COMMON COUNCIL Packet - 7/22/2014 CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA July 22, 2014 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Reso. #061-2014 - Honoring City of Muskego Eagle Scout Maxwell E. Goebl PUBLIC COMMENT City Residents and Taxpayers Only – Speakers will be limited to making comments related to all agenda items excluding closed session items relating to employment and labor issues. Comments will be limited to two minutes per speaker per agenda item. There will be no discussion by/with the Common Council during Public Comment. PUBLIC HEARING To consider petition of Ener-Con Companies, Inc. to grant a zoning amendment to the existing PD-14 Bay Breeze Planned Development District for property known as Tax Key Numbers 2193.970.028 and 2193.970.029 and to grant a rezoning from RL-3 - Lakeshore Residence District to PD-14 Bay Breeze Planned Development District for property known as Tax Key Number 2195.999. The purpose of the petitioner's request is to allow new single-family and multi-family uses. Also, to consider an amendment to the 2020 Comprehensive Plan to change the designation for property known as Tax Key Numbers 2193.970.028, 2193.970.029 and 2195.999 from medium density residential use to high density residential use. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under consent agenda will be approved in one motion without discussion unless any Council member requests that an item be removed for individual discussion. That item then can be acted on separately at the same meeting under the part of the meeting it would normally appear. Approval of Operator Licenses Approval of Common Council Minutes - July 8, 2014 Reso. #062-2014 - Resolution Authorizing a Grant from the Approved Commercial Building and Grant Program - Little Muskego Lake Motors LLC (W179 S7714 Pioneer Drive) Reso. #063-2014 - Resolution Authorizing a Grant from the Approved Commercial Building and Grant Program and Parking Lot Payment Agreement in the Freedom Common Council Agenda 2 July 22, 2014 Square Park - Twisted Cork and Serendipty Redesign (W168 S7392 Parkland Drive and S74 W16832 Janesville Road) Reso. #064-2014 - Award of Bid - Park Arthur West - Phase 1 NEW BUSINESS REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee - June 24, 2014 Public Safety Committee - April 10, 2014 Parks & Recreation Board - June 9, 2014 Community Development Authority - May 20, 2014 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES AND POSSIBLE SECOND READING IF RULES WAIVED Ordinance 1384 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map and 2020 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Muskego (Ener-Con Companies, LLC - RL-3 to PD-14 and PD-14 Amendment) LICENSE APPROVAL Approval of "Class B" Retailers' License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor for Phil & Dom DeMarinis Denoon Saloon, Inc., W198 S10857 Racine Avenue, Lucia DeMarinis Agent Approval of Temporary License for the Sale of Wine and Fermented Malt Beverages for Common Ground Ministry, Inc. (Refashion for Life Event to be held at Callen Construction) - August 20, 2014 VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Tax Vouchers General Fund Vouchers Wire Transfers for Debt Service Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS City Calendar: http://www.cityofmuskego.org/Calendar.aspx COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Common Council Agenda 3 July 22, 2014 ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #061-2014 HONORING CITY OF MUSKEGO EAGLE SCOUT MAXWELL E. GOEBL WHEREAS, MAXWELL E. GOEBL was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout on December 28, 2013 as a member of Boy Scout Troop 141; and WHEREAS, MAXWELL w as involved in scouting since 2002. He earned 28 merit badges and served his troop in various leadership roles including Patrol Leader and Instructor; and WHEREAS, MAXWELL graduated from Muskego High School in June of 2013. During that time, he participated in wind ensemble, jazz ensemble, and the Math and German Clubs; and WHEREAS, For his Eagle Scout project, MAXWELL created an ADA compliant sidewalk extension at Atonement Lutheran Church from an adjacent housing development through the church’s meadow into the parking lot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby commend MAXWELL E. GOEBL for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and acknowledges and applauds the efforts required to attain scouting’s highest honor. DATED THIS 22ND DAY OF JULY 2014 _________________________ ________________________ Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti Ald. Blaise Di Pronio _________________________ ________________________ Ald. Rob Wolfe Ald. John Engelhardt _________________________ ________________________ Ald. Bob Hammel Ald. Kevin Kubacki _________________________ _________________________ Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Eileen Madden I 0 7 1 0 1 , 4 2 0 3 5 5 F e e tScale: L e g e n d A f f e c t e d P r o p e r t i e s P r o p e r t i e s w i t h i n N o t i f i e d A r e a R i g h t - o f - W a y M u n i c i p a l B o u n d a r y P a r c e l s S t r u c t u r e s L a k e J a n e s v ill e R o a d Pioneer Drive P a r k D r i v e LittleMuskegoLake CITY OF MUSKEGO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING P L E A S E T A K E N O T I C E t h a t t h e C o m m o n C o u n c i l o f t h e C i t y o f M u s k e g o w i l l h o l d a P u b l i c H e a r i n g a t 7 : 0 0 P M , o r s h o r t l y t h e r e a f t e r , o n T u e s d a y , J u l y 2 2 , 2 0 1 4 , i n t h e M u s k e g o R o o m o f C i t y H a l l , W 1 8 2 S 8 2 0 0 R a c i n e A v e n u e , t o c o n s i d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g u p o n t h e p e t i t i o n o f t h e C i t y o f M u s k e g o : U p o n t h e p e t i t i o n o f E n e r - C o n C o m p a n i e s I n c . s h a l l t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e a k n o w n a s : T a x K e y N u m b e r s 2 1 9 3 . 9 7 0 . 0 2 8 & 2 1 9 3 . 9 7 0 . 0 2 9 b e g r a n t e d a z o n i n g a m e n d m e n t t o t h e e x i s t i n g P D - 1 4 B a y B r e e z e P l a n n e d D e v e l o p m e n t D i s t r i c t f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f a l l o w i n g n e w s i n g l e - f a m i l y a n d m u l t i - f a m i l y u s e s . T h e 2 0 2 0 C o m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n a l s o n e e d s t o b e m o d i f i e d f r o m m e d i u m d e n s i t y r e s i d e n t i a l u s e t o h i g h d e n s i t y r e s i d e n t i a l u s e , a n d T a x K e y N u m b e r 2 1 9 5 . 9 9 9 b e g r a n t e d a r e z o n i n g f r o m R L - 3 L a k e s h o r e R e s i d e n c e D i s t r i c t t o P D - 1 4 B a y B r e e z e P l a n n e d D e v e l o p m e n t D i s t r i c t f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f a l l o w i n g n e w s i n g l e - f a m i l y a n d m u l t i - f a m i l y u s e s . T h e 2 0 2 0 C o m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n a l s o n e e d s t o b e m o d i f i e d f r o m m e d i u m d e n s i t y r e s i d e n t i a l u s e t o h i g h d e n s i t y r e s i d e n t i a l u s e . T h e p e t i t i o n e r s a p p l i c a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e f o r p u b l i c i n s p e c t i o n a t t h e C i t y o f M u s k e g o C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t D e p a r t m e n t . A l l i n t e r e s t e d p a r t i e s w i l l b e g i v e n a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o b e h e a r d . P l a n C o m m i s s i o n C i t y o f M u s k e g o P u b l i s h i n t h e M u s k e g o N O W N e w s p a p e r o n J u l y 3 , 2 0 1 4 a n d J u l y 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 . D a t e d t h i s 2 6 t h d a y o f J u n e , 2 0 1 4 N O T I C E I T I S P O S S I B L E T H A T M E M B E R S O F A N D P O S S I B L Y A Q U O R U M O F M E M B E R S O F O T H E R G O V E R N M E N T A L B O D I E S O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y M A Y B E I N A T T E N D A N C E A T T H E A B O V E - S T A T E D M E E T I N G A N D G A T H E R I N F O R M A T I O N ; N O A C T I O N W I L L B E T A K E N B Y A N Y G O V E R N M E N T A L B O D Y A T T H E A B O V E - S T A T E D M E E T I N G O T H E R T H A N T H E G O V E R N M E N T A L B O D Y S P E C I F I C A L L Y R E F E R R E D T O A B O V E I N T H I S N O T I C E . N O T I C E " P l e a s e n o t e t h a t , u p o n r e a s o n a b l e n o t i c e , e f f o r t s w i l l b e m a d e t o a c c o m m o d a t e t h e n e e d s o f d i s a b l e d i n d i v i d u a l s t h r o u g h a p p r o p r i a t e a i d s a n d s e r v i c e s . F o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o r e q u e s t t h i s s e r v i c e , c o n t a c t t h e C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t D e p a r t m e n t a t C i t y H a l l , W 1 8 2 S 8 2 0 0 R a c i n e A v e n u e , ( 2 6 2 ) 6 7 9 - 4 1 3 6 . " CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council July 22, 2014 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel, AICP Subject: Ener-Con Rezoning Date: July 16, 2014 Background Information: Ener-Con Companies Inc. is petitioning for a rezoning for three (3) properties along Janesville Road just north of Pioneer Drive. The properties and rezoning requests consist of the following:  Tax Key No. 2193.970.029 owned by Michael Dilworth (easternmost parcel) o 3.132 acres of land with residential structure existing upon it o 231.94 feet of Little Muskego Lake frontage o 204.46 of Janesville Road frontage o $1,382,000 Assessed value ($524,400 land / $857,600 improvements) o Rezoning request for this parcel is to amend the existing PD-14 Bay Breeze Planned Development Zoning District it currently resides in per the submittal described in more detail below.  Tax Key No. 2193.970.028 owned by Michael Dilworth(central parcel) o 2.129 acres of land with residential structure existing upon it o 195.31 feet of Little Muskego Lake frontage o 264.08 of Janesville Road frontage o $957,700 Assessed value ($478,100 land / $479,600 improvements) o Rezoning request for this parcel is to amend the existing PD-14 Bay Breeze Planned Development Zoning District it currently resides in per the submittal described in more detail below.  Tax Key No. 2195.999 owned by Dan Hewitt (westernmost parcel) o 1.44 acres of vacant land o 0 feet of Little Muskego Lake frontage o 116.86 of Janesville Road frontage o $155,600 Assessed value ($155,600 land / $0 improvements) o Rezoning request for this parcel is to rezone the parcel from RL-3 Lakeshore Residence District to be included in the existing PD-14 Bay Breeze Planned Development Zoning District per the submittal described in more detail below. Rezoning Concept Plan The rezoning request is to take the three parcels noted above to amend them in the existing PD-14 Planned Development Zoning District. The attached developer submittal provides the intentions of the amendments to the planned development in detail. In general, the proposal is to develop the properties as follows below, subject to future Planning Commission approvals. Full site plans, building elevations, and renderings are included in the submittal attached.  Remove the residential structure and associated accessory structures on the middle parcel but retain the single family home on the easternmost parcel.  Create a new single-family gated community along the northwest portion of the property along Little Muskego Lake consisting of seven (7) garden homes. Homes to have “high end architecture”, private pool, and lake frontage/piers.  Create senior housing units consisting of two (2) structures situated up along Janesville Road. Structures would consist of a twenty (20) unit complex to the east and a ten (10) unit complex to the west. Buildings would be built in two stories with full masonry construction and would include underground parking.  Piers with boat slips are intended consisting of a pier to be retained for the existing single-family home, individual piers for the garden homes, one pier for the senior housing complex to utilize, and one pier for the police/fire to utilize (if desired by police/fire). The amount of boat slips and piers is strictly governed/permitted by the WDNR.  The site plan would have one entrance to line up with the existing Janesville Road/Pioneer Drive intersection. Access would come in from Janesville Road and stem off to the above stated uses. PD-14 History The original Bay Breeze planned development (PD-14) was approved back in 1990 and allowed the 74 units of Bay Breeze condominiums as they exist today. Originally the city approved a mixed use facility (offices & restaurant) and a seven (7) parcel single family development for the PD west of the Bay Breeze condominiums. Over time the PD was amended to remove the mixed use facility, but up to 10 units of residential were allowed in its place. Along with the prior seven (7) units of residential, a total of seventeen (17) units were allowed where four (4) single family structures now exist today. The original PD-14 density was not based on any specific calculations but on how the development fit into the surrounding neighborhood at the time. Former DJs Parcel History The former DJs Bar and Grill property is zoned RL-3 which allows land divisions under the RS-3 density (15,000 SF per parcel). Recent approvals for that site by the Council did allow up to four (4) units of residential along with the allowance to rebuild a bar/restaurant. The Council approved the DR-1 zoning district there, contingent on the restaurant and up to 4 units getting built which is now not taking place. One note is that the DR-1 zoning district does allow 1 residential unit per 7,200 square feet of land area. Proposed Development Density In all, the density created by this plan would be a total of thirty-eight (38) units over approximately 6.7 acres, which results in approx. 5.7 units/acre or 1 unit per 7,680 square feet. This density is slightly different than what is calculated in the developer narrative as actual parcel square footages were now confirmed by staff. Eight (8) of these units would be single family residential homes (7 garden homes and one existing home) and thirty (30) of the units would be the senior housing. Again as the developer narrative details, the new PD-14 would now have a total of forty (40) units now west of the Bay Breeze condos consisting of the three (3) easternmost single-family residential homes to remain, the seven (7) garden homes, and the 30 units of senior housing. When considering four (4) units were allowed for the DJs parcel (per the recent Council approval) and 17 units were allowed in the original PD, this forty (40) units is nineteen (19) units more than what the original PD-14 zoning had back in 1990. The Bay Breeze Condos are at 4 units/acre OR 1 unit for every 10,949 SF (74 units on 18.6 acres (810,216 SF)) and are shown as High Density uses in the 2020 Comp Plan. Planned Development Zoning Ordinance A planned development zoning district is written in the City’s zoning code to allow development, subject to Council determination, as follows: This district is intended to allow for greater freedom, imagination, and flexibility in the development of land while insuring substantial compliance to the intent of the normal district regulations of this ordinance. To this intent it allows diversification and variation in the relationship of uses, structures, open spaces, and heights of structures in developments conceived, and planned as comprehensive and cohesive unified projects. It is further intended to encourage more rational and economic development with relationship to public services, and to encourage the preservation of open land. Individual uses and structures in a Planned Development Project District need not comply with the specific building location, height, building size, lot size, and open space requirements of the underlying basic district provided that the spirit and intent of such requirements are complied with in the total development plan for such project consistent with the criteria as established in the basis for approval below. As mentioned, the past PD-14 didn’t have a general density that it was following when the first PD was approved. Rather, the Council at that time approved the development based on how it fit into the neighborhood along the lake and Janesville Road. Overall, the Council has flexibility in approving a planned development amendment request as they can attribute the density to existing zoning districts that are in place should they want to. For reference, the proposed unit density lines up between the city’s RM-1 (1 unit per 5,000 SF), DR-1 (1 unit per 7,200 SF), and RM-2 (1 unit per 10,000 SF) zoning districts. 2020 Comprehensive Plan The 2020 Comprehensive Plan has this area reserved for Medium Density Residential Uses (1-2.99 units/acre OR up to 1 unit for every 14,568 square feet (43,568 SF/2.99)). As part of the rezoning amendment the request would be for the 2020 Comprehensive Plan to be changed to High Density Residential Uses (>3 units/acre) to comply with the housing density proposed. High density uses are consistent with the Bay Breeze condos in the 2020 Plan. The 2020 Plan specifically discusses allowing 2020 Land Use Plan Amendments by the Council and Planning Commission as follows: Plan Amendments: The Comprehensive Plan is not a strict blueprint for development and land use patterns in the City of Muskego. The Plan will be flexible as constraints of the environment and community desires may change. The recommendations and objectives set forth herein were based upon existing factual data and the spoken priorities of those involved in the planning process. During the course of the planning process, it was known by those involved that constraints of the environment, infrastructure needs, or individual aspirations might change. Thus, this Plan should be amended if demonstrated as appropriate to the Common Council. However, amendments should only be made after a rational evaluation of the existing conditions and the potential impacts of such a change are made. Thus, this Plan recommends that the following be answered and/or shown to the Common Council and Planning Commission before any amendment request is fulfilled: 1. What has changed with the parcel(s) since the adoption of the 2020 Plan that warrants a new thinking/direction for the area? 2. Demonstrate that the proposed amendment is consistent in all respects to the spirit and intent of the City’s ordinances, is in conformity with the general plans for community development, would not be contrary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the City or of the immediate neighborhood, that the specific development plans have been prepared with competent professional advice and guidance, and that the benefits and improved design of the resultant development justifies the variation from the normal requirements of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. 3. Any other criteria that the Council and/or Planning Commission deems necessary. Said criteria may be adopted in the form of an adopted policy by the aforementioned bodies of Muskego government. Piers/Boat Slips While the amount of boat slips and regulation of pier placement is strictly governed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), staff does have some comments related to this topic. First off, the possible pier and associated boat slips shown as reserved for police/fire safety most likely won’t be required as the City’s Police and Fire Departments have arrangements already. The Departments will continue to utilize Mr. Dilworth’s private boat launch, should he agree, to aid in faster safety needs. Secondly, the amount of boat slips shown on the proposed plan from the developer are based on the WDNR regulations which may allow “double density” for a multi-family development such as the one proposed. Staff has been in contact with the WDNR and will have more info on this at public hearing time. Double density may not actually be allowed in Little Muskego Lake if it is deemed a certain natural resource area. Further, if double density is found to be allowed, it is not guaranteed as a permit process with public notice first needs to be followed. If double density is not allowed, the amount of boats allowed on this frontage would simply be the normal amount already allowed by right today (which is 18 boat slips (9 boats and 9 personal watercraft) on 400 feet of frontage), thus no increased boats on the lake would take place than what is allowed today for the property. Next Steps The next step for the rezoning would be the recommendation before the Planning Commission on Tuesday August 5th at 6 pm. If PC action is completed the Council could formally act on the submittal at their Tuesday August 12th meeting at 7 pm. If the rezoning is granted the developers would still need full Building, Site, and Operation Plan approval from the City’s Planning Commission for all elements of the proposed concept plan shown herein. The rezoning ordinance is contingent upon BSO approval and execution. Plan Commission Recommendation The developers state in their narrative that they believe that this development would increase the City’s tax base, provide senior housing for the growing community, would remove the zoning of a restaurant and/or bar while having little if any impact on the school district. Further they show that the development seems to comply with many of the densities created along Janesville Road as well as complying with objectives from the City’s Comp Plan. In all, staff will be recommending approval for the rezoning, in some form, at the Planning Commission meeting as the proposal does meet many of the objectives in the City’s Comp Plan in relation to housing options and downtown densities. Many of the city’s multi-family housing developments around Janesville Road meet or exceed the same densities that are found in this proposal and many of these formally approved developments are of less architectural quality. Given that the proposal is fully for residential uses and the Comp Plan calls for residential uses here, the development approvals should ultimately be based on how the development, and associated density, fits into the surrounding neighborhood. The future BSO approval by Planning Commission should be able to assure the proper fit of this density development into the surrounding neighborhood at that future time. The forthcoming Plan Commission recommendation will be contingent on issues/questions that may arise at the public hearing though and the resultant densities and unit counts may be further discussed, or changed, as well. Current Zoning & 2020 Land Use Proposed Zoning & 2020 Land Use Ener-Con RezoningEner-Con Rezoning Created By: City of Muskego July 16, 2014´Legend Affected Properties Zoning Right-of-Way Structures Water Body Janesville R o a d Parcels RS-3 PD-14 (Single-Family/Multi-Family) RL-3 Pi o n e e r D r i v e High Density Res. Commercial Medium Density Res. 2020 Land Use Petitioner: Ener-Con Companies Tax Key Number:2193.970.028, 2193.970.029, & 2195.999 I-1 B-3 B-3 HC-1 PD-10 (Single-Family) PI-1 Little Muskego Lake Government & Institutional Janesville R o a d RS-3 PD-14 (Single-Family/Multi-Family) RL-3 Pi o n e e r D r i v e I-1 B-3 B-3 HC-1 PD-10 (Single-Family)PI-1 Little Muskego Lake RL-3 ERS-3 I-1 RL-3 ERS-3 I-1 B-4 B-4 11 80' SCALE 1"=40' 40' 0'40' 80' Te l e : ( 2 6 2 ) 6 3 4 - 5 5 8 8 F a x : ( 26 2 ) 6 3 4 - 5 0 2 4 14 5 8 H o r i z o n B l v d . S u i t e 2 0 0 , R a c i n e , W I . 53 4 0 6 W e b s i t e w w w . n m b s c . n e t *Rendering reflects exterior material & color selection only; See architectural drawings for building design/ construction specifications Pier/ Boat Slip Density Allowance per WDNR  Current lake frontage of 2 parcels is 410.72’ (231.94’ + 178.78’)    2 boat slips are allowed for first 50’ plus 1 boat slip for every 50’ of frontage thereafter which equals 9  boat slips for 400 feet of frontage.  Additionally an equal amount of slips for personal watercraft are  allowed. Thus a total of 18 slips are allowed allowing 9 boats and 9 personal watercraft.  The numbers of  piers aren’t regulated.    Approved Multi‐Family and Commercial Uses are allowed double density of boat slips by the WDNR.   Thus, double density for this property would allow 36 slips allowing up to 18 boats and 18 personal  watercraft.  The number of piers again aren’t regulated.    Current submittal anticipates the following totaling a need for 34 boat slips:   A pier allotted for City Fire and Police rescue that contains room for up to 4 boat slips (should  the rescue services desire it).   A pier for each beach house equaling seven (7) piers. Each pier would have 3 slips allowing 2  boats and one personal watercraft. 21 total slips   One pier reserved for the multi‐family senior housing owners that would have 4 slips allowing 3  boats and one personal watercraft. 4 total slips   Existing pier to remain for single family house that contains room for 5 boat slips.  OPERATORS LICENSE APPROVALS COMMON COUNCIL – 07/22/2014 Nicole Baraniak Heather Bednarz Gregory Callan Siobhan Contreras Jamie Cooper Jennifer Dumke Erika Elieff-Jimenez Janet Foster Nicholas Grochowski Carolann Hanrahan Shannon Hanson Joellyn Hecimovich Timothy Koriath Barbara McNally Bradley Metzger Deborah Prohaska David Roman Victor Rozanski Karen Rozmarynowski Jenna Scholbe Sheila Schultz Brittany Skowronski Ashley Suminski Lynn Tran Samantha Trepczyk Dona Wichman Lindsay Wysocki Paula Zeller Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES July 8, 2014 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. ROLL CALL Present were Aldermen Madden, Kubacki, Engelhardt, Di Pronio, Borgman, Hammel and Wolfe, and Deputy Clerk Blenski. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was properly noticed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Ken Fries and Howard Schneider presented a $5,000 check on behalf of the Little Muskego Lake Association for the Badertscher Preserve. The association has committed a total of $50,000 towards acquisition of the property. PUBLIC COMMENT No one registered to speak. CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the items under consent agenda. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Approval of Common Council Minutes - June 24, 2014 Approval of a Regular Operator's License for Heather Adams, Keith Allen, Robert Bankenbusch, Bobbie Jo Bartolotta, Kim Coubal, Mary Dohve, David Fischbach, William Francis, Patricia Gengler, Victoria Hench, Pamela Jabs, Lisa Kisting, Sherry Koch-Pawlowski, Kris Kordus, Melissa Kronenburg, Brittany Kubisiak, Doris Leighton, June Loh, Kenneth Metz, Julie Pritzl, Jacqueline Starszak, Heather Stigler, Marc Strobush, Dustin Toth, Tonya Trzecinski, Dawn Vretenar and a Temporary License for Arthur Benotti. Reso. #059-2014 – Approval of Certified Survey Map - Ingold Reso. #060-2014 – Approval of Certified Survey Map – Town of Norway - Malkovich REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee – June 10, 2014 Plan Commission – June 3, 2014 Common Council Minutes 2 July 8, 2014 LICENSE APPROVAL Temporary License to Sell Wine and Fermented Malt Beverages and Class C Dance Hall License for Muskego Community Festival (August 21, 22, 23 and 24) Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Trap and Rifle Licenses for Boxhorn Sportsman’s Club Alderman Madden made a motion to approve. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $61,358.23. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $434,282.09. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals in the amount of $340,321.48. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Kubacki made a motion to adjourn at 7:16 pm. Alderman Engelhardt seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Minutes transcribed by Jill Blenski CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council July 22, 2014 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel AICP Subject: Commercial Road Grant Program Award Date: July 14, 2014 Background Information: Enclosed, please find an application for the Commercial Building & Site Grant Program. The applicant is Mr. Richard Grimme who owns the structure and property that houses Little Muskego Lake Motors LLC (Mr. Grimme’s business) and Tom’s Auto Body property located at W179 S7714 Pioneer Drive. Mr. Grimme requests a grant of $1,317.50 for his $2,635 worth of improvements to the frontage of his property. The improvements consisted of the following items below. A full submittal and description can be found in the supplement attached. Project Description:  Install new awnings across frontage of building (Already complete per photos below).  Seal Coat entire parking lot. The grant program is specifically setup to go towards the purposes below: The purpose of the Janesville Road Commercial Building & Site Grant Program is to provide matching grants to existing commercial buildings and sites for preservation and restoration. Further, the program is instituted to encourage urban design excellence, integrate urban design and preservation of Muskego’s heritage into the process of downtown redevelopment, and enhance the character of the downtown area. Grant resources should produce visible changes to commercial buildings and commercial sites. Since funding sources are limited, priority will be given to projects demonstrating the most substantial impact on building and neighborhood aesthetics. Mr. Grimme has found an opportunity to give some more vibrance to his building via the addition of the new red colored awnings. Further, the seal coating is actually a direct result of the Pioneer Drive reconstruction in Mr. Grimme’s eyes. As per the pictures below the “tie-in” of the Pioneer Drive reconstruction left asphalt differences in the approach and edges along the front half of the property. Mr. Grimme would like assistance in seal coating the whole lot to revitalize the appearance as well as make the old asphalt match the new that was installed from the road project. Since the property was affected by the Pioneer Drive construction, is in a Redevelopment District, and due to completing aesthetic improvements, staff believes that the submittal meets the purposes set forth in the adopted grant program. The CDA approved the grant, up to $1,317.50 at their July 15th, 2014 meeting subject to the following conditions, which are also a part of the Council resolution: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verified that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve. COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #062-2014 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT FROM THE APPROVED COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND GRANT PROGRAM LITTLE MUSKEGO LAKE MOTORS LLC (W179 S7714 Pioneer Drive) WHEREAS, The Common Council approved the Building and Site Grant Program per Resolution #105-2009 to help foster the development and redevelopment of the properties affected by the road reconstructions and within the adopted Redevelopment Districts, and WHEREAS, The Common Council has designated the Community Development Authority (CDA) as the recommending approval body for the grant program, and WHEREAS, A submittal from Richard Grimme has been received, which requests matching grant monies to assist with site improvements and landscaping; and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended approval of the grant request of $1,317.50 subject to the restrictions outlined below at its July 15, 2014 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby allow a grant of $1,317.50 to W179 S7714 Pioneer Drive subject to the following restrictions: A. Projects must be completed within 12 months of Common Council approval or the grant shall become void. B. Changes in the approved work, that affect the monetary value of the grant issued, must be approved by the CDA and possibly other City boards (The City’s Planning Commission if change is deemed substantial to what was originally approved). C. Approved changes in work verifications will be attached to the original applications dated and signed by the City’s Community Development Department. D. The applicant and Community Development Department staff will review proof of payment and completed work before the grant payment will be made to the applicant. Payment will only be issued when it is verifie d that the work completed matches the work approved by the CDA and Common Council. E. Deviations from an approved plan may disqualify the applicant from this program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the grant may be issued by the Department of Finance and Administration once the above restrictions are satisfied per the discretion of the Community Development Director. Reso. #062-2014 Page 2 DATED THIS DAY OF __ __ __ ___, 2014. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Bob Hammel Ald. Blaise Di Pronio This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #062-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Council July 22, 2014 Meeting To: Common Council From: Jeff Muenkel AICP Subject: Commercial Road Grant Program Award & Parking Lot Payment Agreement in the Freedom Square Park Date: July 14, 2014 Background Information: Twisted Cork and Serendipity Redesign have been experiencing great growth and expansion since they both have been in the structure over the past year. The parking at this site is very limited. A few parking stalls existed in front of the structure along Janesville Road prior to the road reconstruction but those have since been removed and reduced. Only a small stall for the owner of Serendipity exists on the SE corner of the building along Janesville Road. The rest of the parking consists of stalls on the west side of the structure that at best serves about 10-12 vehicles. Lastly, the County did install two parallel stalls along Parkland Drive as part of the road reconstruction. The grant program is specifically setup to go towards the purposes below: The purpose of the Janesville Road Commercial Building & Site Grant Program is to provide matching grants to existing commercial buildings and sites for preservation and restoration. Further, the program is instituted to encourage urban design excellence, integrate urban design and preservation of Muskego’s heritage into the process of downtown redevelopment, and enhance the character of the downtown area. Grant resources should produce visible changes to commercial buildings and commercial sites. Since funding sources are limited, priority will be given to projects demonstrating the most substantial impact on building and neighborhood aesthetics. Seeing the parking burden, the owner of the property (Mike Fitzgerald) and the tenants have reached out to surrounding parcel owners to see if they could come to an agreement to lease parking and aid in maintenance needs. After multiple attempts to reach out to the owners of the Post Office building across the street they have been told that this is not an option. All owners have since approached the city to see if Muskego would be interested in allowing a new parking lot on the Freedom Square Park that neighbors the tenants property to the north. The Parks and Recreation Department have obliged this request and had it on their Monday July 14th Parks and Recreation Board agenda for consideration. The Board found that they would allow the parking lot to be built at the owners cost and that the lot would have to remain public. The Board would further discuss the hours the lot could be open and how the lot may be maintained in winter, which would be at the tenants cost should they choose to do so. Since the parking lot would be on public lands the city has to appropriately bid the project and could do so with the General Road Program bid that recently was approved. We have found that a cost for this parking lot to be installed later this year would be $38,267 by Payne and Dolan. This cost is on the high end but had to account for unforeseen excavation and poor soil costs. The city anticipates this to be lower but can’t be sure. Mr. Gonzales and Ms. Hahne then requested that the city offset the parking lot cost with the Commercial Grant program in the amount of $6,000 ($3,000 each as per the maximum usually allowed under the adopted grant program). The CDA recommended approval of a grant of $6,000 at their July 15, 2014 meeting seeing the following:  The Janesville Road reconstruction project left this property with more reduced parking than before,  Increasing opportunities for parking along Janesville Road for the public can always help with the walkability of the downtown and Redevelopment District,  The parking lot can aid in increased business for the current and future tenants while aiding with safety as many cars currently have been parking along Parkland Drive which is very narrow and has rural ditch sections, and Recommendation for Action by Committee: Approve. The resolution is setup to approve the grant and the parking lot improvements. The grant would essentially be taken off the top of the estimated amount of the parking lot improvements. The petitioners would have to submit a cash deposit for the balance of the estimated improvement cost and could get refunded monies should the cost of the improvements come in less. The parking lot maintenance agreements and open/close hours are subject to the Parks and Recreation Board. COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #063-2014 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT FROM THE APPROVED COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND GRANT PROGRAM & PARKING LOT PAYMENT AGREEMENT IN THE FREEDOM SQUARE PARK TWISTED CORK & SERENDIPITY REDESIGN (W168 S7392 Parkland Drive & S74 W16832 Janesville Road) WHEREAS, The Common Council approved the Building and Site Grant Program per Resolution #105 - 2009 to help foster the development and redevelopment of the properties affected by the road reconstructions and within the adopted Redevelopment Districts, and WHEREAS, The Common Council has designated the Community Development Authority (CDA) as the recommending approval body for the grant program, and WHEREAS, A joint submittal from Greg Gonzales and Nicole Hahne has been received, which requests matching grant monies to assist with a new parking lot improvement that they would pay for within the Freedom Square Park along Parkland Drive; and WHEREAS, The applicants businesses require more parking in this area of the cit y and no other options can be found other than developing this new parking lot just north of their property, and WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board approved of a parking lot being built in the park subject to the applicants paying for the project, maintaining the lot in winter (should they desire), and the lot being open to the public, and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended approval of a grant request of $6,000 to aid in paying for the parking lot improvements due to the following:  The Janesville Road reconstruction project left this property with more reduced parking than before,  Increasing opportunities for parking along Janesville Road for the public can always help with the walkability of the downtown and Redevelopment District,  The parking lot can aid in increased business for the current and future tenants while aiding with safety as many cars currently have been parking along Parkland Drive which is very narrow and has rural ditch sections, and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended the grant subject to the restrictions outlined below at its July 15, 2014 meeting, and WHEREAS, If the parking lot improvements and grant are approved as approved by the Parks and Recreation Board and CDA that certain restrictions are required for payment as outlined below, and WHEREAS, The parking lot improvements in the park are required to be within a bid process and the improvements would be put into the 2014 Road Program bid that has been approved, and WHEREAS, The high end estimated cost of the parking lot would be $38,267, and WHEREAS, If the grant was awarded, the monetary approved amount of the grant would be taken off the top of the final cost to construct the parking lot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereb y allow the grant in the amount of $6,000 and approve of the new parking lot improvements to Freedom Square Park subject to the following restrictions: Reso. #063-2014 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the grant amount will be taken off the estimated amount of the parking lot project. Thus, $32,267 ($38,267 - $6,000) will be due as a cash deposit from the petitioners before the parking lot improvements will be scheduled by the Public Works Director as part of the 2014 Road Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That monies will be refunded to the petitioners should the parking lot improvements cost less than the $38,267 quoted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any parking lot maintenance agreements and open/close hours are subject to the Parks and Recreation Board. DATED THIS ___________ DAY OF ___________________, 2014. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Bob Hammel Ald. Blaise Di Pronio This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #063-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer July 14, 2014 To: Common Council From: Craig Anderson, Parks & Recreation Director Re: Park Arthur West Phase I Bid Award – Super Western The Parks & Recreation Board is recommending for approval the bid award to Super Western in the amount of $842,675.22 for the Park Arthur West project. There were a total of 5 bids received. This project amount reflects the Base Bid for $820,703.20 and Alternate Bid Item #4 (berm along backyards of Lentini Drive) for $21,972.02 The attached documents are the engineer’s bid award letter, bid tabulation page, and expense/revenue breakdown. Soil borings taken in spring showed a high water level mark about a foot below the park surface. For this reason, importing fill was part of the bid request to raise the level of the park. Fill was also needed then for the berm placement behind the houses along Lentin Drive. This was requested by the people living there during the public hearings held years ago. This unforeseen and unbudgeted expense for imported fill cost totaled $127,692.02 Available project funding minus the engineering fees cost and stakeholder contributions for fine grading and grass sod/seed placement totals $715,522.35 Keeping in mind the availability of landfill funds for all city projects, the Parks & Recreation Board is recommending using the Park Improvement fund (developer’s fees) that has a balance of $120,573.80 to be used to offset the project cost overage. These city collected fees can only be used for certain parks projects (i.e. playgrounds, land for athletic fields, and acquisition or improvement of land/infrastructure (improvement is defined as grading, landscaping, utilities install, sidewalks construction, installation of playground equipment, and installation of restroom facilities on land intended for a park). These fees need to be spent within 10 years of collection, though the city can request of itself a 3-year extension with justification for the extension. We started collecting fees in 2007. As development continues, this fund will increase. The Parks & Recreation Board believes it is wise to use this money now for an expense that is known and a project that is needed than to save and wait for a future project to present itself. Their first priority is to develop Park Arthur, a park that is becoming the crown jewel of Muskego. If this park improvement fund is applied to the available project funding, there is a total of $836,096.15 available to spend. Based on the project cost of the base bid + alternate bid item #4 and the available funding, there is a balance owed of $6,579. At present time, this could be paid for from the park dedication fund or landfill fund. Thank you for your consideration. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT W182 S8200 Racine Avenue PO Box 749 Muskego WI 53150-0749 Office (262) 679-4108 Fax (262) 679-5637 One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com 2014-0450 July 15, 2014 Mr. Craig Anderson, M.S. Parks & Recreation Director W182 S8200 Racine Ave PO Box 749 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 SUBJECT: Park Arthur West – Phase I Recommendation of Contract Award Dear Mr. Anderson: GRAEF attended the bid opening for the Park Arthur West – Phase I project on July 10, 2014. Five bids were received for the project. A tabulation of the bids is enclosed with this letter. The low bidder was Super Western with a bid of $820,703.20 for Base Bid and $134,171.02 for Alternate Bid Numbers 1-4 for a Grand Total of $954,874.22. This was 5% lower than the next lowest grand total bid received by Willkomm Excavating & Grading of $1,005,714.60, and 15% lower than the engineers estimate. It is our understanding that the Parks & Recreation Board met to review the bids and is recommending that the project proceed with the Base Bid plus Bid Alternate Number 4. In summary, we recommend that the Park Arthur West – Phase I project be awarded to Super Western for Base Bid plus Bid Alternate Number 4 for a total of $842,675.22. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Jacqueline M. Herington, P.E. Associate JMH:jmh L:\Jobs2014\20140450\Project_Information\Correspondence\letter cc: Josh Regent-Smith – Super Western Ed Kamenick – Willkomm Excavating & Grading David Simpson – City of Muskego Mike Paulos - GRAEF Bid Park Arthur West Phase I Project No. 2014-0450 Opening Thursday, July 10, 2014 Place: City of Muskego, Wisconsin BID ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL 1 Clearing, grubbing, and tree removal for entire project 1 L.S. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $9,750.00 $9,750.00 2 Topsoil Striping and Stockpiling 1 L.S. $46,000.00 $46,000.00 $41,800.00 $41,800.00 $60,785.00 $60,785.00 $48,860.00 $48,860.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $57,700.00 $57,700.00 3 Topsoil Screening 1 L.S. $32,000.00 $32,000.00 $26,000.00 $26,000.00 $38,300.00 $38,300.00 $53,845.00 $53,845.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $99,000.00 $99,000.00 4 Furnish and Place Site Screened Topsoil, 6- inch Depth 1 L.S. $23,000.00 $23,000.00 $47,000.00 $47,000.00 $63,550.00 $63,550.00 $13,627.00 $13,627.00 $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 5 Unclassified Excavation 1 L.S. $235,000.00 $235,000.00 $208,000.00 $208,000.00 $163,500.00 $163,500.00 $105,720.00 $105,720.00 $225,000.00 $225,000.00 $290,000.00 $290,000.00 6 Erosion Matting 9,350 S.Y. $1.50 $14,025.00 $2.50 $23,375.00 $1.20 $11,220.00 $1.40 $13,090.00 $1.00 $9,350.00 $1.25 $11,687.50 7 Football Field Finished Grading and Sodding, including Watering, Fertilizer and Maintenance 92,400 S.F. $0.65 $60,060.00 $0.70 $64,680.00 $0.85 $78,540.00 $0.85 $78,540.00 $1.20 $110,880.00 $0.95 $87,780.00 8 Soccer Field Finished Grading and Seeding, including Watering, Fertilizer, and Maintenance 166,065 S.F. $0.40 $66,426.00 $0.20 $33,213.00 $0.20 $33,213.00 $0.38 $63,104.70 $0.50 $83,032.50 $0.30 $49,819.50 9 Lawn Turf Seeding, including Watering, Fertilizer, and Maintenance 153,700 S.F. $0.15 $23,055.00 $0.12 $18,444.00 $0.15 $23,055.00 $0.38 $58,406.00 $0.50 $76,850.00 $0.25 $38,425.00 BCF Construction VeitSuper WesternEngineer's Estimate Willkomm Excavating & Grading DIVISION A CW Purpero 10 Crushed Aggregate Base Course, 1-1/4-inch Gradation 2,900 Ton $18.50 $53,650.00 $12.70 $36,830.00 $13.26 $38,454.00 $14.60 $42,340.00 $11.00 $31,900.00 $15.90 $46,110.00 11 Crushed Aggregate Base Course, 3-inch Gradation for Parking Lot Undercut 3,250 Ton $18.50 $60,125.00 $17.30 $56,225.00 $14.59 $47,417.50 $14.05 $45,662.50 $12.00 $39,000.00 $20.65 $67,112.50 12 Placement of City Provided Millings 500 C.Y. $10.00 $5,000.00 $13.20 $6,600.00 $16.41 $8,205.00 $5.35 $2,675.00 $1.00 $500.00 $27.60 $13,800.00 13 Breaker Run Backfill for Parking Lot Undercut 4,350 Ton $13.00 $56,550.00 $19.60 $85,260.00 $16.12 $70,122.00 $18.10 $78,735.00 $13.00 $56,550.00 $18.40 $80,040.00 14 Parking Lot Underdrainage, 4-inch Diameter PVC 753 L.F. $25.00 $18,825.00 $9.00 $6,777.00 $13.20 $9,939.60 $11.00 $8,283.00 $25.00 $18,825.00 $18.55 $13,968.15 15 Parking Lot Underdrainage, 6-inch Diameter PVC 332 L.F. $30.00 $9,960.00 $24.25 $8,051.00 $25.20 $8,366.40 $14.00 $4,648.00 $26.00 $8,632.00 $30.45 $10,109.40 16 6-Inch PVC Cleanout with watertight cap 1 EACH $500.00 $500.00 $275.00 $275.00 $350.00 $350.00 $325.00 $325.00 $500.00 $500.00 $831.00 $831.00 17 Erosion Control 1 L.S. $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $41,500.00 $41,500.00 $13,800.00 $13,800.00 $15,765.00 $15,765.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $9,076.00 $9,076.00 18 Traffic Control 1 L.S. $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $4,985.00 $4,985.00 TOTAL FOR DIVISION A $733,176.00 $713,730.00 $686,317.50 $656,126.20 $793,519.50 $945,194.05 1 Storm Sewer Pipe, 8-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 100 L.F. $45.00 $4,500.00 $20.00 $2,000.00 $22.40 $2,240.00 $21.00 $2,100.00 $30.00 $3,000.00 $42.10 $4,210.00 2 Storm Sewer Pipe, 10-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 301 L.F. $48.00 $14,448.00 $23.00 $6,923.00 $28.00 $8,428.00 $24.00 $7,224.00 $32.00 $9,632.00 $46.50 $13,996.50 3 Storm Sewer Pipe, 12-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 441 L.F. $52.00 $22,932.00 $27.00 $11,907.00 $33.30 $14,685.30 $33.00 $14,553.00 $35.00 $15,435.00 $51.00 $22,491.00 4 Storm Sewer Pipe, 15-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 79 L.F. $57.00 $4,503.00 $34.00 $2,686.00 $34.00 $2,686.00 $41.00 $3,239.00 $39.00 $3,081.00 $65.35 $5,162.65 5 Storm Sewer Pipe, 18-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 157 L.F. $67.00 $10,519.00 $42.00 $6,594.00 $44.00 $6,908.00 $54.00 $8,478.00 $46.00 $7,222.00 $73.70 $11,570.90 Storm Sewer Pipe, 21-inch Diameter PVC with DIVISION B 6 Storm Sewer Pipe, 21-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 397 L.F. $78.00 $30,966.00 $50.00 $19,850.00 $54.30 $21,557.10 $65.00 $25,805.00 $62.00 $24,614.00 $81.45 $32,335.65 7 Storm Sewer Pipe, 24-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 650 L.F. $88.00 $57,200.00 $60.00 $39,000.00 $66.60 $43,290.00 $75.00 $48,750.00 $66.00 $42,900.00 $90.00 $58,500.00 8 Storm Sewer Pipe, 27-inch Diameter PVC with excavated material backfill 202 L.F. $98.00 $19,796.00 $71.00 $14,342.00 $71.00 $14,342.00 $89.00 $17,978.00 $78.00 $15,756.00 $102.00 $20,604.00 9 Storm Inlet Structure, 24-inch Diameter, including Excavation, Geotextile Bedding, Cover and Compacted Backfill 7 EACH $1,250.00 $8,750.00 $1,600.00 $11,200.00 $1,320.00 $9,240.00 $1,350.00 $9,450.00 $1,250.00 $8,750.00 $1,230.00 $8,610.00 10 Precast Storm Inlet Structure, including Excavation, Geotextile Fabric Placement, Bedding, Cover and Compacted Backfill 3 EACH $1,750.00 $5,250.00 $1,900.00 $5,700.00 $2,140.00 $6,420.00 $1,650.00 $4,950.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 $1,575.00 $4,725.00 11 Precast Storm Sewer Manhole Structure (48- inch Diameter), including Excavation, Bedding, Cover and Compacted Backfill 4 EACH $2,000.00 $8,000.00 $2,000.00 $8,000.00 $2,360.00 $9,440.00 $1,900.00 $7,600.00 $1,850.00 $7,400.00 $1,600.00 $6,400.00 12 Precast Storm Sewer Manhole Structure (60- inch Diameter), including Excavation, Bedding, Cover and Compacted Backfill 1 EACH $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,700.00 $2,700.00 $3,720.00 $3,720.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,188.00 $2,188.00 13 18-Inch Diameter Precast Concrete Flared End Section with Trash Gate 1 EACH $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $880.00 $880.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $750.00 $750.00 $886.00 $886.00 14 21-Inch Diameter Precast Concrete Flared End Section with Trash Gate 1 EACH $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $940.00 $940.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $942.00 $942.00 15 21-Inch Diameter Precast Concrete Flared End Section with Trash Gate and Rip Rap 1 EACH $1,750.00 $1,750.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,810.00 $1,810.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,385.00 $1,385.00 16 27-Inch Diameter Precast Concrete Flared End Section with Trash Gate and Rip Rap 1 EACH $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $2,380.00 $2,380.00 $2,150.00 $2,150.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,662.00 $1,662.00 17 Pond Outlet Control Structure including Excavation, Geotextile Fabric Placement, Rip Rap, Bedding, Cover and Compacted Backfill including Excavation, Bedding, Cover and Compacted Backfill 1 EACH $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,180.00 $11,180.00 $6,100.00 $6,100.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $9,420.00 $9,420.00 TOTAL FOR DIVISION B $204,114.00 $147,302.00 $160,146.40 $164,577.00 $156,140.00 $205,088.70 L:\Jobs2014\20140450\Project_Information\Costs\Bid Tabs_0450.xls 1 of 2 Recorded by JMH Bid Park Arthur West Phase I Project No. 2014-0450 Opening Thursday, July 10, 2014 Place: City of Muskego, Wisconsin BID ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL UNIT BID ITEM TOTAL BCF Construction VeitSuper WesternEngineer's Estimate Willkomm Excavating & GradingCW Purpero Football Field Underdrainage, 4-Inch Diameter, PVC 1,892 L.F. $8.00 $15,136.00 $9.00 $17,028.00 $11.25 $21,285.00 $11.50 $21,758.00 $8.00 $15,136.00 $19.25 $36,421.00 Soccer Field Underdrainage Collector, 8-inch Diameter PVC 462 L.F. $25.00 $11,550.00 $36.50 $16,863.00 $49.50 $22,869.00 $29.00 $13,398.00 $21.00 $9,702.00 $52.60 $24,301.20 6-Inch PVC Cleanout with watertight cap 1 EACH $500.00 $500.00 $475.00 $475.00 $405.00 $405.00 $475.00 $475.00 $50.00 $50.00 $831.00 $831.00 TOTAL FOR DIVISION C - ALT. NO. 1 $27,186.00 $34,366.00 $44,559.00 $35,631.00 $24,888.00 $61,553.20 Soccer Field Underdrainage, 4-Inch Diameter, PVC 1,516 L.F. $8.00 $12,128.00 $9.00 $13,644.00 $10.90 $16,524.40 $12.50 $18,950.00 $8.00 $12,128.00 $19.25 $29,183.00 Soccer Field Underdrainage Collector, 8-inch Diameter PVC 625 L.F. $22.00 $13,750.00 $25.00 $15,625.00 $27.70 $17,312.50 $15.00 $9,375.00 $13.00 $8,125.00 $43.00 $26,875.00 6-Inch PVC Cleanout with watertight cap 2 EACH $500.00 $1,000.00 $350.00 $700.00 $330.00 $660.00 $475.00 $950.00 $50.00 $100.00 $831.00 $1,662.00 TOTAL FOR DIVISION C - ALT. NO. 2 $26,878.00 $29,969.00 $34,496.90 $29,275.00 $20,353.00 $57,720.00 Manhole Structures, 48-inch Diameter 5 EACH $3,000.00 $15,000.00 $3,000.00 $15,000.00 $3,340.00 $16,700.00 $2,600.00 $13,000.00 $2,600.00 $13,000.00 $2,742.70 $13,713.50 Sanitary Sewer Pipe, 6-inch PVC, SDR-35, including Excavation, Bedding, Cover and 914 L.F.$65.00 $59,410.00 $30.00 $27,420.00 $39.70 $36,285.80 $34.00 $31,076.00 $45.00 $41,130.00 $66.00 $60,324.00 DIVISION C - ALTERNATE NO. 3 DIVISION C - ALTERNATE NO. 2 DIVISION C - ALTERNATE NO. 1 1 2 including Excavation, Bedding, Cover and Compacted Backfill 914 L.F.$65.00 $59,410.00 $30.00 $27,420.00 $39.70 $36,285.80 $34.00 $31,076.00 $45.00 $41,130.00 $66.00 $60,324.00 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement 13 S.Y. $5.00 $65.00 $29.00 $377.00 $26.00 $338.00 $7.00 $91.00 $10.00 $130.00 $22.00 $286.00 Full Depth Saw Cut of Existing Pavement 42 L.F. $15.00 $630.00 $11.00 $462.00 $10.00 $420.00 $3.00 $126.00 $5.00 $210.00 $11.00 $462.00 4-inch Mix E-1 Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course, placed in two lifts including tack coat 3 Ton $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $625.00 $1,875.00 $301.00 $903.00 $600.00 $1,800.00 $600.00 $1,800.00 $1,003.00 $3,009.00 1.5-inch Mix E-1 Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course 1 Ton $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $725.00 $725.00 $482.00 $482.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $1,935.00 $1,935.00 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer System 1 L.S. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $880.00 $880.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,750.00 $1,750.00 $2,770.00 $2,770.00 TOTAL FOR DIVISION C - ALT. NO. 3 $81,605.00 $51,559.00 $56,008.80 $47,293.00 $58,720.00 $82,499.50 Modified Berm Fill as shown on Drawing C300A 1 L.S. $24,200.00 $24,200.00 $27,800.00 $27,800.00 $17,253.00 $17,253.00 $18,230.00 $18,230.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $21,600.00 $21,600.00 Furnish and Install Topsoil 6-inch depth 1 L.S. $1,050.00 $1,050.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $4,242.00 $4,242.00 $522.02 $522.02 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 Erosion Matting 2,300 S.Y. $1.50 $3,450.00 $2.50 $5,750.00 $1.17 $2,691.00 $1.40 $3,220.00 $1.00 $2,300.00 $1.25 $2,875.00 TOTAL FOR DIVISION C - ALT. NO. 4 $28,700.00 $39,050.00 $24,186.00 $21,972.02 $23,300.00 $39,975.00 $937,290.00 $861,032.00 $846,463.90 $820,703.20 $949,659.50 $1,150,282.75 TOTAL, DIVISION C (Alt. Bid Items 1-4)$164,369.00 $154,944.00 $159,250.70 $134,171.02 $127,261.00 $241,747.70 $1,101,659.00 $1,015,976.00 $1,005,714.60 $954,874.22 $1,076,920.50 $1,392,030.45 TOTAL BASE BID, DIVISION A + B GRAND TOTAL, DIVISION A + B + C DIVISION C - ALTERNATE NO. 4 3 4 L:\Jobs2014\20140450\Project_Information\Costs\Bid Tabs_0450.xls 2 of 2 Recorded by JMH PARK ARTHUR WEST - PHASE I PROJECT Super Western Base Bid Comments Division A - demolition/grading/erosion control $656,126.20 *includes $105,720 for importing fill Division B - site utilities $164,577.00 Base Bid TOTAL $820,703.20 $714,983.20 Division C - Alternate Bid Items Alternate Bid #1: football underdrain $35,631.00 NO Alternate Bid #2: soccer field underdrain $29,275.00 NO Alternate Bid #3: sanitary sewer $47,293.00 NO - phase II or III Alternate Bid #4: berm (along Lentini Drive homes)$21,972.02 YES Alternate Bid Item TOTAL $134,171.02 Accept Alternate Bids #3 & #4 $69,265.02 TOTAL Base Bid + Alternate Bids #3 & #4 $889,968.22 TOTAL Base Bid + Alermate Bids #4 $842,675.22 $736,955.22 Project Funding 2014 Capital Budget $644,700.00 $717,000 - $69,300 (Eng. Fees) = $644,700 Muskego Kickers Contribution $31,552.35 Waiting to hear by 7/22 Muskego Warriors Contribution $39,270.00 100% confirmed Project funding TOTAL $715,522.35 Possible Use of Park Improvement Fund (developer's fees)$120,572.80 Possible funding GRAND TOTAL $836,095.15 $836,095.15 *Project shortage -$6,580.07 $99,139.93 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #064-2014 AWARD OF BID Park Arthur West Phase I Project WHEREAS, The City advertised for bids for the Park Arthur West Phase I Project and the following base bids were received: C. W. Purpero $ 861,032.00 Willkomm Excavating & Grading $ 846,463.90 Super Western $ 820,703.20 BCF Construction Corp. $ 949,659.50 Veit $1,150,282.75 WHEREAS, The Parks & Recreation Board has recommended that the base bid in the amount of $820,703.20 submitted by Super Western be accepted for the project; and WHEREAS, The City also requested various alternate bids. The following alternates were submitted by Super Western: Alternate 1 - Football Field Underdrainage $35,631.00 Alternate 2 - Soccer Field Underdrainage $29,275.00 Alternate 3 - Sanitary Sewer Lateral $47,293.00 Alternate 4 - Berm $21,972.02 WHEREAS, The Parks & Recreation Board has recommended that Alternate 4 in the amount of $21,972.02 be accepted; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed the bids and recommended that the base bid as well as Alternate 4 submitted by Super Western be accepted for the Park Arthur West Phase I Project for a total of $842,675.22. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the bids submitted by Super Western in the total amount of $842,675.22 for the Park Arthur West Phase I Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #064-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 7/14jmb Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES June 24, 2014 5:45 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members Aldermen Kubacki and Hammel. Alderman Borgman arrived at 5:52 pm. Also present: Alderman Madden, Alderman Wolfe arrived at 5:59 pm., City Engineer Director Simpson and Finance and Administration Director Mueller. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Ms. Mueller stated that the meeting was properly noticed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 10, 2014 Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve the June 10, 2014 minutes. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 2 in favor. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend Approval of Operator Licenses Alderman Hammel made a motion to approve recommend approval of Operator's License for Thomas Behrs, Jennifer Blawat, Wendy Block, Geno Bondioli, Christine Brooks, Lauren Busalacchi, Jose Claudio, David Gajewski, Karen Gleason, Nicole Harmeyer, Kathleen Heinz, Robert D. Hinners, Robert T. Hinners, Curtis Huenink, Rebecca Jankowski, Tracy Kunstmann, Michelle Lucchesi, Dennis Markiewicz, Milena Markison, Patricia Molkentin, Kirsten Nelson, Lisa Niemiec, Debra Renk, Rachael Shulta, Dane Wojciehowski and Diane Whitehouse. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 2 in favor. Recommend Approval of Temporary License to Sell Wine and Fermented Malt Beverages Muskego Area Chamber of Commerce - July 23, 2014 (Taste of Muskego on the Water) Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 2 in favor. Review and Recommendation Regarding 2014-2015 Licenses Finance Committee Minutes 2 June 24, 2014 Alderman Hammel made a motion to recommend approval. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 2 in favor. 2014-2015 License Renewal list attached. NEW BUSINESS Recommend Award of Bid - 2014 Road Improvement Program The following bids were submitted by Payne & Dolan: Base Bid $513,428.90 Alternate Bids Hardtke Drive and Path $ 66,290.25 Freedom Acres Subdivision $169,859.40 Denoon Park $183,787.90 City Engineer Simpson stated the amounts were higher due to the increase in oil prices and workload. He recommends that the base bid be awarded as well as the bids for Hardtke Drive and Denoon Park. The bid for Denoon Park exceeds what was budgeted; however, Ms. Mueller noted that there are funds available in the Park Dedication account that could be used. Alderman Kubacki moved to recommend that the bid be awarded to Payne & Dolan for the base bid and the alternate for Hardtke Drive and Path for a total of $579,719.15. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommend Approval of a State/Municipal Agreement for a State-Let Urbanized Area STP - Urban Project for Moorland Road Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval of the agreement. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $31,203.04. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $394,033.23. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Finance Committee Minutes 3 June 24, 2014 Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll Transmittals in the amount of $338,569.17. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Proposed Water Utility Simplified Rate Case Alderman Borgman made a motion to proceed with the PSC simplified rate case application process. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Kubacki made a motion to adjourn at 6:11 pm. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Minutes transcribed by Kim Chavie, Assistant Deputy Clerk Finance Committee Minutes 4 June 24, 2014 Requested changes are identified in red “CLASS B” BEER AND LIQUOR Moo, Inc. (New License) All Outside Property Licensed Until 1:30 a.m. d/b/a Bass Bay Brewhouse & Eatery and Aud Mar Banquets S79 W15851 Aud Mar Drive Agent: Laurie Oschmann Gun Club Operations, LLC Outside: Picnic Area and Deck Until 11:00 p.m. d/b/a Boxhorn Sportsman’s Club 6-Month License S90 W13960 Boxhorn Drive (Establishment for sale) Agent: Maxwell Geliche Brick House Bar & Grill, Inc. No Outside Sales d/b/a The Brick House Bar & Grill 6-Month License S64 W18295 Martin Drive (Establishment for sale) Agent: Alicia Webber K & E, Inc. No Outside Sales d/b/a Mug-Z’s Pub & Grille W194 S7060 Hillendale Drive Agent: Katelyn Rupp Muskego Lakes Corp. Outside: Club House, Golf Course, Patio d/b/a Muskego Lakes Country Club Licensed Until 1:00 a.m. S100 W14020 Loomis Road Agent: Helen Runjo (New) Muskego Moose Lodge 1057 Outside: Horseshoe Area and Parking Lot S86 W21693 Janesville Road Licensed Until Midnight Agent: Joe Thibedeau (New Officers) Escher, Inc. No Outside Sales d/b/a Suburban Bourbon S76 W17745 Janesville Road Agent: Peter Karas Michelle Gonzales No Outside Sales d/b/a Twisted Cork W168 S16984 Boehm Court Finance Committee Minutes 5 June 24, 2014 DANCE HALL (Class A - Live Music/Class B - Juke Box) Moo, Inc. (New) Class A d/b/a Bass Bay Brewhouse & Eatery and Aud Mar Banquets The Brick House Bar & Grill Class B K & E, Inc. Class A d/b/a Mug-Z’s Pub & Grille Muskego Lakes Corp. Class A d/b/a Muskego Lakes Country Club Muskego Moose Lodge 1057 Class A Escher, Inc. Class A d/b/a Suburban Bourbon SPECIAL OUTSIDE DANCE Pioneer Inn Enterprises, Inc. Outdoor Music d/b/a Marx Pioneer Inn Sundays, July, August, September 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. City of Muskego PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Monday, June 9, 2014 Approved 7/14/14 Board President Whipple called the monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board (Board), City of Muskego, to order at 5:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting notice was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on June 5, 2014. Present: Mr. “Butch LeDoux, Ald. Borgman, Mr. Toby Whipple, Mr. Jerald Hulbert, Mr. Brett Hyde, Director Anderson. Excused: Mr. Paul Peardon, Mrs. Kelly Koble GUESTS: Ald. Kubacki, Jess Shaw, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Jones APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 12 Minutes Ald. Borgman moved to approve the minutes of the May 12 meeting, seconded by Mr. Hulbert. Upon a voice vote, the motion to approve carried. Communications: Personal Appearances Jess Shaw—Discuss Idle Isle Concessions Director Anderson refreshed the Board members on previous Idle Isle concessions. Recently, Jess Shaw had contacted him regarding running concessions out of the building. They had met at the site along with a representative from Waukesha County. A permit would be required from the county but not the city. The Board was in receipt of her proposal for the Sandcastle. It was different from the last one as there is not as much equipment cost required. He mentioned the waiving of the utility costs and the lease amount per month during the first year. Jess Shaw addressed the Board members on her experience and what she hopes to accomplish with the concessions. An issue that she is running into is insurance and the cost of the insurance and it differs with hot foods and prepackaged foods/snacks. She was open to any suggestions from the Board. Director Anderson recommended that she not offer concessions on Wednesday nights when the Water Bugs are selling concessions. Mr. Hulbert moved to recommend for approval her application to operate a business, pending insurance. Mr. Hyde seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Idle Isle Park bench donation in memoriam Director Anderson advised the Board members that he had been contacted by the individual desiring to place a memorial bench at Idle Isle Park in the area of the playground slide. He refreshed the members on the memorial bench that was placed at Idle Isle Park five years ago. He had shared the information on that donation with the individual and they still wanted to make the donation. Board members requested that the bench mirror the one already at the park. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the donation/placement of the bench. Mr. LeDoux seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, June 9, 2014, page 2 Water Bugs sponsor—Idle Isle Park use on July 30 A letter was received from Cigno Family Dental regarding their annual event at Idle Isle Park in conjunction with the Water Bugs. The event is scheduled for July 30. They will have a tent and a dunk tank. Director Anderson advised there have been no problems with this event in the past. Mr. Hyde moved to approve the event. Ald. Borgman seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Bluhm shelter request for inflatable bouncer—August 9 The party renting the Bluhm shelter on August 9 for a birthday party was requesting permission to use an inflatable bouncer. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve the request. Ald. Borgman seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Waiver of fees for Pack 118 @ Veterans Memorial Park on July 30 Cub Scout Pack 118 was requesting waiver of usage fees for their picnic on July 30. Mr. Hyde moved to approve, seconded by Ald. Borgman. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Waiver of fees for Muckey 4-H @ Veterans Memorial Park on June 9 Muckey 4-H contacted Director Anderson requesting a waiver of the usage fees for their end-of-the-year party on June 9. He shared that this group had used the Jensen facility in the past. Mr. LeDoux moved to approve. Ald. Borgman seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discuss options/recommendations for recreation facilities Director Anderson stated the department had received a second quote for the wall. It came in at $10,800. The previous one was $16,800. The total bill estimated would be $22,184 to remove the building. DPW will be removing the existing building, taking it to the dump, leveling out the area of land. A group of contractors will do the rest. He provided an itemized list on the razing costs which he reviewed with the Board. Mr. Hulbert requested a cost on doing the foundation and putting in a floor. Director Anderson recalled that the Graef engineer had done an estimate on t he repair of the building. Mr. Hyde would also like an estimate. Director Anderson requested if there were any other estimates as he did not want to go back again and again to the contractors. Mr. Hulbert felt the amount was a lot to cap the building off and he would like to explore all possibilities. Director Anderson felt there may be other building issues that may come forward. If they are going to work with DPW taking it down, it would have to be before September when the leaves start falling. He can get their estimates by July or August and once received, the Board will have to make recommendations. Mr. Hyde suggested that they take a look at the building which should help them make a decision. Director Anderson summed up that they are looking for estimates on what a foundation fix would be, the water stays put and expand the floor area remaining, and a stud wall versus concrete block. Director Anderson shared that he had spoken with Chris Buckmaster at the library. They are going to be talking to their board about using their facility for programs. In regard to the fire department, staff is still waiting to look at the ki tchen facilities at the fire houses. The department would like to try their facilities for some of the culinary programs. NEW BUSINESS: Discuss 2015 Department Position Re-classification Director Anderson presented the position re-classification to the Board. Upon discussion, Mr. Hulbert would like added to the education that a bachelor’s degree beneficial or preferred. Mr. Hulbert moved to approve, seconded by Mr. LeDoux. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. ALDERMAN’S REPORT: Ald. Borgman stated they are getting ready for budget. Also, the facilities presentation did not take place yet. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Park Arthur East—Director Anderson reported that the concessions are going strong and doing very well. Paving and grading was done around the shelter. The department will be looking at paving next year the foot path that has been Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, June 9, 2014, page 3 established. However, a culvert will need to be placed in the swale to get them over the swale to the shelter. Bob stopped in and advised Director Anderson of the equestrian trail portion that gets flooded. He will construct some gates and gate that area when necessary. The department will be kept informed when these gates are closed. Park Arthur West—Board members were in receipt of the cost estimates as well as prints available for their review. Soil borings were done and indicated normal high water level in the spring. DPW excavated 3-4 feet down; the high water mark is only 1 foot below the surface. Drain tile has been done. It was a recommendation to have drain tile as an alternate bid. Director Anderson has kept the leagues/groups informed on the development of the fields. He pointed out on the cost estimate the costs that would be the responsibility of the clubs. One area the Board has to comment on is the berm that is along Lentini. Board members commented on tree plantings instead of the berm. The plans will go out for bids on June 26. The bids will come to the Board on July 14 and go to council on the 22 nd. The completion date will be extended to the middle of September, 2015. Phase II, in keeping with the aldermen’s request to limit funds, will be the access site; the parking lot will be graded with stone along with the portion of road to the creek. Phase II will be widening the entrance to the park, changing the format of the parking lot, establishing the road so people won’t have to go through the parking lot, and paving. The plan for this year to September of ‘15 is to grade and to seed and have an entrance into the park. Completion of the park will be about a four-year project. Water Bugs—Status Update There was one compliance check. The light was burned out on the ski ju mp. No other complaints. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Recreation Registration Software Class software will no longer be supported in 2017. Staff will be attending a demonstration of the Active Network which is the new platform recreation software. They will find out if that software will meet the needs of the department. Idle Isle Fishing Pier installed The pier was installed and the department received great comments on it. The trail is now 8-foot wide enabling the staff to take a truck on it. The pier was half financed by the DNR. The department now is looking at getting rid of the old sections. It’s also listed on Craig’s list to see if anyone is interested. Goose Abatement Update At last count, there was only 20 geese at Idle Isle. This was the second year of the two-year grant so $1,250 will have to be returned. The DNR will not do a goose abatement for such a small number as it gives the impression you’re trying to eliminate the geese. The department has not had to call in the Geese Police yet. Dennis will keep Director Anderson informed on when the goose population picks up. OTHER BUSINESS Subdivision Plans from Plan Commission None COMMUNICATIONS & MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Ald. Borgman questioned what was being done regarding the Park Arthur light spillover complaint that came before the Board in May. Director Anderson asked two people about it. He has two proposals one to have a switch installed to shut off the one bank of lights once the games are ended. They are also going to get the lights tested to see if there is light on his property. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, June 9, 2014, page 4 ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hulbert moved for adjournment at 6:43 p.m. Mr. LeDoux seconded. Motion carried. Pc: Board Members, Craig Anderson; email: Peter Theis, Tammy Dunn; posted: www.cityofmuskego.org Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES May 20, 2014 6:00 PM Aldermen’s Room – Upper Level of City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Chairman LeFebvre called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Larry Lefebvre, Ald. Bob Hammel, Ald. Blaise Di Pronio, Bonnie Johnson, Bob Mueller, Robert LeClaire, Lana Arrowood and Director Jeff Muenkel. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE This meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 21, 2014 Robert LeClaire made a motion to approve the minutes of January 21, 2014. Bob Mueller seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. INTRODUCTION OF NEW CDA MEMBERS ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR, AND SECRETARY Robert LeClaire nominated Larry LeFebvre for Chairman. Larry LeFebvre nominated Robert LeClaire for Vice Chairmain. Larry LeFebvre nominated Bob Mueller for Secretary. PUBLIC INPUT NEW BUSINESS Janesville Road Grant Request: Muskego Nursing Home (S77 W18690 Janesville Road) Bob Mueller made a motion to approve Janesville Road Grant Request: Muskego Nursing Home (S77 W18690 Janesville Road) for $3,000. Alderman Di Pronio seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. *Janesville Road Grant Request: Drefahl (S77 W18512 Janesville Road) Robert LeClaire made a motion to approve Janesville Road Grant Request: Drefahl (S77 W18512 Janesville Road) for $3,000. Alderman Hammel seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. ONGOING BUSINESS Tess Corners Redevelopment District (#1) Implementation Downtown Redevelopment District (#2) Implementation Muskego Business Park Redevelopment District (#3) Implementation Mill Valley Redevelopment district (#4) Implementation Marketing Plan Implementation MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Redevelopment District Development & Other Miscellaneous Information Updates Next Meeting Date ADJOURNMENT Robert LeClaire made a motion to adjourn. Bob Mueller seconded. Motion Passed 7 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1384 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP AND 2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Ener-Con Companies, LLC – RL-3 to PD-14 & PD-14 Amendment) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from RL-3 Lakeshore Residence District to PD-14 Bay Breeze Planned Development District: Tax Key Number 2195.999 SECTION 2: The following described properties are hereby rezoned to amend the existing PD-14 Bay Breeze Planned Development District they currently reside in: Tax Key Number 2193.970.028 & Tax Key Number 2193.970.029 SECTION 3: The Common Council does hereby amend the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map to reflect a change from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential. SECTION 4: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance is based upon, and contingent, upon the submitted developer plans and is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication and conditioned on the Plan Commission approval, and developer execution, of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan (BSO). PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2014. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ Kathy Chiaverotti, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer Council Date JULY 22,2014 Total Vouchers All Funds $903,541.04 Total Voucher Approval Utility Vouchers (Approve Separately) Water Vouchers $34,888.89 Water Wire Transfers Total Water $34,888.89 Sewer Vouchers 351,810.04 Sewer Wire Transfers Total Sewer $351,810.04 Net Total Utility Vouchers $ 386,698.93 #1 - Utility Voucher Approval Tax Vouchers - Refunds & Tax Settlements (Approve Separately) Tax Vouchers $ Tax Void Checks ()** Total Tax Vouchers $ - #2 - Tax Voucher Approval Total General Fund Vouchers (Approve Separately) General Fund Vouchers $516,842.11 General Fund Void Checks ()** Total General Fund Vouchers $ 516,842.11 #3 - General Voucher Approval Big Muskego Lake Vouchers $3,724.90 . Wire transfers (Approve Separately): Tax Settlements $ Debt Service $ Payroll Transmittals $344,348.90 #4 - Wire Transfers Approval Void Checks Since Last Report Check #Amount Check #Amount Total *** Total 0.00 *Total *** CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 1 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments" Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 5 ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUP,LLC 140926-1 1 Invoice 4X CHARGER 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 155.22 714 601. 140926-1 2 Invoice 4X CHARGER 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 155.23 714 605. Total 5 ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUP,LLC:310.45 ACE HARDWARE - WINDLAKE 739083 1 Invoice HUMIDIFER/WELL #12 06/02/2014 07/22/2014 189.99 714 605. Total ACE HARDWARE - WINDLAKE:189.99 ADVANCED DISPOSAL - MUSKEGO-C6 C60000118420 1 Invoice REF/JUNE 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 50,920.23 714 C60000118420 2 Invoice RECY/JUNE 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 23,831.04 714 C60000118420 3 Invoice YARD WASTE/JUNE 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 1,378.59 714 C60000118420 4 Invoice FUEL CHG/MAY 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 3,362.00 714 Total ADVANCED DISPOSAL - MUSKEGO-C6:79,491.86 ALL HYDRAULICS, LLC 355114 1 Invoice REBUILD CYLINDER,REPLACE RO 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 1,365.00 714 Total ALL HYDRAULICS, LLC:1,365.00 ALSCO 42510/72214 1 Invoice UNIFORM RENTAL 6/14 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 179.44 714 42510/72214 2 Invoice UNIFORM RENTAL 6/14 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 54.32 714 605. 42510/72214 3 Invoice UNIFORM RENTAL 6/14 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 54.32 714 601. 42511/72214 1 Invoice UNIFORM RENTAL 6/14 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 41.12 714 601. 42511/72214 2 Invoice UNIFORM RENTAL 6/14 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 41.12 714 605. 42511/72214 3 Invoice UNIFORM RENTAL 6/14 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 87.81 714 Total ALSCO:458.13 AT & T 262679810607 1 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/25/2014 602.55 714 414Z45636606 1 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/18/2014 193.46 714 Total AT & T:796.01 BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY 2029481864 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/11/2014 07/22/2014 346.84 714 2029484975 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/11/2014 07/22/2014 1,050.97 714 2029503616 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/17/2014 07/22/2014 360.77 714 2029504365 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/18/2014 07/22/2014 999.60 714 2029510521 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/19/2014 07/22/2014 169.57 714 2029514040 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/20/2014 07/22/2014 131.26 714 2029516323 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/20/2014 07/22/2014 616.72 714 2029534105 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 894.25 714 5013166336 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/11/2014 07/22/2014 93.71 714 5013176951 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/18/2014 07/22/2014 151.73 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 2 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 503186476 1 Invoice PRINT MATLS 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 52.45 714 Total BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY:4,867.87 BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAINMENT M4482240 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/16/2014 07/22/2014 64.77 714 M44973770 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/16/2014 07/22/2014 25.19 714 M45125540 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/13/2014 07/22/2014 14.39 714 M45349050 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 50.37 714 M45349051 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 14.36 714 M45349052 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 14.39 714 M45372780 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/17/2014 07/22/2014 11.88 714 M46045990 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 181.07 714 M46160960 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22922 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 183.18 714 Total BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAINMENT:559.60 BAKER TILLY VIRCHOW KRAUSE,LLP BT0756492 1 Invoice 2013 AUDIT - SEWER PROGRESS 07/16/2014 07/31/2014 800.00 714 601. BT756490 1 Invoice 2013 AUDIT - PROGRESS #3 07/16/2014 07/31/2014 4,200.00 714 BT756491 1 Invoice 2013 AUDIT - PROGRESS #2 07/16/2014 07/31/2014 700.00 714 BT756493 1 Invoice 2013 AUDIT - BML PROGRESS #2 07/16/2014 07/31/2014 300.00 714 Total BAKER TILLY VIRCHOW KRAUSE,LLP:6,000.00 BUBRICKS INC 922501 1 Invoice OFFICE SUPPLIES/22963S 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 104.31 714 922515 1 Invoice OFFICE SUPPLIES/22963S 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 405.14 714 924172 1 Invoice CREDIT 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 104.31-714 927587 1 Invoice ELECTON SUPPLIES 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 48.81 714 927587 2 Invoice DOFA/DYMO LABELS 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 52.40 714 927587 3 Invoice GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 65.10 714 927587 4 Invoice 2 REAMS PAPER/BLDG 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 37.70 714 927587 5 Invoice DOFA BLACK BINDER 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 14.18 714 Total BUBRICKS INC:623.33 BUMPER TO BUMPER MUSKEGO 433034 1 Invoice TRANS ADAPTER 06/14/2014 07/22/2014 75.00 714 434507 1 Invoice GREASE TUBES 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 47.90 714 434678 1 Invoice FUEL CAP & PAINT 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 19.87 714 Total BUMPER TO BUMPER MUSKEGO:142.77 BURTON & MAYER INC 464814 1 Invoice 20130 CCR REPORT 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 1,370.00 714 605. Total BURTON & MAYER INC:1,370.00 CCP INDUSTRIES 1300500 1 Invoice FACE SHIELDS 06/24/2014 07/22/2014 95.66 714 Total CCP INDUSTRIES:95.66 CENTURY LINK 1306686283 1 Invoice 07/16/2014 07/30/2014 3.82 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 3 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total CENTURY LINK:3.82 CHAPPELL SPORTS 15415 1 Invoice TENNIS TEAM SHIRTS 06/27/2014 07/22/2014 95.00 714 15415 2 Invoice PACKER & SPORTS MANIA 06/27/2014 07/22/2014 160.00 714 15426 1 Invoice GAP SHIRTS 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 15.00 714 Total CHAPPELL SPORTS:270.00 CITY OF FRANKLIN 5596/72214 1 Invoice 12ND QTR 2014 /W12442 TC 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 18.75 714 601. 9024/72214 1 Invoice 2ND QTR 2014 W12466 TC 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 18.75 714 601. Total CITY OF FRANKLIN:37.50 CITY OF MUSKEGO 2217.972.002 1 Invoice BG LK PAYM W/E-PAY 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 35.00 714 2255.984 1 Invoice BG LK PAYM W/E-PAY 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 35.00 714 2255.994.005 1 Invoice BG LK PAYM W/E-PAY 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 35.00 714 2255.994.008 1 Invoice BG LK PAYM W/E-PAY 07/17/2014 07/22/2014 35.00 714 2258041 1 Invoice BG LK PAYM W/E-PAY 07/14/2014 07/14/2014 35.00 714 Total CITY OF MUSKEGO:175.00 CIVIC SYSTEMS LLC CVC11981 1 Invoice SEMI-ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPP 07/16/2014 07/27/2014 4,165.80 714 CVC11981 2 Invoice SEMI-ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPP 07/16/2014 07/27/2014 1,041.45 714 601. CVC11981 3 Invoice SEMI-ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPP 07/16/2014 07/27/2014 1,041.45 714 605. CVC11981 4 Invoice SEMI-ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPP 07/16/2014 07/27/2014 347.15 714 CVC11981 5 Invoice SEMI-ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPP 07/16/2014 07/27/2014 347.15 714 Total CIVIC SYSTEMS LLC:6,943.00 CONSTANTINEAU, DAVID CO72214 1 Invoice FUNDS/NIGHT OUT 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 1,000.00 714 505. Total CONSTANTINEAU, DAVID:1,000.00 CORTESE, ERIN CO72214 1 Invoice REIMB UNIFORM ITEMS/SWEATE 06/19/2014 07/22/2014 126.67 714 CO72214 2 Invoice EXTERIOR VEST CARRIER 06/19/2014 07/22/2014 131.63 714 Total CORTESE, ERIN:258.30 CUES INC. 411866 1 Invoice PARTS/CAMERA TRK 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 484.67 714 601. Total CUES INC.:484.67 CULLIGAN OF WAUK INC CU72214 1 Invoice JENSEN FILTER 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 39.16 714 Total CULLIGAN OF WAUK INC:39.16 CZARNECKI, ROBERT & AMY 73894 1 Invoice REFUND/SOCCER CAMP 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 35.00 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 4 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total CZARNECKI, ROBERT & AMY:35.00 D THOMAS LLC DT72214 1 Invoice END CAP FOR DIE/#020 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 134.60 714 Total D THOMAS LLC:134.60 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES/ DNR 13571 1 Invoice BOATING SAFETY INSTRUCTION 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 250.00 714 Total DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES/ DNR:250.00 DIEDRICH, SHAWN DI72214 1 Invoice REIMB GAS/TRAINING 06/18/2014 07/22/2014 65.42 714 Total DIEDRICH, SHAWN:65.42 DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC. 185719 1 Invoice HRA FEES/JULY 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 383.64 714 Total DIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERV INC.:383.64 EAGLE MEDIA, INC. 00028678 1 Invoice OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 90.00 714 28616 1 Invoice STAFF SHIRTS 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 110.50 714 28656 1 Invoice SIGNS/KURTH PK 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 246.00 714 Total EAGLE MEDIA, INC.:446.50 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES 0092538 1 Invoice PRINT MTLS/22970PER 06/13/2014 07/22/2014 3.30 714 Total EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES:3.30 ELECTION SOURCE 24418 1 Invoice I VOTED STICKERS 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 136.89 714 Total ELECTION SOURCE:136.89 ELLIOTT'S ACE HARDWARE 601005/72214 1 Invoice MAINT/CH 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 35.89 714 601005/72214 2 Invoice MAINT/LIB 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 80.96 714 601005/72214 3 Invoice MAINT/PD 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 45.57 714 601005/72214 4 Invoice MAINT/PKS 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 38.58 714 601005/72214 5 Invoice MAINT/PKS 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 46.18 714 896353 1 Invoice HOOK BOLT 06/20/2014 07/22/2014 1.59 714 Total ELLIOTT'S ACE HARDWARE:248.77 ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS GROUP 0032218-IN 1 Invoice 07/16/2014 07/23/2014 3,131.00 714 Total ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS GROUP:3,131.00 ENVIRO TECH EQUIP CORP 070714-8A 1 Invoice LEADER HOSE CAMERA 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 123.08 714 601. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 5 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total ENVIRO TECH EQUIP CORP:123.08 F & W LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS 2838 1 Invoice GRASS CUTTING/W195S7366 RAC 06/26/2014 07/22/2014 225.00 714 2856 1 Invoice GRASS CUTTING/2197.191 07/11/2014 07/22/2014 175.00 714 2856 2 Invoice GRASS CUTTING/2197.203 07/11/2014 07/22/2014 150.00 714 2857 1 Invoice TRAILER TIRES 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 540.00 714 2858 1 Invoice GRASS CUTTING/2204.106 07/04/2014 07/22/2014 90.00 714 Total F & W LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS:1,180.00 FIA CARD SERVICES - CONSERV/BML DIST 122/72214 1 Invoice CABLE/OSPREY CAMERA 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 88.59 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - CONSERV/BML DIST:88.59 FIA CARD SERVICES - ENG 0392/72214 1 Invoice DSPS RENEWAL 06/12/2014 07/10/2014 82.00 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - ENG:82.00 FIA CARD SERVICES - FIN. 5147/72214 1 Invoice GOV FIN OFFICERS/SHARON 06/24/2014 07/10/2014 25.00 714 5147/72214 2 Invoice WCMC/JIL & KIM 06/24/2014 07/10/2014 320.00 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - FIN.:345.00 FIA CARD SERVICES - INFO 3559/72214 1 Invoice CROSS TIE & BOARD 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 45.75 714 3559/72214 2 Invoice AIR PAD CASE 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 84.22 714 3559/72214 3 Invoice KEYBOARD CASE 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 64.50 714 3559/72214 4 Invoice PRINTER 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 121.46 714 601. 3559/72214 5 Invoice PRINTER 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 121.47 714 605. 3559/72214 6 Invoice CONF ROOM 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 140.00 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - INFO:577.40 FIA CARD SERVICES - LIB. 8316/72214 1 Invoice AUD VIS/22941AV 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 68.93 714 8316/72214 2 Invoice PUB REL/22954PR 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 139.00 714 503. 8316/72214 3 Invoice DATA BASE/22951/DB 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 674.31 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - LIB.:882.24 FIA CARD SERVICES - MAINT 4136/72214 1 Invoice MAINT/CH 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 134.22 714 4136/72214 2 Invoice HEALTH ASSMT SUPPLIES 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 6.71 714 4136/72214 3 Invoice VENDING SNACKS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 85.61 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - MAINT:226.54 FIA CARD SERVICES - MAYOR 8127/71014 1 Invoice FRAMES FOR CERTIFICATES 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 15.84 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - MAYOR:15.84 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 6 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number FIA CARD SERVICES - PD, CM 2733/72214 1 Invoice FBINAA CONF/ROOM 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 170.00 714 2733/72214 2 Invoice GAS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 30.30 714 8166/72214 1 Invoice SQ CAR WASHES 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 504.00 714 8166/72214 2 Invoice CONF/ROOM 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 155.40 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - PD, CM:859.70 FIA CARD SERVICES - PD,AW 576/7214 1 Invoice LDG SUPPLIES 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 125.57 714 576/7214 2 Invoice K-9 THANK YOU DINNER 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 54.15 714 505. Total FIA CARD SERVICES - PD,AW:179.72 FIA CARD SERVICES - PD,JLa 5420/72214 1 Invoice RANGE REPAIRS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 736.00 714 5420/72214 2 Invoice STICKERS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 6.95 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - PD,JLa:742.95 FIA CARD SERVICES - PLAN 4059/72214 1 Invoice QUEESNBORO CREDIT 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 5.03-714 4059/72214 2 Invoice APPLE ADAPTER 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 51.50 714 4059/72214 3 Invoice APPLE CASE 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 83.03 714 4059/72214 4 Invoice BLDG SEALS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 1,508.50 714 4059/72214 5 Invoice ACCESSLINE TOLL FREE #06/18/2014 07/10/2014 14.76 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - PLAN:1,652.76 FIA CARD SERVICES - REC 4010/72214 1 Invoice PLYGRD STAFF MTG SNACKS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 58.07 714 4010/72214 2 Invoice LIL PACKERS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 19.98 714 4010/72214 3 Invoice GAP SPORTS EQUIP 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 55.93 714 4010/72214 4 Invoice INTRO/SOCCER 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 25.98 714 4010/72214 5 Invoice TENNIS LESSONS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 59.98 714 4010/72214 6 Invoice TENNIS LEAGUE 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 59.98 714 4010/72214 7 Invoice GAP BINS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 63.36 714 4010/72214 8 Invoice GAP PLAYGRDS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 198.40 714 4010/72214 9 Invoice GAP CARNIVAL PRIZES 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 162.60 714 4010/72214 10 Invoice GAP SNACKS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 54.37 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - REC:758.65 FIA CARD SERVICES - REC,CA 1059/72214 1 Invoice ROLLER ASSEMBLY 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 59.80 714 1059/72214 2 Invoice MOTOR/R\TRUCK BOX 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 330.00 714 1059/72214 3 Invoice TICKETS 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 1,575.00 714 Total FIA CARD SERVICES - REC,CA:1,964.80 FIA CARD SERVICES - UTL 7266/72214 1 Invoice ELECTRIC HOIST 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 99.99 714 601. 7266/72214 2 Invoice WRWA CONF/SCOTT & GEORGE 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 160.00 714 605. Total FIA CARD SERVICES - UTL:259.99 FIA CARD SRV - LIB, PF LOEFFEL 6583/72214 1 Invoice CREDIT 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 7.85-714 503. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 7 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 6583/72214 2 Invoice SUMMER READING PROG/22947 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 43.82 714 503. 6583/72214 3 Invoice SUMMER READING PROG/22947 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 133.06 714 503. 6583/72214 4 Invoice PUB REL/22962PR 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 73.80 714 503. 6583/72214 5 Invoice PUB REL/22962PR 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 78.99 714 503. 6583/72214 6 Invoice PUB REL/22962PR 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 18.94 714 503. Total FIA CARD SRV - LIB, PF LOEFFEL:340.76 FIA CARD SRV - PD, CM MOSER 2881/72214 1 Invoice BATTERIES 06/18/2014 07/10/2014 13.64 714 Total FIA CARD SRV - PD, CM MOSER:13.64 FICKAU INC. 69385 1 Invoice CAMERA TRK MOUNT 06/24/2014 07/22/2014 30.00 714 601. Total FICKAU INC.:30.00 FINDAWAY WORLD,LLC 129630 1 Invoice AUDIO VIS/22927AV 06/12/2014 07/22/2014 455.94 714 130615 1 Invoice AUDIO VIS/22927AV 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 211.97 714 131182 1 Invoice AUDIO VIS/22958AV 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 535.92 714 Total FINDAWAY WORLD,LLC:1,203.83 FRANKLIN AGGREGATES, INC. 1282524 1 Invoice SCREENINGS 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 26.00 714 Total FRANKLIN AGGREGATES, INC.:26.00 FREDRICKSON, SCOTT FR72214 1 Invoice 2014 CLOTHING REIMB 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 300.00 714 Total FREDRICKSON, SCOTT:300.00 FROEDTERT HEALTH INC 333 1 Invoice ADDL RISK ASSMT 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 275.00 714 Total FROEDTERT HEALTH INC:275.00 GIBBS, MIKE 74049 1 Invoice REF/TENNIS 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 75.00 714 Total GIBBS, MIKE:75.00 GLEASON REDI MIX 219424 1 Invoice REDI MIX/LK MEADOWS 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 86.50 714 Total GLEASON REDI MIX:86.50 HAWKINS, INC. 3614908 1 Invoice AZONE & SODIUM 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 2,336.50 714 605. Total HAWKINS, INC.:2,336.50 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD C644956 1 Invoice GASTKETS/BOOSTER PUMP 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 13.48 714 605. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 8 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD:13.48 HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1140627148 1 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/30/2014 833.75 714 Total HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS:833.75 HENNEBERRY, BRIAN HE72214 1 Invoice REIMB SAFETY GLASSES 06/21/2014 07/22/2014 267.00 714 Total HENNEBERRY, BRIAN:267.00 HILLER FORD INC 655120 1 Invoice WIRE ASSEMBLY 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 41.71 714 Total HILLER FORD INC:41.71 HOLZ MOTORS, INC 824132 1 Invoice EVIDENCE SUPPLIES 05/13/2014 07/22/2014 25.00 714 Total HOLZ MOTORS, INC:25.00 HORN BROS, INC. 132122 1 Invoice FERTILIZER 06/04/2014 07/22/2014 76.00 714 Total HORN BROS, INC.:76.00 IIMC 25342-14 1 Invoice ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 07/16/2014 09/30/2014 185.00 714 Total IIMC:185.00 INFINITY PRINTING SUPPLIES 465380 1 Invoice PAPER 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 427.69 714 465381 1 Invoice PRINTER SUPPLIES 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 226.00 714 Total INFINITY PRINTING SUPPLIES:653.69 INTECTURAL, INC 38 1 Invoice 4'X12' SKATELITE 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 508.77 714 Total INTECTURAL, INC:508.77 ITU ABSORB TECH, INC ITU72214 1 Invoice FIRST AID SUPPLIES 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 98.74 714 ITU72214 2 Invoice FIRST AID SUPPLIES 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 5.95 714 601. ITU72214 3 Invoice FIRST AID SUPPLIES 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 5.95 714 605. Total ITU ABSORB TECH, INC:110.64 JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC 547639 1 Invoice COPIER LEASE QTRLY BILLING 06/26/2014 07/22/2014 493.96 714 548349 1 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/11/2014 1,119.14 714 548349 2 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/11/2014 280.00 714 Total JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC:1,893.10 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 9 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC (lease) 257523217 1 Invoice MAINT EQUIP 07/11/2014 07/22/2014 412.69 714 Total JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INC (lease):412.69 JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION 7140541 1 Invoice PK CLANING/JULY 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 535.40 714 7140545 1 Invoice CLEANING OF DAY CARE/7/1/14 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 157.00 714 Total JANI-KING INC- MILW REGION:692.40 JM BRENNAN, INC. 57096 1 Invoice LEAK CHECK CIRCUIT #2 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 2,652.06 714 SALES000056 1 Invoice MAINT BLDG GRDS/22981 06/27/2014 07/22/2014 709.57 714 Total JM BRENNAN, INC.:3,361.63 JOHNNY'S PETROLEUM PROD INC 32758 1 Invoice 7,490 GALS DIESAL 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 25,353.65 714 JO72214 1 Invoice 8,499 GAL GAS 07/14/2014 07/14/2014 29,653.01 714 Total JOHNNY'S PETROLEUM PROD INC:55,006.66 JONES, WILLIAM JO72214 1 Invoice REIMB MEALT/TRAINING 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 19.75 714 Total JONES, WILLIAM:19.75 JOSWICK, AMY 74056 1 Invoice SWIM LESSONS 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 90.00 714 Total JOSWICK, AMY:90.00 JOURNAL SENTINEL INC 70000556-6-14 1 Invoice MISC PUBL 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 919.02 714 70000556-6-14 2 Invoice 2014 ROAD BIDS 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 54.30 714 70000556-6-14 3 Invoice PK ARTHUR 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 46.50 714 Total JOURNAL SENTINEL INC:1,019.82 JSA CIVIL ENV ENGINEERS 2509 1 Invoice VEOLIA OVERSIGHT & AUDIT 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 5,280.81 714 Total JSA CIVIL ENV ENGINEERS:5,280.81 KAMNETZ, FRANCES 73890 1 Invoice REFUND/COMPUTER CLASS 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 70.00 714 Total KAMNETZ, FRANCES:70.00 KIEDROWSKI, GERARD 74057 1 Invoice REFUND/REC PROGRAM 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 30.00 714 Total KIEDROWSKI, GERARD:30.00 KINTER, LISA 73974 1 Invoice REFUND/SOCCER CAMP 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 65.00 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 10 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total KINTER, LISA:65.00 KLOSKOWSKI, SCOTT KI72214 1 Invoice 2014 REIMB SHOES 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 18.39 714 601. KI72214 2 Invoice 2014 REIMB SHOES 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 18.39 714 605. Total KLOSKOWSKI, SCOTT:36.78 KONE, INC. 221511177 1 Invoice QTLY MAINT COVERAGE 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 404.73 714 Total KONE, INC.:404.73 KURTH, KERRY KU72214 1 Invoice 2014 CLOTHING REIMB 07/12/2014 07/22/2014 204.91 714 Total KURTH, KERRY:204.91 LAKELAND SUPPLY, INC. 42429 1 Invoice MISC PAPER PRODUCTS 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 355.77 714 Total LAKELAND SUPPLY, INC.:355.77 LAKESIDE INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 20161103P 1 Invoice SENSOR/#14 06/11/2014 07/22/2014 265.81 714 2028918 1 Invoice CREDIT LEAKING COOL 04/10/2014 07/22/2014 1,850.00-714 2029671 1 Invoice CREDIT TOW 03/28/2014 07/22/2014 195.85-714 2051435 1 Invoice AIR COOLER 04/09/2014 07/22/2014 1,095.00 714 2061103PXI 1 Invoice SEAL/#14 06/13/2014 07/22/2014 35.40 714 2061615P 1 Invoice KIT PLUG/#14 06/19/2014 07/22/2014 781.22 714 2061615PXI 1 Invoice KIT PLUG/#14 06/20/2014 07/22/2014 16.43 714 CM2044663P 1 Invoice CORE RETURN/#12 05/09/2014 07/22/2014 63.84-714 Total LAKESIDE INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS:84.17 MAJORS, MIRANDA L MA72214 1 Invoice WITNESS FEE/#P898158-2 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 29.80 714 Total MAJORS, MIRANDA L:29.80 MANTEK 1562101 1 Invoice WIPE OUT GRAFFITI REMOVER 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 212.48 714 Total MANTEK:212.48 MARINE BIOCHEMISTS INC 91259420 1 Invoice BIG MUSKEGO BASS BAY TREAT 06/26/2014 07/22/2014 3,249.90 714 Total MARINE BIOCHEMISTS INC:3,249.90 MAVROFF, INC 57064 1 Invoice PLAY CHIPS/IDLE ISLE 06/26/2014 07/22/2014 1,050.00 714 57094 1 Invoice PLAY CHIPS/IDLE ISLE 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 1,050.00 714 57322 1 Invoice PLAY CHIPS/KURTH 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 2,080.00 714 57409 1 Invoice PLAY CHIPS/BLUHM 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 2,080.00 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 11 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total MAVROFF, INC:6,260.00 MEA-SEW ME72214 1 Invoice DUES/SHARON 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 30.00 714 Total MEA-SEW:30.00 MENARDS 50374 1 Invoice SUPPLIES 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 27.97 714 50869 1 Invoice 2 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURES/BLU 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 56.10 714 50886 1 Invoice EAR PLUGS 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 14.96 714 Total MENARDS:99.03 MICROMARKETING LLC 526462 1 Invoice AUDIO VISUAL/22894 05/08/2014 07/22/2014 119.98 714 530303 1 Invoice AUDIO VISUAL/22967 06/09/2014 07/22/2014 8.50 714 531776 1 Invoice AUDIO VISUAL/22894 06/18/2014 07/22/2014 103.45 714 Total MICROMARKETING LLC:231.93 MIDLAND PLASTICS, INC. 1217548 1 Invoice BULLETIN BOARD/PRESCHOOL R 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 31.68 714 Total MIDLAND PLASTICS, INC.:31.68 MIDWEST TAPE 91945533 1 Invoice AUDIO VIS MTLS/22923 06/16/2014 07/22/2014 72.42 714 91961620 1 Invoice AUDIO VIS MATLS/22923 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 72.42 714 Total MIDWEST TAPE:144.84 MILLER, KATHI 70114 1 Invoice CLUTTER FREE LIVING 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 72.00 714 Total MILLER, KATHI:72.00 MILW MET. SEWER DISTRICT 139-14 1 Invoice 2ND QTR 2014 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 265,299.85 714 601. Total MILW MET. SEWER DISTRICT:265,299.85 MINNESOTA LIFE INS. 2832L-G/72214 1 Invoice LIFE INS PREM/AUG 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 3,115.55 714 Total MINNESOTA LIFE INS.:3,115.55 MOTOROLA, INC. 13015718 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 10,836.00 714 410. 13016197 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/16/2014 07/25/2014 110,551.95 714 410. 13016669 1 Invoice TCVFD RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYME 07/16/2014 07/26/2014 1,300.00 714 410. 13016868 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/16/2014 07/26/2014 3,770.50 714 410. 13017330 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/16/2014 07/28/2014 8,300.00 714 410. 13017995 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/16/2014 08/02/2014 72.54 714 410. 13018212 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/18/2014 08/06/2014 133.83 714 410. 13018261 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/18/2014 08/06/2014 156.36 714 410. 13018349 1 Invoice POLICE RADIOS - PARTIAL PAYM 07/18/2014 08/07/2014 81.30 714 410. CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 12 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total MOTOROLA, INC.:135,202.48 MUSKEGO TIRE & AUTO LLC 1-38147 1 Invoice OIL CHANGE/#15 06/03/2014 07/22/2014 48.95 714 1-38321 1 Invoice OIL CHANGE & REPAIR/#5 06/09/2014 07/22/2014 269.27 714 1-38377 1 Invoice OIL CHANGE/#4 06/10/2014 07/22/2014 59.95 714 1-38391 1 Invoice OIL CHANGE/#7 06/10/2014 07/22/2014 48.95 714 1-38397 1 Invoice OIL CHANGE/#14 06/10/2014 07/22/2014 31.55 714 1-38751 1 Invoice OIL CHANGE & REPAIR/#1 06/21/2014 07/22/2014 366.55 714 1-38788 1 Invoice TIRE REPAIR/#6 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 14.00 714 138789 1 Invoice TIRES/#1 06/23/2014 07/22/2014 310.60 714 Total MUSKEGO TIRE & AUTO LLC:1,149.82 NAPA AUTO PARTS/ #26 & 27 106160 1 Invoice EMERGENCY SIREN BATTERY 06/05/2014 07/22/2014 33.60 714 Total NAPA AUTO PARTS/ #26 & 27:33.60 NATIONAL ELEVATOR INSP SRV INC 0157933 1 Invoice UNSPECTION/NORTH SHORE 07/07/2014 07/14/2014 83.00 714 601. Total NATIONAL ELEVATOR INSP SRV INC:83.00 NEW BERLIN POLICE DEPT. NE72214 1 Invoice BOND/CHRISTOPHER ZINDA 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 761.00 714 Total NEW BERLIN POLICE DEPT.:761.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS 102240101 1 Invoice HEARING TEST 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 237.00 714 102243127 1 Invoice HEARING TEST 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 29.00 714 Total OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS :266.00 OLSON'S OUTDOOR POWER 39942 1 Invoice STARTER RECOIL/CHAINS 06/27/2014 07/22/2014 48.26 714 39942 2 Invoice CATCHER CHAIN 06/27/2014 07/22/2014 2.33 714 40348 1 Invoice HELMET/ROPE 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 138.90 714 40497 1 Invoice STARTER,RECOIL 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 45.93 714 40809 1 Invoice FILTERS & FUEL LINE 07/11/2014 07/22/2014 64.49 714 Total OLSON'S OUTDOOR POWER:299.91 O'REILLY AUTO STORES INC 15045 1 Invoice SPRAY PAINT 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 10.98 714 151050 1 Invoice SPRAY PAINT 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 21.96 714 3853148959 1 Invoice AIR CONDITIONING 06/02/2014 07/22/2014 91.98 714 3853149818 1 Invoice NITRIE GLOVES 06/18/2014 07/22/2014 43.47 714 3853150614 1 Invoice STATER FLUID/MIRROR HEAD 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 22.97 714 Total O'REILLY AUTO STORES INC:191.36 OSG STATEMENT SRV 000034598 1 Invoice 2ND QTR BILLING 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 405.75 714 601. 000034598 2 Invoice 2ND QTR BILLING 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 405.76 714 605. 000034598 3 Invoice 2ND QTR BILLING 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 202.87 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 13 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number 000034598 4 Invoice 2ND QTR BILLING 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 202.87 714 Total OSG STATEMENT SRV:1,217.25 OSG STATEMENT SRV. (postage) 50601 1 Invoice POSTAGE 2ND QTR 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 1,196.35 714 601. 50601 2 Invoice POSTAGE 2ND QTR 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 1,196.35 714 605. 50601 3 Invoice POSTAGE 2ND QTR 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 598.17 714 50601 4 Invoice POSTAGE 2ND QTR 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 598.17 714 Total OSG STATEMENT SRV. (postage):3,589.04 PAETEC 57501179 1 Invoice 07/16/2014 07/23/2014 973.15 714 Total PAETEC:973.15 PAYNE & DOLAN OF WISCONSIN 1280959 1 Invoice ASPHALT/WOODLAND 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 247.45 714 Total PAYNE & DOLAN OF WISCONSIN:247.45 PIRANHA PAPER SHREDDING LLC 10122070314 1 Invoice PAPER SHREDDING 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 12.50 714 1492070314 1 Invoice DOCUMENT SHSREDDING 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 30.00 714 Total PIRANHA PAPER SHREDDING LLC:42.50 PORT-A-JOHN 12227-122-IN 1 Invoice RESTROOM/ENGEL 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 71.00 714 1226516 1 Invoice MOORLAND PK 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 66.00 714 1226596 1 Invoice MUSKEGO HIGH SCHOOL 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 66.00 714 1226869 1 Invoice IDLE ISLE 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 66.00 714 1226870 1 Invoice DURHAM LAUNCH 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 66.00 714 1226871 1 Invoice BOXHORN LAUNCH 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 66.00 714 1227119 1 Invoice DENOON PK 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 198.00 714 1227120 1 Invoice MANCHESTER HILL PK 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 66.00 714 1227121 1 Invoice MILL VALLEY SCHOOL 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 66.00 714 396758 1 Invoice RESTROOM/RANGE 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 70.00 714 Total PORT-A-JOHN:801.00 PROHEALTH CARE 201406-0 1 Invoice OWI BLOOD DRAWS 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 140.00 714 Total PROHEALTH CARE:140.00 R.A. SMITH NATIONAL INC. 113872 1 Invoice RACINE AVE REC TRAIL CONST 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 703.00 714 Total R.A. SMITH NATIONAL INC. :703.00 R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC 345651 1 Invoice GREEN PAINT 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 78.72 714 601. Total R.S. PAINT & TOOLS LLC:78.72 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 14 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number RAMIX QUALITY ASPHALT PRODUCTS 9398MB 1 Invoice ASPHALT 06/28/2014 07/22/2014 1,944.70 714 9434MB 1 Invoice COMM SURF ASPHALT 07/12/2014 07/22/2014 1,219.90 714 Total RAMIX QUALITY ASPHALT PRODUCTS:3,164.60 RED RIVER CONSTRUCTION 626-5 1 Invoice INSTALL CURB/W200S8611 WOOD 06/26/2014 07/22/2014 800.00 714 605. Total RED RIVER CONSTRUCTION:800.00 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR OOW57803 1 Invoice UNIFORM ITEM/KRAUS 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 151.90 714 OOW57846 1 Invoice UNIFORM/NOWICKI 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 59.95 714 OOW57869 1 Invoice UNIFORM/RAKERS 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 135.90 714 Total RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR:347.75 REGISTRATION FEE TRUST RE72214 1 Invoice CERT DRIVING RECORD/CITATIO 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 2.00 714 Total REGISTRATION FEE TRUST:2.00 REID REVOCABLE TRUST 70814 1 Invoice EARLY CHILDHOOD CLASS 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 114.40 714 Total REID REVOCABLE TRUST:114.40 RUEKERT & MIELKE INC 108169 1 Invoice MISC ENG 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 599.67 714 605. 108171 1 Invoice SACDA 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 1,916.60 714 601. 108172 1 Invoice MMSD 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 1,025.00 714 601. 18170 1 Invoice ELEVATED TANK 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 4,536.00 714 605. Total RUEKERT & MIELKE INC:8,077.27 RUSS'S TREE SERVICE LLC RU72214 1 Invoice HAUL TRUNK & WOOD 06/15/2014 07/22/2014 300.00 714 Total RUSS'S TREE SERVICE LLC:300.00 SAYLOR, ELKE SA72214 1 Invoice PUBLIS RELATONS/22986SRP 06/10/2014 07/22/2014 9.42 714 503. Total SAYLOR, ELKE:9.42 SCHAEFER, EDWIN SC72214 1 Invoice REIMB LICENSE 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 108.00 714 Total SCHAEFER, EDWIN:108.00 SCHULTZ ROD & GUN CLUB 69 1 Invoice ARCHERY APRIL 23RD 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 215.00 714 Total SCHULTZ ROD & GUN CLUB:215.00 SHI B02207178 1 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/31/2014 1,126.00 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 15 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total SHI:1,126.00 SHULL, BRIAN 99384 1 Invoice REFUND/LAUNCH FEE 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 7.00 714 Total SHULL, BRIAN:7.00 SMITH,JANA-MARIA 74031 1 Invoice REFUND INTERMED TENNIS 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 38.00 714 Total SMITH,JANA-MARIA:38.00 SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES 98495 1 Invoice MAGAZINES/3 GLOCKS 07/15/2014 07/22/2014 104.97 714 98500 1 Invoice SAFETY/LIGHTS 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 34.99 714 601. Total SOMAR TEK LLC/ ENTERPRISES:139.96 SPOK XO282335G 1 Invoice JULY PAGERS 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 8.12 714 601. XO282335G 2 Invoice JULY PAGERS 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 8.12 714 605. Total SPOK:16.24 STAPLES ADVANTAGE INC 3234923123 1 Invoice HANGING FILES 06/27/2014 07/22/2014 44.56 714 3234923123 2 Invoice STOCK PAPER/BLDG 06/27/2014 07/22/2014 26.78 714 3235196284 1 Invoice MISC SUPPLIES 06/28/2014 07/22/2014 68.78 714 3235196285 1 Invoice GEN PENS 06/28/2014 07/22/2014 2.47 714 3235196286 1 Invoice PENS 06/28/2014 07/22/2014 6.90 714 Total STAPLES ADVANTAGE INC:149.49 SWENDROWSKI, LISA SW72214 1 Invoice WITNESS FEE/#S668666-5 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 9.31 714 Total SWENDROWSKI, LISA:9.31 TAPCO INC. I458661 1 Invoice SIGNS/HARVEST CT 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 60.92 714 Total TAPCO INC. :60.92 TESS CORNERS VOLUNTEER FIRE DE TE/72214 1 Invoice 2ND QTR DIRE DEPT REVIEWS 07/03/2014 07/22/2014 934.00 714 TE72214 1 Invoice 3RD QTR CONTRACT PAYM/2014 07/11/2014 07/22/2014 105,125.00 714 Total TESS CORNERS VOLUNTEER FIRE DE:106,059.00 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 919219308 1 Invoice PAINT 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 11,990.00 714 Total THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO:11,990.00 THE UPS STORE #3692 UP72214 1 Invoice SHIPPING 06/25/2014 07/22/2014 15.01 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 16 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total THE UPS STORE #3692:15.01 TIME WARNER CABLE 701507601-7/1 1 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/26/2014 180.00 714 701507601-7/1 2 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/26/2014 925.65 714 Total TIME WARNER CABLE:1,105.65 TOM DAHLMAN 20964 1 Invoice STRAW 06/16/2014 07/22/2014 160.00 714 Total TOM DAHLMAN:160.00 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SRVS 256724709 1 Invoice COPIER CHGS/JUNE 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 222.00 714 Total TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SRVS:222.00 TOWN OF NORWAY TO72214 1 Invoice 2ND QTR 2014 07/22/2014 07/22/2014 76,490.70 714 601. Total TOWN OF NORWAY:76,490.70 TOWNE REALTY 900-00440 1 Invoice REIMB RECAPTURE/S7880 DURH 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 18,444.35 714 605. Total TOWNE REALTY:18,444.35 U.S. CELLULAR 0043503774 1 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/24/2014 250.00 714 0043503774 2 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/24/2014 40.00 714 0043503774 3 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/24/2014 43.35 714 605. 0043503774 4 Invoice 07/17/2014 07/24/2014 43.35 714 601. Total U.S. CELLULAR:376.70 USA BLUE BOOK 384380 1 Invoice VALVE GLOBE/BOOSTER STATIO 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 1,051.46 714 605. 386713 1 Invoice CHEMICAL FEED PUMP HEAD 07/02/2014 07/22/2014 119.60 714 605. Total USA BLUE BOOK:1,171.06 USA FIRE PROTECTION 231313 1 Invoice QTRLY INSPECTION/MAY 06/15/2014 07/22/2014 180.00 714 231314 1 Invoice MAINT BLDG & GRDS 06/15/2014 07/22/2014 180.00 714 231319 1 Invoice QTLY SPRINKLER INSPESCTION 06/15/2014 07/22/2014 180.00 714 Total USA FIRE PROTECTION:540.00 VILLAGE OF WATERFORD P.D. VI72214 1 Invoice BOND/CRAIG HORNAK 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 310.30 714 Total VILLAGE OF WATERFORD P.D.:310.30 VON BRIESEN & ROPER S.C. 188237 1 Invoice ARRY FEES/LIB ISSUES 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 3,590.50 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 17 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total VON BRIESEN & ROPER S.C.:3,590.50 WAAO WA72214 1 Invoice MEMBERSHIP/LAURA,CINDY 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 50.00 714 Total WAAO:50.00 WAL-MART COMMUNITY WA7814 1 Invoice GAP BINS/BLANKETS 03/06/1940 07/22/2014 136.45 714 WA7814 3 Invoice GAP BINS/BLANKETS 03/06/1940 07/22/2014 67.27 714 WA7814 4 Invoice GAP 03/06/1940 07/22/2014 44.07 714 WA7814 5 Invoice PRESCHOOL THEMED CAMPS 03/06/1940 07/22/2014 87.65 714 WA7814 6 Invoice GAP SUPPLIES 03/06/1940 07/22/2014 93.81 714 WA7814 7 Invoice CLEANER 03/06/1940 07/22/2014 11.82 714 WA7814 8 Invoice TOLET PAPER 03/06/1940 07/22/2014 129.40 714 Total WAL-MART COMMUNITY:570.47 WAUK CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT WA72214 1 Invoice BOND/REBECCA KREIS 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 213.00 714 Total WAUK CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT:213.00 WAUK CNTY TREASURER/COLLECTION 2014-130 1 Invoice PRISONER HOUSING/CT 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 206.36 714 Total WAUK CNTY TREASURER/COLLECTION:206.36 WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER WA72214 1 Invoice JAIL ASSMT/JUNE 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 1,400.00 714 WA72214 2 Invoice DRIVE SURCHG/JUNE 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 2,493.54 714 WA72214 3 Invoice INTERLOCK SURCHG/JUNE 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 300.00 714 Total WAUKESHA COUNTY TREASURER:4,193.54 WAUKESHA POLICE DEPT. WA72214 1 Invoice BOND/LYNDSAY ROUSE 07/16/2014 07/22/2014 251.00 714 Total WAUKESHA POLICE DEPT.:251.00 WE ENERGIES 1478-266-911/1 Invoice RACINE AVE/SIGN LTS 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 14.07 714 3836-104-158/1 Invoice L/S GAS & ELEC 06/30/2014 07/14/2014 954.56 714 601. 4223-489-258/1 Invoice KNOLLWS WELL #13 GAS 07/02/2014 07/14/2014 12.49 714 605. 5024-948-351/1 Invoice HILLENDALE GAS 07/01/2014 07/14/2014 14.23 714 605. 5063-865-935/1 Invoice W18167 JANES/ST LTS 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 533.13 714 9026-628-301/1 Invoice ELEC WELLS, 7,8,12 06/26/2014 07/22/2014 1,139.61 714 605. Total WE ENERGIES:2,668.09 WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 283899 1 Invoice 1 YR RENTAL 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 86.00 714 Total WELDERS SUPPLY COMPANY:86.00 WEST ALLIS POLICE DEPARTMENT WE72214 1 Invoice BOND/JEANINE DUNCULOVICH 07/10/2014 07/22/2014 5,025.00 714 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 18 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Total WEST ALLIS POLICE DEPARTMENT:5,025.00 WI BLDG INSPECTION LLP 128 1 Invoice PERMIT & INSPECTIONS/MAY 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 20,133.00 714 Total WI BLDG INSPECTION LLP:20,133.00 WIND LAKE AUTO PARTS INC. 1975/72214 1 Invoice OIL FILTERS & MISC 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 301.35 714 1975/72214 2 Invoice BATTERY/#9 GENERATOR 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 249.90 714 601. 1975/72214 3 Invoice SQD REPAIR/PD 06/30/2014 07/22/2014 194.60 714 Total WIND LAKE AUTO PARTS INC.:745.85 WIS DEPT OF ADMIN WI/72214 1 Invoice COURT FEES/JUNE 07/08/2014 07/22/2014 7,273.96 714 Total WIS DEPT OF ADMIN:7,273.96 WIS DEPT OF JUSTICE G2451/72214 1 Invoice ALL SPORT CAMP/BACKGRD CKS 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 168.00 714 L6806T/72214 1 Invoice RECORD NAME SEARCHES 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 434.00 714 Total WIS DEPT OF JUSTICE:602.00 WISSING, ANN WI72214 1 Invoice 2014 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 07/05/2014 07/22/2014 86.76 714 Total WISSING, ANN:86.76 WOJDAC, MIKE 100509 1 Invoice REFUND/LAUNCH FEE 07/09/2014 07/22/2014 7.00 714 Total WOJDAC, MIKE:7.00 WONDERWARE MIDWEST Q10388 1 Invoice SUPPORT AGREEMENT 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 1,010.00 714 601. Q10388 2 Invoice SUPPORT AGREEMENT 07/01/2014 07/22/2014 1,010.00 714 605. Total WONDERWARE MIDWEST:2,020.00 WPRA 73114 1 Invoice WPRA WK/GREAT AMERICA TICK 07/17/2014 07/22/2014 2,047.50 714 Total WPRA:2,047.50 ZUERN BUILDING PRODUCTS INC 113310 1 Invoice BLUHM DUMPSTER MTLS 07/07/2014 07/22/2014 890.55 714 114027 1 Invoice HISTORICAL SIGN POSTS 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 90.34 714 11430 1 Invoice CREDIT 07/14/2014 07/22/2014 23.34-714 Total ZUERN BUILDING PRODUCTS INC:957.55 Grand Totals: 903,541.04 CITY OF MUSKEGO Payment Approval Report - Board Report Alpha Page: 19 Report dates: 7/10/2014-7/22/2014 Jul 18, 2014 11:14AM Invoice Number SeqNo Type Description Invoice Date Payment Due Date Total Cost GL Period GL Account Number Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Description = {<>} "1099 adjustment" Invoice Detail.Type = {>} "adjustments"