIS DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION:35.00 WIS RURAL WATER ASSOC 396 1 Invoice RENEWAL 2015 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 505.00 1214 605. Total WIS RURAL WATER ASSOC:505.00 WISCONSIN BUILDING INSPECTION, LLP 133 1 Invoice NOVEMBER PERMITS/INSP 12/04/2014 12/09/2014 15,126.18 1214 Total WISCONSIN BUILDING INSPECTION, LLP:15,126.18 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 15 Report dates: 11/27/2014-12/9/2014 Dec 05, 2014 12:49PM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number WLEEA ASSOCIATION WL1209 1 Invoice 2015 EXPLORER CONF 11/19/2014 12/09/2014 350.00 1214 Total WLEEA ASSOCIATION:350.00 WOLWARK, GEORGE WO12914 1 Invoice REIMB CLOTHING 12/01/2014 12/09/2014 358.78 1214 Total WOLWARK, GEORGE:358.78 ZUERN BUILDING PRODUCTS INC 124937 1 Invoice LUMBER/LEAF BOX 11/25/2014 12/09/2014 233.28 1214 Total ZUERN BUILDING PRODUCTS INC:233.28 Grand Totals: 391,054.63 Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments"