PUBLIC SAFETY MEETING Packet - 11/14/2013 CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AGENDA November 14, 2013 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 7, 2013 Meeting PUBLIC APPEARANCE UPDATES FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT UPDATES FROM FIRE DEPARTMENT NEW BUSINESS 1. Belle Chase Stop Sign 2. Renewal of Fire Protection Contract and *Agreement for Ambulance Services with Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department 3. Update on Icetronauts Snowmobile Trail COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW 1. Next Meeting December 12, 2013 2. Miscellaneous Business ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. CITY OF MUSKEGO Public Safety Committee Minutes Unapproved LOCATION: Muskego City Hall W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER DATE: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 TIME: 6:00PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order at 6:02PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present were Aldermen Robert Glazier, Eileen Madden, Robert Wolfe, Citizen Representatives Niles Ottesen and Phil Kiedrowski. Also present were Police Chief Craig Moser, Fire Department Representative Jeff Verburgt and Alderman Dan Soltysiak and Alderman Kevin Kubacki. Fire Chief Carl Wojnowski was excused. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was properly posted publicly for viewing on Tuesday, July 30, 2013. Public Appearance Theresa Sowinski was in attended and voiced her opinion on the Cottonwood Tree Ordinance. Cindy Szymek was in attendance and voiced her opinion on the Fireworks Ordinance. Jodi Gruenstern and Joal Derse-Dauer were in attendance reference the article in the patch reference the police department obtaining a K9. Derse- Dauer presented the police chief with a letter of commitment from a benefactor who is willing to provide $18000.00 for the dog and a vest for the dog. Gruenstern also advised that her business obtained signatures and monetary donations (approximately $240.00) and signatures from people who attended “Jammin on Janesville”, who were in favor of the city obtaining a K9. Craig Lesser of Wind Lake was in attendance to advise the company he works for is also in favor of the K9 and they have done a large amount of fundraising for the Muskego Food Pantry and would be willing to raise money to help with the K9. Alderman Soltysiak voice his opinion to the committee that he recommend they move forward immediately with the plans for the K9, it is a great idea and great for the community. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Alderman Madden made a motion to approve the April 11, 2013 minutes. Alderman Wolfe seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Updates from Police Department 2 Chief Moser reported that the department is updating the emergency response manual and an updated copy will be given to the alderman when it is complete. Tomorrow Chief Moser will be meeting with the new director at WCC, Gary Bell, to discuss the department taking cellular 911 calls that generate in the City of Muskego. Chief Moser advised that two subjects had been taken into custody for several garage burglaries that occurred in the northeastern part of our city last month. He also advised that in the same part of the city a burglary to a residence occurred while the victims were home. That incident is still under investigation. Chief Moser invited the entire committee to the National Night Out, which is Thursday, 08/08/13. Updates from Fire Department The department handled a lightning strike to a condominium complex on Olive Circle. Two families had been displaced and there was approximately $250,000.00 in damage. OLD BUSINESS Prior to starting with the New Business, Alderman Glazier welcomed the new Citizen Representative Niles Ottesen, who was introduced and gave a short background on himself. Welcome Niles Ottesen. NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of Fireworks 2013 – After a brief discussion and many comments from the public voicing their opinion against the fireworks ordinance, the committee decided to forward the item to the Committee of the Whole. It was suggested that the matter go in front of the Committee of the Whole to decide if we should keep the ordinance in place or prohibit fireworks entirely. If the Committee of the Whole decides to keep the ordinance the Public Safety Committee will again look at it to make any changes that would be needed. Alderman Glazier will talk to Jill to get it on the agenda for COW, possibly in October, so it will not interfere with the budget that is going to be discussed in September. Alderman Madden made a motion to forward the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Alderman Wolfe seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 2. Plum Creek Court Sign Request ~ Alderman Kubacki – Alderman Kubacki reported he has received several complaints reference people not observing a No Through Street Sign on Plum Creek Court. Chief Moser recommended the sign in question be placed closer to the road. Alderman Glazier will request DPW move the sign and see if this helps resolve the problem. Alderman Glazier moved to forward the request to DPW. Alderman Madden seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3 3. Police K9 Proposal ~ Chief Moser – Chief Moser came to the committee with a proposal to implement a K9 unit in the City of Muskego. The chief advised he would be looking at fundraising the money for the dog and start-up fees and is requesting the city’s help with wages and overtime. Chief advised that they would not be adding an officer for this position, and if granted the officer would be listed at “special services pay.” The start-up cost would total approximately $48,000.00. $18,000.00 for the dog and $30,000.00 for the K9 equipped squad car. Based on prior comments by citizens and the outpouring of community support, a letter of commitment was given to the chief for $18,000.00 plus the cost of a vest and veterinary care for the K9. After some brief discussion and questions it was decided that the committee would forward the item to Common Council with their recommendation for approving the dog and the city would be committed to helping with the remaining costs. If there was an excess of money the committee recommended that money be utilized for the following year’s cost of the dog. Alderman Madden moved to forward the matter to Common Council. Alderman Wolfe seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. Discharge of Firearms Ordinance 9.01 ~ Chief Moser – Chief provided the following draft of changes to the ordinance. 9.01 DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS AND GUNS PROHIBITED.  (1) GENERAL PROHIBITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS.    (a) No person except a sheriff, constable, police officer, or their deputies or any citizen lawfully  defending life or property, shall fire or discharge any firearm (as defined by Wisconsin State  Statutes), spring or air gun of any description within the city except as herein provided. This section  shall not prevent the maintenance and use of a licensed rifle or pistol range, shooting gallery or  trap/skeet range authorized by the Common Council.    (b) The firing or discharging of devices which propel a projectile by means of spring, air  or gas pressure including but not limited to BB and pellet guns, and Airsoft guns, is  permitted only upon private premises by persons who are over 14 years of age or  are under direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian. (Ord. #1176 ‐ 08‐05‐  2004)    (c) The transporting, firing, or discharging of shot guns is limited to:    (1) The hunting seasons and regulations as provided by the Department of  Natural Resources of the State of Wisconsin on land that is owned or rented, or with the land  owner's or renter's consent, or on lands open to the public for hunting.        (2) Open bodies of water provided no shot shall be caused to be propelled into  an area of habitable buildings or building and provided that no shotgun shall  be discharged on the shoreline or within posted areas on Little Muskego  Lake.        (3) Any person owning or renting land in the City who raises crops from such  land and operates the same for farm purposes or any person who is under  his direct supervision and control, for the purposes of destroying birds and  animals doing damage to his crops or for the control of rodents, but in no  case closer than 300 feet from any Federal, State, County Highway or City  4 Street or park, church, municipal or school grounds, or any other private  dwellings. (Ord. #545; 2‐11‐86)        (4) Any person may, on his own property or with the consent of an owner thereof,  discharge a shotgun providing he is more than 300 feet from any dwelling; Federal,  State, County, or City Highway; or park, church, municipal or school property. (Ord.  #826 ‐ 02‐08‐94)    (d) Gun salutes, using blank cartridges, as a special function at a parade, program or funeral is  permitted.  Alderman Madden moved to approve the changes to the ordinance. Alderman Wolfe seconded and the motion carried unanimously.   5. High School Special Event Security ~ Chief Moser - Chief advised the activities director at MHS approached him reference the police department providing uniformed officers for a certain number of special events. Chief discussed the matter with the Mayor and it was determined that the school would cover 43.2% of the cost with the remaining to be paid by the city. The committee agreed to provide funds for 178.5 hours of special events, totaling $9639.00. The city would be responsible for approximately $5,475.00 of the total. Alderman Glazier made a motion to forward the item to Common Council for final approval. Alderman Madden seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 6. Discuss Proposed Ban on Cottonwood Trees – Alderman Wolfe ~ Comments from citizen Sowinski were taken into consideration. After brief discussion, Phil Kiedrowski, recommended the item be taken in front of the Conservation Committee. Based on the expertise/letter from Tom Zagar, the city’s conservation expert, it was recommended he follow up with Sowinski and they discuss the matter with the Conservation Committee. Sowinski was in favor of this, as long as someone follows up with her. Alderman Glazier moved for the item to go to the Conservation Committee. Alderman Madden seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Discuss Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department Five Year Capital Projects Request - Jeff Verburgt presented four items to the committee. They are as follows: a. 110 replacement radios (digital requirements) @ $3,500.00 each. Total cost would be $391,000.00. b. 10 replacement pagers at $545.00 each. Total cost would be $5,450.00. c. Replacement of 5 notebook computers and 2 desktop computers. Notebooks are $3,750.00 each and the desktops are $850.00 each for a total of $20,450.00. d. Replacement of a pumper $515,866.00. Discussion took place on whether it would be more beneficial for the city to lease the truck or buy it outright. Verburgt advised there would be a discount to purchase it outright. Niles Ottesen asked how many pump hours were on the truck that they would be replacing. Verburgt was not able to answer that, but would have the answer for the Committee of the Whole. Alderman Wolfe moved to forward the matter in gross to the Committee of the Whole for approval, depending on what is decided with lease vs own and the amount of pump hours on the pumper. Alderman Madden seconded and the motion carried unanimously.      COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW 5 1. Next Meeting – The next meeting will be Thursday, 09/12/13, at 6:00PM. 2. Miscellaneous Business – None ADJOURNMENT Alderman Madden made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Wolfe seconded. Motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Public Works Committee To: Public Safety Committee From: David Simpson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject: Belle Chasse Addition Number One- Intersection Control Signage Date: November 4, 2013 The second Phase of Belle Chasse Subdivision will be completed shortly and ready for building to commence. As part of this process, we must review the need for street signs, including intersection control. Because Mystic Drive is a minor collector, a stop sign on Pheasant Run Drive at Mystic Drive is advisable and recommended by staff at this time. Internal subdivision streets do not normally necessitate any intersection controls be instituted, as I believe is the case for this subdivision. Some residents have expressed concern that their road might be utilized as a cut through, however, utilizing a stop sign inside the subdivision is not an advisable solution to reducing cut through traffic. Should this become a problem, we can examine traffic calming measures then. Recommendation: Install a stop sign on Pheasant Run Drive at Mystic Drive.